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Mad Poster
#7051 Old 9th Oct 2024 at 7:29 AM
It's awful when you have to wait for the additional storage to set up an old computer as a VM like I do with my HP after the network card began dying on it.It looke like more hardware might be going on it soon.
Mad Poster
#7052 Old 9th Oct 2024 at 5:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Andrew doesn't think you can have too many friends!

See my post from 2022!

And that's not counting all their friends who live in sub-hoods!

How many hours a day does he spend on the phone? I have a glitch with the slow time controller that muliplies STR decay 4x (!) and even with hacks that limit it to certain days of the week it's easier to just have a few friends.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

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#7053 Old 24th Oct 2024 at 11:40 PM
Trying to get rid of a flu epidemic is like playing whack-a-mole, especially during wedding season. (I don't have Grandma's Comfort Soup in my game, alas.)
Mad Poster
#7054 Old 25th Oct 2024 at 2:50 AM
Quote: Originally posted by sturlington
Trying to get rid of a flu epidemic is like playing whack-a-mole, especially during wedding season. (I don't have Grandma's Comfort Soup in my game, alas.)

SimWardrobe has a sprayer that can clean up both sick Sims and the sickness tiles on a lot.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

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Test Subject
#7055 Old 25th Oct 2024 at 3:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sturlington
Trying to get rid of a flu epidemic is like playing whack-a-mole, especially during wedding season. (I don't have Grandma's Comfort Soup in my game, alas.)

God, my sims get sick from roaches so often. It's so easy for trash cans to get knocked over just out of my view, and BOOM, swarms of roaches. Or for an evil witch to summon them on a community lot, which basically means Forever Roaches unless I dedicate precious community lot time to cleaning them up.

I think my least favorite things about TS2 are the ones that are much harder to mod out. Annoyances like the above are frustrating but as someone pointed out already, most people have come up with fixes for them in the past 20 years, and it's the irritating little quirks that are part of the games charm for me (until/unless I get fed up with them lol). The rigid gender mechanic is so difficult to mod, it means you can never really play nonbinary sims.

On a more personal, petty level, I can't believe that if you accidentally build something as a community lot and you want to change it to residential, there is just no fix for that. It doesn't happen to me often, but I ruined a build the other day because I chose the wrong category. Someone used to have a buyable mailbox mod, but from what I can tell the link to download is lost to the void, and i have seen some people say it didn't work right after AL.
The Babel fish is a dead giveaway
retired moderator
#7056 Old 25th Oct 2024 at 3:28 PM
Quote: Originally posted by faxandlowtech
On a more personal, petty level, I can't believe that if you accidentally build something as a community lot and you want to change it to residential, there is just no fix for that. It doesn't happen to me often, but I ruined a build the other day because I chose the wrong category. Someone used to have a buyable mailbox mod, but from what I can tell the link to download is lost to the void, and i have seen some people say it didn't work right after AL.

If you have M&G, I made this one:
Funny, I just linked someone else to that today, too! The issue with the mailboxes is that M&G introduced recolours for the mailbox, if you use an old buyable mod then the recolourability won't work.

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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Test Subject
#7057 Old 26th Oct 2024 at 4:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
If you have M&G, I made this one:
Funny, I just linked someone else to that today, too! The issue with the mailboxes is that M&G introduced recolours for the mailbox, if you use an old buyable mod then the recolourability won't work.

This is excellent work, I really appreciate it. I've been hunting for something like this for a while now, I can't thank you enough
Forum Resident
#7058 Old 28th Oct 2024 at 9:29 PM
Years ago, I had a massive flu outbreak in my game and it took literal weeks of real life time to knock it all out. The next time it happened, someone recommended some mod for genie cheats that has a cure all sickness in hood wish. I had something like 130 sims who were sick. Now I won't leave a household until everyone is healthy.
Mad Poster
#7059 Old 28th Oct 2024 at 11:40 PM Last edited by Bulbizarre : 30th Oct 2024 at 10:43 AM. Reason: typo
@LimeyYoshi has an antibodies hack which should prevent Sims in the household from constantly re-infecting each other.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

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Field Researcher
#7060 Old 30th Oct 2024 at 3:19 AM
I started a new hood using no20khandouts so all my young adults have to move to low-income apartments after graduation (unless they move back in with their parents). Found out today that the only unoccupied suite in the building doesn't have a door connecting the actual apartment to the bathroom. Guess I'll have to wait until everyone else moves out before I can fix the building.

On a related note, I forgot the bathroom altogether in one of the other suites while I was building it and had to squish one in last-minute. So maybe this is progress...?
Test Subject
#7061 Old 7th Nov 2024 at 11:46 PM
When you place/move an item and it suddenly becomes unselectable.
Lab Assistant
#7062 Old 9th Nov 2024 at 9:10 AM
It seems to me that some CC eye colors are more dominant than other CC eye colors for some reason. It happened a while back when I was playing with one family and the mother's eye color just wouldn't turn up in the babies so I gave up and had both of their babies have the same eye color. I loaded the game dozens of times in order to get the right eyes, but it didn't budge. As I said, both CC eyes!

It happened again today. Only mom's eye color ever turns up this time!

Didn't happen with the other 2 families I play in the building. Those went okay.
#7063 Old 9th Nov 2024 at 10:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by earthgirl
It seems to me that some CC eye colors are more dominant than other CC eye colors for some reason. It happened a while back when I was playing with one family and the mother's eye color just wouldn't turn up in the babies so I gave up and had both of their babies have the same eye color. I loaded the game dozens of times in order to get the right eyes, but it didn't budge. As I said, both CC eyes!

It happened again today. Only mom's eye color ever turns up this time!

Didn't happen with the other 2 families I play in the building. Those went okay.

I'd have to guess it has to do with the dominance value the creator gave them. Here check these 2 links out that talk about it
Top Secret Researcher
#7064 Old 13th Nov 2024 at 8:01 PM
It's a very small thing, but I hate how the music doesn't change in the loading screen between when it's still loading up and when it's ready for you to select a neighborhood, like it does when the hood has actually loaded. If it takes a long time to load your game you're bound to do something else while you wait and it's annoying to look up and go "Oh, it loaded. How long ago did it load that I could've started the hood loading?"

Trans Rights Are Human Rights

Be careful who you hate; it may be someone you love.
Forum Resident
#7065 Old 6th Dec 2024 at 7:15 AM
The potted ficus for some reason doesn't go on OMSPs. All the other plants do.
#7066 Old 6th Dec 2024 at 8:14 AM
The time it takes to get pool edges lined up while using gridoff.

One side done:


Different colour one added to show where it would be if I didn't use grid off:

Doing this is a genuine time sink.

Shabado... sha..ba..doo..badooo
Test Subject
#7067 Old 6th Dec 2024 at 5:51 PM
My sims keep disregarding the modular sofas and watching tv from a chair across the room. It might be the watch tv from all chairs mod I have but it's soooo annoying.
Field Researcher
#7068 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 2:46 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Kat Attack
I... if Maxis didn't intend for anyone to play with the premades at all, then they simply wouldn't have been there to start with!

That's a fallacy. In academia it's known as the Intentional or authorial fallacy

Equally fallacious: "If Maxis didn't intend for anyone to play their own sims, then they simply wouldn't have created the CAS menu". See what I did there?

Both statements appear to be true at first glance, but really are not. They are both assertions, but neither are really arguments.

Play as you want, but don't try to make up facts.
Mad Poster
#7069 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 7:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by saskganesh
That's a fallacy. In academia it's known as the Intentional or authorial fallacy

Equally fallacious: "If Maxis didn't intend for anyone to play their own sims, then they simply wouldn't have created the CAS menu". See what I did there?

Both statements appear to be true at first glance, but really are not. They are both assertions, but neither are really arguments.

Play as you want, but don't try to make up facts.

Er, what? I really don't see what this has to do with the authorial fallacy, which Google tells me is:

Authorial fallacy, which specifies the error of believing the author of a work is the one person who knows what that work is really about because he or she created it.

Also, both statements do make sense. There's no point in creating something that isn't intended to be used.
Mad Poster
#7070 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 5:21 PM
I hope you guys realize that we're not under any strict academia wording laws or any such here. Arguing over fallacies in how people are wording themselves can apparently get a bit out of control...

Quote: Originally posted by Charity
There's no point in creating something that isn't intended to be used.

Maybe it's just for fun, or as a creative outlet (hobby projects that just end up in the back of a closet when finished - instead of being used/displayed)? Learning a new technique? Just because one person doesn't see a point in doing something, doesn't mean there isn't one. Could be a case of the journey being more important than the destination.

TS2 has a tutorial setup for the simpler gameplay aspects. The original hoods and the scripted storylines can kind of be seen as a jumping-on point to experiencing more of the gameplay in an extended tutorial format, since they explore things the tutorial don't. You can choose to follow the "guidelines" of the script, you can do something entirely different with the characters, or you can make your own hoods/storylines. As for CAS, making characters is a pain without a character builder, and you can only get so far with the provided ones, especially after 10-20 years of playing, so not including it would probably have been a very bad idea, and would've made the game quite boring already at the start.
The Babel fish is a dead giveaway
retired moderator
#7071 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 6:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
I hope you guys realize that we're not under any strict academia wording laws or any such here.

There have been a few recent threads where people have been arguing about language...

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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Mad Poster
#7072 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 8:38 PM
"I say tomato, you say tomatah, let's call the whole thing off!"

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
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#7073 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 10:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
The time it takes to get pool edges lined up while using gridoff.

I like how the water looks dark and anti-aliased. The standard pools are more simple and bright.

I think premades have been given so little history with mostly questions in their biographies, that they are ready to be played and taken into any direction.
Mad Poster
#7074 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 11:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
I like how the water looks dark and anti-aliased. The standard pools are more simple and bright.

I think it has to do with the pool walls/floor being a darker variant. Other than that it looks like pools normally do (with shaders).

Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
The time it takes to get pool edges lined up while using gridoff.
Doing this is a genuine time sink.

The pool edge looks quite neat, especially alongside those pool walls/floor. Makes the pool look a lot crisper.

Potential fix could be to move the mesh of the pool edging so it lines up properly. I think I'd probably have gone for that approach rather than trying my patience with cheats.
Mad Poster
#7075 Old 8th Dec 2024 at 1:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Maybe it's just for fun, or as a creative outlet (hobby projects that just end up in the back of a closet when finished - instead of being used/displayed)? Learning a new technique? Just because one person doesn't see a point in doing something, doesn't mean there isn't one. Could be a case of the journey being more important than the destination.

TS2 has a tutorial setup for the simpler gameplay aspects. The original hoods and the scripted storylines can kind of be seen as a jumping-on point to experiencing more of the gameplay in an extended tutorial format, since they explore things the tutorial don't. You can choose to follow the "guidelines" of the script, you can do something entirely different with the characters, or you can make your own hoods/storylines. As for CAS, making characters is a pain without a character builder, and you can only get so far with the provided ones, especially after 10-20 years of playing, so not including it would probably have been a very bad idea, and would've made the game quite boring already at the start.

Except the premades were included in the finished game. And so was CAS. I don't think that they would have been put in the finished game if they weren't intended to be used.

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
"I say tomato, you say tomatah, let's call the whole thing off!"

Come here and get a spanking for getting that song stuck in my head lol.

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
There have been a few recent threads where people have been arguing about language...

Don't get me started on the actual authorial fallacy lol. Of course the author of a work is the one person who knows what that work is really about. It's their work!
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