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#1 Old 28th Jul 2024 at 8:02 PM

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Default Sun&Moon Barnyard Bash - wrong number of tiles for items and animals (pics)
Hi there,
I've download the Sun&Moon Barnyard Bash, plus all its dependencies (so many), and the mod looks really good but the items and the animals are occupying the wrong number of tiles causing behaviour that looks broken.

For example:
- an adult cow is quite big and, visually, it should occupy 3 tiles, 2 at the very least, but instead if occupies just 1 making it so that my Sim goes through it when walking somewhere
- the piggy house is gigantic but only occupies 1 tile so, naturally, anyone can go through it
- all other items occupy 1 tile having the same issue


I understand items like grass occupying just 1 tile, so you can put plants closer together without cheats, doesn't affect gameplay and looks nicer. But these big items and animals not occupying their required space causes these bugs that make the game seem broken.

Is this how the mod really is or have I done something wrong?

Do you know how I could fix this or if someone has fixed this?
I've made edits of other mods in the past, I'm not an expert by all means but if it's not too difficult I believe I may be able to do it.

Thank you!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 29th Jul 2024 at 12:23 AM
While not much help for the animals, I sometimes put low fences around the chicken coops so Sims navigate around rather than just walk through.

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#3 Old 29th Jul 2024 at 1:49 PM
I'd ask in the Sun and Moon section at Plumbob Keep. They will answer questions that aren't covered in the instructions.
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#4 Old 29th Jul 2024 at 5:13 PM
Sun&Moon also has invisible blocks that you can use to block tiles so sims don't go through them, meant to be used with some of their crafting sets: https://www.medievalsims.com/forums...hp?f=240&t=6668
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#5 Old 29th Jul 2024 at 10:46 PM
I asked Fire, I am sure she will either post here or get back to me on why they used 1 tile.

What do you mean by " causing behavior that looks broken" ?
The animals are based on the roaches which are 1 tile, that I do know and they do move every now and then.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
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#6 Old 30th Jul 2024 at 7:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
I asked Fire, I am sure she will either post here or get back to me on why they used 1 tile.

What do you mean by " causing behavior that looks broken" ?
The animals are based on the roaches which are 1 tile, that I do know and they do move every now and then.

What I mean is the Sims going through the animals, looks like broken behaviour, puts me out of the immersion of the game since Sims aren't supposed to go through objects. Same thing with the objects that are only 1 tile when they visually should be 2, 3 or more tiles, like the piggy house.

Thank you for asking them! I was a bit shy on asking them directly, was afraid it could be a basic question and didn't want to be a bother (like me not following some step in some guide)
Mad Poster
#7 Old 30th Jul 2024 at 8:11 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 30th Jul 2024 at 8:29 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by damiwitch14
What I mean is the Sims going through the animals, looks like broken behaviour, puts me out of the immersion of the game since Sims aren't supposed to go through objects. Same thing with the objects that are only 1 tile when they visually should be 2, 3 or more tiles, like the piggy house.

Thank you for asking them! I was a bit shy on asking them directly, was afraid it could be a basic question and didn't want to be a bother (like me not following some step in some guide)

They're not broken, they probably just don't have the proper footprint.


If you would like to know how to edit the footprint of objects yourself, here are a couple easy(ish) tutorials:

DeeDee has a tutorial on how to expand the footprint without adding more OBJD/GUIDs - works mostly for one-tile deco objects. If they're interactable objects, the footprint needs to be edited in other ways.

HugeLunatic has one (mainly for deco objects) for reducing OBJD/GUIDs, which combined with DeeDee's tutorial is a neat way to expand the footprint without needing the extra OBJD/GUIDs that normally is needed for a larger footprint (reduce OBJDs first, then expand footprint).

Not sure if this is the most updated tutorial (it's old but should still work), but this one by Echo shows the "hard" way to fix the footprint: https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=97054

Could come in handy for this, or for other things. Personally, I kinda like having smaller footprints for some things. One-tile items can be put on OMSPs, which is neat for decorating - multi-tile items can't.

I'm not sure if it's all that easy to edit it for objects based on the roaches, though. Static objects like the barn should be possible.
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#8 Old 2nd Aug 2024 at 10:16 PM
Fire is in one of the same Discord servers as I am so no biggie. She got back to me so I will copy and paste what she said here. @damiwitch14

Multi-tile object behave more annoyingly when doing BHAV modding. Gotta set the lead tile and stuff. From what I recall, it caused issues. Tbh, the decision to make things one-tile even if they visually occupy multiple tiles was made before I came in. This is also the reason the Box of Blocking was made: so you can make it look visually appealing and prevent sims from walking through things.
As for roach-based things. That's just the poultry. Can't recall the livestock base from the top of my head, but it's not roaches

Something that's a bit more relevant is saving GUIDs and being able to use OMSP's: multi-tile objects take up more GUIDs and with the GUID database down: the more GUIDs you have, the more likely a conflict is to occur. Multi-tile objects also cannot be placed on OMSP's

There is a way to have multi-tile objects with only one GUID but I'm not sure how it would interact with the coding and positioning of animations for example.

If you want more details on the original thought process, you'd have to ask Frac. She was around for that part.
End Quote.

To me it sounds like you will completely break the coding on these animals if you start messing around with them.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
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#9 Old 3rd Aug 2024 at 7:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Fire is in one of the same Discord servers as I am so no biggie. She got back to me so I will copy and paste what she said here. @damiwitch14

Multi-tile object behave more annoyingly when doing BHAV modding. Gotta set the lead tile and stuff. From what I recall, it caused issues. Tbh, the decision to make things one-tile even if they visually occupy multiple tiles was made before I came in. This is also the reason the Box of Blocking was made: so you can make it look visually appealing and prevent sims from walking through things.
As for roach-based things. That's just the poultry. Can't recall the livestock base from the top of my head, but it's not roaches

Something that's a bit more relevant is saving GUIDs and being able to use OMSP's: multi-tile objects take up more GUIDs and with the GUID database down: the more GUIDs you have, the more likely a conflict is to occur. Multi-tile objects also cannot be placed on OMSP's

There is a way to have multi-tile objects with only one GUID but I'm not sure how it would interact with the coding and positioning of animations for example.

If you want more details on the original thought process, you'd have to ask Frac. She was around for that part.
End Quote.

To me it sounds like you will completely break the coding on these animals if you start messing around with them.

Thank you so much for the detailed response, that does make a lot of sense and really shows how hard it is to mod such complex things as farm animals.
I will have a look at the box of blocking mentioned, I don't think I've seen it yet on the Barnyard Bash package but I'll have a look on Sun & Moon's website, may be part of a different mod.

Thank you for the help everyone
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