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Original Poster
#1 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 8:34 PM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 2, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life
Default clone a sim?
Hi simmers, I made a family and put it in an empty neighborhood, they are the first custom family in this neighborhood, I made a sim that I really liked the way it looked, how I created it, but it is in that neighborhood that I only put that family in to do a challenge, and not all my families that I like are there, I wanted to know, could I move that sim to another neighborhood? If not, could I copy/clone that sim and put it in my neighborhood that I usually play in?... A long time ago I read somewhere that there was something to clone a sim, I searched for the word clone in the forum, but I didn't find anything, I don't know how to search better, I hope you can help me, thank you in advance !!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 8:51 PM
There are several tutorials on extracting sims, here's one:
Here's another:
(it's the same method)

(Basically - Extract sim with SimPE, clone in Bodyshop, remove extracted SimPE files (but keep the file from Bodyshop/SavedSims), find/make sim in CAS, tadah!)

(if you package the sim while you're at it, you've got them and their CC saved for future use, too. Cloning is necessary if you want to package the sim with extracted CC).


There are some mods that lets you clone sims for use in the same neighborhood, though I don't think those work across hoods.
Here's one (haven't tried it myself, though)
#3 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 10:26 PM
The most significant part of a person's character is his face. You can easily transfer it by copying the LXNR resource into another character using Sim Pe and regenerating his model by a mirror. You can reattach a character to a family relatively easily using mods that handle relationships. If it is an isolated family with a few people, recreate another and insert their faces. Putting clothes on a person is easy too.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 11:08 PM
^ Easy is relative, though. A lot of players would probably need a step by step tutorial to do the SimPE steps.

Depends on what purpose it's for. Extracting the sim is useful if you want more than just one clone, or want a backup for later use, or if you're not too steady in SimPE and just want the easiest method (with a picture tutorial that shows every step).
Original Poster
#5 Old 8th Dec 2024 at 6:19 PM
hello!, i did all those steps (they are easy, since they have put them with images and i was able to translate the page), and i save the sim with simpe, but i don't see it in the body shop, also when i search towards the middle, it crashes and the program closes, i have searched and used something called Graphics Rules Maker, and i have tried with several configurations, but the body shop keeps crashing when i see about 7 or 8 pages crash... the program closes or windows says that the program has crashed and is going to close, but if it has been saved recently, shouldn't it appear first?... there i have the sims that i downloaded a lesser time ago (at the beginning of the body shop). I must also say that my computer is over 10 years old and although it has 8 gigs of RAM, it is an old PC, the game runs very fast, and even more so since I found the trick of the 4 gigs of dedicated RAM, it is only with the body shop, I see that many people had the same problem, but I have a LOT of custom content... and that SIM is all custom content, it is not worth removing all my downloads to do it.
Mad Poster
#6 Old 8th Dec 2024 at 11:24 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 8th Dec 2024 at 11:36 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Missdabone
...when i search towards the middle, it crashes and the program closes...but the body shop keeps crashing when i see about 7 or 8 pages crash...

Most commonly, this (if it happens for the same category/age/etc. every time), is an indication of a buggy piece of CC that causes the crash. Sometimes it only causes crashes ingame if clicked on, while it crashes Bodyshop while loading.

You'll also want to check if you've got the 4GB RAM fix properly running (or Bodyshop crashes because of too much CC). The "Config-log" (in the Logs folder, make sure you've just run Bodyshop) should say 4096 MB RAM, and not 2048 or lower.

Quote: Originally posted by Missdabone
but if [the sim] has been saved recently, shouldn't it appear first?... there i have the sims that i downloaded a lesser time ago (at the beginning of the body shop).

Usually, but not always. Sometimes the sims get mixed up a bit.

If you've got 7-8 pages of sims without even getting to the one you extracted, and Bodyshop is crashing, you may want to temporarily move out a few. Bodyshop has been known to crash because of too many sims, or too many files in the SavedSims folder.

If you've got your CC sorted, you can temporarily move out CC you know you're not using for that particular sim. It makes Bodyshop run better, and probably makes crashing less likely. As long as you put the CC back again before running your game, it won't affect the game. (I do this all the time - Bodyshop loads faster, too).
Original Poster
#7 Old 9th Dec 2024 at 12:06 AM
Hi simmer22, I've noticed that it always stops on the same page, but I don't know what the custom content is that blocks it, I have some things separated (the mods, the replacements, some hairs ..), but what caught my attention is the RAM, how can I see the log? I have one that was generated in the temporary part, I'll copy you and you can tell me how to put the 4 gigas to the body shop, since the patch I have is for the game, does that also work for the body shop? , thank you
Application/module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff\CSBin\TS2BodyShop.exe
Application/module version name: The Sims 2 Body Shop
Application/module version:
System version: Windows NT 6.2
System memory: 2048 Megabytes total, 2048 Megabytes free.
Application/module configuration: ReleaseSRT
Mad Poster
#8 Old 9th Dec 2024 at 1:48 AM
there is this mod that might simplify the whole process-The Sim Cloner which clones the sim you want down to the personality-all you need to do is name them. Usually it's the same sex as the one you're cloning from.
Sim Cloner 080706 A + Custom Skintone Selector

there are 2 mods in this package, each separate. I've used both. The cloner is itself a package.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here:
My other downloads are here:
Mad Poster
#9 Old 9th Dec 2024 at 4:55 AM
For the problem CC:
(You'll want to find and remove it, because it's likely to crash your game, too).

"[computername]-config-log.txt" in
C:\Users\NAME\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Logs
C:\Users\NAME\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Logs

Look for this:
(If yours does NOT say Bodyshop, run Bodyshop, close it, and then open the file. It lists the last run program. TS2, Bodyshop and Homecrafter use the same file. It should have the info below. If it says 2048 for memory, the 4GB fix isn't properly applied for Bodyshop).

=== Application info ===
Name: The Sims 2 Body Shop
=== Machine info ===
Memory: 4096MB
Free memory: 4096MB


The NTcore 4GB patch works for Bodyshop, too.
If you know how to apply the 4GB fix (there are tutorials on how to do it), and your game is installed in Program Files, the trick is to apply it to the EXE file on the desktop. Copy/paste the EXE to the desktop, apply the fix there, and replace the file in the original folder. You'll get an admin prompt for if you want to change the file, click "yes".
Original Poster
#10 Old 10th Dec 2024 at 1:39 AM
FranH thanks, that mod works to clone a sim in-game, even in the same family, I tried it and had to remove it from the family as a city dweller with the inseminator (I don't know if I did right), simmer22, thanks for all your patience, I'm going to try to do that, opening the bodyshop with little custom content, I'm still quite bad health, and I have to wait a bit. That program that you have told me about, has indicated that I have two mods that are incompatible, but I don't know which one to keep, I hope you can help me, they are the "nocorruptdeath" mod, it is incompatible with "GeneralDeathGreenIcon", I think that at the time I downloaded them because they were good so that the game would not get corrupted.
Mad Poster
#11 Old 10th Dec 2024 at 4:04 AM
"nocorruptdeath" mod stops some of the corrupt memories from forming after gossip ("jagged lines" memories). It's more useful than than the "GeneralDeathGreenIcon" mod (it just changes color of some memories - doesn't seem to do much else). If you have to choose, keep the first one.

I don't think these two are the ones causing Bodyshop to crash, though. That's a CAS item, not a memory mod.

CAS items can't always be found through the helper tools, so you likely have to do some 50/50 on your CAS items, maybe narrow down the selection if possible (where does it crash/which items are likely to be the culprit - AM clothes? AF hairs? Sims? - and test the items you are unsure of first). Bodyshop is a great tool for this, since it's the one that crashes, so you'll know roughly when you find the bad item(s).
Original Poster
#12 Old 10th Dec 2024 at 8:12 PM
hey , well today i got lucky, or my pc was in a good mood (laughs ), i ran bodyshop (and all the custom content …), and while i was doing something on my pc, i was slowly flipping through the pages of bodyshop, well … i found the sim !!, i was almost at the end, i packaged it and now i know how to do more things with the sims 2, thanks to you all !!, i wanted to thank you for all your patience (and that of the whole the sims 2 mod group), and for explaining things to me so well, finally, i used that very useful program about mod conflicts, and i put all the ones i usually use and i have quite a few conflicts, tell me which ones i should delete and which ones i should keep, as long as the game is running well, i don’t mind removing some mods. Also i’m not playing vampire sims right now, but i like some of those mods, thanks for your help !!

Report Start 10/12/2024 19:59:53

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Interaction - Rake
Group ID: 0x7FA3147D
Instance ID: 0x00001002
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\CtfGEP5RakeFaster.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Interaction - Make Bed
Group ID: 0x7F4437F2
Instance ID: 0x00002004
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\cancellablemakebedinteraction.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Interaction - Sleep TEST
Group ID: 0x7FB6CAE4
Instance ID: 0x00001008
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\CJCoffinsForVampires.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\NumenorSleeponcommlotAllGames.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Water - Route to Flowers
Group ID: 0x7F8A5209
Instance ID: 0x00002001
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\dfwaterhalftileflowersfix.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\dfwaterinaccessibleflowersfix.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\GardeningRouteModUPDATE2.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Interaction - Trim
Group ID: 0x7F1A9ECC
Instance ID: 0x00002002
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\GardeningRouteModUPDATE2.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\lamareCompostWeedsTrimmingsWalkToBin.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\Richi3fGardeningBadgeMod.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Interaction - Pull Out
Group ID: 0x7FFAB625
Instance ID: 0x00001002
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\GardeningRouteModUPDATE2.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\lamareCompostWeedsTrimmingsWalkToBin.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\Richi3fGardeningBadgeMod.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Social - Kiss of the Vampire - TEST
Group ID: 0x7F01EC29
Instance ID: 0x000022F8
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Set Result
Group ID: 0x7FB098F7
Instance ID: 0x00001002
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Interaction - Person A
Group ID: 0x7FB098F7
Instance ID: 0x00001000
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Interaction - Person B
Group ID: 0x7FB098F7
Instance ID: 0x00001001
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Set Social & Relationship Change
Group ID: 0x7FB098F7
Instance ID: 0x00001003
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Memory - Cure Vampirism
Group ID: 0x7FB098F7
Instance ID: 0x0000100B
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Push Watch
Group ID: 0x7FB098F7
Instance ID: 0x0000100D
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Interaction - Watch
Group ID: 0x7FB098F7
Instance ID: 0x0000100A
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Route to Watch
Group ID: 0x7FB098F7
Instance ID: 0x0000100C
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Leave Room
Group ID: 0x7FB098F7
Instance ID: 0x0000100F
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Social - Kiss of the Vampire
Group ID: 0x7F01EC29
Instance ID: 0x000022F7
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Sub - Age ++
Group ID: 0x7FB098F7
Instance ID: 0x0000100E
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: BCON
Group ID: 0x7F1A9ECC
Instance ID: 0x00002001
Packages Containing This Constant File:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\GardeningTrimShrubFasterMod.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\Richi3fGardeningBadgeMod.package

File Type: BCON
Group ID: 0x7FB098F7
Instance ID: 0x00001003
Packages Containing This Constant File:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: TTAB
Group ID: 0x7FB098F7
Instance ID: 0x00000080
Packages Containing This Menu File:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

File Type: TTAs
Group ID: 0x7FB098F7
Instance ID: 0x00000080
Packages Containing This Menu Strings File:
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
\downloads\Amod\Nueva carpeta\vampirehunter\shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

End Of Report

22 possible conflicts detected.
Mad Poster
#13 Old 10th Dec 2024 at 11:45 PM
Generally, it seems most of the mods that are conflicting are either versions of the same mod, or mods that do very similar things, so that's likely why they're showing as conflicts. You need to go back to the download topic (where possible) to see what the mods do and which ones (or which version) you want to keep.

From the name, these two seem like they're versions of the same mod.
- Influenceshaklinvampkissmoreinteractionsrel.package
- shaklinvampkissmoreinteractions.package

These likely have to do with routing for watering inaccessible plants, and the two first ones could be versions of the same mod:
- dfwaterhalftileflowersfix.package
- dfwaterinaccessibleflowersfix.package
- GardeningRouteModUPDATE2.package
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