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#1 Old Yesterday at 3:07 AM
Default Unable to Open Game After Downloading Super Patch
Hi everyone!

I recently upgraded my PC and reinstalled The Sims 3 along with my expansion packs but I'm having trouble getting the game to open after installing super patch.

After installing the expansions, I installed the Alder Lake patch and the super patch. That's when the issues started-the launcher would open, but the game wouldn't start. Running it without the launcher didn't work either. Through testing, I found that the super patch was preventing the game from launching.

I then uninstalled everything and reinstalled just the base game and University (my latest expansion). After applying only the Alder Lake patch, the game launched successfully.

Today I reinstalled the super patch and nothing happens in the game launcher. I tried to open the game outside of the launcher and 'worked' after several minutes to a black screen. Seeing if would eventually do anything it proceed to prevent me to ctrl-alt-delete thus manually forcing me to restart the computer.

What am I missing, and how can I fix this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
#2 Old Yesterday at 8:24 PM
I assume that you install the disc version of The Sims 3, right? you need to get the 1.67 Super Patch from EA which is 1.7GB in size and follow the instructions



edit: added second link

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#3 Old Yesterday at 11:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by legacyoffailures
I assume that you install the disc version of The Sims 3, right? you need to get the 1.67 Super Patch from EA which is 1.7GB in size and follow the instructions



edit: added second link

I still havven't loaded Sims 3 on my new work laptop, but found this, which may help you, and me when I get to it...


Read the whole thing. Not sure if you have patch LazyDutchess refers to.

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