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#1 Old Today at 2:18 AM
Default swatches not showing up, what should i do?
hi!! i hope this is the correct category. my problem is this: i'm a newbie to making 4t2 conversions, but i found out i could make more than one swatch with certain items like the beckoning cat, the teddy bear, etc. everything was fine for the first days, but now for some reason the recolors i do, don't show up anymore it appears as a single object. i always make a new guid, and i use the three recolors the object already has and then i put the new images. haven't changed any settings on SimPE about objects, so i dont think thats the problem ? if someone could help me or give me an explanation, i would b really thankful!
Mad Poster
#2 Old Today at 2:45 AM Last edited by simmer22 : Today at 3:13 AM.
For modding/creation questions, you can use the "Modding" section, here: https://modthesims.info/f/555/

Do you mean objects with two subets/rows of swatches (like beds, etc.)?

Did you update the MMAT(s) with the new GUID? You can usually use the tick button in the OBJD. If the item has more than one OBJD, only update the main MMAT.

If that's not the issue, can you upload one of the files that don't work?

Also make sure you have the CEP installed, and correctly referenced in SimPE. It enables recoloring options for more objects, and makes it easier to clone items since you don't have to make them recolorable afterward.
There should be a file and a folder in the install location, and a file in Downloads (details in CEP link). Make sure to not remove the one in Downloads at any point, or you could end up with issues related to the CEP (items not being recolorable either in SimPE or ingame).


A few resources that could come in handy:

This one shows how to fix it if the item has the wrong MMAT, fix the MMAT-GUID if there are multiple OBJDs, or the "tsDesignModeEnabled" option is missing.

If you want 2 subsets (double swatches) for objects that don't already have them, here are a couple tutorials:
https://hugelunatic.com/adding-recorable-subsets/ (addon)
(You don't need to clone objects with 2 subsets - you end up limiting your options, possibly having to fix other settings because the item "reads" as too large/small, or as a different type of item than you want).
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#3 Old Today at 4:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
For modding/creation questions, you can use the "Modding" section, here: https://modthesims.info/f/555/

Do you mean objects with two subets/rows of swatches (like beds, etc.)?

Did you update the MMAT(s) with the new GUID? You can usually use the tick button in the OBJD. If the item has more than one OBJD, only update the main MMAT.

If that's not the issue, can you upload one of the files that don't work?

Also make sure you have the CEP installed, and correctly referenced in SimPE. It enables recoloring options for more objects, and makes it easier to clone items since you don't have to make them recolorable afterward.
There should be a file and a folder in the install location, and a file in Downloads (details in CEP link). Make sure to not remove the one in Downloads at any point, or you could end up with issues related to the CEP (items not being recolorable either in SimPE or ingame).


A few resources that could come in handy:

This one shows how to fix it if the item has the wrong MMAT, fix the MMAT-GUID if there are multiple OBJDs, or the "tsDesignModeEnabled" option is missing.

If you want 2 subsets (double swatches) for objects that don't already have them, here are a couple tutorials:
https://hugelunatic.com/adding-recorable-subsets/ (addon)
(You don't need to clone objects with 2 subsets - you end up limiting your options, possibly having to fix other settings because the item "reads" as too large/small, or as a different type of item than you want).

thank youu so much!! youre always a lifesaver omg <3 i'll try doing what you told me!! i hope it works
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Original Poster
#4 Old Today at 5:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
For modding/creation questions, you can use the "Modding" section, here: https://modthesims.info/f/555/

Do you mean objects with two subets/rows of swatches (like beds, etc.)?

Did you update the MMAT(s) with the new GUID? You can usually use the tick button in the OBJD. If the item has more than one OBJD, only update the main MMAT.

If that's not the issue, can you upload one of the files that don't work?

Also make sure you have the CEP installed, and correctly referenced in SimPE. It enables recoloring options for more objects, and makes it easier to clone items since you don't have to make them recolorable afterward.
There should be a file and a folder in the install location, and a file in Downloads (details in CEP link). Make sure to not remove the one in Downloads at any point, or you could end up with issues related to the CEP (items not being recolorable either in SimPE or ingame).


A few resources that could come in handy:

This one shows how to fix it if the item has the wrong MMAT, fix the MMAT-GUID if there are multiple OBJDs, or the "tsDesignModeEnabled" option is missing.

If you want 2 subsets (double swatches) for objects that don't already have them, here are a couple tutorials:
https://hugelunatic.com/adding-recorable-subsets/ (addon)
(You don't need to clone objects with 2 subsets - you end up limiting your options, possibly having to fix other settings because the item "reads" as too large/small, or as a different type of item than you want).

IT WORKEDD!! thank you so much omg! :D
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