8th Jul 2005 at 9:43 PM
Last edited by simsample : 14th Apr 2006 at
3:27 PM.
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The mystery that is groups.cache
If you've ever encountered the game or Body Shop not loading, one of the troubleshooting techniques is to delete the
groups.cache file. But what is the
groups.cache file?
From MaxoidTom:
Each file is essentially a little database that contains records. Each of these records has a "key" that specifies the type of the record and what "group" it belongs to. When the game starts up, it looks into each file and determines what groups each one contains so that finding a file by a specific group (something that is done quite often) can be done quickly.
To alleviate the need for querying the file for what groups it has, which may require opening the file more than what is necessary and doing file I/O, a cache of groups to filenames is stored in groups.cache. A timestamp for the cache per file is also stored so that if the file has been changed or updated then the cache is invalidated.
We've noticed some issues here as well and are working to fix them. The group.cache file will rebuild itself when necessary so I wouldn't worry about deleting it.
9/10 times Body Shop or the game will load after the file is deleted so just keep that in mind when you are having problems getting your game started.
For more discussion (or questions), please go to this thread:
Keywords: groups, cache, bodyshop