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#1 Old 6th Jun 2007 at 11:24 PM
Default Anything Strange or Funny happen in your exams?
It's exam time again and I was wondering, has anything strange or funny ever happened whilst you were taking your exams?

In my general studies exam, one of the teachers was sat on a raised platform with a table and a desk. He lent too far back and accidentally pushed the table off the platform. He tried to save the table but ended up falling off himself with the table infront of him... I have never laughed so much in an exam!

At highschool, we also went through a stage where if one person started to cough, everybody else in the room would start to cough... it got the invigilators real mad..

So anything strange or funny happen in your exams? If you've just had exams how did they go?
Test Subject
#2 Old 6th Jun 2007 at 11:31 PM
Ohhhh I have one it was really funny.

I had my exams and last day of school last week. During my Spanish exam its like really quiet, you know. I was sitting about in the back and about a half hour in I suddenly hear "Holy...." I looked up and one of the boys in the front was like hitting the desk, he was like "jesus christ" and got up and ran to the very front of the room. The whole class just stared at him and he was like "Its a god damn bee!"
It was so funny everybody even the teacher was laughing for like five minutes. The bee got killed by another kid:P.
#3 Old 6th Jun 2007 at 11:31 PM
uhh... nothing funny...
strange, de-ja-vu like, where I almost passed out on to the solid, cold, dirty floor (where no one would've helped, only looked haha, people care so much XD) I saw it coming which is precisely how I stopped it from happening

I also almost began shouting at one of the teachers in the room- anyone who looked at me (I know 4 people that did) knew I was about to explode because when I'm doing a test, I don't need people talking to us LOUDLY for half the time *grr* good job I didn't snap, I would've been thrown out and that's definately not good lol!

oh wait, something funny- mental maths exam, someone IN HEELS trying to tip-toe across the echo-y room, only to trip over the cable for the CD player, banging her foot on the floor and hand on the table, CD player almost dropping onto the floor >.< not that funny but whatever :p
Forum Resident
#4 Old 6th Jun 2007 at 11:38 PM
This morning, god damnit (it's not funny, but it happened this morning so I'll write it) - The invigilator, in a huge flap, says "We have an urgent message in from the exam board! Can everyone turn to page 6? Quickly now."
So we all turn to page 6. It's a Chemistry exam and everyone has the uber-fear, so we're all like "Aaaah"
"Right. Look at question 3. See along that top line?"
Yup. Nobody spotted anything.
"Yeah. There's a small spelling mistake just there."
And it was like, there shoulda been an extra R in 'prefered' or whatever. x_X See, stupid invigilators can't spell.

And then there was the time when Crazy Frog started playing in the middle of the History exam...

Give me chocolate. Or the protagonist dies.

#5 Old 6th Jun 2007 at 11:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Haylifer
This morning, god damnit (it's not funny, but it happened this morning so I'll write it) - The invigilator, in a huge flap, says "We have an urgent message in from the exam board! Can everyone turn to page 6? Quickly now."
So we all turn to page 6. It's a Chemistry exam and everyone has the uber-fear, so we're all like "Aaaah"
"Right. Look at question 3. See along that top line?"
Yup. Nobody spotted anything.
"Yeah. There's a small spelling mistake just there."
And it was like, there shoulda been an extra R in 'prefered' or whatever. x_X See, stupid invigilators can't spell.

And then there was the time when Crazy Frog started playing in the middle of the History exam...


(you never know, someone could've answered "I fail to answer your question as you have no right to judge me as you have made a mistake of your own. A dictionary would've come in handy, I memorise an encyclopedia, you memorize the dictionary.")
#6 Old 6th Jun 2007 at 11:46 PM
(this wasn't in my specific class, but it was at my school!)

Well you know how teachers have this big thing about no going to the bathroom? Well, one kid had to go so badly he peed in a bottle!

Take that teachers who won't let us go to the bathroom
Mad Poster
#7 Old 7th Jun 2007 at 12:15 AM
Lol, it didn't happen in an exam, but during normal classes in highschool. A cat jumped in through the open window and started walking really carefully on the small edge where you put the duster for the blackboard. And it was a huge blackboard running the whole width of the room. Everybody just burst into laughter.
Original Poster
#8 Old 9th Jun 2007 at 11:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Haylifer
This morning, god damnit (it's not funny, but it happened this morning so I'll write it) - The invigilator, in a huge flap, says "We have an urgent message in from the exam board! Can everyone turn to page 6? Quickly now."
So we all turn to page 6. It's a Chemistry exam and everyone has the uber-fear, so we're all like "Aaaah"
"Right. Look at question 3. See along that top line?"
Yup. Nobody spotted anything.
"Yeah. There's a small spelling mistake just there."
And it was like, there shoulda been an extra R in 'prefered' or whatever. x_X See, stupid invigilators can't spell.

We had that this week too, we were with AQA, it was with the word 'occurring' in chemistry.

I just remembered, it didn't happen to me but my friend...

This guy infront of my mate started to have a nose bleed, not just a dribble of blood but a full on, blood going everywhere.. he turned round to ask to go to the toilet and he sprayed it all over my friends' exam paper!
#9 Old 9th Jun 2007 at 11:48 PM
haha i remember that happening in one of my exams back in the day
all that fuss for one word being spelt wrong
i just remember struggling to stay awake half the time
#10 Old 9th Jun 2007 at 11:53 PM
In my freshman year of college, the day came to take my math final and so when I arrived, the teacher wasn't there yet, so we just waited. We waited for twenty minutes and the teacher never showed up so we just went home. We never got a phone call or letter in the mail explaining what happened to the teacher. Then when we got our grades, I had an A when before I had a B. I called the school and told them that we never gotten the chance to take our finals and the principle says, "yeah I know. The teacher had an emergency and never contacted the school so we just decided to let you guys pass." I was woohoo!!
Field Researcher
#11 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 12:02 AM
My exam fell down from the window once :D.
And when a teacher who doesnt knows our language, exams became so easy, the teacher was saying something in French and i said 'shut up freak' to her by smiling then she didn't understand anything and keep talking, it was soo funny
#12 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 1:00 AM
What's an invigilator?


Edit: And a "shufti," what's that? (I read it in Harry Potter and that sentence made no sense to me)
Test Subject
#13 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 1:15 AM
Well the funnist thing that happend durring a test was that a teachers mother was sick so she had to leave at the begining of our class time. Durring that week we were working on a packet and taking the test when we were done. So I was working on my packet and my friends were taking the test. Our teacher left the teacher next door to watch us but he was conducting a test himself meaning we listened to Ipods (we were allowed to do that) and yell and run around the room wearing sweaters as pants( someone actully did that).

So we all talked and we were allowed to use the packet that we were working on and the textbooks for the test. Though we did not like cheat using them our teacher just let us use them without any thoughts. Then when she left she let us take the test home and we all talked about the answers and she did not care!

Apart from that nothing really interesting happens durring tests. Except the accasional laugher from teachers reading their emails and then sharing them with us or the small inturuptions.
#14 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 1:53 PM
Erm... hmmm

In one of my exams a couple of people managed to turn over their tables :\ not sure how they managed to not get kicked out haha

And (not really funny but who cares :P) one of our female invigilators had a see through top with a black bra underneath. So many people were complaining about being distracted .

[i go to an all boys school by the way, lol]
#15 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 2:21 PM

I was doing my math paper last week and everything that could of gone wrong went wrong. Firstly the teacher with the keys to the exam hall was off sick so someone else had to go off and find the premises manager (Time taken: 24 mins) then when we got into the exam hall we found that the seats hadn't been set out so we had to do that (Time taken: 15 mins) then when we finally got started on the papers everyone had a look of WTF?! on their faces as this was EXTREMLEY hard and not what we were used to, then in the middle of the exam a teacher stopped us all and started to have an argument with a student who wasn't the least bit intrested in what we were supposed to be doing and didn't give a toss wether or not we passed or failed (plasticplasticplasticplasticplasticplasticplasticplasticplastic.......Time taken: 11 mins) and then at the end of the exam that had obliterated our luch break we were told that our paper had been mixed up so we had got the year above's paper and we had to do our one the next day!!!!

Field Researcher
#16 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 2:23 PM
We weren't allowed to take phones, iPods or calculator cases (with equations on them) into any exams - if you did, you handed it in to an examiner.
In our last exam, as a joke, about half my year handed something in and it took about ten minutes for them all to be collected in. It was funny since the head-examiner was really fat and kept getting stuck in between desks - she nearly knocked mine over! :D
But then at the end, if you wanted to get your item back you had to get a letter from the deputy-head first because they'd realised it was a joke - that really sucked.

"Life isn’t like coursework, baby. It’s one damn essay crisis after another."
Boris Johnson

"By Jove! Which is always to say, by myself."
Caligula; I, Claudius
#17 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 2:30 PM
After my science exam, this kid (named colin) decided he was going to spit on this other kid (named joey)'s yearbook. Colin then proceeded to wipe the spit off on joey's shoulder. Joey got so mad that he smashed colin's face on the desk and punched him in the head multiple times. Joey then proceeded to stand up from his chair, start crying, and run out of the room. o.O Colin was only trying to joke with him, but apparently Joey didn't get it...
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 2:33 PM
In my final exams in High School (well, the German equivalent of High School) in my German Exam something funny happened. Well, a bit embarassing as well.
We had to write and essay, minimum 8 pages and since I was always good in German I was finished about 1 1/2 hours before the time was up. And we weren't allowed to leave the room before everyone finished.
I was really tired, and I lay my head on the table. Well, I feel asleep. And you know that thing when you sleep and dream you fall down and then twitch? Well, happened to me and all my papers fell down and everyone was looking.
Field Researcher
#19 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 2:36 PM
Well, there must have been something running around on the floor during my psych exam. One section of people kept hopping up, or lifting their feet and bags, and staring at the floor for a while, the prof even came over to investigate. The exam was in a basement lecture hall in an older building, so who knows what might have been there.

There was a funny moment during finals week last autumn. I work as a computer lab site assistant for my university. The primary lab I work in (I finally made supervisor) has several Calculus classes that meet in it, and usually take their exams there. I was done with finals early, so I spent much of the week sitting at work making beaded ornaments. The instructor for one of the classes actually tossed out an extra credit opportunity to his class for if anyone could explain what I was doing!

stormy - my college actually has a set policy of if the instructor (or whoever is taking their place) is more than, I believe, fifteen minutes late to the exam everyone automatically passes that exam, it gets funny watching people stare at their watches sometimes.

"Segregate the sinful sexes..." "Wait, how many sexes are there?" "Two." "It's not enough I say, go out and order some more."
Test Subject
#20 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 2:37 PM
well it wasn't funny at all but in my first A level exam on friday. a history paper, i opened the paper only to find the format of the first question had completely changed! A 15 mark question and a 30 mark question had ben replaced by a single 45 mark question. Also the question was no longer underneath the set of sources we were given, but above it (meaning I spent ages looking for the darn thing)

After the exam, we were all like wtf? It would have been nice for our history teachers to tell us the exam had changed! But no, they were blissfully unaware of it. Harumph!

my funniest/silliest exam question has also been in history. It was a GCSE sources paper on the state of england 1900-1914 or soemthing like that. There was a pivture of a girl holding a tray of biscuits and the question was 'to what extent is this picture representative of British children in 1907?'
I spent the exam describing how 'her pretty dress was not very representative as most children at the time were poor and thus would be dirtier' and other such nonsensical drivel. Oh, and the little girl was dutch anyway. meh.
Original Poster
#21 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 3:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lockshockbarrel
What's an invigilator?


Edit: And a "shufti," what's that? (I read it in Harry Potter and that sentence made no sense to me)

An invigilator is a person who monitors people in their exams... teachers used to do it but now they can employ people to walk around the exam halls giving out extra paper and answering any questions. They make sure no-one is cheating

Our head invigilator walks around with no shoes on as someone complained her high heels were too loud :laugh:
Test Subject
#22 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 4:30 PM
i hate it when invigilators don't take their heels off. I also don't like it when the stand really close by you or stare at you. I know it must be really boring for them, and I am wonderful and all :Pimp: but it really makes me paranoid, stop it!
Test Subject
#23 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 6:24 PM
In my Algorithms and Databases exam, someone's alarm on their phone went off (we're allowed phones in exams provided they're switched off, and in our bags at the front of the room, with the alarms disabled so they don't disturb anyone - oops...).
Anyway, what was so funny about this alarm, is that it was a recording of the guy's girlfriend saying "it's time to get up the time is 10 'o' clock" AND it was one of those alarms that just doesn't switch itself off after a minute or whatever, it just keeps on going. The poor guy had to stand up, red-faced, and go down to the front to disable the alarm.
Field Researcher
#24 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 7:11 PM
I've got something not really funny but a bit weird^^
In my English BLF exam (the German equivalent to the British GCSE) we got 2 tasks...
We got some sheets with sources to work with...

So I turn to the first page and what's the first task? Characterising Spongebob Squarepants..... I just thought what the heck?! I can't stand spongebob.... and that was going to determine my english mark?!
Well... I worked with the sources to list all the facts about spongebob and then proceeded to do the next task... It was creative writing... Either about a movie/series/book of my choice and why I liked it so much, or interpreting a weird cartoon.... I wrote about Bill Bryson's "A short history about nearly everything", thinking none of the teachers knew it, so I was safe^^

After completing these tasks I got up and handed my papers in, wondering, what the extra sheet with information about Oxford or other cities was for... Then I saw it...

I had been able to choose between Spongebob or explaining a traveling route through England or something like that ^^

So I wasn't given much of a choice.... Anyway ^^ It didn't really matter....
After that exam I made sure to look through all tasks before starting as there might have been more choices to make ^^

And just something tiny.... It was just an ordinary test in biology...
It was about the function of eyes and one task was about chameleons... Someone raised his finger and asked whether there was an abbreviation for chameleon as it was toooooooo hard for him to write it down.... as if the test was THAT difficult ^^

I'm back and sort of not... I think I'm leaving mts2 and the whole sims2 business... If anyone is interested in uploading what I've created but not uploaded so far, please contact me...
#25 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 7:25 PM
The school was on fire....the news spread through to all the other private schools in Kuwait. It almost burnt down, if it wasn't those damn firemen....we kept getting messages from our friends in other schools saying "Better luck next time"

The whole student body was sadout that it didn't burn down...
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