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#1 Old 5th May 2007 at 10:09 AM
A New Chapter - Lenny's Story - Part 2 - Chapter 16 - The Final Chapter
At the beginning of this year I took part in auroraspirit's "A New Chapter" Contest.

It was great fun I wanted to continue the story, so i will start by posting the original chapters over the next few days while I am working on the rest of the story.


It's my first day at Lakeside Academy today. Am I looking forward to it? What do you think! Mum and Dad are going through a divorce at the moment and I've had to move to this crappy house, in this crappy little town and leave all my friends behind.

It's been really hard on mum, she tries her best, so I try and look happy as we chat over breakfast. I wish we could have stayed in the city but it's just too expensive. I assure mum I'll be okay, I don't know who's more worried about being the new girl, her or me!

Okay, one last check before I head off to school. The last thing I want is to turn up with a big zit on my chin.
Please let them be nice and talk to me.

Here goes nothing... wish me luck!
1 users say thanks for this. (Who?)
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#2 Old 5th May 2007 at 10:15 AM
A story from romyhorse? How lovely! Well one thing we can all count on is the spectacularness of the set - learned about your talent the hard way (in room decorating contests).

Im looking forward to see what this story kicks up :D

Formerly known as boolPropped
Original Poster
#3 Old 5th May 2007 at 10:18 AM
My first comment! Thank you! But you shouldn't be reading mine, you should be writing your update for The Little Things!
#4 Old 5th May 2007 at 10:57 AM
This looks like a good one, I'll definantly be reading this one ^.^.
Original Poster
#5 Old 5th May 2007 at 1:01 PM
Default Chapter 1 - A New School
I hope it lives up to your expectations...

Chapter 1

I push open the doors to the school and follow the signs to the Office. The secretary ushers me through to meet the headmaster. I know there's no uniform policy here but I thought the Headmaster might at least wear a suit! Well, if they're all as laid back as him, I think, I think I'll like it here.
"Hello, and welcome to our school Lenny. Please call me James, we don't stand on formality here." I am a bit shocked and just sit there dumbly. "I'm sure you'll fit in just fine here at Lakeside" he continues, "here's your timetable and a map, though I'm sure you won't need it to find your way round our little school. Have a nice day."

It all seems a bit surreal as I walk across the courtyard towards the English Block. The school has only been rebuilt recently after the old one burned down and I have to admit it is pretty nice, as schools go. I glance up and see two boys waiting outside my class giving me appreciative glances! "Wow, they think I'm hot, things just keep getting better and better!" I think.

I walk up to the boys, smiling and am about to introduce myself when I realise they were looking over my shoulder. I turn and see the real object of their affections is our teacher, our very sexy teacher! "Hmm" I think, "I hope they have some male versions of her..." Our teacher introduces herself as Michelle and leads us all into the classroom. "Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" she asks. "Not really" I think, but I stand up in front of everyone and tell them a bit about myself, how embarassing...

I rush for the nearest empty seat, and in my hurry I trip over the feet of one of the boys. "AAAAAAAAArgh!" I scream as I fall. Oh my god, did I really scream? Things are going from bad to worse!

I quickly pick myself and sit on my chair. I can feel my face burning with embarassment as I try to look interested in my text books. I can hear the other students laughing at me. "How did I ever think I was going to like it here?"
Original Poster
#6 Old 5th May 2007 at 9:56 PM
Default Chapter 2 - Gymnastics
Chapter 2

Well, if yesterday was bad, today was worse. It's not what they say, it's what they don't say. Nobody spoke to me at all at school today! I feel like such a loser... If dad didn't have that silly little girlfriend I could stay with him and go to my old school, but there's no way I could live with "her", she's young enough to be my sister! I went straight to my room when I got home, I couldn't even face doing my homework. When mum got home she came and had a chat with me. She's trying so hard to make it work here and I feel bad for wanting to go back to the city.

I got to school early to have a look at the notice boards this morning. I wanted to see what after school clubs they have here, maybe I'll met some friendlier people there, anyway mum's not usually home till five so I'd just be home by myself. I was hoping they might have a drama club but they seems to be mostly sports orientated, I'm definitely not becoming a cheerleader! I think I'll give the Gymnastics Club a try, I haven't done it for a few years but I used to be quite good.

After school has finished I rush over to the gym and get changed. I spot the coach at the far end of the hall and go over to introduce myself. He's very cute and I can feel myself starting to blush. Just then I notice one of the girls from my English class in the corner, she's laughing with some other girls and I can just imagine she's telling them about my fall in class. Please let the ground open and swallow me up now!

I walk over with the Coach, or Adam as he asks me to call him, to watch the boys practising on the vault. I notice that the boy who tripped me up is one of them, aaargh! "Are you okay?" Adam asks. "Fine, fine...." I muttered, did I really groan out loud! As we watch them I realise they are all really good and I start to feel a bit nervous, maybe I'm not up to this....

When they have finished their practise Adam asks me to show them what I can do. I'm a bit nervous but I pick up a ribbon and perform a routine I learned at my old gymastics class. As I perfromed the routine I kept glancing up and noticed Dillon, the boy who tripped me, was watching intently. "He's probably hoping I stuff it up and fall over again" I thought. Thankfully I didn't and Adam was very impressed, "I hope you're going to be a regular here Lenny."

Afterwards in the changing room the girls were all very friendly and chatted away to me, and I began to relax a bit. Maybe things weren't going to be so bad. Outside it was already dark as I waited for mum to come and pick me up. She was late as usual. I saw Dillon walking towards me, "Oh no" I thought, "What does he want."

"Hi Lenny, you were really good in there. And umm... I just wanted to say sorry about tripping you in class the other day." I blushed, "That's okay, it was only my pride that got hurt!" He laughed and we chatted until my mum arrived to pick me up. As we drove away I realised that Dillon was cute, very, very cute!
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 5th May 2007 at 10:38 PM
Hey Romy!..Great to see a story from you, love your graphics as always and your simmies are sooo nice looking
#8 Old 5th May 2007 at 11:00 PM
Oh I love the story. The pictures are great, and all the CC is amazing. Update soon. I'm subscribing. :D
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 5th May 2007 at 11:03 PM
In a word... MOAR. *thumbs up*

In fact, it's a shame that some of the other stories in that contest aren't redone here. *nod*

EDIT: Also, where'd you get that poster in the first pic? DO WANT. XD
Original Poster
#10 Old 5th May 2007 at 11:21 PM
Thank you for your comments :spin: there's plenty more to come! There's another 8 chapters from the contest, plus another 3 I've written already. So look out for regular updates :D
#11 Old 5th May 2007 at 11:39 PM
This looks really good so far! I love your pictures and all the detail you've put into them. I think I'll subscribe. :gidea:
Test Subject
#12 Old 6th May 2007 at 10:22 AM
wow i'm extremly interested! Lenny is adorable btw!
Original Poster
#13 Old 6th May 2007 at 1:27 PM
Default Chapter 3 - The Bag Incident!
More comments, woohoo! Thanks everyone Here is the next installment...

Chapter 3

I woke up early on Thursday, normally I would just turn over and go back to sleep until mum called me, but today I was in such a good mood that I decided to get up and cook breakfast. It would be a nice surprise for mum.

I'm actually looking forward to going to school today! Gymnastics class seems to have turned things round, hopefully today I won't have to eat lunch on my own.

Okay.... I'm not the world's best cook but at least I tried. I think mum was relieved when the phone rang so she wouldn't have to eat it! I could tell by the tension in her voice it was dad on the phone.

"Was that dad?" I asked. "Mmm.." she replied. "What did he want?"

"Oh, uh, nothing important... will you be alright walking home from school today, I'm not going to be able to pick you up?" "Yeah, no problem... Don't you want your breakfast? Yeah, I guess I should leave the cooking to you in future."

I arrived at school just as the bell was ringing and I had to rush to my locker to get my text books for Chemistry class. I didn't have time to sort through them so I just grabbed them all and stuffed them into my bag. I slammed it shut and turned to hurry to class. Snap! "Aaargh!" I screamed in frustration as the strap broke and everything fell onto the floor. I looked up and saw some of my classmates walking towards me, and cringed in embarassment as they walked straight past without any offer of assistance. Was I invisible? Then I saw Dillon approaching, now my humiliation was complete...

But instead of ignoring me, he surprised me by stopping and helping me pick up all my books. "Just ingore those idiots", he said "they're just a bunch of misinformed, cretinous, unenlightened boneheads." "Ummm... yes?" I replied. "Sorry", he chuckled "My mum says I swallowed a thesaurus when I was a baby!" I laughed and felt a warm glow as he picked up my rucksack, put his arm round my shoulder and walked me to class.
#14 Old 6th May 2007 at 2:27 PM
Nice update Romy! Lenny is adorable!
#15 Old 6th May 2007 at 4:12 PM
Awww, the cuteness! I have a good feeling about Dillon. This is fantastic - the sims are beautiful but still very realistic-looking, the pictures are gorgeous and the writing is brilliant. I love it! :D
Original Poster
#16 Old 7th May 2007 at 11:23 AM
Thank you breena and Loco, you'll just have to wait to find out about Dillon.........
#17 Old 7th May 2007 at 11:33 AM
I love teenage drama This story is great I love all the little schooly details you have put in.

Can I ask though, where did you get her outfit in the second chapter, it's pretty
Original Poster
#18 Old 7th May 2007 at 11:56 AM
Default Chapter 4 - A Date With Dillon?
HaHa!! I didn't keep you waiting long

Chapter 4

Today is going to be a special day! I get up early and spend ages choosing the right outfit and applying my make-up, then I float to school dreaming of Dillon...

He's waiting outside the school for me and grabs my hands and pulls me close. "Lennie, we spend alot of time together and I just can't contain my feelings anymore..." and he leans towards me... RINNNGGG!! Damn that school bell! RINNNGGG!! Why won't it stop!? "Lennie!" mum shouts, "turn off your alarm clock!" "Sigh... back to reality."

Today is going to be a special day! Yes, I'm not dreaming this time! I've settled into Lakeside Academy now and made lots of new friends. I'm not going to say I don't miss my friends in the city, but things are bearable now. Most afternoons Dillon walks me home and we spend time together studying and just hanging out, until mum gets home from work. He's said he has something to tell me today... I'm sure he's going to ask me out! I float to school dreaming of Dillon...

As I approach the school doors I see Dillon coming out and my heart skips a beat, and then stops completely when I see he's holding hands with a girl, and they look kinda friendly. I freeze and cringe as he spots me and heads over. "Hi Dillon, sorry I'm in a hurry, I'll catch you later." and I rush through the doors and into the bathroom before he has a chance to respond. Oh my God, he wasn't going to ask me out, he was going to tell me about his girlfriend. How could I have been so stupid!

Over lunch I try to figure out how to turn the conversation around to Dillon without being too obvious. "Did you see Lauren and Dillon have got back together?" asked Sophie. "Yes," said Caitlin, "I was at a family barbecue on Sunday and Dillon had invited her, she was following him around like a lovesick puppy all afternoon."

"Your related to Dillon?" I asked. "Yes" replied Caitlin "We're cousins, didn't he tell you? He's always round at your place, I thought he was keen on you for a bit but he's always had a soft spot for Lauren."

"Lauren runs the school magazine, and she's on the cheerleading squad," said Sophie, "And her parents are really rich too!"
"Well if Lauren's so great why don't you all go and be friends with her!" I screeched and rushed out of the room before I burst into tears.

"Hey Lenny, are you okay?" I looked up and saw Adam, the gymnastics coach. "Yes, I'm fine" I said, trying to hide my face. "I haven't seen you around gymnastics club, has everything been okay?"
"Thanks, Adam, I'm okay, I've just been a bit busy lately, that's all."
"Well, if there's anything I can help you with, you know where to find me, even if you just need someone to talk to."
"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind" I replied as I wiped my tears, "I've got Chemistry, I'd better be going.... thank you."
#19 Old 7th May 2007 at 12:30 PM
Aw, poor Lenny... Adam's so sweet, though. Great update, I'm in love with your pictures!
#20 Old 7th May 2007 at 5:28 PM
Yeah poor Lenny. Too bad Dillion has a girlfriend. Maybe they'll break up and he'll want to go out with Lenny! No? Ok. Well great update! *Subscribes and rates your story a 5!*
Original Poster
#21 Old 7th May 2007 at 6:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by stormy
Yeah poor Lenny. Too bad Dillion has a girlfriend. Maybe they'll break up and he'll want to go out with Lenny! No? Ok. Well great update! *Subscribes and rates your story a 5!*

5 * :omg: thank you!
#22 Old 7th May 2007 at 8:53 PM
Why has it taken me so long to discover this story! Squee! I love it! The characters, pictures, story, all awesome!
Original Poster
#23 Old 7th May 2007 at 10:35 PM
Default Chapter 5 - Dillon Who?
Chapter 5

It had been a very long day, hometime never seemed to arrive. But at last the bell rang and I ran out of school. I couldn't face going straight home because I used to hang out there with Dillon after school, so instead I wandered the long way home. Walking seemed to help clear my head and I decided to sit down and write it all down in my diary. Seeing it on paper made me realise how trivial it all is, I mean he's just a guy, it's not as if there is a shortage of them is there?

Suddenly I relised I wasn't alone, I could hear something... It sounded like someone crying...

I followed the sound of the sobs and found a guy I recognised from gymnastics club sitting on one of the swings, damn, what was his name?!

"Hi", I said, "I'm Lenny, we used to do gymnastics together. Is everything okay? You seem pretty upset."
He wiped his eyes on his sleeve and looked up, "Hi, I'm okay, I just can't face going home right now."
"Want to talk about it?" I asked. "Not really." he replied. "Well why don't we sit over there and I can tell you what a crap day I've had, maybe that will cheer you up!"

We sat on a fallen tree and I told him everything that had happened since I'd moved to Lakeside. Maybe me confessing all made him feel more comfortable, because he started to tell me why he didn't want to go home...

"My mum, she's an..... she like to drink. When she's sober she's the best mum in the world... but that doesn't happen much these days. I look after my little sister, Julie, most of the time but I have to work as mum's not capable of holding down a job. Anyway... one of the neighbours reported her to Child Welfare and this morning they took Julie away. I can't face going home to an empty house."
"I am so sorry" I said, "My problems are selfish compared to yours, you must think I'm such a spoilt brat!"
"Well..." he replied with a smile on his face.

We stayed and chatted for a while, both trying to delay the inevitable. He was quite funny and he soon had me laughing and forgetting about my problems... Dillon? Dillon who?

I looked around and saw that it had gotten dark whilst we'd been talking. "Well, I suppose I'd better be getting home." I said reluctantly. "Yeah, me too." He turned and started to walk away. "Wait!" I shouted, "I forgot ask you, what's your name?" "Dylan!" he replied. We both burst out laughing and we headed off home feeling a bit happier.
#24 Old 7th May 2007 at 11:00 PM
waw!! i really really like this!! please continue!
#25 Old 7th May 2007 at 11:01 PM
Oh my gosh thankyou so much Romy for submitting this story, I feel completed honoured that you are doing so.

Submitting your story was meant to be as A New Chapter Cycle 3 should be released within the next 3 weeks

I was really impressed with your entry Romy and I am loving re-reading your story again

Keep up the great work please I look forward to your 3 created chapters.

Auroraspirit :angel:
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