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Mad Poster
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#1 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 7:21 AM
The Culture of Hate Must Stop
For far too long humanity has discriminated against its own over the silliest and most trivial of things. We cannot stop people from hating, but we can make it so socially unaccepted to express this hate that those that feel so threatened and pathetic that they have to demean and harass others dare not express their hatred. We cannot control mens' thoughts, but we can ostracize the ones who hate and demean and attack and even brutally murder those who are of different practices, beliefs, genders, races, and preferences.

The culture of hate has thrived for a long time under the acceptance, and even encouragement, of society. However, this approval and encouragement from society has long since stopped, yet the culture of hate continues to assert what it believes is it's birthright to destroy those it sees as threats to white, heterosexual, Christian, male-dominated society.

The culture of hate has been a strong, driving wind in the past. People took steps to end the wind, and weakened it significantly. However it still blows strong every now and then, and that is what we should aim to stop. If you feel that hate and discrimination against all peoples should stop, this group is for you. We can all do something to help end hate. Post a link to a hateful blog or a hateful posting. Maybe with the power of numbers we can effect some change in the world.

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
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Mad Poster
Original Poster
#2 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 7:22 AM
I shall start. This YouTube user is a violent homophobe. Do whatever you can, block him, whatever.

"When life gives you lemons, see the lemons, feels the lemons, BE THE LEMONS!"

Take a look-see, hmm...? Go on, click them:
The Super Mario Project, Nintendorks Island-Celebrating 2 Years Online!
Mad Poster
#3 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 7:53 AM
Yes... =\

Oh, hi, how are you holding up?
Because I'm a Cass.
#4 Old 8th Nov 2009 at 8:58 PM
Yes. That person on youtube.. what an idiot!
I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#5 Old 9th Nov 2009 at 2:08 PM
I still don't understand why people can't accept that not everybody have their same tastes and act like them, and that that is not a bad thing.. assholes as that youtube one should taste of their own medicine for once to realize what they're doing.. *sigh*

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
Mad Poster
#6 Old 13th Nov 2009 at 8:07 PM
I really don't see why people must discriminate against one another. Stuff like that really gets to me; I walked out of class once when the teacher played a video about the Holocaust. So... *blocks youtube user*

Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you.

My name is Jessica, but I answer to Jessie, Jess, Candiiee, Candy and Cand. :P
Test Subject
#7 Old 15th Nov 2009 at 2:57 AM
I will never understand why people hate each other for thing they can't change, or that don't matter. I don't care who you are, or who it is against, but discrimination against anyone is wrong, and I take it as a personal offense, even if not directed towards me.

I also hate the stereotypes people make based on things like race, likes, sexuality, etc. You are not better than someone because you are white, male, Christian, straight, etc. Period.

.~: Rachel :~.
- RENT, Harry Potter, Wicked, Ninja-ness -
Test Subject
#8 Old 3rd Dec 2009 at 10:16 PM
Who does that youtuber think he is? There's NO WAY he's the closest I'll ever get to God (You'll know what I mean if you read the first sentence of his description) I will definetally block him!
Test Subject
#9 Old 13th Dec 2009 at 5:31 PM
I see no reason, or point to discrimination and hate.
I don't see WHY they think white is better than black skin.
I do not see any difference they just look slightly different but if I looked slightly ill does that mean i should be yelled at.

That didn't make sense couldn't say it properly... oh well.
#10 Old 24th Dec 2009 at 5:59 AM
I agree with all of you, completely. Why can't we just love one another for who we are? Races, sexual preferances, religion, no matter who we are, we all need to love one another. I love someone not because of their religion, or their race, but because of their personality, who they truly are.

Call Me Miss, or MSB

I am NOT taking requests, sorry! But if you have any suggestions, I will take them!

~Rest in Peace dearest Michael Jackson~
#11 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 10:13 PM
I couldn't agree more with this.

And well said MSB. That's exactly right.

Everything sucks, until it doesn't.
#12 Old 11th Jan 2010 at 6:39 AM
^ Yeah. I mean, animals don't discriminate. Birds don't discriminate. Fish . . . you get the picture. So why must we hate what is so precious, our own species? We kill each other because we believe that our brothers and sisters are not doing the right thing, and we kill ourselves because we believe that the world's workings aren't fair in whatever way. Love is love. Hate is hate. But that does not mean that hate should take love and twist it to make it unjust. People, whoever and whatever they are, need to learn what we're taught from the start - love one another as you love yourself.
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 15th Jan 2010 at 4:43 AM
Yeah just because they're different doesn't mean they're less of a human being.

Go Super Mario Project bu Rapsheba!
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 1st Mar 2010 at 12:50 PM
I agree with all of you. I think we should block/report those people like that YT guy is ...

Onii-chaaan! ~
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 24th Mar 2010 at 10:52 AM
I have seen so many racist, prejudiced bigots on youtube...it baffles me that they almost never get banned!

Anyways, hello people. I agree with your cause and it is mine as well.
Test Subject
#16 Old 15th Apr 2010 at 4:26 PM
NO! this is not another "I agree" message. (not that I didn't agree with you.)

but isn't it hateful too to put shame on those people who think different from you (i.e. homophobes) ?

no offense, just asking.
besides, I'm certainly not a homophobe, just in case you thought so.
Field Researcher
#17 Old 19th Apr 2010 at 5:30 AM
I agree that hate needs to stop. However, the culture of hate is NOT exclusive to white, heterosexual Christians. There are plenty of black people who hate whites, atheists who hate Christians, etc.
#18 Old 19th Apr 2010 at 4:49 PM
hate must stop!

My class is always insulting us, only because we are DRESSED in black!!!
Can it be more absurd?????

Everybody have to respect the religions, the thoughts and the costums of the rest. But unfortunately, we live in a society contaminated of selfishness, hatred and, above all, pride.

What's love? ♥My ChannelMy Art PageMy DA

There's never an ounce that I breathe
Without thinking about
Who I could have been if you didn't leave
Come Home ~ Eyes Set To Kill
#19 Old 24th Apr 2010 at 7:28 PM
@newsjunkie, In this case, they should keep their opinions to themselves. My dad's wife is such a homophobe, it drives me insane. She says that they have an illness, which is extremely prejudice! It makes me so sad If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it!

Call Me Miss, or MSB

I am NOT taking requests, sorry! But if you have any suggestions, I will take them!

~Rest in Peace dearest Michael Jackson~
Mad Poster
#20 Old 24th Apr 2010 at 8:19 PM
People are always hating me because I'm a Christian. They'll even bash them right in front of me (my friends as well) and they know I'm a Christian. They think all Christians are homophobes, and try to convert everyone. I don't, but my parents are. Sure some do, but that's their choice, I don't want to make anybody do anything. Well, not everyone is the same, and we're all fighting something. It's not fair of me to judge.

I love this quote from Mean Girls:
"Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter. And ruining Regina George's life definitely didn't make me any happier. All you can do in life is try to solve the problem in front of you."

It doesn't have a direct connection to this group but it fits in pretty well. I'm just really sick of people hating eachother over the stupidest of reasons.
Thanks for letting me vent, it was well needed.

Quote: Originally posted by missMSBplayer
I love someone not because of their religion, or their race, but because of their personality, who they truly are.

I really like that, it's so true :]

Rise above hate. Love one another. Be kind.
Come find me on GoS and tumblr:
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TS4 Blog
#21 Old 24th Apr 2010 at 10:05 PM
^I'm also christian (well, you knew) and I had a best friend who was atheist (maybe a bit satanic... though if you believe in satan you have to believe in god...). One day, he noticed that I'm christian. Now, he ignores me... ¬¬

What's love? ♥My ChannelMy Art PageMy DA

There's never an ounce that I breathe
Without thinking about
Who I could have been if you didn't leave
Come Home ~ Eyes Set To Kill
Mad Poster
#22 Old 24th Apr 2010 at 11:06 PM
That sucks, I'm sorry Elena

Rise above hate. Love one another. Be kind.
Come find me on GoS and tumblr:
TS2 Blog
TS4 Blog
I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#23 Old 25th Apr 2010 at 12:26 PM
I'm agnostic but I respect everyone's religions and points of view. Why can't everyone believe on whatever they want, being it God, Allah or Satan?

@Elena: About the black clothing thing.. well, all our class hates us for some reason, being it we are a goth, a punk and a gay or whatever.. but we don't really care much haha

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
#24 Old 25th Apr 2010 at 5:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Vampire_aninyosaloh
but we don't really care much haha

I don't care, the point is that some people cares about what they would say. Some of my old friends went away because they thought that if people insult me they would also insult them. Do you understand me?

What's love? ♥My ChannelMy Art PageMy DA

There's never an ounce that I breathe
Without thinking about
Who I could have been if you didn't leave
Come Home ~ Eyes Set To Kill
I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#25 Old 25th Apr 2010 at 6:32 PM
Yeah, you have to find the way to live with it, dear.. people like that will never stop being jerks, I'm sorry =/

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
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