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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 13th Jan 2005 at 10:47 AM Last edited by Morlock : 4th Feb 2005 at 7:24 PM.
Neighborhood Sims Cloning Tutorial v1.0



This tutorial demonstrates a method of cloning any in-game or user created Sims, NPC's and Townies by appearence only or by appearence and personality.

It is possible to clone family ties, memories etc., but that is beyond the scope of this tutorial, for now.

There is probably another or easier way to achieve the same result, but this is how I have managed to achieve it with the tools currently available to me.



Before starting, backup the, by default, '\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Neighborhoods' folder.

This tutorial is 'at your own risk'. I have tested the methods used without any adverse effects.


You will need to have (currently) 'SimPE v0.14d' installed (or later version) which is available on the the official SimPE site here:


or from ModTheSims2.com forums in this thread:


Credit to the author of this modding tool.


OK, Now for the tutorial...

1. Decide which Sim you want to clone, this Sim MUST currently reside in a Sims2 'Neighborhood' or be in the 'Family Bin' of a 'Neighborhood'.

2. Run SimPE and EITHER;

a. From the SimPE main menu select 'Plugins'>'Neighborhood Browser', double click, or highlight and 'Open', the 'Neighbourhood' your Sim resides in. Go to Section 5.


b. In the top left main menu select File>Open...

3. The 'Neighborhoods' are, by default, located in 'My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Neighborhoods'.

The default 'Neighborhood' folders are named as follows;

N001 - Pleasentview
N002 - Strangetown
N003 - Veronaville

Any custom 'Neighborhoods' which have been created are named respectively

N006 etc.

Browse to the 'Neighborhood' folder where your Sim resides.

4. ...Double click, or highlight 'Open', the relevant 'Neighborhood' folder ie. for Pleasentview=N001.
Inside will be a file called 'N00*_Neighborhood.package'.

(The * will correspond to the 'Neighborhood' folder name ie Pleasentview will be 'N001_Neighborhood.package')

Double click, or highlight 'Open', the 'N00*_Neighborhood.package' file.

5. A lot of lists and odd numbers will appear in the various windows. It looks complicated but just ignore all of this.

6. If you wish to clone the *appearence* of your Sim only, read on from section 7, if you wish to clone the *appearence AND personality* of the Sim, skip to section 10.

7. From the SimPE main menu select 'Plugins' and then 'Sims Surgery'. The 'Sims Surgery Tool' window will pop up containing thumbnails of your 'Neighborhood' Sims. Scroll to your Sim in the 'Sim Pool'and highlight her/him with a single click.

8. In the 'Patient Sim' window of the 'Sims Surgery Tool, click 'use', your Sim's picture should appear in the 'Patient Sim' window.

9. Click 'Export' at the top right of your Sim's picture in the 'Patient Sim' window. A save dialogue window will appear,'Export CAS Sim', where you can rename your file or just save it as the default name.

This '*.package' file (Your cloned Sim) will be saved in 'My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\SavedSims' by default. FINISHED, your clone will now appear in Bodyshop*.


You must leave the file, or a copy of it, in 'My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\SavedSims' for it to appear in Bodyshop.

Whilst in build Sims mode in Bodyshop, your Sim will not have an asterix on the image to indicate that it is custom content.

You can alter your cloned Sim in Bodyshop including making them a teen, adult etc.

That's it, your Sim is cloned.


[If you are cloning your Sim's personality and have already noted your Sim's personality traits, skip to section 14]


Continue from here if you want to clone your Sim's personality traits (See section 6):

10. From the SimPE main menu at the top left, select 'Plugins' then 'Sim Browser', wait whilst SimPE loads up the files and a window should appear with thumbnails of all of the Sims residing in the 'Neighborhood'.

11. Scroll through the thumbnails to find your Sim, then double click on the thumbnail or highlight it and select 'Open'.

A picture of your Sim should appear in the middle of SimPE, in the 'Sim Description Editor', on the right. If not, select 'Plugin View' from the tabs which are located in the middle of SimPE.

12. Your Sim's character is determined by the different levels of traits that can be viewed using SimPE. You will see a row of tabs such as...


...to the left of your Sim's picture. Also their Name, Life Section, Aspiration etc.

The easiest way I know of cloning a Sim's personality is to write all of these traits down somewhere!

13. The most important factors are Interests, Skills and Character. Click on each of the three tabs and make a note of the level each subsection has reached.

ie. On the 'Interests' tab

Environment - 6
Paranormal - 3

When you have noted these down, return to section 7 and follow the tutorial through to section 9.


14. By this stage you should have a clone of your Sim appearing in Bodyshop AND you need to make sure this Sim is either at least in the 'Family Bin' of, or residing in, a 'Neighborhood'. If you do not know how to export your Sim from Bodyshop into a 'Neighborhood' or the 'Family Bin', find out first, then carry on to section 15.

15. Load up the 'Neighborhood' your Sim is in and bring their picture up in the 'Sim Description Editor'.
(If you forgot how to do this read sections 2-5 and sections 10-11)

16. Find the list of your Sim's personality traits which you made!

17. Click on the 'Interests' tab and enter the data in the subsections. You can click on the grey bar next to ie. 'Environment' to alter it this way, or enter a number in the white box at the end of the bar.
Do the same for all subsections ie. 'Paranormal', 'Entertainment'etc.

18. Repeat section 17 for tabs 'Skills' and 'Character' altering subsections until they all match the list which you made*.

If you want to create a clone with a different personality, just enter your own made up data. You can also change the 'Name', 'Aspiration' and 'Zodiac'. HOWEVER, for now, leave alone 'Life Section','Age'and 'Treat As', changing these can have adverse effects.
(Refer to http://www.modthesims2.com/forums.php before making any changes here)

19. Now you need to save the changes. Press 'Commit' in the bottom right of SimPE, and in the SimPE main menu, click 'File'>'Save'.

20. FINISHED, your cloned Sim has just had a personality transplant!

Tip:You can launch a windowed Sims2 from SimPE by selecting 'Tools'>'Sims2' to check your changes.

Your Sim will need to be placed on a lot if you have worked on him/her whilst in the 'Family Bin' to check any personality changes you have made.


This tutorial was originally posted at ModTheSims2.com


Subject Header: Neighborhood Sims Cloning Tutorial v1.0
Author: Morlock

If you have any comments, advice, suggestions, typos or better methods relating to this tutorial, please post a reply in the thread or PM me from the site:



You may republish, redistribute, print out and tear up this tutorial, as long as it is unedited, in it's entirety and remains FREE.

Morlock - Copyright 2005
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Forum Resident
#2 Old 13th Jan 2005 at 5:58 PM
The SimPE is still 14c version at the offical sight for SimPE.
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 14th Jan 2005 at 3:52 AM
Morlock, a great big THANKS!!! for the mod!!! I've been experimenting with it and it works great. (Now I can see what Meadow Thayer looks like nekid {he he}).

Angelsims2, the site that is second on Morlock's post has the right version.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 14th Jan 2005 at 7:25 AM Last edited by Morlock : 14th Jan 2005 at 7:29 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Slip
Morlock, a great big THANKS!!! for the mod!!! I've been experimenting with it and it works great. (Now I can see what Meadow Thayer looks like nekid {he he})..

Mmm...now that's funny, the first Sim I cloned was Meadow Thayer, and turned her into an adult, for some reason...

I posted a screenie of her:


Angelsims2, the site that is second on Morlock's post has the right version.

I think s/he realises this, and was pointing out my mistake. I'm sure both versions are ok for this tutorial.

I am glad you can follow it ok, It's easy to follow when you have written it yourself. Knowing others can understand it is good news for me.
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 16th Jan 2005 at 1:49 AM
Meadow Thayer has probably the best personality of the whole lot and looks to boot. Several other modders mentioned they were going to use her or had used her in various scenarios.

Stay tuned... now I'm going to try the Clone her with her personality! The whole magilla!!! Cheers!!!
Test Subject
#6 Old 16th Jan 2005 at 5:10 PM
I wanna go try cloning a Sim of mine. Morlock where did you get that top Clothing for Meadow?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#7 Old 17th Jan 2005 at 11:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kill9O
Morlock where did you get that top Clothing for Meadow?

From here:


In the 'Clothes>Adult>Female' section [bottom-middle picture], she has some great stuff on her site. I also changed the default skin to give more anatomical detail.

Hope your cloning goes ok.
Test Subject
#8 Old 24th Jan 2005 at 7:40 PM
Yep My cloning went Okay it was really easy. If i knew how to take screenshots in bodyshop i will show you my sim.
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 28th Jan 2005 at 9:52 PM
Thank you so much for this tutorial!
Test Subject
#10 Old 29th Jan 2005 at 7:05 PM
Now this is going to be a fun toy to use.
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 31st Jan 2005 at 4:03 AM
Thank you very much for this tutorial.
It has saved me from getting a massive migraine.
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 1st Feb 2005 at 12:23 PM
Field Researcher
#13 Old 29th Mar 2005 at 2:51 PM
thank you so much - I've been wondering how to do this for ages, I want to clone my angelina jolie sim -I made her in cas from a sim base I made in bodyshop so she's perfect in my game but I couldn't get her out
now I know how to at last - thanks a lot
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 9th Apr 2005 at 7:25 PM
For some reason the sim I'm trying to clone doesn't appear in the sim surgery, or any other part of SimPE. I've managed to locate her .package file in case that helps. She was born in game, and is currently in the child stage, in case that's relevant.

Any ideas on how to clone her?

"Y'know, you guys are so unhip it's a wonder your bums don't fall off." ~Zaphod Beeblebrox
Test Subject
#15 Old 9th May 2005 at 8:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kill9O
Yep My cloning went Okay it was really easy. If i knew how to take screenshots in bodyshop i will show you my sim.

:offtopic: Oh, to take pictures in bodyshop you need to press the button on your keyboard that says "PrintScreen SysRq" or something close to that (depending on what type of keyboard you're using) then open an image editing program (Like PaintShop Pro, Adobe Photoshop or even the Paint that comes with Windows!) then do a chop and trim and there ya go :sci: :D

Lp rocks! :)
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 2nd Jun 2005 at 2:53 AM
how do u backup the files? Just copy that neighborhoods folder to a CD?
Test Subject
#17 Old 24th Jun 2005 at 7:45 PM
Hi does anyone in here know how to change the skin of a sim just nothing else, a sim that has already been made? Because i would like my sim to be tanner and still have all their memories but i cant seem to find anyone to help me!
Test Subject
#18 Old 24th Nov 2006 at 7:05 PM
Is there any way to get a CAS-created sim in the sim bin without SimPE?
Test Subject
#19 Old 15th Sep 2007 at 1:51 AM
I was wondering, is there ANY other way to clone a Sim without Sim Surgery. I've captured Mrs. CrumpleBottom, and cause shes in the stupid frackin object.package folder she wont show up in it (well, none of the special NPC's show up in it). is there a way I can move her to the saved sims folder? I downloaded her clone but i want to have the pleasure of torturing the real mrs crumplebottom, not her elderly twin. sorry if i dont make sense.
Test Subject
#20 Old 15th Sep 2007 at 2:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by dontbenosey2003
Hi does anyone in here know how to change the skin of a sim just nothing else, a sim that has already been made? Because i would like my sim to be tanner and still have all their memories but i cant seem to find anyone to help me!

There is a way to apply somebody else's skin onto another sim. If you have a sim in the hood with your desired skintone, its possible.

1 Open sim surgery, and find the picture of the sim you want to apply the skin to. Click on them and put them as the Patient.

2 Find the sim whose skintone you want to use, and put them in as the Archetype.

3 Under the Archetype panel thingy, check the box that says "Skintone Only", then commit sim surgery.

4 Once Sim surgery is complete, your sims' panel will open at the bottom of the SimPE window. In the upper right hand corner of the panel, click "Commit", and you're done!
Test Subject
#21 Old 15th Dec 2007 at 9:25 AM
I come to 7 ..
but there is no sims :S i don't know why :S
Test Subject
#22 Old 12th Apr 2010 at 8:06 AM
Thank you so much such kind of information... Many of us don't know about that problem. But thank you for this all..

Test Subject
#23 Old 25th Aug 2012 at 1:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Slip
Meadow Thayer has probably the best personality of the whole lot and looks to boot. Several other modders mentioned they were going to use her or had used her in various scenarios.

Stay tuned... now I'm going to try the Clone her with her personality! The whole magilla!!! Cheers!!!

Appearances are overrated.
Lab Assistant
#24 Old 12th Oct 2012 at 7:54 AM
Soo... you can't just copy character files into a new neighbor file?
Site Helper
#25 Old 12th Oct 2012 at 4:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Fluffy Puff
Soo... you can't just copy character files into a new neighbor file?
No. This won't work, but could corrupt your new neighborhood.
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