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#1 Old 25th Feb 2013 at 2:22 AM Last edited by auntielynds : 16th Jul 2013 at 6:50 AM.
Default Aurora Skies Textures, ini & Color Ramps, & Height Map
Aurora Skies Textures, ini & Color Ramps, & Height Map



I put the wrong street detail texture in the Pavement folder.

In the Textures folder, is another folder titled "Misc". In there is the correct one named Pavement_Street_detail Place it in the second slot

Height Map:
Attached files:
File Type: 7z  Aurora Skies Textures & Roads.7z (8.79 MB, 5023 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: 7z  Aurora Skies Map 300.7z (2.29 MB, 1706 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: 7z  Aurora Skies ini & Color Ramps.7z (17.5 KB, 1783 downloads) - View custom content
File Type: 7z  Aurora Skies ini & Color Ramps For Config.7z (17.3 KB, 1183 downloads) - View custom content
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#2 Old 25th Feb 2013 at 5:27 AM
Thank you!! I was hoping someone would have it somewhere already! :D
Test Subject
#3 Old 25th Feb 2013 at 11:02 AM
Thank you so much!! I was waiting for like days someone to release the terrain paints as I really need them! I extracted the height map myself as I used S3PE to get Aurora Skies in CAW. But thanks again!!
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#4 Old 25th Feb 2013 at 3:49 PM
Am I the only one having issues with the CAW terrain and snow? The snow seems transparant on these terrains in my game, meaning that the gravel is visible even on thick snow.
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#5 Old 26th Feb 2013 at 5:24 AM
I saw a thread here about that issue not long after Seasons came out. I don't think anyone had any insight to why this happens. I'm sure you're not the only one, and I wonder if people are just not posting about it.
Test Subject
#6 Old 28th Feb 2013 at 2:45 PM
Hey auntielynds, we are indeed posting about it but on the officials http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/650201.page

I actually came here hoping someone had possibly made the geothermal lake fresh water so it would freeze over, and see if that makes a difference. It's just a theory based on what people have been posting in the thread XD
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#7 Old 2nd Mar 2013 at 2:18 AM
Ahhh............. Now that's interesting. It's certainly some good info to keep mindful of when creating a custom world.

Thanks for the heads up
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#8 Old 8th Mar 2013 at 5:37 PM
When i downloaded aurora skies i went into map view and i could see the grass but when i zoomed into an area that wasn't a lot the grass disappeared and became mud, so i'm guessing that the textures are missing and was wondering if you knew here i should put these files so they will turn up in my game? please help i have been trying to figure it out for hours!
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#9 Old 8th Mar 2013 at 5:55 PM
Never mind i fixed it thankyou for uploading this your a lifesaver!
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#10 Old 15th Apr 2013 at 2:44 PM
I'm having a problem with the roads
whatever i do the pavementstreet one does not have the white lines. (crosswalk texture)
i don't know why since i did select the file... am i doing something wrong?
Forum Resident
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#11 Old 15th Apr 2013 at 6:30 PM

I put the wrong street detail texture in the Pavement folder.

In the Textures folder, is another folder titled "Misc". In there is the correct one named Pavement_Street_detail Place it in the second slot.

Thank you for giving me the heads up on it.
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#12 Old 23rd May 2013 at 12:34 PM
Hi, could you tell me how to use the custom ini and color ramp or where to put them? I'm kinda confuse with this thread;

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#13 Old 23rd May 2013 at 12:36 PM
Hi, could anyone tell me how to use the custom ini and color ramp or where to put them? I'm kinda confuse with this thread;

Forum Resident
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#14 Old 23rd May 2013 at 11:28 PM
That is a very old thread. We've discovered more now. If you're using the ini and color ramps from the EA worlds, then you want to read this thread, CAW resource packaging routines

If you want to alter your own, read this one, Sea, Sky and Light parameters- let's learn!

It takes a lot of trial and error, but the best way to learn, is to jump right in and try.
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#15 Old 24th May 2013 at 3:49 AM
Quote: Originally posted by auntielynds
That is a very old thread. We've discovered more now. If you're using the ini and color ramps from the EA worlds, then you want to read this thread, CAW resource packaging routines

If you want to alter your own, read this one, Sea, Sky and Light parameters- let's learn!

It takes a lot of trial and error, but the best way to learn, is to jump right in and try.

Thanks for the infos, auntielynds!
Oh, by the way.. does this custom ini and color ramp affect the color of snow in the game, like maybe turning it to gray in certain lots, just like what happen in aurora skies?
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#16 Old 24th May 2013 at 5:39 AM
No, that depends on the elevation of the land. Ea intentionally coded the snow to lighten, then disappear as the land descends into the water. The Aurora Sky world builders evidently forgot to take that into consideration when they were sculpting the world, lol.
Test Subject
#17 Old 25th May 2013 at 1:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by auntielynds
No, that depends on the elevation of the land. Ea intentionally coded the snow to lighten, then disappear as the land descends into the water. The Aurora Sky world builders evidently forgot to take that into consideration when they were sculpting the world, lol.

I see, that's a relieve... I don't want any lots to look gray. Anyway, thank you so much!
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#18 Old 23rd Jun 2013 at 8:48 AM
Do you know what one of the ini files is responsible for the aurora above the town?
Forum Resident
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#19 Old 23rd Jun 2013 at 9:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by wolfbane
Do you know what one of the ini files is responsible for the aurora above the town?

This is an "I Think", but I think the ini files, and color ramps from Aurora Skies all work in conjunction with each other to give the desired effects. You can play around with dividing them up, and see what happens.
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#20 Old 14th Jul 2013 at 6:44 PM
Hello, can you help me, please, can you give me folder config and character import files of Aurora Skies
Forum Resident
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#21 Old 15th Jul 2013 at 4:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by maksim01
Hello, can you help me, please, can you give me folder config and character import files of Aurora Skies

Never mind the pm, I figured out which ones.

I'll get them up tonight..............I'll add them to the first post.
Test Subject
#22 Old 15th Jul 2013 at 12:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by auntielynds
Never mind the pm, I figured out which ones.

I'll get them up tonight..............I'll add them to the first post.

auntielynds, can you add them to this thread?
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#23 Old 25th Jul 2013 at 10:00 PM
Hello, when I put in the Sea.ini.ini in a world, (with S3PE) It's a black water! Would have to be in water color Aurora Skies, no?
Forum Resident
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#24 Old 26th Jul 2013 at 12:22 AM
There are two sets of ini files. They are the same except how they are named designates which method you use to put them in your world.

The file named "Aurora Skies ini & Color Ramps" are imported to the .world file using s3pe.

The file named "Aurora Skies ini & Color Ramps For Config" are placed in a new file in your world folder named "Config".
Information here: Caw Resource Packaging Routines

Test Subject
#25 Old 26th Jul 2013 at 2:42 PM
Thank you.
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