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#26 Old 18th Aug 2006 at 12:03 AM
I think I may have done it!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#27 Old 18th Aug 2006 at 12:04 AM
Sounds like you're more having trouble with SimPE than this tutorial, then. Mosey yourself over to the SimPE support forums... there are some on this site, and some on the official SimPE site.

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“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
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Test Subject
#28 Old 18th Aug 2006 at 12:15 AM
I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Test Subject
#29 Old 18th Aug 2006 at 2:44 AM
Thank you so much! I can have really good looking elder females now. I've just made a dress for both adult and elder females and it's great!
Test Subject
#30 Old 29th Sep 2006 at 8:15 PM
hi Faylen, Tiggerypum,
i seem to be having trouble with the age conversion. specifically with Tiggerypum's cargo shorts and three-quarter sleeve men's shirts. the files all read 48 for age (the shirts came that way, and i did the shorts myself), but none of them show up for my college students. i have only the basegame and university.
thanks for any response you can give me,
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#31 Old 30th Sep 2006 at 5:35 AM
48 should work just fine... maybe try switching them to 58 (so they work for elders as well) and make sure you have it under the "age" category in the Property Set. There's a lot of settings in there and I often get 'em mixed up myself when adjusting ages.

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“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 30th Sep 2006 at 9:03 AM
You've made my day! Thank you for this tutorial, it was easy to understand and really helpful!

If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
Test Subject
#33 Old 30th Sep 2006 at 9:23 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I was trying to do this in a much more complicated way and it didn't work for all clothing. I knew there had to be a better way and that SimPE would be the tool.
Test Subject
#34 Old 8th Oct 2006 at 2:38 PM
i changed it to 58 and they now show up for elders and adults, but still not for young adults. i'm confused.
Test Subject
#35 Old 7th Nov 2006 at 2:47 PM
Dude this is so great i love my sims to be hip at all ages i really needed this thanks so much.

Rawk On!!!
Test Subject
#36 Old 24th Nov 2006 at 8:21 PM
What are the child, toddler, and teen codes anyway?

Umm... nothing here... just go on!
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#37 Old 24th Nov 2006 at 8:30 PM
clovests2, you can check the codes for child, toddler, and teen, by looking at the age value on an existing recolour of any clothing for those ages. However, trying to change any item to any of those values would be pointless, as the skeletons are not the same size and it wouldn't work right using this technique. You'd have to make a new mesh to fit the younger ages, which of course, would require you know how to make a brand new mesh and do the necessary changes to not only scale down a body, but also make the proportions right - an adult female mesh scaled directly down to child would still have hips and boobs, for instance, and would look Very Bad because of it.

my simblr (sometimes nsfw)

“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
Lab Assistant
#38 Old 6th Dec 2006 at 10:02 PM
Stupid question: will this work for custom clothes that require a special/user-created mesh?
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#39 Old 6th Dec 2006 at 10:22 PM
silo pixel & bean - Yup, it'll work just the same for custom clothes.

my simblr (sometimes nsfw)

“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
Test Subject
#40 Old 19th Jan 2007 at 11:53 PM
I have the newest version of SimPE to find the property set you double click like said to open it but i had to use the the search under tools to find the property set but everything else works the same
Test Subject
#41 Old 24th Feb 2007 at 6:54 AM
We appreciate this tutorial; it was a great help. Especially once Lizzrom realized resource tree and resouce list are NOT the same thing.
Rinzarbin and Lizzrom
Test Subject
#42 Old 15th Mar 2007 at 4:21 PM
Anybody tried this with Family Fun Kimono's/Seasons's. I can't seem to get it to work.

Test Subject
#43 Old 20th Mar 2007 at 12:21 AM
Thank you so much, it works well ^^. Now all I need to find is a program to design my own clothes like make them and such
Test Subject
#44 Old 24th Mar 2007 at 5:16 PM
First I want to Thank you for providing this tutorial. I searched every Forum that I could find looking for a way to convert some of Warlokk's custom body meshes to Young Adult. I finally found this thread yesterday and was trying to do the conversions by just reading the first post. WQhich worked great till I got to the Property Set step. I tried everything to no avail to get the property set to open, but nothing worked. So I went back and read all the posts. After I tried what Jason15417 had posted, everything started to work just like the tutorial was saying to do.

So a really big Thank you to all of you. I thank you and my Sims thank you.

Lab Assistant
#45 Old 30th Mar 2007 at 10:55 PM
Thank you for the tutorial
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
#46 Old 30th Mar 2007 at 11:19 PM
Clothes can be converted to from teen <-> adult/YA in cases where a Maxis or other analogous mesh exists by reassigning the texture to the corresponding mesh, a somewhat more complicated procedure. This can actually be done at extremely low footprint, without creating the bloatware involved in duplicating the entire texture in bodyshop and doubling your memory usage.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Admin of Randomness
retired moderator
#47 Old 31st Mar 2007 at 1:37 AM
JM, the texture can only be assigned to 1 mesh at a time, right?

So you could 'change' the outfit from using one mesh/age to another, which would not be easy for most folks.

although when we say 'convert' here, we're not proposing removing the outfit from the age it's available in - you can't make one texture use 2 different meshes for the different ages can you?

"Undertake something that is difficult; it will do you good. Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow." - Ronald E. Osborn

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Lab Assistant
#48 Old 19th May 2007 at 10:12 PM
well it took me ages to find the tutorial (sneaky little thing hiding from me) then i realised i needed SimPE, had a he-uge panic 'cos i didn't know if they'd done it for seasons, was relieved as i realised they had updated.... then paniced AGAIN as i worried that i might not be able to do the stuff as i hadn't used SimPE before. the result.... i now have a perfect Elder outfit that was only for adults before :D!!! i can not begin to thank you enough for this tutorial Faylen. it was easy to follow and works brilliantly. thankyou again!

if you ask me what im thinking.... the answer is always the same.

girl with a one track mind over here.
#49 Old 25th May 2007 at 12:28 PM
Just out of Question...

back to the 24th Nov 2006, 08:21 PM , clovests2 posted about the Codes for Teen and Such.

HP Replyed with this :

clovests2, you can check the codes for child, toddler, and teen, by looking at the age value on an existing recolour of any clothing for those ages. However, trying to change any item to any of those values would be pointless, as the skeletons are not the same size and it wouldn't work right using this technique. You'd have to make a new mesh to fit the younger ages, which of course, would require you know how to make a brand new mesh and do the necessary changes to not only scale down a body, but also make the proportions right - an adult female mesh scaled directly down to child would still have hips and boobs, for instance, and would look Very Bad because of it.

But... Cold you post them here annyay?

Because I would like a Adult-ish looking Teen and I BELIVE It woulnt be that weird looking....


BodyShopped /// ShoofleedSims
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world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#50 Old 25th May 2007 at 1:53 PM
Well, you're welcome to think that, but it WOULD be that weird looking, and it wouldn't work. Teens and adults are different sizes and the neck and head would not match up and it would just look awful. You could go ahead and try, getting the age values from an existing teen outfit, just to see for yourself how bad it looks... To refit from teen to adult (or adult to teen) one must make a new mesh to fit the different sized body - not that hard as meshing goes, that refit, but a remesh -is- required if only to make the neck match up properly, even if you don't change the proportions of the body much.

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“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
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