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Field Researcher
#26 Old 13th May 2008 at 1:28 AM
Various face issues.

This is but one of the millions of manifestations of it should I blast my graphics too high e_e; fortunately I should be upgrading to a better graphics card tonight!
Test Subject
#27 Old 13th May 2008 at 1:35 AM
I've had sims disappear before. I tried restoring them with SimPE, exiting without saving, etc., but eventually they'd be gone again. Haven't had that happen in a while, though, thankfully.
#28 Old 13th May 2008 at 11:25 AM
I had a Sim once that instead of getting out of the pool, continued to swim everywhere he went! I thought getting him to bed would fix it, but it he continued to build body points in his sleep and also had a water halo around his head. I think it finally fixed itself when he age transitioned into a teen the next day. Actually it was pretty amusing watching the kid swim through the livingroom!
Field Researcher
#29 Old 14th May 2008 at 6:41 AM
^ I had something kind of like that happen in The Sims Castaway Stories! My Sim went swimming and when she got out, she had the water rings following her everywhere she walked. But once I saved, quit, went back in and then had her swim and get back out again they went away.
Field Researcher
#30 Old 14th May 2008 at 2:50 PM
It didn't scare me but it surprised me when Irina suddenly turned invisible. Really. I could play her like usual but the only difference was that she was invisible. It was pretty amusing to watch her doings. Plates floating in the air when she was cleaning etc etc.
Fortunately the problem fixed itself. It was funny but I do want to be able to see my sims thank you very much.
Test Subject
#31 Old 14th May 2008 at 6:47 PM
I have a glitch where certain sims of mine get the "grew up badly" memory, even though they're definitely plat before I let them make the transition. It bothers me, because I know it's going to cut their lifespans short when they age to Elder eventually, and I hate letting my simmies die so quickly!
#32 Old 14th May 2008 at 10:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by PearlRose
I have a glitch where certain sims of mine get the "grew up badly" memory, even though they're definitely plat before I let them make the transition. It bothers me, because I know it's going to cut their lifespans short when they age to Elder eventually, and I hate letting my simmies die so quickly!

There's actually a fix for that up on Simbology if you have Freetime (it was a bug).
#33 Old 14th May 2008 at 10:23 PM
I don't use boolProp anymore. Whenever I turn it on, it auto-errors my sims until I have to force delete them. Last time it happened all of my sims dissapeared and the game crashed. I took out my downloads folder, nothing different.. still got the error report.

Maybe its freetime, but it definatly scared me the first few times it happened.
(Eclipse, Aubrey, and their kids are all gone now! )

Quote: Originally posted by 1306
One of the glitches that freaked me out is the one with the drawing table reward from the Architecture career. When I looked at the pictures in my Storytelling folder, and it turned out like a greyscale mess, I freaked. I wanted to get the patch to fix it, but after reading the mess it makes in everyone's games, I didn't. So I guess I can't take pictures after my sim uses the drawing table.

So its not just my game? Thank goodness. o_o I thought I did something to mess mine up!
Top Secret Researcher
#34 Old 15th May 2008 at 1:34 PM
PlasticBarbie. - The glitch with the drawing table is a Free Time bug. You can fix it with the patch, but I'd suggest you don't get the patch. It'll give you more problems than solutions.

Another glitch that scared me (I don't know if you can call this a glitch) was when neighborhoods disappeared from the "Select Neighborhood" view. Glitch or not, that really freaked me.
Lab Assistant
#35 Old 15th May 2008 at 1:51 PM
I had this weird glitch happen to me last night over at one of my aunt's house..I am letting my cousin's use my brand new not been opened..well until last night, Sims 2 Deluxe...the one that came with the Freetime Two game set back when they first came out...

anyhoo, besides being jealous that her graphic card is extremely better than mine, i started a family to kind of show my cousins how to play.

I had a female sim in that family go to downtown to get some more clothes..and well when she came back,....i looked at the screen and it wasn't three sims like before i went to downtown. it was just the male sim and their baby boy, the car had returned but i zoomed the camera to it and she wasn't even in the car...it was like she was none existent and boy she was good looking maxis sim.

freaking out, i saved, exited to neighborhood view and re-entered the house, she was there and she was standing by the house like if she had just moved in...and she was back on the sims bar so it was now three again...

boy did that scare me....

my bad on the long post.
#36 Old 15th May 2008 at 6:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Cheshire Kat
I would really like to know what causes this. My skunks walk around just fine now, but now I have a penguin that walks, uhm, sort of sideways.

And someone posted a video of the fenced-in flying skunk somewhere, it's hilarious!
ETA - I found The Amazing Flying Skunk video! It's by Ferret.

I forced an error on the Skunk because it was twitching. Then it kinda glitched and went like that! Fortunately not all the skunks in the neighbourhood ended up like that!

Okay, one that really suprised me was when Pascal (?) Curious gave birth to triplets. This was a glitch cause I didn't have any hacks back then (this was waaaaaaaaay back in the days when I didn't know about CC ) and apparently he is programmed to only have one baby, like how Brandy Broke is programmed to have a boy.
Field Researcher
#37 Old 16th May 2008 at 1:16 AM
The most surprising one I can think of right now was when Edward pulled a remote control car out of the mailbox. XD It was right after I installed Freetime, and I'd already had someone get a coupon in the mail so I was thinking, "Wow, someone sent him a toy?" and didn't think to take a picture. It vanished as soon as he closed the mailbox door.

That, and there was another time when one of my girls invited her boyfriend to live with her, he brought about 1,000,000 Simoleons with him despite the fact that he only had maybe 3,000. Now THAT was a surprise.
#38 Old 16th May 2008 at 5:28 AM
Both examples I can think of happened on the same lot - clearly it was cursed.

The first time, all the service people just stopped coming to the lot. This isn't particularly scary in itself; it just made me wonder why I hadn't seen the maid in so long. Then the teenage daughter set the stove on fire and the fireman didn't come... and didn't come... and didn't come. Eventually I moved them out of the lot, went back in build mode with move_objects on and deleted the fire object. For a while there, I'd thought they were all going to burn to death.

A generation later, on the same lot, I picked up a toddler with move_objects which created some really bizarre graphics glitches; the toddler became invisible, the toddler became invisible and was mysteriously selectable in a completely wrong part of the house, the dad carried the toddler up the stairs, but his arms were bent backwards and the toddler was displaying on the other side of the room. This may or may not have been connected to how a different toddler on the same lot started acting like a baby and could not be picked up without causing error messages.

Also, in the process of fixing the toddler problems above, I moved the family out of the lot while the nanny was there; she reappeared on the lot as if she was a member of the family, and there was no option to dismiss her - I eventually had to delete her with move_objects.
Field Researcher
#39 Old 16th May 2008 at 5:54 AM
I forgot about those rich NPCs. I had a sim of mine marry the pizza lady. She joined the household with over a million simoleons...I decided that she was the heiress to a major pizza chain where her father made her actually work her way up. Her LTW was to become a business tycoon, worked out perfectly.
I want to go out
retired moderator
#40 Old 16th May 2008 at 6:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by 1306
PlasticBarbie. - The glitch with the drawing table is a Free Time bug. You can fix it with the patch, but I'd suggest you don't get the patch. It'll give you more problems than solutions.

I'd disagree- the patch solves a whole load of quite nasty bugs, like the aspiration problem and the motive decay during ballet.

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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Top Secret Researcher
#41 Old 17th May 2008 at 2:21 PM
simsample - Wasn't the patch taken down by EAxis? Or am I missing something?

Graphic glitches get to me. When I see glitchy hair, faces, screens, etc--I freak out. Totally.
I want to go out
retired moderator
#42 Old 18th May 2008 at 1:49 PM
Yes it was- but not because the patch itself was faulty, but because of the game 'bug' (more like programming mess-up) where the game writes to the skins.package file. The patch wouldn't install for a lot of people because the skin package had been modified, so the patch installer gave the message 'you need to reinstall the Sims 2 Freetime'. I think EAxis got fed up with all of the support calls so they pulled it! If you still want to install it, the patch is available from Moreawesomethanyou (here) but you may have to replace your skins.package (and possibly objects.package) from the Freetime disc first. This will cause you to lose any custom clothing you created with the Sewing machine, so you could just copy your old skins.package and replace it after you've patched to avoid this. I don't think the patch actually touches the skins.package, it just checks that it's there and the right size.

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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Lab Assistant
#43 Old 18th May 2008 at 7:36 PM
This happened today. My Sim girl had twin. And when she went to pu the first baby somewhere so she can have the other, the action qued had a picture of a toliet and when I hovered over it, it said "Hand baby to..." My girl tried to hand the baby to the toliet.
#44 Old 19th May 2008 at 6:52 AM
A few weeks ago, I had a lot where a couple had just welcomed two twins. The babies weren't even a day old yet, and I decided the mother would be caught fooling around with her old flame. The couple broke up and the mother moved out. I put her on another lot, and she started getting free will motives to "Hold youngster". I zoomed out to find that the two tiny babies were laying on the sidewalk at either side of the house. The weird thing was that while the mother could interact with them if it was her free will motive, there were no interactions available if I manually clicked on the babies.

I exited and went to the older house, the babies were still there with the father. I went back into the new lot, and the babies were still laying on the sidewalk. I waited to see what would happen, they cried and got dirty diapers and were out there for a total of 6 Sim days. I moved the mother out, but the babies were still there with the room mate. When snow came and buried the babies, it was too much. I moved the room mate out entirely and moved her back in. I had to redecorate the entire house, but the 'ghost' babies were gone.

Another weird thing was with another child on another lot. Her arms went backwards and she'd do her homework upside down, it was very strange. Once she grew into a teenager, it went back to normal.
#45 Old 22nd May 2008 at 12:08 AM
A weird glitch I came across while playing today: Matthew Smith, a townie from the garden club, recently moved in with a Sim of mine. When my Sim asked how much money he had, he said he had a lot (three $'s), but when he moved in he brought a whopping ONE DOLLAR!!!!! and no inventory items at all. So I moved him out.
I just started playing with him again after I moved him into a new house, and for some weird reason, though he is an elder, he only qualifies for teenage jobs! He works teenage hours (three hours a day?) for like, 70$, and reaches the top of a career after three advancements. Weird!
Top Secret Researcher
#46 Old 22nd May 2008 at 12:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by coltraz
just started playing with him again after I moved him into a new house, and for some weird reason, though he is an elder, he only qualifies for teenage jobs! He works teenage hours (three hours a day?) for like, 70$, and reaches the top of a career after three advancements.
That's actually normal.

Test Subject
#47 Old 22nd May 2008 at 12:16 AM
My graphics just went nuts one day : there was staight lines, with the colours I had used for my house but, not well aligned : I couldn't see anything. I stopped and then started again it was back to normal. My biggest scare ever.
Site Helper
#48 Old 22nd May 2008 at 12:30 AM
I have some kind of glitch causing custom content or even Maxis content to go awol while I'm playing. The CC is still in the folder, but it stops showing in the game.

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
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#49 Old 22nd May 2008 at 1:14 AM
Ghost, do you have CC enabled in-game? If not, enable it and then restart, and your CC should show just fine. Otherwise you've probably got a wonky package somewhere...
#50 Old 22nd May 2008 at 2:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Daisie
That's actually normal.


how so?
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