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Lab Assistant
#26 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 11:24 PM
Well, when I first started doing online stuff where you have to register, I was like, what should I do. Well, everything I tried was taken, so I tried shelbnumber1, since my name is shelby. I just kept using it. Not too interesting
#27 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 12:28 AM
Uhm...Mine isn't a nickname. It's my real name. :hmm: The only nicknames I have is Mimi and Storm and those are just derivitives of my first name.
#28 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 6:23 AM
I'm a Slytherin through and through, and I've used Slytheringirl (or some close variation) as my name online for years. If you see another one it could very well be me! :P

You can call me Robyn, tis my name after all
#29 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 6:47 AM
Well my name is Cassie - full name Cassandra and one of my friends just started calling me it one day...

Cass, 22, Australia
My Simblr
#30 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 6:51 AM
Well My name is kind of from one of my favorite things when I was 13....TINKERBELL!

Do you remember Peter Pan saying "All you need is to think happy thoughts and a little Pixie Dust!" which hence would come the "PixieDust" and then of course people would probably be confused where I'm going with the pixie dust so I added on "Fairy." so people would understand the tinkerbell part. And in the end it actually turnd out that very few people got it .lol.


The First Time I saw him....I knew he was the one.
Currently:A Model.
Lab Assistant
#31 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 7:09 AM
Hmmm. My name's Joy, but at first I decided to .. not use it for my nick, so I decided to get something close to it. Joey. What am I doing here then? Because I love the Sims 2! And I decided that JoeySims is quite.. dull and boring.

And so I added the "zee" behind

Shoo, stop staring at this and go fly a kite.
Test Subject
#32 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 7:45 AM
Defective Tragedy is a song I like{but not a lot}, and it shares the initial with my favorite artist, Danson Tang. So I picked this name... =D I also goes by gazelovexx and ..luV"*rEvoLuTION""...

But I think something like gazelovexx is too plain and ...luV"*rEvoLuTION""... is a bit too fancy{and too much symbols}...
#33 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 8:12 AM
i got some

flffysgrlply, fluffysgirlplayer, SesshomarusGirlPlayer, and Sesshomarusgirl
all because i like sesshomaru off of InuYasha and i think he's hot

i dont know where i found this but i think i was havin a dream in it came up ive used it for a couple of websites

i found off the web idk where but i did and i fell in love with that name and Ariel is my name so it work out
Test Subject
#34 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 9:24 AM
My nickname comes from my favorite flower Boring, I know.
#35 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 6:06 PM
My name surrounds the original characters of a Stargate: SG-1 RP. The T stands for Tehrat, my character, who was a Goa'uld and the daughter of Anubis. The R stands for Robek, the Imcranised version of the Egyptian god Sobek and, in the RP the enemy of Anubis and lover of Tehrat. Iriana is their first child, their daughter so... TRIriana. .
#36 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 6:34 PM
Basically I made it up when I needed a different net name. I wanted something more unique so made a new word that sounded like a name. I often go by “Velda” which is the English version of the German name Valda. The full netname is composed of things that are special to me:

Vel – comes from velvet – which I love and is something my friends associate with me.
Gia – derived from Gaia who is a goddess of all creation.
Field Researcher
#37 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 7:52 PM
From Porta-Potty!


Okay, thothep is a character in a novel I'm working on (I have a lot of novels I'm working on very slowly) that spun off a piece of fanfiction I started ages and ages ago (now abandoned). Anyway, I was having trouble naming him, so I turned to my family for assistance. This was during the summer, when my family would take the time every day to do the one newspaper puzzle as a group, where you had to take letter from a given word to make other words. Also, I asked after dinner, and during dinner my mum had related a story about how one of the porta-potties had gone missing from the construction site at my old school. So, we wound up playing around with the letters in porta-potty, and the poor character got stuck with the name Totap. Later on I used him as part of a LARP character (Malkavian with MPD) and a friend reworked the name to make it more Egyptian (because the character is), thus he was renamed thothep.

"Segregate the sinful sexes..." "Wait, how many sexes are there?" "Two." "It's not enough I say, go out and order some more."
Test Subject
#38 Old 26th Aug 2007 at 9:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Daisie
Daisie (yep, spelled like that) is my dog's name. Pathetic, huh?

......no..... not really.... or maybe it is.... LOL!

Mine is my dog's name too. His name is Buster, and my friends started calling him Buster Brown one day, and the name just stuck to him. And then I was poking around this forum and decided to join, and I took my dog's name. He doesn't mind. He said so. :P
Top Secret Researcher
#39 Old 27th Aug 2007 at 12:30 AM
I think my nickname speaks for itself. LOL

~* Childish, Eco-Friendly, Snob, Couch Potato, Inappropriate *~
#40 Old 27th Aug 2007 at 12:36 AM
Me..I couldn't think of anything else at the time of joining and having 5 kids screaming in the background...Well that was all I could think of...*The little ferals*..so that is why I have it.
Top Secret Researcher
#41 Old 27th Aug 2007 at 12:37 AM
I've always wondered what your nickname meant mumo, now I know. Yay!

~* Childish, Eco-Friendly, Snob, Couch Potato, Inappropriate *~
#42 Old 27th Aug 2007 at 2:49 AM
It's a Zodiac sign, it's associated with some of my favourite characters from a bad 80s anime that I love, and frankly it just sounded cool. When some of my friends and I joined another RP-based forum we decided that [as we were RPing for that bad 80s anime] we would use the Zodiac signs as our usernames. I got both Aries and Cancer...but I figured Aries would be more acceptable in polite society than 'cancer', eheh.

If 'Aries' is taken (which it sometimes is) then Naihpat or sitakhet are pseudonyms I go by as well. The first is a character in a book on Alexander the Great that I've read, and the second is my livejournal name, and smushes together some supposedly ancient egyptian words. I got them from a book I read long ago. It was about Moses. :einstein
Test Subject
#43 Old 27th Aug 2007 at 3:03 AM
Mmm. Mine's kinda-sorta gibberish. I was listening to Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky on the radio and thought it was funny how the some Russian names can put together a bunch of consonants and still be pronounceable. And lo, Lwerszva was born. It works for me because 99% of the time it isn't taken. If it is I feel very strange.
Test Subject
#44 Old 29th Aug 2007 at 10:54 PM
Remember the heffalumps and woozels from Winnie the Poo anyone? Well, an old friend of mine did when she christened me Soozelwoozel a few years back. The 'Soozel' bit comes from the fact that most people call me Suze or 'Sooze'. It's a silly and kinda childish name but I quite like it. It fools people into thinking I'm cute and innocent...
#45 Old 30th Aug 2007 at 1:10 AM
I love, and have spent many years rescuing, donkeys & hybrids, hence 'longears'. The '15' was just a random number...may well have been a reason for it at the time, but I can't remember now

Please call me Laura
"The gene pool needs more chlorine."
My Site
Top Secret Researcher
#46 Old 30th Aug 2007 at 1:14 AM
Aww, cute name, Longears. :p

#47 Old 30th Aug 2007 at 1:16 AM
Well... lol I just thought it would brighten a person's day. You know, to see this and try to read, "Zzzaaaa...gggeee....tttiiiddd... oh, ha ha". I like to have fun and joke around. I think it suits me just fine
#48 Old 30th Aug 2007 at 1:20 AM
Iris is just my favorite name... And I love the song Iris bu the Goo Goo Dolls and if I have a daughter later, I want her to be named Iris... lol! oh and all the dots and stars are just because "Iris" was already taken
#49 Old 30th Aug 2007 at 1:25 AM
Yay, Goo Goo Dolls haha

Mine is made up by my friend who just went to college =[
Lab Assistant
#50 Old 30th Aug 2007 at 1:56 AM
Night Revenant -This name belongs to S2C, MTS2 and SS solely. I was here beforehand under a different handle but it's novelty wore off quickly and besides, I needed a change. I love the night time, prefer it to the day for the night is cool, it's not bright and it's peaceful. Revenant is a return of a person after a long absence or after death. At any rate, let's just say the name fits.

"I am a fly in the ointment, I am a whisper in the shadows. I am also an old, old woman. More than that you need not know."
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