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Field Researcher
#26 Old 6th May 2009 at 1:17 AM
Im deciding wether or not to enter..


Ok I decided I am. Ill have my app ready soon.
#27 Old 6th May 2009 at 1:28 AM
Oh boy, I am mutating to become a contest junkie. I like this one...but when I saw LouBarratt88 application I was scared off. This Sims are amazing and the pictures are great. So I am not sure whether I should join...I will sleep over it.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#28 Old 6th May 2009 at 1:53 AM
The more contestants the better, there might just be a shiny star at the end.

So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
I should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

Field Researcher
#29 Old 6th May 2009 at 2:07 AM
So wait Im a little confused on the picture requirements for the app. Do we need a headshot and bodyshot for each sim and then a shot of them together or a headshot bodyshot and freeshot for each sim then a freeshot together? Now I'm even more confused :P
Lab Assistant
#30 Old 6th May 2009 at 10:35 AM
I had a lot of fun in your last contest PuX, so Im going to enter this one! I just finished making my two sims, but Im off to bed so Ill have my app in much later tomorrow night.
Mad Poster
#31 Old 6th May 2009 at 12:59 PM
Default PixCii's Application - Hugh and Rose
Name: Hugh Gallagher
Age: 24
Current Residence: Canberra, Australia

Well, I’ve never been one for modeling, though I have to say, I definitely have the face for it. Before I met Rosie, I was a bit of a player, but one conversation with her and I was willing to change everything for her. At the moment I work in a garage restoring old cars, and that’s what I do in my spare time when I’m not with Rosie. We first met two years ago, and at first it was just a friendship, but eventually we grew closer until how we are today, and neither of us could be happier!

Name: Rose Parkes
Age: 23
Current Residence: Canberra, Australia

Before I met Hugh I was never one for dating. I suppose it’s odd that I met him, one of the biggest players in town, and he was my first and last love experience. At the moment I work as a librarian in a primary school, and I’m loving every minute of it though I don’t know if I want kids of my own. When I’m not with Hugh or at school, I spend my spare time brushing up on history about my greatest interest, the Civil War, though most of my free time is with Hugh. We met at a party at a bar a couple of years ago, and have been pretty much inseparable ever since.

#32 Old 6th May 2009 at 1:19 PM
aba23 - Don't be scared off! I'm not that great, besides you probably have more creativity then me when it comes to setting the pictures up, I rush them!

betterthanbarbiie - Thank you :D
Forum Resident
#33 Old 6th May 2009 at 2:23 PM
Default ktbcca- Application
Name: Tay Cesal
Age: 27
Current Residence: Belladonna Cove


Tay: "Yup, that's me up there...surprised? When my mother was nineteen she was abducted by aliens, not such a strange occurrence for where she resided. They plucked her right up from her back porch on her house in Strangetown. She came back pregnant with me, and nine months later there I was in her arms. She has told me that the night she was abducted was the craziest and scariest night of her life, but the outcome was remarkable and wonderful and she would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I know, makes your heart melt doesn't it?"


Tay: "That's my Simsanto Inc. Biotech Station, I use it in my free time to just mess around with microbes. Growing up I was always drawn to science, so it was a no-brainer for me to get a degree in exobiology. That's technically, 'the search for the origin of life on the Earth, and in the Universe,' if you were wondering. After graduation, I went on to work for SASO (Sims Aeronautics and Space Organization) and ended up on the Universal Space Station, which is where I met my beautiful girlfriend, Brei."

Name: Brei Wharton
Age: 26
Current Residence: Belladonna Cove


Brei: "Hi! I'm Brei. Yes, like the cheese..." *sigh* "I grew up here in Belladonna Cove and honestly never thought I'd be back. I had a really rough childhood. My parents constantly fought, my dad would leave for days and come back wasted...On top of that I was the biggest geek in school and had zero friends. I suppose I wouldn't want to be friends with a plant obsessed girl who smells like potting soil either...but the past is the past and I've been really trying to let it all go. Oh my GOD, you don't want to hear all this, sorry!"


Brei: "I'll get on with the story...It was always my dream to be a botanist, and after paying my way through college as a waitress, I finally fulfilled that dream and received my diploma. A few years after college I landed a job with SASO. They were searching for a way to keep astronauts fed in space for long periods of time. I was assigned to the task and sent to the Universal Space Station to do my research. It was an amazing process, what with the huge plant growth chambers and whatnot but I got something out of the assignment I really didn't expect, my girlfriend Tay."


Brei: "We arrived at the space station at practically the same time, and met during a mutual lunch break. Since our first meeting, if we weren't working, we were together. After spending almost eight months on the space station, our assignments led us back to earth where we took the relationship to the next level, and moved in together. We bought a small house in Belladonna cove and are slowly making it our own. Life has gotten a lot less hectic since we landed back on earth, and although we still have heavy workloads, we manage to squeeze in a lot more alone time. As you can see in the picture, we actually got to have a little picnic! Well, I might have enjoyed it a bit more than Tay..."

Tay: *ahem* "Oh no sweetie, it was great! Good times..." *cough*

Brei: *sigh* "Anyway, We are so thankful we get to be a part of this contest, we can't wait to find out what is in store for us next!"
Lab Assistant
#34 Old 6th May 2009 at 2:58 PM
Wh00t! Lesbian couple! I'm really glad to see this, as considering the gender ratios on this board I wasn't expecting there to be any.
Forum Resident
#35 Old 6th May 2009 at 3:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HyghTyme
Wh00t! Lesbian couple! I'm really glad to see this, as considering the gender ratios on this board I wasn't expecting there to be any.

I like to change things up a little

PixCii- I really like Hugh, maybe it's because he reminds me of Hugh Jackman a little... (yum)

Quote: Originally posted by PuX- 80's
-Four sentences per picture are required.

Current Residence
-Posing Body Shot-
Short Biography (4-10 sentences)

I'm a bit confused over how much we are supposed to write for the application. When I wrote mine I went by the 4 sentence per picture rule, but now I'm wondering if I should shorten it a bit so I don't lose points for not keeping it under 10 sentences per sim...? Halp!
#36 Old 6th May 2009 at 7:06 PM
Default Lucas and Cleo ~ App

Name: Lucas Wilks (Or Sacul P the 6th)
Age: 19
Current Residence: Appleton

"I'm not your average guy... you can tell, huh? I grew up with my earth Dad and... I grew up into a man when I met perfection. Cleo.
I am currently 'between jobs' but I have been fixing the odd car for people. I hope to support my family when it comes by opening my own garage. As you can see, I have many dreams. Half of which may never comes true. One already has. Cleo.
I play a lot of sports, mostly basketball and hockey. I also play bass guitar in our band, Her Invasion."

Name: Cleo Patson
Age: 21
Current Residence: Appleton

"Well, what can I say... I'm yellow. I guess you noticed that.
I'm the complete opposite to Lucas, but he understands me. When I met Lucas it was that 'clear-image-moments-when-every-thing-is-clear-and-you-feel-yourself-falling-in-love' sight that reached me. It has never left.
And I'm glad 'cause I never had much luck with guys. As a bartender I used to have loads of players and idiots around me all the time... You just get bored. I work at 'Grape', the local college bar as I study at the college during the day."

#37 Old 6th May 2009 at 8:44 PM
Default Applicaton
There I was in post-apocalyptic Pleasantville checking to see what my Self Sims were up to. No good, as usual . . . .

Deborah Johnson

Body shot

"Oh, honey, I miss you so much. I wish you hadn't been so selfish. I wish you hadn't been bad to me. I wish it hadn't been so easy to forget about you and find someone else. I wish I wouldn't have gotten distracted by that letter about this contest and forgotten about you. Oh, honey, I've moved on and here you are right where I left you. Oops."

Head Shot

Hi there, reporters with a large telescope lens! I'm Deborah Johnson and I recently jumped out of the Sim Bin into Pleasantville and became "good" friends with my counterpart, Deborah Draiman. Hmmmm, we seem to look a lot alike. I wonder how that is. We think alike. We have a lot in common -- must be why it was so easy for us to hook up with one another. Before Deb and I became bosum buddies, I worked as a dj at a radio station and did modelling on the side over in Minneapolis. It was great fun. Any-hoo, I'm a 24-year-old hot blonde . . . "

"24?!!!! You're not 24!!! Ask anybody. They've seen you around here before and know your age lady!"

" . . . Well . . . I've been to the Sim Bin. You know that Fountain of Youth that knocks you back to the beginning of adulthood everytime you move. Yay for me. I'm all but a teeny-bopper once again.

"If you get to be 24 I get to be 29!"

"Oh! Deborah! Now, you made me forget what I was saying. Give me a minute people, I'll remember. I have a brain cramp."

"Brain? Brain! Gimme the brain. I'm hungry!"

"Uhhhh! I give up! Get down off that rock, quit playing around with Christ, drag your leg over here and tell these people about yourself!

And, before I forget -- I GET TO BE THE GIRL!!!!"

Deborah Draiman

Body Shot

"Hmmmmmph. I am just seeing how tall he is. What else is there for a living dead girl to do when you don't want to have any fun til after dark? And then you get mad at me when I nibble on you. An undead girl gets hungry, you know. Let's sit down and talk, I want to pick your brain."

"Oh, I'm sure you want to pick my brain, all right. Get over here and sit in that chair so I can gaze upon your beauty from a distance."

"Okay, okay, I'm sitting, I'm sitting. I think they are starting to put Pleasantville back together. See all the green? It was so dark and bleak everywhere when I was off trying to be the best model in the world. Sometimes I remember back when I was just like you, Deborah."

Head Shot

"My name is Deborah Draiman. I used to have a happy home, friends, family . . . now, I have my friend Deborah. I'm 29 -- if she gets to be 24, I get to be 29 . . "


"What's age to a hot blonde zombie girl anyway? Being Prom Queen is everything. I want to win so bad I can taste it. It even tastes kind of like a creamy white brain. Nummy.

I want to win this contest really bad. Badder than I want to eat brains. I don't want to be the first loser this time, I want to be the winner.


"Hey! I said I get to be the girl!"

"I get to be the girl, you get to be the boy. I'm wearing a dress!"

"What????!!!! I'm wearing a dress, you brain-obsessed looney-toon beauty!"

(Rip, snap, crackle, pop. Tussle sounds.)

"Not anymore! You'll be dressed like a boy when I'm done with you, sugar plum!"

"LADIES!!! STOP!!! I'll be the boy!"

"Ohhhh! Pookie, you came back!!! I'm so happy now."

"Hey, who are you? Who is he, Deborah? What's he doing here?"

"I AM DD's boy friend. Not you. Now you just sashay your apple-bottom on down the road. Go find yourself one of those rock stars you so love."

"Huh! What are you doing looking at her bum?"

"You're the one that ripped her dress half off. What are you doing with her? I turn my back for -- what -- five hours and you're onto someone else? I'm your reason for living. You -- you -- go over there and meet those dregs of society I brought back here for you. I'm the King of your world. I'm . . . ."

JJ deClone

Head Shot

"I'm JJ deClone and I'm a 35-year-old stunt double. You might think I look just like that whor -- I mean, womanizer -- Jackdaw Macadema, but I'm a far stretch from that poser and I'm sick of posing in his place. I've been all over Simland and like it best here in Pleasantville where I've spent the last few months with the undead love of my life, Deborah. We've been through thick and thin and we'll get through this latest muddle and win those crowns on Prom Night!"

Body Shot

"Ahhhh, I remember this night. It's the first time I looked up into your eyes and saw the hunger in them. Hunger for me. I knew you wanted me more than you ever wanted any other man in your life. Or death? I just knew from that moment on nothing was going to keep me from having you for my very own. You're my one and only queen and the world will know it come Prom Night."

Free Shot

"Are you going to shoot your cannon?"

"Just slide on down that cannon onto my lap you delicious living dead girl, you. Come here and show me you're mine."

(Ewwwwww. Don't look.)

"Oh, baby, watch those fingernails and teeth."

"I'm sorry, Pookie, it's just so hard sometimes."

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#38 Old 6th May 2009 at 10:18 PM
jj, Apps should go like this:
-Body Shot-

-Body Shot-

-Couple Freeshot-

ktbcca, Biographies in the App. round are 4-10 (over 10 sentences are allowed)

So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
I should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

Field Researcher
#39 Old 7th May 2009 at 1:26 AM
OMG Deatherella your zombie is back. ^_^
Lab Assistant
#40 Old 7th May 2009 at 3:53 AM
Are we allowed to enter multiple couples?
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#41 Old 7th May 2009 at 4:55 AM
HyghTyme, Right now, I'm saying 'No' to multi-contestants. If we get down to needing a few more contestants to make 10 then I might say Yes.

So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
I should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

#42 Old 7th May 2009 at 6:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by PuX- 80's
HyghTyme, Right now, I'm saying 'No' to multi-contestants. If we get down to needing a few more contestants to make 10 then I might say Yes.

Well . . . in case we can . . . my poor other self sim was straggling down the road looking over her shoulder to make sure she was holding her dress closed enough to hide her bum, not looking where she was going, so, of course, lo and behold, she ran smack dab into one of those countless rock stars cluttering up my neighborhood. They just don't seem to stay in the sim bin once they're put there, do they? It must've been love at first sight, first bolt of lightning, first toe stubbing.

Yep, happyasabunny, she's back. I'm here to have fun, she's here to win.

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
Mad Poster
#43 Old 7th May 2009 at 8:28 AM
Just letting you know that I've updated my bodyshots for my application! Everyone has great looking couples, and this is going to be stiff competition!
#44 Old 8th May 2009 at 12:40 AM
everyone's entries are looking really good! I know I'm not really a part of this contest, but I can still lurk, right?
Field Researcher
#45 Old 8th May 2009 at 2:02 AM
Default Eliza and Ty ~ Application

Tyson Farris

Date of Birth:

July 20th 1986


Sim City

| Bodyshot |

Click To Enlarge

Hello my name Tyson, but you can just call me Ty for short; everyone else does. Hmm, what's there to say. Im 23. Um, I was born in Pleasantview, I moved to SimCity when I was 21, got a job and an apartment; and I've been living there ever since. I work as mechanic in a little garage in the heart of SimCity. After a bad breakup a few of my friends set me up on a date-- much to my disagreement, I might add-- And thats how I met Eliza. Turns out we had surprisingly a lot in common. That was three months ago. We've been dating for quite a while now, and just the other night while I was on a date with Eliza, the weirdest thing happened. We were asked to come join a contest for couples. Hearts Consume the Stars, they called it. Well, honestly I've never really liked modeling and such, but Eliza was so excited, so I'm going to do this for her. And, hey, mabye I'll like it.


Eliza Rowe

Date of Birth:

August 13th 1988


Sim City

| Bodyshot |

Click To Enlarge

Hi I'm Eliza. Im 21 years old. I was born on August 14th 1988 in Veronaville. I moved to SimCity just a year and a half ago. I work as a waitress at a small restaurant in the middle of SimCity called Roxxy's. I met Ty when my friend set me up on a blind date. When I first saw him, I was a little worried. The tatoos, and the hair, and the overall bad boy look were a little... offsetting. But after the first date, I realized how completely and utterly wrong I was. He turned out to be a really, sweet, funny guy. Then when we were on a date the other night, these people came up to us and said we had been asked to join a contest: Hearts Consume the Stars. I was really excited, I had always wanted to do something like this! Well Ty wasn't so thrilled; he's not really into the whole modeling thing, but he agreed to try and have fun. I'm so excited!

| Picnic |

Click To Enlarge

Eliza: This isn't so bad is it, Ty? Not as the terrible nightmare you had in mind?
Ty: Haha, No its not too bad. Bearable.
Eliza: Your a real pain sometimes, Ty!
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#46 Old 8th May 2009 at 2:10 AM
I have finally linked everyone's Apps. to the front page.
We have eight contestants and need two more to be able to grant the winner a star.

So long, my luckless romance
My back is turned on you
I should've known you'd bring me heartache
Almost lovers always do

Field Researcher
#47 Old 8th May 2009 at 11:07 AM
Default Chris and Allie - Application

Christopher Donovan
Current Residence
Rochester, Kent. England
Short biography
Please for my sanity call me Chris (I don't even react to Christopher anymore...), I'm 20 and I'm a car salesman working in my dad's dealership just outside Rochester, which specialize in vintage cars. I love my job and I'm pretty good at it. I'm a real people person *cough*as well as being really really ridiculously good looking*cough* which helps. Personality wise, I know I can be pretty dopey, some/all of the time. I'm one for taking chances and not thinking of the risks, sure its not always clever but hey you only liv once right?

Alice Carmen
Current Residence
Rochester, Kent. England
Short Biography
Hello. Please call me Allie. Currently I'm a history student at the moment (snore...) who does bookkeeping (double snore...) to keep a roof over my head. I/m hoping to become a teacher when I graduate. I'm pretty much hopelessly awkward 90% of the time, I seem to have no control of my limbs or the dumb things that come out of my mouth either which usually results in me doing something stupid. I was actually born in Hawaii (and now I'm in usually cold and boring Rochester *sigh*) and spent quite a bit of my early life traveling. If I could tear Chris away from his job I'd love to see even moe of the world.

Despite not getting on amazingly when we first met, (Chris was too loud and full of himself, Allie was usually quiet and when she wasn't she was condescending) because Rochester is such a quiet, sleepy little old fashioned kind of town, most people our age flee as soon as they can to places more exciting so it was either learn to deal with each other or take up preteen or pensioner friends... Luckily once we got past our initial differences we found we quite liked each other and have been able to endure each other for the last 6 months.
Field Researcher
#48 Old 8th May 2009 at 3:47 PM
Emodawg- I love the CC you've used, it looks great!

I'm just working on my app at the moment, I'll submit it tonight.
Field Researcher
#49 Old 8th May 2009 at 11:11 PM
Default Renn and Rebecca - Application
Rebecca Brojan

Born- June 27th 1989

Place of Residence- Redgrave Valley

Hello I'm Rebecca. To you, I probably look very strange and out of place but to my kind, I'm just a normal 19 year old girl. I just wish I was normal. You see, some months ago I fell for a great guy, really caring and protective. It's every girl's fantasy, including mine but it's not quite that simple. The thing is that I'm an elf, a dweller of the fields as we call it. My family is very proud of our heritage and they would be disgusted to learn that I'm in love with a human. It's tearing me apart. I don't want to leave my family- they may be old-fashioned and over-bearing but it would also mean leaving my home and frankly I don't belong in the human world. On the other hand, there's Renn. I love him more than anything and I know that he's the one, but the odds seem to be stacked against us and it's getting harder and harder to prove them wrong. We decided to go ahead with this competiton because we know it will make us stronger together. I've come to realise that one day I will have to tell my family about Renn and not let their opinions affect our happiness. We know that we belong together and now we're going to prove it to everyone.

Renn Carey

Born- 19th May 1987

Place of Residence - Redgrave City

So where do I begin? I'm just a 21 year old guy who met a beautiful girl and wants to spend the rest of his life with her right?
Well, that's it really, but things can't ever be that easy. Rebecca's family don't know about me. She says they would likely hurt me and have her exiled if they did. I couldn't care less if they hurt me. It's all worth it for my girl. The thing is that Rebecca isn't quite...human. She's terrified of not fitting in to our world, she says her family might not be supportive but they're Elfin like she is and that she belongs with them. Only she doesn't want to. I just wish I was the good guy that Rebecca thinks I am. The truth is that I'm a criminal, a burglar to be accurate. I'm not proud of it but it pays the bills and I don't have the qualifications to get a proper job. I can't let Rebecca know about it. That day that she found me, I was beaten, broken and half-dead from smoke inhalation but it stays in my mind as the best day of my life. I just want us to run away to together and start afresh. But we can't do that. We have to let the world know that we're together and proud of it. One day, all this stupid Romeo and Juliet business will be over and we will finally be a couple.
Somehow, we're going to make that happen.

One day, we will be together....

Mad Poster
#50 Old 9th May 2009 at 1:01 AM
That's 10 contestants I'm pretty sure! Everyone has such fantastic applications. This is sure to be an excellent contest.
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