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#26 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 10:02 PM
Just in case it got lost in the pretty long application of mine; the part of Valerian's business partner (and regnant) is open for anyone to grab. I'm not trying to force it on people, I'm just offering it up to anyone who might be having a hard time coming up with an idea.

Also, the Prince's info will be coming shortly, in post #4.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Test Subject
#27 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 10:07 PM
I'll be the partner! Valerian's pretty cute for a vamp.
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#28 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 10:09 PM
Okay. Although it was really for a Ventrue female, as the Ventrue are better with business and finances than the Toreador. *s* But hmm... Maybe it could work anyway... although it probably changes the relationship a bit? Take a look at what I've written in his bio, and let me know.
Oh, and thanks. *s*

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Test Subject
#29 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 10:16 PM
The only way I could see Jess fitting into his story would for her to be his sire. But even then she's not really his business partner. The only Venture woman would be GeeWayrocks (Recorded on the list)
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#30 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 10:23 PM
Hmm... Doesn't really work then. :/ Too bad.

And I'm not saying GeeWayrocks' character should be he business partner, I was merely pointing out that if someone is having difficulties coming up with a story/character, there's one with a story already started up for grabs.
Like I said, not forcing it on anyone. If no one wants her, she'll be an NPC.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
#31 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 10:37 PM
Updated my application w/ picture and bio.

I might tweak the bio a little bit later :3
Test Subject
#32 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 10:44 PM
Hey Atropa, can the Toreadors pick a Primogen?
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#33 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 10:48 PM
Sure, Elektra. Wanna be the their Primogen?

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Test Subject
#34 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 10:52 PM
oh, okay . I have to go anyways. Whoever heard of Homework over the weekends? I'll try to be on later though.
Test Subject
#35 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 11:08 PM
Default Vevila van Roemer (Toreador)
((I would have stuck Vev there Atropa, but she's a Toreador as well. I would say he could have been her sire since they're in the same clan, but it doesn't seem to fit the bill? Sorry I can't be a help! :/ And a side note; the title says 'Vampire the Maquerade' missing an S. xD Sorry to be a pest, just noticed it. Goodness... so many hot vamps. You'd think being gorgeous was a requirement. >_> ))

Clan: Toreador
Name: Vevila van Roemer
Age: Neonate - 64 years

Auspex - 1
Celerity - 2
Presence - 2

There is nothing that Vevila takes pride in more than her name. It was as if her parents chose it at her birth knowing precisely the woman she would grow to be. Vevila; the melodious one. Roemer; glory, renown. If only they had known just how right they had been.

Vevila was born in a small German village in 1918 to a Dutch father and German mother. Her father was an ungoverned and audacious actor who taught her from infancy that the greatest pleasures in life would be obtained through the pursuit of the arts. Her mother was a meek and servile woman in contrast; she owned a small and unassuming bakery but had a magnificent gift for the harp. The dual interest in the arts compelled Vevila to hone her own aptitude for singing, which she pursued tenaciously. Despite her dark beauty, she was often referred to as angelic or ethereal, because her stage presence was hauntingly beautiful.

Her overwhelming beauty and grace while performing captivated a member of the Toreador clan. He observed her from afar, and decided that she would be his, a permanent entertainment. A music box he could toy with whenever he pleased; and a beautiful one at that. The man charmed her, as only Toreadors can. Her naivety was his greatest advantage; Vevila truly believed that she had fallen in love with the man she had dreamt of in foggy dreams and recalled from distant memories of hushed tones and bleary-eyed vision. One evening, she felt a cool hand pressed against her back--fingers like ice trailed their way up her spine until they reached her slender, elegant neck. She did not hesitate, but merely bent it delicately to gaze into his eyes as she had countless times before. Her lips moved upward and embraced his, and he pulled away slowly, sensuously. His fingers danced lightly along her neck, sending an unknowing giggle prickling past her lips.

He had begun an embrace of his own. She felt two sharp jolts surge through her neck, shooting through the rest of her body. It was early in 1943. She had become a vampire.

Once embraced by the Toreadors, they sheltered her from the war that enveloped the world, but at a price. She was used as a plaything for soldiers, a bribe. Her safety was guaranteed, but cost her the last remainders of her innocence from her human life.

Once the war ended and Germany surfaced as a ruined nation with nothing but rubble left lining its once glorious streets, Vevila emigrated with her sire to France for a short time before settling in London. There, the sire she had dedicated her afterlife to became fixated on a young woman slightly younger than Vevila. Another trinket; not a music box, but the ballerina to spin within it. Vevila accepted his choice to embrace another, suppressing the turmoil coiling within her. Her sire demanded she accompany him to pay a visit to the Prince to request the right to turn the girl--he was met with a stern, unwavering no. The girl had come from a prominent family that was extremely well-known throughout the area; her disappearance and possible reappearance as a vampire would be noticed. Furthermore, she was too young to be embraced. Permission was denied, and Vevila tried to appease her sire. But his thirst for the youth's blood was unquenchable. Beauty, youth, skill, elegance, poise-- he was driven mad by the beast burdening him.

He embraced the girl, ignoring the commands of the Prince.
He broke the Masquerade, he killed and did not drink.

Vevila was forced to stand by and bear witness at his execution, and the execution of the newly sired girl vampire. For one to hate someone so much, and yet love them so dearly--it destroyed the fragmented pieces of her heart.

After the execution she decided to leave Europe for a while, and she ventured to Los Angeles. Thriving off of her ability to attract others through her haunting songs and alluring nature, Vevila began to fully understand her new life as a vampire. Unlike most Toreadors and vampires in general, she still possessed many of her human characteristics.

She is vivacious, sweet, charming, alluring. Some have even ventured as far as to say that she is naive, borderline innocent. Well, innocent as a mass murderer can be. Her morals are deeply rooted in her, causing her a great deal of inner turmoil. Even though she is quite young, (one of the youngest in the clan) she is well known and recognized throughout the ranks of the Toreadors for her stunning features and her unforgettable voice. Vevila is, in essence, the little darling of many of the Toreadors.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Ghandi
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#36 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 11:19 PM
(((ooc: Yey, there she is.
trampled - I would've loved for him to Sire her, but you're right, it doesn't really fit. Especially since he himself is a rather young vampire. They're not that many years apart. No prince would let someone that young sire.

*edit* - Oh wait... Uhmm... I'm no math genious, but to me, it doesn't add up... If she was embraced in 1943, she'd be 64 (as a vampire), not 89. Or are you counting the human years as well? Cuz they aren't included in a vampire's age.

If she was indeed Embraced in 1943, it could've been by him. But he wouldn't have done it like that. )))

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
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#37 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 11:25 PM
(((ooc: Yep, 64 would be her correct age.)))

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
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#38 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 11:41 PM
There are vampires of every clan all over the world (well, most of it, anyway), so yeah, that works.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Test Subject
#39 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 11:49 PM
((Mkay! Made the change! Thanks for the help Atropa. ))

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Ghandi
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#40 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 12:42 AM
You're welcome, trampled.
Oh, and veldagia... Just saw Mina's picture. She's gorgeous.

Also, the info about the Prince is now up. See post #4.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
#41 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 1:39 AM

Adela De Silva

Ancilla- 342 (16 when she was embraced in 1665)

Dominate Level 3, Fortitude Level 2, Presence Level 4

Short(ish) Bio:
King Felipe of Spain had many favorites in his court, but showed particular interest in a certain artist, Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez. He loved to watch the man paint, and admired all of his works. The artist was pleased with his status as court painter, and was happy with the king’s favoritism. However, King Felipe didn’t only admire the painter for his art; he was in love with his wife.

She soon became pregnant, with the king’s child. Diego de Silva (as he was known around the court) moved his family to the conutryside to raise his soon to be born child, unknowing that it wasn’t his own. Adela was born, in their large manor. Her early childhood was spent with tutors, being educated as early as possible, and with frequent visits from the king, who promised her a place in his bustling court.

Wise and mature beyond her years she played little, leaving the fun and games for her younger siblings. Instead, she focused all of her attention on bettering herself, preparing herself for the splendor of court life, wanting to stay in the king’s favor. She learned all the necessary languages; Latin, English, French and Italian. She knew all the correct mannerisms to display, how to dress, how to speak.

By the time she had arrived at the castle (at age 14) everyone had heard of her true sire but herself. No one could disagree, either. They could see it in her; the way she moved and carried herself, the way she held her head and spoke. To anyone who looked at her, it was obvious that she was meant to be regal, as noble as the king himself.

One might think Adela would be cold and harsh, but it was rather the opposite. She was kind to all and was often the negotiator in the fights of the spoiled infantas. Everyone liked her; how could someone not? By age 16, she had made many allies and friends, but also enemies. One of the king’s legitimate daughters, Catarine, grew jealous of Adela’s standing with her father. Catarine wanted her gone, so she ordered her to be poisoned.

As Adela lay convulsing in her bed, the doctor ordered everyone to leave the room. He, a ghoul, had been ordered to keep an eye on her for a Ventrue vampire, who had been hanging in the shadows of the Spanish court. This vampire was a handsome man, who had been playing the part of a nobleman. In her delusional spasms, Adela hardly noticed the entrance of a blond man, or the burning of Damian's bite. To the humans at the court, she was forever dead.

But to the Ventrue, she was alive and well. She knew that as a mortal, she was naïve and trusting, and that had been her downfall. Over the years, she grew suspicious and sophisticated. She worked hard to scale the hierarchical society of the Ventrue. She lost the youthful benevolence she had shown towards everyone as a girl, and sympathized with only her own clan members, believing the others to be below her status and not worth her precious time. She was, after all, a true princess, all others were just a waste of blood, unless they could be used for her gain.

If I need to change anything, just tell me. I decided that homework can wait until five minutes before the bell rings. Pic coming soon.
#42 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 3:38 AM
ooc: I hope it's alright if I add something about him being active at the local arcade? x] If not I can just take that off.
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#43 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 8:33 AM
ooc: The Arcade works. We can even make it a non-Elysium hot spot, if ya want?

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
#44 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 12:10 PM
ooc: Ok, yeah, that'd be great! :]
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Original Poster
#45 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 5:51 PM
*sighs* I am without internet AGAIN.....*mumbles something about Russian companies* So for the time being until I get it back which they supposedly promised would be tomorrow; Atropa will be the one to ask questions to and what not, and sorry if the first page doesn't get updated, it's b/c dialup hates the forums and it seems any messenger :/ Anyway, I just wanted to give you all a headsup if you don't see me around and the first post not changing.....

See how crazy all your fellow simmers are! The MTS2 Community Neighborhood
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#46 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 7:10 PM
cherry - Wanna give it a name and/or a description? You don't have to if you don't want to.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
#47 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 7:23 PM
Default Spirit Ambrose-Aplication
Application for Vampires:
Name-Spirit Ambrose
Age-Neonate-125(18 when embraced in 1882)

Auspex(Level 1)
Dominate(Level 1)
Thaumaturgy(Level 1)

Short Bio-Arrogant, Egotistical, Self-centered are some words that describe me, I always was the Black-sheep of my family. Partying, Drinking, Gambling, I've also spent more than one night in the red-light district, in fact little did I know that would be the place of my death and "eternal" life. I was returning home to our manor after a night of heavy drinking and some other illegal activities when I felt someone following me, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I turned to look and saw noone, needless to say I became a bit nervous. I didn't notice the black cat that had stepped into my path, and when I did it was too late, it was a meer distraction. I felt a burning on the side of my neck, and pain, an incredible pain. It felt as though my life was being drained from me, in fact it was. When I came to, everything was blurry and I was at home. I don't remember who or what happened all I know was that I had become what I am today on that fateful night....

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#48 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 9:45 PM
I just realized there's one thing me and Dev might've forgotten to mention, about the clans:
Whatever clan your Sire belongs to, is the clan you'll belong to. There's no changing what clan you are, because the clan characteristics and the disciplines come with the blood given to you during the Embrace.
So if you're embraced by, say, a Brujah, then you're a Brujah all the way.
You might've already gathered as much, but I figured it was worth mentioning.

Also, as the Prince is an Elder, he'll be likely to have Embraced one or two people, which means if someone is making a Ventrue and wants him to be their Sire, you can PM me and we'll see if we can work something out.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
#49 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 10:08 PM
ooc: Yes! I'll write one up and PM it to you Atropa.
#50 Old 18th Sep 2007 at 5:19 AM
((Reserving a spot for my Vahn! Brujah, of course. No time for an app right now. Laters. ))
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