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#26 Old 27th Jun 2009 at 9:25 AM
I'm still trying to get my bearings with CAS in Sims 3. In Sims 2 I had messed with CAS enough that I could make anyone and it really looked like them (but it usually took a couple of hours to get it just right). Sims 3 is taking some getting used to. I just made an Orlando Bloom sim in TS3. It looks like him, but he looks soooo much better in Sims 2.

Beware of Elves giving wedgies.
Test Subject
#27 Old 27th Jun 2009 at 9:27 AM
Because TS2 is the only one that will run without crashing my computer, Yes, I like it more than TS3.
#28 Old 27th Jun 2009 at 9:32 AM
I saw this thread on the entry board so had to come read it. I think in all fairness this should also be asked in the TS3 board. I think it's great that so many people are still in love with TS2 and are still enjoying it. After spending the last nearly a month with TS3 I'm having a hard time convincing myself that I ever want to play TS2 again.

There are a lot of reasons for that. First off, I'm in pioneer land. Instead of sitting around whining that I don't have CC for TS3 I'm among the first to be creating it. Since the process is new there are many obstacles and challenges, but much of those obstacles and challenges are fun. Granted, there are times I want to pull my hair out, but when I finally get something done I'm thinking, "Wow! I did it!"

As for the graphics and various aspects of TS3, it's rather odd, really. It's almost to me as if both TS2 and TS3 were actually sequels to TS1, rather than TS3 being a sequel to TS2. Yes, story progression is borked and the game isn't without its problems. However, I've done the very same thing I did for my TS2 game under the same circumstances, which is round up third-party modifications to fix the major problems. Single male Sims don't have babies in my game. Families aren't moving in on top of other families in my game either. Instead of having to switch between houses in edit town mode, I can ctrl-click on a house to get control of that from the town view. Pretty sweet, huh?

TS3 is much different from TS2 in many ways and there is a learning curve to playing it and I am also immensely enjoying that. Although it's still a Sims game, things are so different! I love the personality traits and the moodlets. It's totally awesome having a Sim completely over the moon because they just got married without them actually having to roll the want to get married, and it's so cute how they get a moodlet for a few days after they're married just by being near their spouse! In fact, the moodlet system gives so much more depth to play because in TS3 it's no longer all about fulfilling wants to keep Sims happy. When a Sim has fun they get a moodlet which increases their mood. If they've eaten a well-made meal, they get a moodlet. They get moodlets for taking showers and getting a good night's rest. Their overall mood is a result of everything that happens in their lives, not just getting their wants fulfilled. In fact, helping them to fulfill wishes is a fairly small part of TS3.

The open neighborhood is the bomb! It's great to have a Sim running all over the neighborhood going about their business. I also love it that there are enough things in the base game to do that a Sim never has to get a real job to earn a decent living unless that's what you or they really want to do. Say you have a TS2 Sim you want to become an author. It takes a good amount of time for them to build the skills to become a good writer so they earn hardly anything the whole time they're building those skills. Say you have a TS3 Sim who wants to become a writer. They're going to spend probably a bit more time building those skills unless they go to the library which gives a boost to reading and writing, but while they're devoting most of their day to writing, they can still earn themselves several hundreds simoleans a day just by gathering a few items and selling them, then devote most of their time to their real work.

There are just so many things that a Sim can do in a day it's unreal. Sure, by the time I got a bunch of expansion packs for TS2 my Sims had plenty to do. They sure didn't start out like that, though.

It isn't that I don't have any complaints about TS3. I do. Overall, though, I really love it.
Lab Assistant
#29 Old 27th Jun 2009 at 3:31 PM Last edited by addict12 : 28th Jun 2009 at 5:50 PM.
Personally, I prefer TS2 over TS3. Sure, the custom designing of clothing/objects/build and increased sim detail is great, but what peeves me is the buggy and annoying gameplay. After doing everything, I’m not having fun with the game. The gameplay is just…boring. If I can’t have fun playing with my sims as I did designing their whole home, personality, etc, then there’s not point in continuing to play TS3. It wasn't week past when I decided to stop playing it and put it under my collection of videogames. Now, I feel as if I wasted my money on that game. Too bad I can’t get a refund.

The thing about TS2, although you don’t have the freelance (no bounties) gameplay, overall: TS2 is more fun. With or without CC. In TS3, sure you can go to work with your sim, but you can’t go into the building with them. Even when your sim go shopping, you can’t explore the inner wonders of the place. The neat thing about it, is simply visiting other sim homes. In TS2, you can’t go to work with your sim, but you can go many community lots and watch them move about inside. Plus, if you're lazy like me, your sims can invite over their friends and family or bother a passing townie. (In my Sims 3 game, it's like a ghost town, It's hard to find people and her friends are annoying.)

Maybe with more expansion packs TS3 will get a bit better.
Lab Assistant
#30 Old 27th Jun 2009 at 6:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by addict12
In TS3, sure you can go to work with your sim, but you can’t go into the building with them. Even when your sim go shopping, you can’t explore the inner wonders of the place.

I understand rabbit holes for work, but I was seriously SHOCKED when I realized the Bookstore, Grocery Store, Theater, even the restaurants (!!) were rabbit holes! I was sure the Graveyard was going to be a rabbit hole too, and the Library! But THANK GOD EA spared us there.

At least in TS2, even if it takes time to load, you can actually GO INSIDE a bookstore, grocery store, even a basic restaurant If you wanted too. And I love that.
Test Subject
#31 Old 27th Jun 2009 at 7:37 PM
I prefer ts2. Its mostly because of the ability to make new neighborhoods, and (suprised it hasn't been mentioned) not being able to make brand new lots.

Test Subject
#32 Old 28th Jun 2009 at 12:29 AM
I like TS2 way better.

I dont own TS3 but i have played it and even though it has a seamless neighborhood and pointless create a style for me(i dont really care THAT much about decorations and can deal with just 10 colors for an object)

Also i think the sims in the sims 3 are weird and all have a fat face (I MOVED THE SLIDER ALL THE WAY TO SKINNY AND IT STILL LOOKED FAT!!!!)

But i think the thing that is missing and not good the most is the story your sim has TS2 have better ones and can be easily created unlike TS3. Its quite hard to explain but i think its easier to be like
John hanton wanted to have a fun life after being bullied by an older sister and having no fun with his family,being in private school and having no toys.He started his life in an apartment and woohoed with every girl he could find but decided to settle down with Michelle and have David who grew up blah blah blah new generation in TS2

EDIT: I TOTALLY agree with Cloffee
Lab Assistant
#33 Old 28th Jun 2009 at 5:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by cloffee
I understand rabbit holes for work, but I was seriously SHOCKED when I realized the Bookstore, Grocery Store, Theater, even the restaurants (!!) were rabbit holes! I was sure the Graveyard was going to be a rabbit hole too, and the Library! But THANK GOD EA spared us there.

The only place I bothered to visit is the Library. It is the ONLY way my sim was able to meet people. Luckily, the graveyards (as you mentioned) and parks aren't just dumb empty spaces.
Lab Assistant
#34 Old 29th Jun 2009 at 8:37 PM
YEAH, I am not the only one with these opinions! Seriously, TS3 will NEVER be as good as TS2. EVER. And it has nothing to do with Custom Content, or Expansion Packs. We can have a lot of fun on TS2 even without that stuff (although EVERYONE likes CC, I can't deny it xD Including me), and... Well, I can't explain, but you can't feel the same way on TS3. And I didn't even played it D:
#35 Old 29th Jun 2009 at 8:49 PM
I been playing TS3 since release date and I honestly miss TS2 sometimes when I am looking for something I thought I had, or the option to Smustle. It's NOT the sims if they are not Smustling atleast once a day. I miss my pets, weather and CC (tho I really need to clean out my folders as I have so many dead files) I never removed TS2 from my computer so I been debating on playing it just for a change of pace. As a whole, to answer your question- do I prefer TS2 over TS3- I have to say they are equally fun to me in my book- but TS2 has alot more for a sim to do on a daily basis.
#36 Old 30th Jun 2009 at 3:01 AM
Quote: Originally posted by psivampyr
I been playing TS3 since release date and I honestly miss TS2 sometimes when I am looking for something I thought I had, or the option to Smustle. It's NOT the sims if they are not Smustling atleast once a day. I miss my pets, weather and CC (tho I really need to clean out my folders as I have so many dead files) I never removed TS2 from my computer so I been debating on playing it just for a change of pace. As a whole, to answer your question- do I prefer TS2 over TS3- I have to say they are equally fun to me in my book- but TS2 has alot more for a sim to do on a daily basis.

I really like Sims 3, but I've off and on played my Sims 1 and 2 over the past couple of days. I miss them, so I'm going to have to divide my video game time between the 3 versions.

Beware of Elves giving wedgies.
Test Subject
#37 Old 30th Jun 2009 at 4:27 AM

I have yet to get Sims 3. My reasons:

A) I don't have the money. 50 bucks for the first game of the "third generation of Sims?" That's really good, EAxis. Make it twenty bucks cheaper and I'll buy the game.
B) The Sims just aren't the same. I love my Sims 2 pixels <3. Plus, they kind of look... well, has anyone noticed that TS3 sims have a little rounder faces?
C) My computer won't run it as it lacks the requirements for the RAM. It would probably fry it.
D) I'm waiting until EA releases an EP for TS3. Just to see what they can do.

I have a lot more, but I don't feel like being really furious. xDD
Test Subject
#38 Old 30th Jun 2009 at 4:43 AM
I still love Sims2 a lot, and I like the sims3 very much so far, but disappointed in a lot of things that are missing. I was hoping that it would contain EVERYTHING from Sims2..and build from there into a lot of new stuff for 3...but of course that was a lot to hope for i know lol. 3 is growing on me more and more the longer I play it. And, who knows...maybe there will be some mind-blowing expansions in the near future
Test Subject
#39 Old 30th Jun 2009 at 10:10 AM
I just got the sims 3 today and I like the neighborhood and the sim customization features. But I'm not really blown away by the sims 3. I don't like how the characters look they are too cartoony for my tastes and I got bored with the game quickly. I'll probably end up playing the sims 2 more than this one or at least til further developments.
#40 Old 1st Jul 2009 at 12:48 PM
I reinstalled 2 last night. Just the base game for now.

I thought it might be a fun for my son to play. I got all WOW over so many nice ways to make your sims look gorgeous (Sims 3 look too fake to me). So I began downloading again (I dumped everything a few weeks ago).

I will play both...(again, I doubt I will load up every EP).

Sims 3 is nice and of course has new options but downloading is not as easy and we have so many CC choices in 2..

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
#41 Old 1st Jul 2009 at 1:23 PM
I prefer Sims 2, because Sims 3 actually looks like a copy from Sims 2, just that it costs more, has a few more options (Like telling about Pregnancy) and more interactivity.

In Sims 2, I'm more familiar with the commands and all - I can make successfull families without getting into a rage because something happened that shouldn't. (Which is bound to happen to my Sims 3 Files ..)
Also the CC is nice - not all, but I really prefer CC over Basegame stuff, it looks too boring.

Lab Assistant
#42 Old 3rd Jul 2009 at 2:17 AM
I'm happy to see that Sims 2 is still loved by those who have played Sims 3. I feel like I'm in a time warp as I just installed Pets! (My old system could only handle OFB and even then it groaned. I got (built!) a new system and then went on a downloading spree.) I'm planning on installing Seasons soon and wondered whether to move on from there. Sims 3 still beckons...
Field Researcher
#43 Old 3rd Jul 2009 at 2:42 AM Last edited by amyandmia : 3rd Jul 2009 at 1:25 PM.
i still like the sims2 because it has all my old families on it, but i have a question, i know im in the wrong place but i don't know where else to put it, in my game a lot of things are showing up white instead of their natural color, like, the whirlwind when they change clothes, the thought bubbles, a few outfits, one pair of shoes, and the tiles outside the foundation in build mode, does anyone know what causes this or how to fix it??

Edit: all those things are naturally white, but i mean the color is gone and there is just a blotch that looks like somebody took an eraser to my screen and got rid of them
Lab Assistant
#44 Old 3rd Jul 2009 at 2:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by isa_love_anime
YEAH, I am not the only one with these opinions! Seriously, TS3 will NEVER be as good as TS2. EVER. And it has nothing to do with Custom Content, or Expansion Packs. We can have a lot of fun on TS2 even without that stuff (although EVERYONE likes CC, I can't deny it xD Including me), and... Well, I can't explain, but you can't feel the same way on TS3. And I didn't even played it D:

Personally, I think it'll take some time. TS1 has SUCH a different feeling for me than TS2. Both are good in different ways.

After more CC for ts3 gets made and a couple EPs you'll never look at TS2 the same way again.
#45 Old 4th Jul 2009 at 4:33 AM
I had intended to just put Sims3 back on the shelf, figuratively speaking, for awhile and play my Sims2 town more fully. I mean the last EP/SP's were out for it not THAT long ago so I still had so much more yet to do in Sims2.

And so I go to click on the game and NOTHING happens. I have not been able to get it to run for a couple of days now. Nothing unusual happened the last time I played it. No crashes or glitches. It does not crash to desktop. It simply does not load though the initial launch screen thingy does come up. I'm not here to ask for help--my husband will get to it as soon as he can. I'm just saying that is one thing I always did have to deal with--Sims2 instability. Sims3 is still running fine...for now.

I have ALL of the EP's and SP's and lots of CC but not added any recently. Still, that's enough to make the game weak at the seams, I think.
#46 Old 5th Jul 2009 at 4:35 PM
I really disliked Sims 3 for a number of reasons, but figured eventually most of the issues would get ironed out and that the 3rd-party community would bring the aesthetics into line a bit better. It's been, what, a month now? I checked the Downloads section for TS3, realized that the Sims 3 Sims still all had pudding faces (except for the males with carefully sculpted facial hair), and gave up. Uninstalled Sims 3, now wondering if there's a central clearinghouse or thread for creator sites that are still producing Sims 2 content.
Lab Assistant
#47 Old 5th Jul 2009 at 4:38 PM

Sims 2 is sooo much better
#48 Old 5th Jul 2009 at 4:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by gwynne
I really disliked Sims 3 for a number of reasons, but figured eventually most of the issues would get ironed out and that the 3rd-party community would bring the aesthetics into line a bit better. It's been, what, a month now? I checked the Downloads section for TS3, realized that the Sims 3 Sims still all had pudding faces (except for the males with carefully sculpted facial hair), and gave up. Uninstalled Sims 3, now wondering if there's a central clearinghouse or thread for creator sites that are still producing Sims 2 content.

Sims 2 CC is still very popular for the very reason you mention...our artists are still pretty limited in what they can do with Sims 3 (Sims 2 took awhile to get whipped into shape too ). A couple of our artists have released replacement skin textures to get rid of the pudding effect. Maybe that will help. Personally, I don't think the sims in Sims 3 look as bad as alot of people have said (I think it's just a matter of personal perspective), but I always hate the base game eyes (hoping for CC in that realm at some point)...in Sims 2, once I downloaded custom eyes I never use the original dull, stepford eyes...ever! But I'm lucky enough to be able to have all of my Sims games on my computer. If I had to choose just one, I'd put my TS3 on the back burner for awhile and keep my Sims 2 installed. Sims 3 has alot of potential, but now that I'm familiar with its features and gameplay, it needs some pizazz.

Beware of Elves giving wedgies.
Test Subject
#49 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 12:42 AM
Default mehh @ sims3
I was obsessed with Sims when it first came out, had every expansion pack, and played for hours upon hours. My computer crapped out about 2 years ago, so I lost everything and just was so upset about the whole thing, that I didn't play. THEN I got the Sims2 Deluxe edition when we finally got a new computer, tried installing it....yeahh, little did I know our new computer had a crap graphics card, so I couldn't play.

Recently got a new new computer, with a great graphics card and lots of RAM so when Sims3 came out, I went nuts. (Completely forgetting about the Sims2 disk I had) I got it and played it for a while, but was kind of annoyed. I think it's because there was just SO much to it. I don't really know how to explain it, I didn't like it all that much. Not to mention, there's no expansion packs out yet and barely any custom content.

I uninstalled it and then found my Sims2 disk, because I figured, hey...I never tried Sims2, so why not? I finally got it downloaded and WOOWWW I was hooked. The graphics are beautiful and so are the textures. I can't get enough of it. I'm so incredibly happy and can't wait to collect the expansion packs. (:

Overall, I was more impressed with the Sims2 game play than the Sims3.

I'll stick with Sims2.
Test Subject
#50 Old 6th Jul 2009 at 12:59 AM
TS2. TS3 is soo slow. :l
it's annoying, it goes one minutes in like 3 minutes.
grr. i spent 50$ on crap.

Your so sad maybe you should by a Happy Meal,
Your so skinny you should really supersize the deal,
Secretly your so amused,
That nobody understands you.

-Ur so gay, by the one & only Katy Perry.
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