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Mad Poster
#26 Old 9th Apr 2017 at 7:56 PM
I was about to ask this question, but could thing I found this thread. Just for curiosity reasons and I don't own the stuff pack yet.
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
#27 Old 9th Apr 2017 at 8:02 PM
If you're talking about H&M Fashion Stuff, you can't make one, you have to pretend. If I ever want to do that (which I don't ever) I'd use the fashion show controller from SimWardrobe.

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
Mad Poster
#28 Old 10th Apr 2017 at 2:16 AM Last edited by gazania : 10th Apr 2017 at 11:01 AM.
I absolutely enjoy doing fashion shows in my college (I have a fashion design department .. Bachelor of Fine Arts in my mind, though I tend to use the Art major in the game ), in certain fancy dress stores, in a fashion studio and sometimes, anywhere I want for the fun of it.

I'm sure I'll be missing steps, so if I edit frequently, please excuse me.

1. Download the stuff from Sims Wardrobe. Sims 2 - Objects - Other Objects
2. Open a community lot. Stick the vase that is part of the download somewhere.
3. If you haven't already, work out a runway. Sims will go upstairs and downstairs, if you like, but leave plenty of room to avoid stompy Sims.
4. Arrange the markers and figure out what your Sims will be doing and when. I like to leave a little room between them, and prefer not to overdo the markers. I rarely use all of them. Make sure there is plenty of room for your Sims to come and go, If you want, make the markers invisible. I usually don't do that for the first show so it is easier for me to move them if I have to. I often mess up one marker!
5. Get a group to go to a community lot. I find that easier than picking random Sims, though cashiers are great models, too. You can teleport Sims there as well. but you'll have to control them. (Make sure you don't control one of the dangerous NPCs ... Sorry, Mrs. C! No modeling career for you!) You don't want a Sim leaving in the middle of the show. That will mess it up.
6. Make sure all motives are maxed. You don't want a Sim taking a bathroom break right when the show starts. It can delay the show and even mess it up, and you'll have to start over. Use the vase to figure out just what your Sims are going to be wearing. Try to get everything completely set before the show, since it's difficult to change once it gets started. Fortunately, you can easily reset and start over, though that can be frustrating after you feel like you're herding your Sims.
7. Use the vase to get things started. Don't be surprised if you mess up a little the first time ... I have!
8. Enjoy the show.

Extra perks ... a radio with a custom station, Sophie-David's effects (a little steamy effect in the back, or twinkling?), curtained entrances and exits. I like to put the first marker way behind the curtain and a little away from the runway to get them lined up. I do not have them make a pose ... I just have them stand there. I put the last marker considerably apart from the runway so they don't get entangled at the end. Try to keep everyone out of each others' way.

EDIT ... I looked at the Chris Hatch mod, but I guess I'm just a creature of habit; plus, I like using male models as well. From what I read of it, you have a different overall effect. Both are interesting.

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
Mad Poster
#29 Old 10th Apr 2017 at 11:27 AM
Quote: Originally posted by maxon
If you're talking about H&M Fashion Stuff, you can't make one, you have to pretend. If I ever want to do that (which I don't ever) I'd use the fashion show controller from SimWardrobe.

Quote: Originally posted by frogz2007
To clarify: Fashion show-related BHAV's have indeed existed in the files since the base game's initial release, but obviously they never went to use. Chris Hatch finished and re-enabled it. It can be found on BAS.

I'm curious... how different they are from one another.
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
#30 Old 10th Apr 2017 at 12:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SneakyWingPhoenix
I'm curious... how different they are from one another.

No idea. I know the SimWardrobe one works. I tend to avoid too many Chris Hatch mods cause they tend to be extensive and I already have an extensively modded game (including his hospital mod, which is great). I lean towards avoiding too many clashes. That's not to say Chris's stuff is something to avoid. He's a great modder.

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
Top Secret Researcher
#31 Old 10th Apr 2017 at 1:23 PM
Wait. Fashion show was supposed to be in the base game? And the files were there. But when EA had the chance to enable it in H&M they didn't?

I wonder what is happening in that head of theirs... BTW I cant seem to find the SimWardrobe fashion show.

And also, I did not know the game had so many bugs, especially with businesses, lol
Mad Poster
#32 Old 10th Apr 2017 at 11:51 PM - Sims 2 - Objects - Other Objects - Fashion Show Controller.

Looking at both, the Chris Hatch mod may be the easier to set up of the two. With Sims Wardrobe, you have to select more variables. How many models? What outfits will each be wearing? What type of walk are you going to have them do? (Sexy, normal and some other walk that I can't remember right now. You know which two I obviously use!) What exactly are you going to have them do at each waypoint? This is why you need to keep your group of models together and make sure their motives are all maxed out. The Chris Hatch one does more of the work for you.

But since I apparently like to micro-manage fashion shows and like to use male models as well as female ones, I'm willing to herd my Sims together and use the Sim Wardrobe fashion show controller. Plus, I'm used to it by now!

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
Mad Poster
#33 Old 11th Apr 2017 at 12:39 AM
Can anyone do a video about it?
Mad Poster
#34 Old 11th Apr 2017 at 2:51 PM
Thanks to this old thread, I've past the last..minutes (times a lot) watching official EP, SP trailers. lol
Also saw that The Sims 2 Pets shows items we never got to get. Clothing..and a drinking fountain. Didn't know that. Though I knew about EA not releasing 100% of what they show.

Je mange des girafes et je parle aussi français !...surtout :0)

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