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#26 Old 18th Mar 2013 at 7:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by gnomequeen
I found it helpful to put fridges and tables in the child containment facility. It was much easier than having them all crowd into the kitchen for breakfast.

Wow I never thought about doing that. Lol, "child containment facility" that's a funny way to put it but so true. Half of my lot is dedicated for the baby area and child sleeping area.

Maybe it would be good to give the kids a place to do homework. Do you still try to teach the toddlers how to talk and such? I tried but it's pretty hard.
#27 Old 18th Mar 2013 at 7:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by towritelove0
Maybe it would be good to give the kids a place to do homework. Do you still try to teach the toddlers how to talk and such? I tried but it's pretty hard.

Meh, I bought my kids nice desks and a nice long table in the basement for homework. I thought I was clever. They all ended up doing it on the driveway.

Again, pacing really helped for teaching them to talk, walk, and poo. I enlisted the teens as my personal toddler training machines. I even taught some of them to cook. Walking and talking are really overrated anyhow. Didn't get them to the cat food bowl any quicker than crawling.
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#28 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 1:08 AM
14 and counting.
I just aged up the infants (after the picture) so it's:

5 Kids
5 Toddlers
4 Infants

She's pregnant again but I think I may "end" this one...14 kids was just insane and I had to use cheats...
Forum Resident
#29 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 1:52 AM
So, after gaining some ground on Gnomequeen's early lead it looks like towritelove0 is throwing in the towel after only 14 and a pregnancy.
How much farther can Gnomequeen get, without the encouragement that comes from friendly competition? Reasons you won't see me try
this one: 1. My lifespan is set to epic, and I don't want to change it. 2. I don't have a high-end machine. 3. Low tolerance for screaming
babies. 4. Route fails.
Sure is fun watching you two knock yourselves out, though. :D
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#30 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 1:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by lenglel
Sure is fun watching you two knock yourselves out, though. :D

It's pretty fun overall just watching them scramble, lol
#31 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 3:51 AM
LOL I love that it's a barren baby factory.

I won't lie, I used copious amounts of cheating. I'd probably still have children in the attic if I didn't use teleport. I need to break out their save and see if I can cause some more havoc for them. I really don't think they have enough spawn.

Pretty sure there is something in the water in that town. The townies are breeding like rabbits, so I may need to do some population control. The have to die to make room for my massive family.
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 8:16 AM
I joined the fray a bit ago, right now Im on18 children >.< 8 teens 4 kid 3 Toddlers and 3 babys and oh god is it horrendous! The husband works at the hospital and is level 8 in his carreer and his wife is a stay at home mum whoo just looks after the children who don't go to school yet, and I decided also to make it a little harder that the mum has to teach the toddlers all the skills by herself and she has to teach the teenagers to drive. The butler quits every day and the dad is never home all in all they are one happy family and none of them will ever need profession help afterwards! (Yeah I'm lying but you gotta keep optimistic, maybe one kid will live a normal life? >.<)
#33 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 2:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by maddstar
I joined the fray a bit ago, right now Im on18 children >.< 8 teens 4 kid 3 Toddlers and 3 babys and oh god is it horrendous!

Horrendous is a pretty good description for that size family lol. How many multiples? Does the poor mother ever sleep?
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#34 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 3:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by maddstar
(Yeah I'm lying but you gotta keep optimistic, maybe one kid will live a normal life? >.<)

I think that the very first kid or very last kid born who will be normal...maybe. Definitely not anyone who is in the middle! Much luck, sounds like you're hanging in there...lol
#35 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 5:04 PM
I am at 15 and the mother is pregnant again. They live in a small 4 bed house, they all have different fathers apart from 3 of them. The mother looks after all of them by herself

Whatever people consider to be normal, it never is.
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#36 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 5:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HEAVEN-SENT
I am at 15 and the mother is pregnant again. They live in a small 4 bed house, they all have different fathers apart from 3 of them. The mother looks after all of them by herself

Oh. My. Glob. That sounds super crazy. What are the ages?
#37 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 5:39 PM
11 young adults,2 teens,1 child,1 toddler and the mom is pregnant again.
It was very crazy when the 10 oldest where toddlers/children all at the same time, it was a mad house.

Whatever people consider to be normal, it never is.
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#38 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 8:33 PM
How do you start this challenge any way?
#39 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 8:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TrillianRikku
How do you start this challenge any way?

You either start with a couple or a single female and then you just start having babies but u cant use money cheats

Whatever people consider to be normal, it never is.
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#40 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 11:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HEAVEN-SENT
You either start with a couple or a single female and then you just start having babies but u cant use money cheats

You also need the MasterController Mod from nraas
Lab Assistant
#41 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 11:21 PM
Well the 8 teens were born with a one day difference because my male sim got preggo by aliens, 4 kids all different ages 1 is about to be a teen, 3 Toddlers 2 who are going to age up soonish and 3 babys who were triplets, oh and yeah, shes pregnant again >.<. The mother is a baby machine! All she does is take care of the toddlers while the teens take care of the babys and any toddler that the mum hasn't got to yet the kids pretty much take care of their selves. I feel like I'm abot to explode! :D
#42 Old 19th Mar 2013 at 11:28 PM
i kinda want to start this, but i can tell this will be chaos
Forum Resident
#43 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 1:53 AM Last edited by lenglel : 20th Mar 2013 at 2:07 AM. Reason: rapidly increasing population
So far, four people have fallen into this parent trap.
They are, in order of appearance, and with number of children so far:
towritelove0 14, and mom's pregnant.
Gnomequeen 18
HeavenSent 15, and mom's pregnant again.
maddstar 20

did I get the numbers right?
They'll all be different tomorrow, anyway.
You could say they 'change' everyday.
Several times, in fact.
#44 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 1:55 AM
Chaos, head explosions, and general hilarity are known side effects of this challenge. 4 babies and 4 toddlers crying at once even gave me a negative moodlet. If nothing else, it has helped some of my building and planning skills. I like to push things to the extreme in these games to see how everything works.
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#45 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 2:19 AM Last edited by towritelove0 : 20th Mar 2013 at 4:03 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by gnomequeen
Chaos, head explosions, and general hilarity are known side effects of this challenge. 4 babies and 4 toddlers crying at once even gave me a negative moodlet. If nothing else, it has helped some of my building and planning skills. I like to push things to the extreme in these games to see how everything works.

I completely agree. It's cool to see how you can possibly plan things. This challenge really pushes it to the extreme

And my mom just gave birth so now we are at 18

3 Teens
3 Kids
7 Toddlers
4 infants
12 females and 6 male

aaaaannnd she's pregnant again
#46 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 2:21 AM
I think I'll try it
Lab Assistant
#47 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 3:21 AM
My sim just gave birth to a single so I'm at 19 now And its a warzone! Half my lot is divided into two, one half for the teens and children second half is for the parents, todds and babys. One of my teens also aged into a young adult, keep him or move him out?
10 boys 9 girls
#48 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 3:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by towritelove0
I completely agree. It's cool to see how you can possibly plan things. This challenge really pushes it to the extreme

And my mom just gave birth so now we are at 18

3 Teens
3 Kids
7 Toddlers
4 infants
12 females and 6 male

That poor woman. At least you have teens now.

While it's obvious that I cheated with money (wasn't intending to do any challenge when I started the family), I think you could have a real cash cow with this challenge. Get all of the kids painting or writing when they are able and rake in the profits.

Wait...did I just recommend creating a sweatshop? Perhaps that's not the best idea.

Good luck makin babies, all!
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#49 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 3:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by maddstar
My sim just gave birth to a single so I'm at 19 now And its a warzone! Half my lot is divided into two, one half for the teens and children second half is for the parents, todds and babys. One of my teens also aged into a young adult, keep him or move him out?
10 boys 9 girls

Move em out and start the same challenge with him, lol. Eventually that single family will populate the whole town XD
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#50 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 3:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by gnomequeen
That poor woman. At least you have teens now.

While it's obvious that I cheated with money (wasn't intending to do any challenge when I started the family), I think you could have a real cash cow with this challenge. Get all of the kids painting or writing when they are able and rake in the profits.

Wait...did I just recommend creating a sweatshop? Perhaps that's not the best idea.

Good luck makin babies, all!

So, there is so much screaming that no one sleeps anymore. Idk what to do
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