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Top Secret Researcher
#26 Old 8th Apr 2013 at 6:37 AM
Yeah the routing could use some work, and there were still glitches in it even when I played totally plain vanilla. My biggest disappointment was not having University in our home neighborhoods. I hear Twallan's got that sorted out. Has anyone checked that out yet?
Field Researcher
#27 Old 8th Apr 2013 at 6:59 AM
You can send sims to university in the homeworld now with Twallan's Careers mod (and your own rabbithole rug objects, Margaret). There are a few issues that he discusses in the 2013-Mar-28 State of the Mod update, that still have to be worked around.

But it works very well so far; I've used it to send my random legacy family to Uni in the homeworld. Mostly just a matter of timing it so that no active family member will age up while anyone in the household's a student. And not switching households in that time frame.
#28 Old 8th Apr 2013 at 4:20 PM
Did anyone figure out how to design a new University world, though?

I'm not opposed to living on a campus, but given the state of EA's pathfinding and the dysfunctional path network on the campus, I'd like the university buildings placed on a grid of roads. You know, so I can ride my bike or broomstick right up to the door, like with the rabbitholes in the normal town.
Test Subject
#29 Old 8th Apr 2013 at 4:24 PM
The only thing i am interested in at the moment, after so much lagging after installing uni, is a mod to just have the herbs etc .and be able to uninstall uni.
#30 Old 8th Apr 2013 at 4:56 PM
I'm not disappointed. Not because there isn't a lot that could be improved, but mainly because after years of EPs, my expectations are pretty darn low.

Yes, if your sim takes the max # of credit hours, it gets ridiculous to where all your sim will be doing is being in class or traveling to class, and sleeping. There's not even enough time to study in order to get that grade up. To be able to enjoy the university experience at all, I've noticed you have to send your sim to university and take the minimum # of credit hours. That way, there is enough time in the day for other activities and even time for studying. It's also a bit more realistic to have to attend university for several terms rather than being able to graduate after just 3.

For some reason, the party generator on my game seems to be stuck in a rut. Every single night, my sim is invited to a juice kegger thrown by Harold Assange. Nobody else throws any other kind of party any more. They did at first, but it seems Assange has a monopoly on parties now.

I actually thought the lecture classes were a nice touch. I didn't expect that, I thought they'd only have rabbit-hole classes. I think they should have eliminated the rabbit-hole classes altogether and just made them all lecture classes with different room layouts, and added lab classes as well. More in-class actions would have been nice too, and maybe a handful of disruptive actions like socializing, which if done excessively, can make the professor upset with a chance of getting thrown out of class.

Resident wet blanket.
#31 Old 8th Apr 2013 at 7:30 PM
Well, my main problem isn't with the realism, but that I had zero information about what I'm signing for. If there is a manual, the stilborn abomination called Origin forgot to give me a link to it.

And the dialog where I enrol doesn't show any information as to what the <bleep> that choice even means. Only NOW I notice that if I leave the mouse over a certain phrase, a popup does appear saying cryptically that I'll have a busier schedule. But the first time I sent a sim to university, I had no <bleep>ing clue what I'm signing up for. Heck, even after I finished with the first one, I still had no clue whether decreasing the number of credits will mean less classes or less trouble filling the performance bar, or WHAT.

How about just writing next to it what it means?

The overall sensation I'm left with is... like going to a new sandwich joint, ordering a BLT one, and discovering that the T stands for turd. Sure, you can go "ha ha, you should have known not to take the BLT option" afterwards, but the fact is, I didn't have that information. I'm not psychic.

There is no excuse to having to make a choice where option 3 is disastrous without having the information to actually know what it means. If a game lets me activate some sort of nightmare mode -- which is what that university term was -- then it should make it clear what it means. If I make an informed choice to take the nightmare option, sure, then I alone am to blame. But if it's just a bar cryptically asking if I want 12, 24 or 36 golden rings, then how would I know what that really means?

Plus, in UL's case, the whole difficulty is artifficial, and due to piss-poor design by drooling morons. But it's EA, so that's redundant.

Having 6 hours of class a day should actually be a breeze. I've had jobs with 6 hours a day work in the base game, and it was no problem. Heck, currently I'm trying the custom Lawyer career which has 8 hours a day, 5 days a week work. No problem.

The real problem is that EA's moron team turns 6 hours of courses into a 13 hour nightmare. That is, including the being queued one hour and a half early to the first class, and an hour and a half after the last class spent running like a rat in a maze down those idiotic paths just to find a way to a road and get home. Just because some smacktard at EA would rather just queue me early and shovel it out the door, than redo the map so it doesn't need two hours just to get from class A to class B.

It's not even hard to fix it, in case it needs spelling out.

A) Just place the classes in a row, one after the other, so essentially it's like a 6 hour job, and/or

B) place the buildings next to ROADS, so I can ride my bike or broomstick to the next class and be there in 15 minutes tops.


C) If I'm to be queued to class at 6:30, then for fork's sake, give me an option to set the alarm clock to 5:30 or even 5:00, so I have time to eat and wash. It's not even a novel idea. In the base world, I am woken up an hour before the carpool arrives. Why change it to half an hour in UL?

But really B is the crux of the problem. It's not the courses, but the watching my character run down some paths, and rather randomly at that, because the pathfinding is broken. It's pointless padding that adds nothing to the enjoyment or university experience, and at that it's entirely too much padding. At the point where 6 hours of class are padded with 7 hours of just running around like an idiot, that's more padding than actual classes. It's entirely too much.
Field Researcher
#32 Old 8th Apr 2013 at 7:40 PM
You might want to get a mod that makes Uni more tolerable, specifically either Nona Mena's No Academic Performance Decay or the version of twoftmama's Slow Motive Decay that includes Nona's mod.

I don't think Uni'd really be playable with this mod. I appreciate that performance decay was an attempt to add a challenge to the game, but it really doesn't have replay value. Do it once, "okay, that was rough, but I did it." But then it just becomes a drag because your sims can't enjoy the rest of the Uni experience. No time for all the fun stuff that was so heavily touted. And it's not realistic. The only time my academic performance ever dropped while I slept was because I was missing a final. Oops.

So stop over at Simlogical or Sims Asylum and grab one of those and anything else that strikes your fancy; I always leave those two sites with a lot more than I went looking for.
Top Secret Researcher
#33 Old 9th Apr 2013 at 12:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Moraelin
Did anyone figure out how to design a new University world, though?

I'm not opposed to living on a campus, but given the state of EA's pathfinding and the dysfunctional path network on the campus, I'd like the university buildings placed on a grid of roads. You know, so I can ride my bike or broomstick right up to the door, like with the rabbitholes in the normal town.
Yes, you can create your own Uni world as well, using the same method that can make custom vacation worlds. The only thing I haven't ironed out yet is, the meet and greet doesn't get triggered when the sim first arrives on campus.
Mad Poster
#34 Old 10th Apr 2013 at 2:00 AM Last edited by lil bag2 : 10th Apr 2013 at 2:26 AM.
Everything about University that I'm not too fond of:

- My sims are always late to class because there's always a mob outside the rabbitholes
- They really should make joining social groups optional. I don't want my designated nerd to become a jock just because he went bowling. Or for my jock to become a nerd just because he's a science major.
- Plantsims....of all the occults to bring back, why them? At least make them smokable since we're including "herbs"!
- For some reason, using the laptop on the floor doesn't give you all the options you'd normally have if you were using it at a desk
- Apartments. Nuff said. Thank God for that mod that makes apartments more like the ones in TS2
- I don't wanna have to go through that hell of a college just to join the Video Game career. They shouldn't keep certain careers from you just cuz your sim doesn't have a degree
- I still don't know what "Correlate Scientific Data" means
- There doesn't really seem to be any rhyme or reason to gaining or losing followers with the Blog app. Kinda nnoying

Other than that, I actually enjoy this EP


Quote: Originally posted by Margaret Pendragon
I hear Twallan's got that sorted out. Has anyone checked that out yet?

I have and it's 100% fully functional. Only downside is it's quite lonely without any classmates...or professors :P
Test Subject
#35 Old 10th Apr 2013 at 3:37 AM
I hate it.

- you have no idea how credits work, how many is reasonable, it's a total guessing game the first time
- my first Sim did the technology major. Which apparently helped for military and police jobs. What? Must be all that working out he did while learning science and logic.
- loading screens back and forth... ugh. It's my um... 20th generation or something. It takes forever to load. Seriously, like 10 minutes.
- social groups are totally useless. I couldn't care less about them but I keep getting spammed by wants and pop ups all the bleeping time
- parties all the time. And your sim spends all the time trying to drink from a keg. Or streaking. Oh and sometimes you can't get to the party because the Sim who invited you isn't home (good job EA!). And you keep getting pop ups even if you refuse the invitation... in both uni and the normal world. Real pain (oh and really you don't want to miss that party!).
- grades decay. Totally awful idea. You pretty much need the mod.
- social networking is totally useless. Ok being able to use the app to change your relationship with someone is very handy, but blog posts are pointless, texts... well do they even do anything?
- the new careers - one of my Sims got the offer before going to university, so I had to decline. He never got it again. Nice eh? I got it with the second one though (not at the top yet).
- I couldn't do anything with my university friends after coming home, because I didn't have world adventures installed. No long distance calling option or anything.

Now being 20th generation and with 10+ millions in bank, I just skip through it, do all the credits in one term and use the motive mobile. But even then, the stupid car goes in the parking lot every single time, instead of staying in my sim's inventory, and I forgot it there after my first time. That kinda annoyed me. And if there are other cars in the lot, my Sim will take the wrong car every single time, so I keep having to put it back in his inventory when he gets home so he can use the right car next time.

I loved university in TS2. Here it just sucks. Apart from new furniture, clothes etc I can't even see any reason to have this EP at all. It just makes the game more annoying overall. The only good point I guess is that some of the Sims have new faces (it's what I hate in Sims 3, all Sims look alike). So I married one of the teachers and she gave me new faced babies.

I really wish I had saved my money. I'm missing TS2 more and more, but securom totally messed up my computer after Apartments and wouldn't even recognize the disk anymore.
Mad Poster
#36 Old 10th Apr 2013 at 5:19 AM
I wasn't too happy leaving town and going to the University world. Now with the updated Careers Mod and Margaret Pendragon's RH rugs, I don't need the University world at all. Sure, it needs polishing, like if I make a student union, my sim have lecture classes without a professor, but it's all good. She still got the performance and even fell asleep for a bit. LMAO!

Now if the Group Science lot would work, then I will definitely be in the mix. Right now it's done in the RH.

I love the modding community! Big ups on that group of fabulous people.

Quote: Originally posted by Margaret Pendragon
Yeah the routing could use some work, and there were still glitches in it even when I played totally plain vanilla. My biggest disappointment was not having University in our home neighborhoods. I hear Twallan's got that sorted out. Has anyone checked that out yet?

Yep, playing it now and uploaded my University lot. Waiting for an approval. Thank you very much for your part in giving me what I wanted. *HUGS* :lovestruc

Resident member of The Receptacle Refugees
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Top Secret Researcher
#37 Old 10th Apr 2013 at 5:27 AM
Quote: Originally posted by lewisb40
Yep, playing it now and uploaded my University lot. Waiting for an approval. Thank you very much for your part in giving me what I wanted. *HUGS* :lovestruc
Fantastic! I can't wait to see it!

Do the meet and greets happen in the homeworld? I really need to get over to Nraas and read about it, as having to leave the homeworld to go to college was my biggest complaint about Uni.
Mad Poster
#38 Old 10th Apr 2013 at 5:44 AM
whoa whoa whoa! YOU made the University rugs!?
Mad Poster
#39 Old 10th Apr 2013 at 5:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Margaret Pendragon
Fantastic! I can't wait to see it!

Do the meet and greets happen in the homeworld? I really need to get over to Nraas and read about it, as having to leave the homeworld to go to college was my biggest complaint about Uni.

No, I wasn't able to get the freebies table or schedule a meet and greet. I did put the events marker on my student union lot, and my sim have lecture class there. No professor, it is so cute, my sim sleeps through classes.

The Group Science Project lot doesn't work in the home world either. I guess Twallan have them go to the RH for the project. According to the school schedule.

I don't care, no going to University world! Woot!

Resident member of The Receptacle Refugees
Let's help fund mammograms for everyone. If you want to help, Click To Give @ The Breast Cancer Site Your click is free. Thank you.
Lab Assistant
#40 Old 10th Apr 2013 at 5:10 PM
I still think that EA is just kidding with us , this cant be University EP , its more like a silly joke (EA is bad at them though) and they are gonna release the real EP soon , and give it for free to all those poor people who paid for such garbage , seriously i mean i was looking at the pics before the release and all this talking how its gonna be a big deal and how were finally gonna have a decent EP , something worth our money you know.

in the end i paid $40 to see some crazy naked sims running all over the place , parties suck more than they did in the last EPs , no improvement at all , its like EA programmers dont how parties looks like , or they never been to any of them in real world , its like i paid for 100 bugs n glitches and smart phone to make anyone u take a pic with a CLONE!!!
Test Subject
#41 Old 11th Apr 2013 at 9:00 PM
Personally, if I would rate this expansion from 1 to 5.
I'd give a 3 out of 5. There are pros and cons, but it's EA and Sims what can you expect? Anyway, I'm going to talk about pros and cons in this game.

- I like the university lot design and nicely done communities lot.

- New clothes and hair in CAS, you can also "make" your own alien.

- New careers and "herbs"

- New traits and skills.

- Annoying careless NPCs in dormitory, if you ask me.

- Social group system seems way forced, personally sometimes it can be annoying to receive messages regarding your status in a social group even thought you didn't wanted your Sim to be in the one at the first place. And it's annoying how you can't do something with sim like "Play video games" without receiving the message about how they entered a social group.

- Academic performance, I personally got annoyed with it, you can't put your sim to do something else without their academic performance decreasing down, really.

-The expansion pack didn't lived up to hype, but that's the usual thing we see in The Sims everyday, right? In trailer we see sims having fun by showing new features and items, partying and etc. where everything looks polished but when you play the game, the community lots are ghost towns and parties by npc sims are very dull and not fun at all.

-Bugs, some of them are actually really obnoxious, it's not funny anymore.For an examples, one of bugs is that I cannot propose a marriage to a sim, and also when click on "relationship" section and scroll to your boyfriend/girlfriend it's says "partner: none" yet on bottom right it says that they are your partner. Pretty annoying.

But personally it's mediocre expansion if you ask me, but however I'm really looking forward to new Island Paradise expansion.
Lab Assistant
#42 Old 13th Apr 2013 at 5:24 AM
Any college roommate or town roommate household I've played,& hired the daily maid.....sheesh,they come in, do their work, then stand around doing squat.Trying to dismiss them doesn't work,so I have to reset them via Twallan's MC.If I play a family or single sim household,then the maid acts normal.

Sky Marshal Skittles to the rescue!

Causing havoc here at MTS since 2004
Field Researcher
#43 Old 14th Apr 2013 at 3:59 AM
I don't think I'm so much disappointed as I am underwhelmed, if that makes any sense. I enjoy it for what it is, ignoring the roommate crap and the glitches, but i feel as if it could have been so much more. I don't think it's bad and I'm relatively happy with it, I'm just ... eh. It's stuff that could have been included in the base game/Generations, imo.

I am not pretty. I am not beautiful. I am as radiant as the sun.

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Top Secret Researcher
#44 Old 14th Apr 2013 at 6:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by gizmoman49
But why can't we just make a plant sim (or a mummy, imaginary friend, unicorn, or alien, for that matter) in create-a-sim?

I think it's deacuase EA can't be bothered to include that feature and it makes me wonder whether the reason why is deacuase of complaints from simmers about having it there in the frist place. Decides there should be some console commands to do that in game and there always is the sims 3 transoformer hack which always works on sims.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Space Pony
#45 Old 14th Apr 2013 at 6:59 PM
I probably would like it better if my sims would actually be there when I run it. The ones I sent to University (3 at first but I had one drop out) have finished one term & they did well during that time. But since it's a new term, it made me choose whether they wanted to live in a dorm or elsewhere, so I chose a house. Their 'wishes' appear and various other things appear like "Joe Blow just received an invitation to a party, do you want to go?" I can't go into the furniture or the build section, there is no panel to open up. I don't know if their "needs" are going down & I can't go back home to edit that house which I had put a lot of work into building it from scratch. I can't even get to that house to upload it. When I play other families not in the University area, everything works wonderfully and correct.
Test Subject
#46 Old 17th Apr 2013 at 5:08 AM
The expansion pack itself didn't disappoint me, I loved the Nerd shops, the Murphy bed and many things that came with it. It was the University that disappointed me. It's annoying that roommates can go in your dorm whenever you want unless you lock the door, and that they're really careless. Also I was looking forward to interactive classes, but they disappointed me too. I also hate Social groups, I don't mind it in the Uni world (in which I probably would never come back to), or maybe even the teens but the homeworld adults with Social groups just annoy me. I also hate the fact that the dormies never leave town and get replaced with new ones.

Overall though, it wasn't disappointing. The Social Networking skill is entertaining (but they should do that in computers as well...) and the cafes remind me of Starbucks. If the roommates were smarter and they could actually leave University, then I think I'd like it more.

So far, though, I'd probably never come back to Uni.
Mad Poster
#47 Old 17th Apr 2013 at 7:33 PM
I'm also a little confused as to why you can't blog on the computer.
#48 Old 17th Apr 2013 at 10:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Margaret Pendragon
as having to leave the homeworld to go to college was my biggest complaint about Uni.

That's my actual only complaint with the EP. I wish we could switch back and forth between Uni and the homeworld
Test Subject
#49 Old 18th Apr 2013 at 4:26 PM
I liked the idea of the whole "University Life" in the Sims 3, especially since I enjoyed the Sims 2 one...To be honest, I am disappointed in it :/ It's boring, the class schedule is complete rubbish, The routing issues, When my sims tried to attend a party she was invited to - the host is miraculously "never home" and then they text me complaining that I never turned up (what the heck?), The other sims int he sorority house are all disgusting pigs - constantly messing up the place even with the neat trait o.O, The social groups are boring - If i want my sim to be a jock - they wont want to be in with the nerds at the same time - They should have thought realistically about this ....

I have been to Uni twice since I bought the expansion, now I just save LTR and buy a degree from there ....

My Simblr: PinkFridaySims
Forum Resident
#50 Old 19th Apr 2013 at 10:17 AM
I still don't know what "Correlate Scientific Data" means

A correlational analysis is a statistical technique that examines the relationship between two variables.

I actually managed to graduate my Sim--ironically, taking a higher credit load made it more fun. It felt more like "college" and her grades were much better because she was in class more and the bar had less time to decay. That graduation "ceremony" was super weak though--she didn't even get a memory for graduating from college!
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