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Top Secret Researcher
#26 Old 2nd Nov 2013 at 10:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jthm_nny
I agree with the bad writing, but even then he's not annoying. He has his own personality and personality is always very important every regeneration.

I consider it annoying when the character whines about his love interest for three seasons despite never doing so when characters he's more invested in leave.

The writing does get full-idiot in the specials though. I mean, one made him look like Jesus and I quite watching one because they did some crazy crap to the Master and made him some kind of...flying thing or whatever. I'm going on memory of that flying-Master episode so I could be very wrong in remembering him flying and pouncing, but whatever happened in that episode was just way too weird. I remember it was a christmas special I think. I don't even know.

Oh, you're not wrong. He flies, eats people alive, and can shoot lightning from his hands. Also, he can show off his skeleton. It's all because after he died and was cremated, a rich guy's followers resurrected him. But his wife - despite being in an insane asylum - got her hands on an anti-resurrection potion that didn't entirely work, so he became that thing. Also, it got worse than that. That was The End of Time, not a Christmas special. They did four specials because Tennant was too busy with other projects to do a full season.
Mad Poster
#27 Old 2nd Nov 2013 at 11:28 PM
"The End of Time" was a two-parter Christmas + New Year special.

They kinda went a little overboard with the Resurrected Master thing. But I guess they needed some rather insane way of resurrecting the Master, from getting burned up at the end of "Last of the Time Lords".

I don't care. It had Wilf in it, going crazy with space-ship guns and whatnots, and the cactus... sorry, cacti... sorry again, the Vinvocci, steering the doctor down a flight of stairs ("Worst. Rescue. EVER!"), and a bunch of other things that had me flat out laughing. Plus all the sad scenes at the end ("I don't want to go!") that had me in tears (I didn't want 10 to go, either).

Insane, flying skeleton-guy that made no sense at all can't really beat that!
Top Secret Researcher
#28 Old 3rd Nov 2013 at 12:14 AM
Okay, I looked it up, and you're right. The first part was broadcast on December 25th. I must have mixed the specials up with Voyage of the Damned.

And the sad scenes were just terrible. You have the Doctor - an essentially immortal being - whining to an 80-year old man that he's going to die soon. He's complaining about dying to a man who's at the end of his life. And Wilf isn't actually going to keep going after he dies! Then again, if his logic is that he dies and is born in each regeneration, I guess I can forgive him for acting like a five-year-old because he technically is one. I think even the writers got bored with it; they whiplashed the mood from whiny Ten to amusingly confused Eleven.

And what they did to Rassilion! They completely did a 180 from his character in The Five Doctors! Somehow, they got "I will NOT DIE!" from "He knew that immortality is the worst curse of all!" Aargh!

How about I spare you all my complaints and just link this for anyone who wants to hear it. I agree with most of it.
Mad Poster
#29 Old 3rd Nov 2013 at 12:54 AM
The whole point was probably that he realized that he had messed up quite a lot of people, and knew that this would be the final goodbye with all of them, plus the goodbye to this particular reincarnation. He carries with him a lot of guilt. To me it seems as if while the doctor keeps a little of his old selves, it probably feels like dying every time, even if he technically doesn't - especially when he wakes up in a new body with a (mostly) new personality. He actually "died" at least once, and ended up in a morgue, and he's been pretty close numerous times. Radiation poisoning a few times, falls, poisoning, being shot at, time vortex exposure... And that's just a few of the things that made him regenerate. I wouldn't blame him for being afraid of dying, particularly since we're not even sure if he has only 13 (12?) regenerations altogether, or if he now has more. Sure, Wilf is old, but for the record it seems he has been through quite a lot in his (mostly) regular human-length life. And he found aliens, his granddaughter got a happy life in the end.

I think that out of Wilf and the Doctor, Wilf got the better deal...

As for whiny 10, he has his not so good moments, like most of the doctors seem to have (from what I've seen, anyway). But he has so many good moments (Partiularly him and Donna... XD ) I manage to overlook the bad ones (like the love story with Rose, and the not seeing that Martha was like a drooling puppy after him because he was so obsessed of mourning Rose - that got old fast!).

As for Rassilon, I guess they're probably counting on the younger generations/New-Whovians to not have seen the older episodes, or just making their own spin on things. They have to reach a completely different audience nowadays, and they have to take a lot of shortcuts. While it as all fun (*cough*, not!) to watch people walk or stand around and do absolutely nothing for half the first episode of each 4-6 parter of Four's season, they would not have been as successful with it now. And the monsters/aliens have gotten a much needed upgrade. At least we've got proper special effects now, and not people in very bad costumes where you see people moving under the costume. At least that's something... But then again, they were probably considered good special effects at the time. For being in the 60s to 80s, that is. And I'm really glad they're not paying the "damsel in distress" card too much. At least the "damsels" bite now, and some of them are even able to get out of trouble on their own. Plus, it's real trouble. Not just being bound to a tree with a single length of rope, or being chased by a robot they could easily have run from, or some such.

Sure, the new episodes aren't perfect. They have their 's and 's once in a while. The older episodes had even more of those (at least I think so). But it's not meant to be realistic. It's meant to be illogical and dorky, maybe a little bit sad at times, and hilarious at other times.

(by the way, the guy in the video probably had good points and all (not that I heard any the first 5 minutes or thereabout) but... oh my goodness me, 1.40 hours listening to nothing but that whining voice??? I'd rather watch the actual episodes and make my own commentary, thanks very much!)
Top Secret Researcher
#30 Old 3rd Nov 2013 at 1:13 AM
That sounds really kind of contradictory. He's been through a lot of things and carries a lot of guilt, but a final death - which would erase both of those things - is scary? And Wilf gets a full eighty years, but having a full 900+ years is less than that?

Actually, her voice sounds like that because that's her natural accent. She's Northern Irish.

What do the special effects have to do with Rassilion? Yes, they're updating the series. Doesn't mean that they have to turn a character into Random Generic Villain B: Is Scared of Dying. Actually, two characters: him and the Doctor. One stated that immortality is a curse, and it's implied in the old series that twelve regenerations isn't a biological limit, but a personal one. The Time Lords don't like immortality, so they choose to limit themselves to twelve. That or the ruling body forces them to stay at twelve, which was a big point in the Valeyard arc. And in Sarah Jane Adventures, he states that there isn't a limit on his regenerations - while the limit of twelve isn't mentioned in the new series or spinoffs - which supports the idea that it was the Time Lord Council.

Not to mention that none of the others seem to be particularly upset when they regenerate. The only one to complain about it is Ten, who has already proven that he whines a lot. Sounds to me like Ten is just wangsting.
Mad Poster
#31 Old 3rd Nov 2013 at 11:27 AM Last edited by sushigal007 : 4th Nov 2013 at 12:40 AM.
Ugh, I was so annoyed by what they did to the Time Lords and to the Master. I liked Derek Jacobi's ten minutes as a dark, brooding Master much more than Simm's wacky, zany, mad-as-a-box-of-frogs Master.

Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
And I'm really glad they're not paying the "damsel in distress" card too much. At least the "damsels" bite now, and some of them are even able to get out of trouble on their own. Plus, it's real trouble. Not just being bound to a tree with a single length of rope, or being chased by a robot they could easily have run from, or some such.

Excuse me, u need to watch some Barbara and Zoe. Barbara was an Aztec goddess and ran over a Dalek with a truck. Zoe beat up a comic book superhero and blew up a computer with LOGIC because it wouldn't talk nicely to her. Hell, even Victoria and Susan, despite being girly girly screaming damsels had lots of moments of awesome and cool, with Victoria shooting a Cybermat dead between the eyes in one shot, attempting to karate-chop Salamander and using her screams to kill a seaweed monster while Susan ran through a radiation-filled forest where she knew something was watching her to save her friends, and leapt on the back of a caveman who attacked her grandfather.
So, OK, yes, there was a lot of screaming damsels who needed rescuing... but that's not the entire sum of their characters and it really annoys me when people write them off like that.
Forum Resident
#32 Old 5th Nov 2013 at 2:58 AM
TBH, My favorite companion is Romana I, simply because she was not afraid to call The Doctor out when he was wrong. Sure, she had a bit of damsel in distress archatype in her, but she was a very intelligent, and strong willed companion, which we still haven't had a good example of in the new series.
I mean Amy, and Donna knew The Doctor wasn't perfect, and would call him out, and Martha was incredibly intelligent, but there hasn't been one that's both at the same time. I had high hopes for Clara in this regard, but she was, in my opinion, a disapointment. But, who knows. She now has the memories of The Doctor's entire life, and if they don't erase those memories, she could be interesting. But right now my favorite New-Who companion is easily Rory.
Mad Poster
#33 Old 5th Nov 2013 at 5:17 PM
Donna, Jack, River and Rory are my favorites from New-Who, in that order. As for short-time companions I also want to add Rory's dad, Brian, and Wilf.
The awkward love stuff with Rose, Martha and Amy got a bit old, and quickly. While a little is fine, too much is too much, hence why none of them will be my favorites.

sushigal007, it's probably from the series I haven't seen. I've only seen 4's seasons (all), some of 6, along with a few of 1's, and 8-11. I'm sure there are companions with more bite in old-Who, but in the seasons I've seen, there are a whole lot more damsels... For instance, I liked Sarah Jane in the appearances she made in New-Who, but oh my goodness, she was so annoying in 4's season! Some of the damsels have their moments, though. Romana 1 wasn't too bad, but I did find her annoying at times.
Mad Poster
#34 Old 8th Nov 2013 at 6:39 AM
Sarah Jane was written to be a bit annoying and useless originally, like most female companions early on up until around Seven's short run. See: Susan, in One's era. Though not an official companion (she was apparently One's grandchild, but that's up for debate that she's more of a stray Gallifreyan girl he took in when she was younger) she was written as little more than a hysterically-screaming plot device. And her actress acknowledged that completely and said that she hated how much screaming and had asked for actual, useful lines . . . but the writers said no and kept drinking their glasses full of sexism.

Angie/DS | Baby Sterling - 24/2/2014
This account is mostly used by my sons to download CC now, if you see me active, it's probably just them!
Mad Poster
#35 Old 8th Nov 2013 at 7:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by parrot999
But right now my favorite New-Who companion is easily Rory.

Oh God, yes. I love that bit where he enters the TARDIS for the first time and is completely unimpressed and all "it's another dimension. I've been doing research." Then I rewatched Eleventh Hour and realised he was pretty much the only person who twigged that something was wrong, long before all hell broke loose. And he was smart enough to gather evidence. Easily my second fave male companion. But I'll be honest, no-one's ever going to knock Jamie off the top spot.
Anyway, anyone else going to see the anniversary special in cinemas?
Lab Assistant
#36 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 10:34 AM
one day left - save the day !

the light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
and you have burned so very, very brightly, roy.
Top Secret Researcher
#37 Old 22nd Nov 2013 at 7:52 PM
I looking forward to seeing tenant as the doctor again, I never was a fan of Matt as the doctor. Surprised to see rose making a come back but who knows what will happen.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Lab Assistant
#38 Old 23rd Nov 2013 at 10:36 AM

“when you’re a kid, they tell you it’s all… grow up, get a job, get married, get a house, have a kid, and that’s it. but the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that. it’s so much darker. and so much madder. and so much better.”

the light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
and you have burned so very, very brightly, roy.
Test Subject
#39 Old 5th Nov 2015 at 5:14 AM
Noticed this hasn't been replied to in ages:
rating my favourite doctors:
1.David Tennant
2.Matt Smith
3. Tom Baker
4.Jon Pertwee
5..Christopher Eccleston

Side note: I LOVED matt smith as the doctor. I regret nothing.
Also, I have to say that River Song is one of my favourite companions. I can't wait for this years christmas specials!
And I'm not too sold on Peter Capaldi yet. I've never liked Clara as a companion, she just seems very detached from the Doctor and
the show now all too often focuses on her. I miss the wonder. Do you guys know what I mean?
Capaldi is great, but his episodes have been really missing something?
I am so glad Clara's almost done.
Test Subject
#40 Old 5th Nov 2015 at 5:15 AM
[QUOTE=fmath5]Noticed this hasn't been replied to in ages:
rating my favourite doctors:
1.David Tennant
2.Matt Smith
3. Tom Baker
4.Jon Pertwee
5..Christopher Eccleston

Side note: I LOVED matt smith as the doctor. I regret nothing.
Also, I have to say that River Song is one of my favourite companions. I can't wait for this years christmas specials!
And I'm not too sold on Peter Capaldi yet. I've never liked Clara as a companion, she just seems very detached from the Doctor and
the show now all too often focuses on her. I miss the wonder. Do you guys know what I mean?
Capaldi is great, but his episodes have been really missing something?
I am so glad Clara's almost done.

Also, I miss having Captain Jack around? think he'll ever be back?
#41 Old 24th Jan 2016 at 5:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by fmath5
Side note: I LOVED matt smith as the doctor. I regret nothing.
Also, I have to say that River Song is one of my favourite companions. I can't wait for this years christmas specials!
And I'm not too sold on Peter Capaldi yet. I've never liked Clara as a companion, she just seems very detached from the Doctor and
the show now all too often focuses on her. I miss the wonder. Do you guys know what I mean?
Capaldi is great, but his episodes have been really missing something?
I am so glad Clara's almost done.

Also, I miss having Captain Jack around? think he'll ever be back?

I was never too crazy on Matt Smith, but he's okay. Some of his episodes were just bad. Capaldi I instantly loved, even though some episodes were bad, but I blame Clara. I feel you on the "thank God, she's done" front. I really think they ended her nicely.

And Jack, I miss him so muuuch! I hope he'll be back
Mad Poster
#42 Old 24th Jan 2016 at 5:34 PM
I'm not convinced by Capaldi yet. I feel he's too theatrical when he delivers his lines as the doctor. But I did like him in the Pompeii episode, and he has his moments. I'm not the biggest fan of Clara either, so perhaps that's it. Plus some bad writing and/or too weird episode plots the past couple of seasons. I'm of the opinion that the plots should at least be somewhat plausible, so plots like the moon being a dragon egg is a bit too far out there. I do like Missy, though. Fun to see them casting one of the time lor... ladies, I mean, as a gender swap.

BBC just announced that Moffat is about to shelf his writing for DW after season 10, so maybe that'll bring a fresh breath to the series. His writing has a tendency to go in the much too 'timey wimey' direction, to the point where you almost have to be inside his brain to understand his plotlines. I do love River, though. She's in a lot of my favorite episodes. I'll be a little sad if she never pops up again (Bad Moffat for throwing all those adventure hints at us).

I doubt Jack'll be back. But there's always Torchwood for more Jack awesomeness.
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