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#51 Old 30th Aug 2007 at 11:15 AM
well, my name is claire ^_^ the ishness.. that's just a random add on.. I think I started that with other words when you say stuff like "cold.. ish" random as I am, I add "ness" on the end of a lot of things ^_^ so.. claireishness was born :D
Lab Assistant
#52 Old 12th Sep 2007 at 1:09 PM
Default My nicknames!
Wittier112:I first thought of my name when I was signing up for youtube. I had watched Bring it on: Again the night before I signed up, but youtube wouldn't take the name. So, I tried it on here, adding 112 for some unknown reason!

Cupcakes42: I thought of this when me and my friend where trying to sign me up for youtube. It wouldn't take wittier112, so I thought why not try cupcakes, since I love cupcakes! and of course it didn't work. So, I think I just typed in random numbers!

Punkergurl113 or Punkergurl: I first though of this name when I think I was making another account on youtube, so that has been my name on some websites like youtube and Myspace.

Loner99: My name on neopets. I just put my dogs name and the random number 99 together.

And I think that is all right now!
Lab Assistant
#53 Old 12th Sep 2007 at 1:28 PM
I was creating a hotmail account and was on a lotr boom. I wanted one of the carachters names like arwen and of course it was taken so i tried arwyn and so on which still didn't work, then i thought i'd try a name from red dwarf like starbug still no luck so i combined the damn things starbug/arwyn and there ya have it starwyn...it still amazes me when i join a site and the name is taken??? i made it up and it's taken?? lol
#54 Old 12th Sep 2007 at 1:30 PM
You mean like my username? Demonesque?
Well. Demonesque... characteristics of a demon. Pretty much describes me, I don't really have a colorful story to go behind it.

Now in real life nicknames?
Those are a lot more interesting.
My real name is TinaMarie. Sooo some people call me Tina, nothing exciting about that.
But then you get coloful renderings, such as:
Martini: My pal Cory reversed "Tina" and "Marie" to get MarieTina.. and it reminded him of Martinis. So he's called me that ever since.

Meth: A street name for meth around here is teena. Sooo, a lot of people call me Meth. Not my favourite nickname, but it stuck.

Death or Grim Reaper: my senior year of high school was 3 years ago, right? Well, my best friend got me a little statue of the Grim Reaper as a present, and I carried it around with me all that day because it wouldn't fit in my locker. Well, all the cast members of a play I was in thought it was creepy, and started calling me Grim Reaper. And it stuck. Here, 3 years later, people STILL call me Grim Reaper or Death.

Lene: I absolutely hate my nickname Tina. So for awhile I went by Lene, and some people still call me by that.

yeaaaaah not that exciting.
Lab Assistant
#55 Old 12th Sep 2007 at 1:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Ellemo
I got mine becuase, well...my name is Ellen...and for some strange reason is was thinking about Elmo!

Beofre you think i am a weirdo who sits at home watching sesame street, let me tell you i am a mother....anyway we had a video with ellen degenerous (sp?) and elmo so i found that uncanny when i read yours ?
#56 Old 12th Sep 2007 at 1:46 PM
Well G for my name Glen, J for my middle name and well... prentice, because I couldn't just have GJ And yeah. Kind of random but oh well.
Site Helper
#57 Old 12th Sep 2007 at 1:53 PM
Sidney is my husband. He chose sidneydoj (Disciple of Jesus) as an e-mail and sign in for things because it was something he was sure we could both remember.

I am Ghost because when I was in high school in Southern California, I didn't spend all summer getting a tan. We had navy blue gym shorts, which enhanced the fact that I was as white as a sheet. I was one of the unpopular kids anyway, so I became Ghost.

Then my family moved to Virginia. My sisters got active in things while I was away at college, so I was the sister nobody ever saw. I began to introduce myself as the local figment of your imagination. When I needed a nickname, I realized that Ghost really did fit after all, so now I actually like it.

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
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#58 Old 12th Sep 2007 at 11:22 PM
The story of geena04:
My real name is Georgia. A few years ago, a kid in my class thought I was Georgina. I liked the end, Gina. But I didn't like that spelling, so I came up with Geena as a nickname all my friends call me. This happened in 2004, hence, Geena04.
#59 Old 13th Sep 2007 at 12:04 AM
I got "Halei" from the Hawiian spelling of my name.
...I got sick of it about a year ago. XD I don't know of any way to change it on here, though.
#60 Old 13th Sep 2007 at 12:45 AM
Yay, a new thread for this..*has been reading through* I started off with the name Charmedfreak, and everyone called me Charmed..and then I joined a forum where everyone started calling me Charmy, and I guess it just kinda..stuck. I mostly go by Sammy now, because I'm sick of being called Charmy all the time..lol
#61 Old 13th Sep 2007 at 12:50 AM
Uhm, i used to be a big Cher fan. And me and my friends came up with the word Cherific [if anyone says different, they lie] and there we go CherificSim
I mostly go by Cher...Cherific.....but now im Cherie to most :P
Test Subject
#62 Old 14th Sep 2007 at 1:37 PM
Well, this is the nickname I'm using in the majority of the forums I'm a member. I like Dante, his work and his philosophy. I believe he combined sharp brain with a deep philosophical attitude towards arts. That's why I chose this
#63 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 8:22 PM
Uh, it's a name of an album by Bright Eyes =)
#64 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 9:14 PM
Its pretty much a nickname of someone i love since my own nickname is taken.
#65 Old 16th Sep 2007 at 9:15 PM
My grandmother used to always tell me when I was little, that she thought I looked extra cute when my mom put ribbons in my hair. She passed away a few days before I joined the forum, so she was on my mind when I was trying to think of a user name. Thus creating "Ribbonsinmyhair".
#66 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 7:36 PM
I was called babycats when I was little. I came up with the sn in 7th grade and just never changed it
#67 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 8:45 PM
Okay, well... I originally used to use - wait for it - LocoMatrixObsessedWerewolf on internet-things (actually, I think I only used it in the one place, but still).
Loco because a) I am :D, b) it's an awesome word, and c) because in The Matrix, there's a line where Tank says, "Neo, this is loco" and I always thought it sounded like he was introducing someone, which made me giggle. So I stole it. Matrix-Obsessed has already been demonstrated, I think, and Werewolf... my friends decided I was a werewolf because I love wolves, and I always used to ruin the covers of my schoolbooks by shoving them in my bag/ripping them up, which made them look like they'd been chewed. So, I'm apparently a werewolf. :P

I decided LocoMatrixObsessedWerewolf was a bit too much of a mouthful, and shortened it to LocoWerewolf (by this point I was slightly less Matrix-obsessed, too). And then my friend started calling me Loco, so I gave up on the long-ness and just used that!

I used to use Adva, which is just a name I like (it means 'wave' or 'ripple' which kinda suits me - I love water and the sea), but it was also the name of my first ever RP character. So it has sentimental value!

My most recent username is one I've wanted to use for a while - Harlequin Valentine. It's the name of a Neil Gaiman graphic novel, and it's awesome, but I mainly just like how the words sound. I've only had a chance to use that in one place, though.
Lab Assistant
#68 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 9:19 PM
Well, I like Gummi Bears .
#69 Old 17th Sep 2007 at 9:43 PM
My nickname Esse is the French pronunciation of my first name. Since it was already taken, I came with Essa because I'm a female. :p
Lab Assistant
#70 Old 19th Sep 2007 at 7:37 AM
My username is Lmfjaxxon:

Jaxxon=Jackson...hence, lmfjaxxon (of course, I had to change it up just in case we have a stalker on the boards) :bath

I have tried, but have failed. What else is there for me do do?
#71 Old 19th Sep 2007 at 7:54 AM
I stole it from my dog. Her name is Maggie, but I call her Migamoo.
Test Subject
#72 Old 19th Sep 2007 at 8:07 AM
cmy name is cartoonfan, because i like cartoons. well, the ones i looked as a kid. on some other forums, i use my mom, name , engelina.
#73 Old 19th Sep 2007 at 12:51 PM
Mine is pretty simple, it's my name!
Lab Assistant
#74 Old 14th Mar 2009 at 2:40 PM
nadsy01 because all my friends call me nadsy and the '01' makes it sound better!
#75 Old 14th Mar 2009 at 3:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sidneydoj
I am Ghost because when I was in high school in Southern California, I didn't spend all summer getting a tan. We had navy blue gym shorts, which enhanced the fact that I was as white as a sheet. I was one of the unpopular kids anyway, so I became Ghost.

See, I would have sworn it was a hacker name. It definitely seems like one...

On this forum I'm... ceegamus. My name is Christian James, but I hate that name, so I go by CJ. If you drop the "-ay", you get "Ceeg" (Ceej would be more appropriate, but I prefer the g). Add "-amus" and you get my nickname... of a nickname... or something. (See - juh - mus)

On other forums, I'm Asphid_Jackal. I got pissed off at something on the computer, and I slammed my hand down on the keyboard (because, as everyone knows, that makes everything better). What came up was a bunch of random letters, and in the middle somewhere was asfd jkl. I said it out loud, and got Asphid Jackal. A lot of forums don't allow spaces, so I used an underscore.
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