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#51 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 4:36 PM
Autumn kept her eyebrow raised and tilted her head at Ethan "Your a bit of a flirt aren’t ya" she pouted looking at Ethan then replying to his answer as if just hearing it "Well me, my sister and dad have only been here 2 years" she nodded pointing to Veronica "But...it would be nice to get to know ya a bit better" she winked and twisted one of her curls round her index finger and smiled at Ethan

(( My attempt to add some southern language into that))

#52 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 4:39 PM
"Your a bit of a flirt aren’t ya" Autumn replied pouting as she looked at Ethan "Well me, my sister and dad have only been here 2 years" she nodded pointing to Veronica "But...it would be nice to get to know ya a bit better" she winked and twisted one of her curls round her index finger and smiled at him.

Ethan gave her one of his charming smiles. Worked everytime like a charm. This girl Autumn was really something special. She was pretty and easy to talk to. Ethan hoped that they would become more close, he just hoped she didnt expect anything more than a hook up. Relationships were not on Ethan's agenda.

"So your from America right, wow must be amazing? " Ethan asked Autumn
Field Researcher
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#53 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 5:12 PM

Sam flitted around, doing niggly little jobs 'behind the scenes' as it were, packing lunches, placing CD's and magazines in the RV, calling Sky to get the movie channels.
She stood at the top of the stairs and called out.
'Guys! C'mon, grab your stuff, we're off!'
She passed Autumn, Veronica and Ethan in the hallway.
'Heya, having fun?' She gave them both a quick smile before noticing Ethan was blushing, bless, the sisters did that to guys 'Alright, my lovlies, in the RV with you'

(( OOC: Here we go, here we go, here we go ))
Test Subject
#54 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 5:34 PM
Corey grabbed his bags and his guitar, and headed to the RV. He sat down at the back, took some tabs out've his bag, and started playing Through The Glass by Stone Sour.
#55 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 5:53 PM

Autumn grinned as Sam annoced they were to leave. Ajusting her cowboy hat, Autumn turned to Ethan "Yeah I am. Georgia to be exact" she smiled "...I miss it" she added quietly before grabbing her sisters arm and leaving the house. Looking over her shoulder Autumn noticed Ethan still stood still and winked at him before reaching the RV. Climbing in Autumn took a seat near the front.


Veronica stood waiting for her drink and almost tripped as Autumn grabbed her arm and pulled her out the house to the RV. Climbing in and taking a spare seat, Veronica pulled her iPod out and waited to see who would sit next to her, humming to herself quielty.

Field Researcher
Original Poster
#56 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 6:02 PM

Gathered his belongings and trudged into the RV, throwing his suitcase in the overhead.
He scanned his surroundings, he knew Corey, they were in the same year at secondary school, he knew Sam, obviously, he knew Autumn, but not her sister...V-something...Voilet? Valerie? Vicky? Oh well, he'd get to know her later, who else, oh, Ethan, yeah, they went to football together and...who's that...oh yeah, Casey.
And Claire...ah, that could be slightly cringy, what with the Junior School kiss-chases and the like.
He smiled to himself, heh, this was gonna be fun.

(( Approachable ))


Sam stepped into the RV, giving everyone a quick smile before throwing herself onto the sofa.
'So...shall I drive?'
#57 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 6:08 PM
"Yeah I am. Georgia to be exact" she smiled "...I miss it" Autumn added quietly before grabbing her sisters arm and leaving the house.

Everyone was clambering into the RV. Ethan hung back to talk to Sam. She was making sure everyone was on the RV. Ethan waited a moment, unsure of what he was going to say to her. He just wanted to say something, just so she would look at him.
"Ummm your hair looks nice Sam, you had it done?" Ethan asked her, trying to avoid eyecontact. He didnt even no why he asked her that. 'What a stupid question to ask, you could have asked her anything else like how she was or something normal.' Ethan thought to himself. He wanted to kick himself sometimes.
Field Researcher
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#58 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 6:15 PM

"Ummm your hair looks nice Sam, you had it done?"

'Oh, woah, you actually like it?' She asked, running her fingers through it 'Actually, I showed him how much I wanted off, but he thought that's how much I wanted left...so yeah, I ended up with this'
She was pretty surprised, Ethan had been pretty quiet around her since they stopped dating, usually sticking to 'Hey' and 'Hey Sam, you ok?'
She suddenly found herself grinning, what the...
At that moment, she was pretty damn tempted to slap herself.
#59 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 6:20 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SwirlyHill

Gathered his belongings and trudged into the RV, throwing his suitcase in the overhead.
He scanned his surroundings, he knew Corey, they were in the same year at secondary school, he knew Sam, obviously, he knew Autumn, but not her sister...V-something...Voilet? Valerie? Vicky? Oh well, he'd get to know her later, who else, oh, Ethan, yeah, they went to football together and...who's that...oh yeah, Casey.
And Claire...ah, that could be slightly cringy, what with the Junior School kiss-chases and the like.
He smiled to himself, heh, this was gonna be fun.

(( Approachable ))

((does Max have a bio?))
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#60 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 6:22 PM
#61 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 6:24 PM
'Oh, woah, you actually like it?' She asked, running her fingers through it 'Actually, I showed him how much I wanted off, but he thought that's how much I wanted left...so yeah, I ended up with this'
Ethan laughed and stepped up into the RV. "You sure you dont want me to drive. I mean we all know how rubbish women drives are" Ethan shouted back to Sam and winked at the rest of the passages.

Ethan flung himself into the seat behind the drivers seat. This seat would be perfect for him. It was opposite Autumn's seat so he could still drool over her. And he could still be near to Sam, without looking to close. Plus he would obviously have to help her on the journey. They would probably end up in Wales not Blackpool, if Sam's driving was anything to go by.
#62 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 6:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SwirlyHill
(( Uh-huh, here: http://forums.sims2community.com/sh...975#post1147975 =] ))

((....*drool?* =] ))
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#63 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 6:38 PM
"You sure you dont want me to drive. I mean we all know how rubbish women drives are"

'Huh!' She said, turning to him 'And who, may I ask, lost control of one rather famous Tesco's trolley, sending me and several others into a frozen lake?'
She laughed lightly, the best moment was when Ethan ran after them, and fell straight through the ice.
She noticed he took a seat near Autumn and her, she couldn't help but mentally applaud him, he could gawk at Autumn while being able to rush to the wheel if Sam put their lives in jeopardy...which, with her driving, was actually somewhat likely.
She turned the key in the igintion and it rumbled into life, she pulled out of the drive and made her way onto the A3.
'OK...we should be at the Travelodge in about two and a half hours, so, get comfy'
Sam herself grabbed one of the duvets and threw it over herself, nuzzling her chin into the soft fabric, soft... warm...
She shook her head, her eyes shot open, bloody hell, come on girl, driving here.
'Hey!' She called behind her, blinking rapidly 'Could someone grab me a Red Bull or something?'

Quote: Originally posted by Connectzeedots
((....*drool?* =] ))

(( Hee hee hee, will you be joining us Connectzeedots? ))
#64 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 6:41 PM
(( Mind if Veronica talks to Max? ))

Field Researcher
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#65 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 6:42 PM
(( Of course not, go ahead =] =3 ))
Test Subject
#66 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 6:59 PM
Corey put away his guitar, and grabbed an Iron Bru, and a Red Bull, and gave it to Sam. He then sat down in the passsenger seat next to her, and cracked open the Bru. "In hind sight, I probably should've sat at the back of the trolley to slow us down. But then again, If I had, we probably would've ended up hitting that bench,"
#67 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 7:02 PM
Veronica lowered her head as someone she didn't know sat down next to her. Taking a quick glance at guy she noticed him smile at her, Veronica felt her cheeks turn red "Hi...im Veronica" she said quietly half hoping he hadn't heard her and half hoping he had.

(( Now Veronica has someone to talk to ))

#68 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 7:07 PM
Ethan began to pull out his artpad and camera. He wanted to capture his hometown before setting off. He did love his home, it was so full of excitement and memories.

He stirred out of the window for a while trying to find some kind of inspiration. Most people just thought Ethan was a womanising flirt who cared and loved moi truly. But that wasnt true. He had such deep passion for people and things around him. Simple things like his football club, his school and his friends. Thats what really mattered to him. Not how many girls he had managed to pull in one night. That was just a front he put on to hide his insecurties.

Ethan frowned as he watched Corey sit next to Sam. He knew he should have been next to her. But it was just to hard, he had to be careful otherwise his feelings may show.

Field Researcher
Original Poster
#69 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 7:07 PM
(( Just to let you know, it's not too late to join...just be a hitch-hiker and we'll pick you up ))

"In hind sight, I probably should've sat at the back of the trolley to slow us down. But then again, If I had, we probably would've ended up hitting that bench,"

'Good point, better to do a faceplant from a three foot trolley rather than hit a bench, fly through the air and do a faceplant from fifteen feet'
She glugged the Red Bull down and wretched at the taste, she hated it, but it stopped her completely crashing out.
She pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath and called out to the others.
'Bloody hell, I'm falling asleep...someone take the wheel, don't worry, I'll stay in the passenger seat if they want my company!'


"Hi...im Veronica"

Max blinked a couple of times, w-wait, what? THAT's V-girl? Bloody hell fire...she, uh...definately grew up from the little girl that used to come to play in Sam's paddling pool...
He snapped back to reality and sat up slightly, running his fingers through his hair.
'Hi Veronica, I'm Max, Sam's cousin
Test Subject
#70 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 7:11 PM
"It would've also made sense to not have done it in my underwear. 4 bottles of WKD, and missing house keys: not a good combination," he said, smiling at the memories.

'Bloody hell, I'm falling asleep...someone take the wheel, don't worry, I'll stay in the passenger seat if they want my company!'

"I'll do it. The best way to get inspiration would probably be to look at it from right on," he said getting up.
#71 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 7:15 PM
((I'll make a bio for my indie girl character =] ))
#72 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 7:18 PM
((I think I'll add a guy to the RP.. maybe a girl. Who knows.. but it'll be up soon.))
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#73 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 7:23 PM
'Thanks' Sam replied, mumbling 'I'll just...go here'
She lowreed herself down onto the passenger seat softly, the duvet wrapped around her like a caccoon, it wasn't long before she drifted off to sleep.
A pot-hole abruptly pulled her out of her slumber, her eyelids shot open, and she groaned as the streetlights blared at her.
'Mmm...wha-...a guitar store?'
Test Subject
#74 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 7:26 PM
"HOLY ****! 40% off on all guitars!" he said as he turned into a parking lot outside a massive instrument superstore. "Be right back," he said as he ran off the RV, and sprinted towards the massive building.
#75 Old 17th Mar 2008 at 7:29 PM

Veronica looked up as Max spoke to her "Oh...cool" she said 'why did you say that idiot' she giggled nervously quietly then turned to Max "So umm...your Sam's cousin" she added then turned away hitting her forehead then looking at the floor


Autumn stopped looking out the window and turned to Ethan. He was starring out the window, a drawing pad on his lap. Autumn smiled and leaned forward to talk to Ethan "You drew" she asked

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