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#51 Old 4th Nov 2009 at 10:16 AM
It's hidden in the first post...^^ I remembered that i've seen some dates on Page one...

Application: 28.10.2009 - 04.11.2009
Judging: 04.11.2009 - 06.11.2009

Round One: 02.11.2009 - 08.11.2009
Judging: 08.11.2009 - 10.11.2009
#52 Old 4th Nov 2009 at 1:13 PM Last edited by wndy26 : 7th Nov 2009 at 9:52 AM.
Default Bailey Loftner - Round 1
A Day at the Beach

Shot 1 - Kickin Back

On Tuesday, I woke and it was a gorgeous day. I knew it was the perfect day for the "Day at the Beach" photo shoot. The drive to South Beach from Belladonna Cove was a long one - not in miles but in anticipation. I was excited about the entire photo shoot. I used to visit the beach long ago when I was small, before it became polluted. Now that its been cleaned up it really reminds me of my childhood. It was windy but warm, thank goodness. The photographer seemed to always want me in some skimpy black shorts. When I suggested a wet suit for some surfing photos, she got all crazy on me, tell me that they didn't want to promote the beach for a bunch of surfers! She was really touchy. The beach was fun but I was really too exhausted to enjoy it much after the photo shoot was done.

Shot 2 - Grand Reopening
On Saturday at the grand reopening, the photographer insisted that I wear the skimpy black shorts again. I think she was trying to sell my body more than the beach! Just when I was finally able to sneak away and get a break from all the young girls screaming, the photographer caught me hiding. And wouldn't you know it, that's the photo she wanted all along! I thought she wanted more of the crowd that gathered. Turns out, she really wanted my phone number....crazy photographers. Anyway, we have a date next Friday!

Cover Guy

Rock Magazine Cover Shot
I am really enjoying The Next Rising Star contest...its where I met Danielle, the photographer from my beach shoot. Our date was fantabulous - she is an awesome girl. I got extra lucky this week as well, she was selected as the photographer for the Rock Magazine shoot. After our first date, she made me feel really at ease so the Rock shoot went way better than either of us expected.

First, Danielle asked me, of all people, where I felt would be a good place for the photo shoot. When I told her about my charity performances at the hospital she was surprised and didn't know that I could really play the guitar. I don't really enjoy playing but my parents insisted that I play an instrument while growing up. I chose the guitar because I couldn't imagine blowing on a horn and my dad said "absolutely not!" to drums. Now, the only time I play is when I am asked - which is usually once a year. My mom's best friend works at the hospital on the oncology floor. She approached me when I was 15 and asked if I would be interested in playing for the patients on her floor at Christmas to help try to boost their spirits a bit. I agreed and have been doing it once a year since.

Anyway, long story short, the performance was fantastic. So great that a writer for Rock Magazine wrote an article about my charity performances for the magazine and they actually used my photo for the December Special Edition Issue! To top it off, Danielle was so excited about the photo shoot she insisted that I share all of the photos with you - view a slide show of the photos here. I had a great time at the hospital and the photos did turn out much better than I expected. I hope you enjoy them!
Lab Assistant
#53 Old 4th Nov 2009 at 1:21 PM Last edited by Cher : 10th Nov 2009 at 8:43 AM.
Default Noelle Winterton~R1
Thank you pai.kea!

Relaxing on the beach:

I enjoyed this shoot also! However, it was a bit too hot that day, but the ocean was so cool. When we were finished, we all went into the ocean for a cool swim. The beach was a bit crowded when we first got there, but after awhile they were able to block one area off for the shoot.

Christmas Magazine:

I really liked this shoot also! It was fun seeing all the wonderful toys and decorations for christmas! It really put me in the holiday spirit! They also played all christmas music, so that was a plus. I had a great time with santa too! A bit of a flirt and very jolly, he made me laugh.

Beach Grand opening night:

I had fun taking this picture! The cool night breeze by the ocean hitting my face and hair was very relaxing! And the beautiful sky with the wonderful sound of the ocean! The people were amazing too. I never wanted to leave, and had a fantastic time.

#54 Old 4th Nov 2009 at 1:47 PM
TRIriana - I need an extension for Round One. I work evenings and spent all night working on my beach shot....still gotta do the cover guy shot - I should have it up by morning tomorrow.
#55 Old 4th Nov 2009 at 2:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by wndy26
TRIriana - I need an extension for Round One. I work evenings and spent all night working on my beach shot....still gotta do the cover guy shot - I should have it up by morning tomorrow.

It's not due until the 8th, so maybe you will have time?

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
Lab Assistant
#56 Old 4th Nov 2009 at 6:02 PM
I am having SO much trouble resizing my pictures! I think I may have my camera setting on wrong. I have been sizing them in photobucked and I noticed they don't look so jaggy. I wanted to size it to look like a Magazine, but couldn't! I will try again later.
#57 Old 4th Nov 2009 at 8:13 PM
Oops...my bad, I saw the app deadline and crossed it with the round 1 deadline....Thanks Deatherella, for pointing that out.

Quote: Originally posted by Deatherella
It's not due until the 8th, so maybe you will have time?
Test Subject
#58 Old 4th Nov 2009 at 10:26 PM
Hiyaa, I have to withdrawal from the contest. I've got a huge project for school due in the next couple of weeks so I don't have time. Thank you though! I'm gonna lurk and look at everyone's entries, so far they all look great.
Good luck all!
Lab Assistant
#59 Old 5th Nov 2009 at 4:40 AM
Doing the xmas picture over as soon as I get some sleep! Same everything just changing wallpaper etc..... I hope more people join, it's a fun contest so far.
Lab Assistant
#60 Old 5th Nov 2009 at 9:38 AM
Had to download stuff for the x-mas shot and the beach shot so now just have to put it into my game and get pictures taken. I hope I get it done tomorrow.

Currently contestant in picturePERFECT; cycle three
Contest results so far:
3rd in Para Anoma and 3rd in Rising Star
Field Researcher
#61 Old 5th Nov 2009 at 11:14 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Michele D
I am having SO much trouble resizing my pictures! I think I may have my camera setting on wrong. I have been sizing them in photobucked and I noticed they don't look so jaggy. I wanted to size it to look like a Magazine, but couldn't! I will try again later.

Michele, if you have an editing program like GIMP or photoshop then you can open up a new document with the dimensions you would like and when you do your set up in the game, you can just bring it closer in so that you can get it all in the shot. You can also use the print screen option to get bigger, more clear pictures. I hope that makes sense. If not, I can show you.

wndy, I love how Bailey looks there! Great job!
Michele, you're doing an amazing job so far! I can't wait to see more.
Lab Assistant
#62 Old 5th Nov 2009 at 6:03 PM
SolidGold, I use PSP to resize. But lately have been using photobucket. I have tried GIMP and it didn't work right for me. I do use print screen to take the picture, in game. I should be a pro at this by now, BUT I'M NOT Your very kind and sweet, thank you very much

I have changed my Christmas Magazine picture. Never know when I'll change it again
Field Researcher
#63 Old 5th Nov 2009 at 10:04 PM
Ah ok. If you need any help with GIMP I may be able to assist you. I'm like you, I should be a pro but I'm not. lol. If you, or any of the contestants need help please feel free to let me know.
Lab Assistant
#64 Old 6th Nov 2009 at 1:59 AM
Thanks again solid I see the forum changes the picture size automatically, so that saves a lot of trouble. Ok changed it for the last time lol All your pictures look great so far.
#65 Old 6th Nov 2009 at 4:55 AM
I finished my Round 1 entry!
Lab Assistant
#66 Old 6th Nov 2009 at 9:59 PM
Application Judging should be finished today, right?

Currently contestant in picturePERFECT; cycle three
Contest results so far:
3rd in Para Anoma and 3rd in Rising Star
Lab Assistant
#67 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 1:29 AM
I am assuming that the pictures are auto resized by the forum? So I didn't resize the last one. I hope I am correct

aba23, I'm not sure about that.

Where are you Tririana? I'm done and just have to put more text in. It will be done soon.
Lab Assistant
#68 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 2:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by pai.kea
It's hidden in the first post...^^ I remembered that i've seen some dates on Page one...

Application: 28.10.2009 - 04.11.2009
Judging: 04.11.2009 - 06.11.2009

Round One: 02.11.2009 - 08.11.2009
Judging: 08.11.2009 - 10.11.2009

According to that we should be having judging results soon...

Currently contestant in picturePERFECT; cycle three
Contest results so far:
3rd in Para Anoma and 3rd in Rising Star
Field Researcher
#69 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 3:49 AM
I've already sent my scores in aba23. I'm hoping TRIriana got them.

wndy, great job on your magazine cover.
Michele, I love the night beach shot! It's so clear and beautiful. Unfortunately, the image was not resized. It's still 1024x768. I think you are allowed to link to images to large to post.
Lab Assistant
#70 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 4:42 AM
Not sure what you mean when you say "I think you are allowed to link to images to large to post" is it linked SolidGold? If not I better resize it before I get into trouble lol Everything has changed so much out here, I feel kind of lost! Thank you very much The pictures always look clear until I have to resize them! I'll wait for Tririana to get in here and let me know if I should resize that picture. Not sure how it works out here anymore. SolidGold, if you ever host a contest, I would be happy to enter! I think you would make a great host
#71 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 6:41 AM

The rules for posting photos can be found here As stated in the rules, if you want to post an image larger than 800 by 600 or 600 x 800 then it must be done through a link. (As of July 09)

I do, however, remember reading a post from Delphi (bP can verify I am sure) that MTS is now set up to auto resize your photos for you - which is what has happened with your photo in your round 1 entry. I can't say if you have to repost it or not - but I would suggest that you ask bP to clarify the rule - especially if it has been changed since she posted the rules in July of 2009.

For best bets, message boolPropped as she is always willing to explain the rules and help you come into compliance if needed.
Lab Assistant
#72 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 8:09 AM
Quote: Originally posted by wndy26

The rules for posting photos can be found here As stated in the rules, if you want to post an image larger than 800 by 600 or 600 x 800 then it must be done through a link. (As of July 09)

I do, however, remember reading a post from Delphi (bP can verify I am sure) that MTS is now set up to auto resize your photos for you - which is what has happened with your photo in your round 1 entry. I can't say if you have to repost it or not - but I would suggest that you ask bP to clarify the rule - especially if it has been changed since she posted the rules in July of 2009.

For best bets, message boolPropped as she is always willing to explain the rules and help you come into compliance if needed.

Ok, thank you very much dear! I put it at 800x600. HP had only posted that on I believe May 09, so it's still new. Thanks again
Original Poster
#73 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 8:19 AM
Hey everyone! I will have the results to the applications posted tonight GMT. I have to dash off to work in a few minutes. .
#74 Old 7th Nov 2009 at 9:42 AM Last edited by wndy26 : 7th Nov 2009 at 5:02 PM. Reason: Figured out where July came from!
Michele....you were right...it was May...musta had my eyes crossed to call it July....LOL

Update - I figured out where July came from - it was from the news threads - Delphy's post about not having to resize photos for MTS anymore - so this is newer info than what was in the rules for photos that I linked to earlier! While Delphy only refers to creators - Fanseelamb confirms its for all forum areas on post 4 of that thread. Please note - I did read that the file SIZE has not changed - so the files SIZE must be no larger than 175kb. Read and enjoy!
Lab Assistant
#75 Old 8th Nov 2009 at 5:24 AM
Hahaha, your my little google girl wndy! You find everything Thank you again!
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