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#51 Old 10th Apr 2010 at 11:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Freelala
Finished my entry here. My dog died yesterday, and my mind was too numb to do anything. Hope my contribution isn't too feeble.

I'm really sorry about your dog. I know how hard that can hit you.
#52 Old 10th Apr 2010 at 11:20 PM
Eep..I am going to have to work fast if I'm going to get in this on time >_<
Original Poster
#53 Old 11th Apr 2010 at 12:47 AM
Freelala, I am so sorry. Your entry is beautiful, as always.
#54 Old 11th Apr 2010 at 12:59 AM

Did I do the right thing? She finds herself asking. Should I really even be questioning whether or not it was the right thing? It was best for everyone. But was it best for everyone, or just herself? Carnifex had never really questioned herself before. Apparently disorientation was a big part of her "condition," as the doctors had put it.

She hadn't even remained long enough to hear the possible causes. She just wanted out of there. And what of her husband? What would she tell him? It'd seemed simple at the time: Just don't tell him. Scribbling her parting notes, she disappeared. Checking her e-mail later, for some reason unclear to her, she saw he'd sent her at least 10. The titles ranging from "where are you?" to "whatever I did, please forgive me!" to "whatever it is, we can talk about it." She wanted to ignore them. She really did, but she found herself opening and replying to the last one.

Sweet Brady,
The reason I left isn't something you've done. It's not something I've done. It's just something that you won't understand, and I can't bear to explain it to you. Please don't e-mail me again.


She sighed wearily and stared at the screen before closing the window without sending it. She wouldn't talk to Brady. She couldn't.

She walked outside, feeling the sunlight on her skin. She grinned. She couldn't help it. The warmth of the sun was one of the things that she loved most. She had an appointment at her doctor's office in a few hours. She wanted to walk. She needed time to clear her head.

She mumbled aloud to herself: "It’s not fair, but I’m not scared, I’m just not ready to die." and she knew in that moment that she really wasn't. She was 25 years old, she'd just been married 8 months ago, she hadn't brought a life into this world yet. She hadn't gone to a PTA meeting. She hadn't done anything that most people already had. She wanted to live her whole life next to Brady, she wanted to grow old. She wanted to have children and grandchildren. She wanted to learn more. But as she walked along, she came to a firm realization that that just wouldn't happen. Especially if the cancer had it's way.

I hope I've done this right, if not, please tell me. :]
lyrics used:
It’s not fair, but I’m not scared, I’m just not ready to die.
you won't understand
Site Helper
#55 Old 11th Apr 2010 at 1:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Freelala
Finished my entry here. My dog died yesterday, and my mind was too numb to do anything. Hope my contribution isn't too feeble.

That is so sad. This is for you.

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
Group for Avatar Makers* Funny Stories *2017 Yearbook
Original Poster
#56 Old 11th Apr 2010 at 2:28 AM
prosthetics, you are making me incredibly hapy! Everyone gives hugs to freelala and prosthetics for their own reasons.
#57 Old 11th Apr 2010 at 2:36 AM
I stopped checking the creativity forum a few months back, since all of the contests were TS3 :p
but then Ghost posted the link to this thread somewhere, and my cuiosity got the better of me. Lucky me, a TS2 contest! :p

I did have a question though. Each round is the same story, or could it be a new story? I'm not saying I was planning multiple stories around this challenge, but at this point I'm curious.
Field Researcher
#58 Old 11th Apr 2010 at 3:31 AM
Default Round 1
Tom and Melissa are a couple living in Chicago. Tom doesn't have a typical job. He is part of the mafia. He joined the mafia after his father died. His father was part of the mafia as well and died because of another group on the other side of town. Tom and Melissa just found out they are pregnant.

After finding this out Melissa wanted him to get out of the mafia. She started the conversation one night while sitting on the couch.

After a couple of minutes a fight erupted. He was mad at her for even thinking about it. He told her don't you realize that the only way you can get out is by dying. She just got really upset and hold him she would leave him if he didn't quit the mafia.

After walking away for a few minutes he comes back and said "you won't understand how hard it will be to get out, but I will try."

A few moments later the phone rang. It was the mafia, they wanted tom to come to a meeting. Before leaving Tom told Melissa "please know I love you and I try."

Melissa decided to wait up for him because she wanted to celebrate him leaving the mafia. Hours passed, Melissa became a little worried, but decided it was best for her to go to bed.

She woke up the next morning and she turned over in her bed and saw he wasn't there.

She ran to the tv and turned it on the news. She found out that her husband had died.

Original Poster
#59 Old 11th Apr 2010 at 2:40 PM
happyasabunny, wonderful!
prosthetics, it's your choice.
warouri, please stay!

I have one set of scores and will post the next round in a moment but remember that you can't post your next round until the scores are in.
Lab Assistant
#60 Old 11th Apr 2010 at 3:20 PM
*Due tonight at midnight* - does that indicate Saturday midnight or Sunday midnight?

Currently contestant in picturePERFECT; cycle three
Contest results so far:
3rd in Para Anoma and 3rd in Rising Star
Original Poster
#61 Old 11th Apr 2010 at 3:31 PM
It was saturday midnight, I've changed it now.
Forum Resident
#62 Old 11th Apr 2010 at 3:54 PM
Oh darn I wish I saw this sooner. I've been meaning to join a contest.

Facebook! | Find more of my stuff at my blog! | Tumblr | Donate
Field Researcher
#63 Old 11th Apr 2010 at 6:05 PM
I'm sorry about your dog Freelala...my dog past away a few months back and it is still hard. All the apps are so good and now it's judging time(bites nails).
Original Poster
#64 Old 11th Apr 2010 at 10:42 PM Last edited by jewaukeela : 11th Apr 2010 at 11:27 PM.
Choose one line from the following song; there is one line per line. Take that line and incorporate it into a story of at least ten sentences. The line must fit smoothly into the story as something besides itself. If you’re not sure whether or not your usage is okay, PM me. Your post must include at least two pictures*, and please list the line you chose at the very bottom of your post.

Hey Soul Sister, by Train

Your lipstick stains
on the front lobe of my
left side brains
I knew I wouldn't forget you and so
I went and let you blow my mind
Your sweet moonbeam
the smell of you in
every single dream I dream
I knew when we collided
you're the one I have decided who's
one of my kind

Hey soul sister
Ain't that Mr. Mister
on the radio, stereo
the way you move ain't fair, you know
Hey soul sister
I don't want to miss a single thing you do tonight,
Hey, hey, hey

Just in time, I'm so glad
you have a one-track mind like me
You gave my life direction
a game show love connection
we can't deny
I'm so obsessed,
my heart is bound to beat
right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you
like a virgin, you're Madonna
I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind

Hey soul sister
ain't that Mr. Mister on the
radio, stereo, the way you move ain't fair, you know!
Hey soul sister, I don't want to miss a single thing you do

The way you can't cut a rug
watching you's the only drug I need
You're so gangsta
I'm so thug
you're the only one I'm dreaming of
You see, I can be myself now finally
in fact there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see you be with me

Hey soul sister
Ain't that Mr. Mister on the radio, stereo
the way you move ain't fair, you know
Hey soul sister
I don't want to miss a single thing you do tonight,
Hey soul sister
I don't want to miss a single thing you do tonight
Hey, hey, hey

*except warouri, we know about your problem and you will still have the 15 points taken from pictures and none from rules
Original Poster
#65 Old 12th Apr 2010 at 2:12 AM
UPDATE: I figured out what was wrong with the links and I fixed it. Does it work for everyone?
Field Researcher
#66 Old 12th Apr 2010 at 2:45 AM Last edited by easypeaze : 12th Apr 2010 at 3:02 PM.
They work but ghostgirls still links to my round 1

Edit-ghostgirls round 1 link is not working at all. Round 2 is going to be hard, but good. I've been trying to think what kind of story I could make with this, i've sort of got one going, lets hope it goes the way I have it in my mind. Things always look good in my mind but never transfer out as well(lol)!
Site Helper
#67 Old 12th Apr 2010 at 3:56 PM
Do we have to use the same sim from the first round? I already had a story I had been playing around with him in my head with, which was why it was so easy to get a contest entry together for that round.

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
Group for Avatar Makers* Funny Stories *2017 Yearbook
Test Subject
#68 Old 12th Apr 2010 at 4:26 PM
*hugs Freelala* I'm so sorry about your dog!

Quote: Originally posted by jewaukeela
UPDATE: I figured out what was wrong with the links and I fixed it. Does it work for everyone?

My link still isn't working (But then again, links like that never like me!)

I'm getting very strange ideas for this round.....

Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.
Original Poster
#69 Old 12th Apr 2010 at 9:40 PM
I have all three scores now and will post ASAP sorry for the delay! If you can get in your round as soon as you can, then maybe we'll still have time for a fifth round!
Original Poster
#70 Old 12th Apr 2010 at 10:13 PM

Judge 1
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 11/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 19/25
Original story: 20/25
Emotion: 22/25
Judge 2
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 10/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 23/25
Original story: 20/25
Emotion: 20/25
Judge 3
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 10/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 21/25
Original story: 19/25
Emotion: 20/25
Total: 82+83+80 = 245/300 = 81.6%

Judge 1
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 9/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 18/25
Original story: 18/25
Emotion: 20/25
Judge 2
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 10/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 23/25
Original story: 21/25
Emotion: 21/25
Judge 3
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 10/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 20/25
Original story: 20/25
Emotion: 21/25
Total: 75+85+81 = 241/300 = 80.3%

Judge 1
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 13/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 21/25
Original story: 21/25
Emotion: 23/25
Judge 2
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 12/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 23/25
Original story: 21/25
Emotion: 20/25
Judge 3
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 13/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 22/25
Original story: 24/25
Emotion: 23/25
Total: 88+86+92 = 266/300 = 88.6%

Judge 1
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 10/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 14/25
Original story: 20/25
Emotion: 22/25
Judge 2
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 13/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 23/25
Original story: 22/25
Emotion: 22/25
Judge 3
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 13/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 21/25
Original story: 22/25
Emotion: 21/25
Total: 76+90+87 = 253/300 = 84.3%

Judge 1
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 9/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 20/25
Original story: 20/25
Emotion: 23/25
Judge 2
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 8/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 23/25
Original story: 21/25
Emotion: 20/25
Judge 3
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 10/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 20/25
Original story: 20/25
Emotion: 21/25
Total: 82+82+81 = 245/300 = 81.6%

Ghost sdoj
Judge 1
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 13/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 21/25
Original story: 21/25
Emotion: 21/25
Judge 2
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 9/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 23/25
Original story: 23/25
Emotion: 22/25
Judge 3
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 9/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 19/25
Original story: 19/25
Emotion: 21/25
Total: 86+87+78 = 251/300 = 83.6%

Judge 1
Followed rules: 9/10 (1 point removed for using lines that were next to eachother)
Pictures: 10/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 22/25
Original story: 20/25
Emotion: 23/25
Judge 2
Followed rules: 9/10 (1 point removed for using lines that were next to eachother)
Pictures: 9/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 23/25
Original story: 20/25
Emotion: 21/25
Judge 3
Followed rules: 9/10 (1 point removed for using lines that were next to eachother)
Pictures: 13/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 20/25
Original story: 23/25
Emotion: 23/25
Total: 84+82+87 = 253/300 = 84.3%

Judge 1
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 0/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 24/25
Original story: 22/25
Emotion: 20/25
Judge 2
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 0/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 23/25
Original story: 22/25
Emotion: 21/25
Judge 3
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 0/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 20/25
Original story: 20/25
Emotion: 21/25
Total: 76+76+71 = 223/300 = 74.3%

Judge 1
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 15/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 25/25
Original story: 24/25
Emotion: 25/25
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 14/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 23/25
Original story: 23/25
Emotion: 22/25
Judge 3
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 14/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 22/25
Original story: 23/25
Emotion: 22/25
Total: 99+92+91 = 282/300 = 94%

Judge 1
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 9/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 18/25
Original story: 18/25
Emotion: 20/25
Judge 2
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 8/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 23/25
Original story: 22/25
Emotion: 23/25
Judge 3
Followed rules: 10/10
Pictures: 9/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 20/25
Original story: 19/25
Emotion: 20/25
Total: 75+86+78 = 239/300 = 79.6%

Judge 1
Followed rules: 9/10 (one point taken off for not listing the lines at the bottom)
Pictures: 9/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 20/25
Original story: 19/25
Emotion: 19/25
Judge 2
Followed rules: 9/10 (one point taken off for not listing the lines at the bottom)
Pictures: 8/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 21/25
Original story: 20/25
Emotion: 19/25
Judge 3
Followed rules: 9/10 (one point taken off for not listing the lines at the bottom)
Pictures: 10/15
Smooth incorporation of the lyrics: 20/25
Original story: 20/25
Emotion: 19/25
Total: 76+77+78 = 231/300 = 77%


Overall Scores
freelala - 282, 94%
PixCii - 266, 88.6%
easypeaze and redhead4ever6 - 253, 84.3%
ghost sdoj - 251, 83.6%
forevercamp and ghostgirl - 245, 81.6%
hyghtyme - 241, 80.3% 3
prosthetics - 239, 79.6%
happyasabunny - 231, 77%
warouri2 - 223, 74.3%

Best Sims 2 Score
freelala - 282, 94%

Best Sims 3 Score
easypeaze - 253, 84.3%

Most Difference Among Judges
easypeaze's judges' scores varied the most, with totals of 76, 90, and 87.

Most Consistent Among Judges
ghostgirl's judges' scores were the most consistent with totals of 82, 82, and 81.
Field Researcher
#71 Old 12th Apr 2010 at 10:43 PM
Good job Freelala, even though I know your heart was breaking, you did a great job!
#72 Old 12th Apr 2010 at 11:40 PM
Congrats on coming out on top freelala - I have to say, I loved your entry!
Site Helper
#73 Old 13th Apr 2010 at 1:44 AM
Congratulations Freelala! I know it must have been hard to concentrate.

(And my question still hasn't been answered: Are we using the same sims in all the rounds, or different ones?)

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
Group for Avatar Makers* Funny Stories *2017 Yearbook
#74 Old 13th Apr 2010 at 3:04 AM
Prosthetics asked a similiar question a little earlier, and jewaukeela said that it's up to you.
Original Poster
#75 Old 13th Apr 2010 at 3:05 AM
Yes I did, thanks ForeverCamp. I'd love to hear more about the sims you have already talked about, but it's totally up to you.
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