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#51 Old 22nd May 2010 at 11:38 PM Last edited by HugeLunatic : 22nd Mar 2022 at 7:55 PM.
A modular stairs version. Has no animations so they slide through the steps, but it does have the invisible recolor included in the package. The script file is in the zip as well.

I'm still fiddling with animations, if I can figure out how to stop the loop animation for the number of stairs I think a standard walk animation might work and they wouldn't slide through then.

Simple Passage
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#52 Old 22nd May 2010 at 11:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HugeLunatic
I'm still fiddling with animations, if I can figure out how to stop the loop animation for the number of stairs I think a standard walk animation might work and they wouldn't slide through then.
That sounds wonderful, if it's possible. In the interim, I'll start testing with your latest object. Thanks!
Lab Assistant
#53 Old 23rd May 2010 at 4:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HugeLunatic
A modular stairs version. Has no animations so they slide through the steps, but it does have the invisible recolor included in the package. The script file is in the zip as well.

I'm still fiddling with animations, if I can figure out how to stop the loop animation for the number of stairs I think a standard walk animation might work and they wouldn't slide through then.

This is wonderful I will have a good test tommorow when the sprog is in school.
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#54 Old 23rd May 2010 at 11:40 PM
Default Proof of Concept: Ramp
A small home with a no-slope basement and an attached ramp seems to work well with the new invisible modular stairs. GridAdjuster screenshots for the ramp attached.

Small base-game lot attached for testing purposes only.
Attached files:
File Type: zip  Ramp.zip (1.12 MB, 76 downloads) - View custom content
Lab Assistant
#55 Old 24th May 2010 at 10:49 AM
Ive had a little play test of the above lot and all seems fine except for Sims standing in the ramp when on the ground floor, that easily ignored. I'm working on some ramps and all seems fine so far will post again when i have something to show.
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#56 Old 24th May 2010 at 5:21 PM
My main problem was that sims could not interact on the sloped part of the ramp. They seem to require a flat surface, probably so that the animations work correctly.
Lab Assistant
#57 Old 24th May 2010 at 5:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Mootilda
My main problem was that sims could not interact on the sloped part of the ramp. They seem to require a flat surface, probably so that the animations work correctly.

I didnt notice but thinking about it, they dont seem to hang around on the sloped surface. I must test some more.
#58 Old 25th May 2010 at 12:51 AM
Sims do have trouble interacting on uneven surfaces - try socialising them on a bumpy lot! They spend the whole time readjusting their relative positions until the player is screaming, and then drop their queue as like as not.
#59 Old 3rd Jun 2010 at 7:31 PM
I just now found this thread, thanks to a link posted here by Mootilda. Exciting progress you have been making!

Mootilda, a comment re the top footprint tiles "breaking up" when you position the object: I have noticed that happening anytime I attempt to place a multi-tile object on sufficiently-unlevel ground in both Sims 1 and Sims 2. moveobjects 1 bypasses, amongst other things, the checks that cause the visual breakup of the footprint.

....hmm, I wonders what moveobjects 1 does to the placing of modular stairs....

I do have a question, however. Does something like this that can bridge a one-tile gap between two different-level floors at the same altitude exist yet? I have an existing lot with an extreme slope front-to-back [and a near-vertical CLIFF between the habitable area and the side-road!] that has Escher-like transitions between sections of flooring, including such oddities as a level-1 floor near the front that is several floor-levels LOWER than a level-0 floor near the rear. Aside from using Lot Adjuster to add the second road, Mountainside Manor was constructed entirely with standard in-game tools [and downloaded *content*], but no funky cheats [I no grok CFE ]. Near the back of the lot, I have a ground-level floor and a foundation at the same level, with only a single tile gap between them. It seems silly that the Sasquatch who live there with a Servo have to walk *down* a four-step modular stair and *up* another four-step stair to get to what is visualy the same level. If anyone has anything suitable that I can plunk down across the gap, I`ll gladly give it a test.

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#60 Old 3rd Jun 2010 at 10:16 PM
Depends upon whether you care about the animation. If you care, then I don't think anything exists. If you're willing to put up with odd animations, try HL's SimplePassage2 in post #6 in this thread. I'm not sure that it will work, but it seems your most likely choice.

If I remember correctly, that object has a "sliding" motion.
#61 Old 8th Jun 2010 at 6:39 PM
I care *some* about the animation. "Funky" animations are only acceptable when better doesn`t exist, but I do have a few items in my game whose animations are slightly "funky". The Ascension [sp?] stairs pet-use animation is "funky", as they use the regular pet-using-stair animation, and the M&G salute-the-sun animation makes for some "funky" Sim-object interactions when the Sim interacts with something immediately upon exiting the house, as just two examples. Anyway, I`ve already downloaded everything I could from this thread [some items were already deleted when I came across it], so I have the item you suggest; I may give it a try, but the two-stairs situation might be preferable. Dunno yet. ::shrug::

Oh, what is the easiest known way of getting two different levels of flooring at the same visual level to visualy touch? GridAdjuster, I presume? As far as I know, it simply canNOT be done in-game [unless CFE can bypass some of the restrictions? I no grok CFE.].

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#62 Old 8th Jun 2010 at 7:33 PM
I believe that you can get a 0-click level in-game, but it's a long involved and error-prone process, so I've never even tried to do it. I seem to remember a tutorial somewhere; I can try to find it for you if you'd like.

My recommendation would be the GridAdjuster, but then...
#63 Old 9th Jun 2010 at 9:15 AM
It was Vindicare who made the 0-click walls tutorial. I've tried it, but it was a pain to get right. On the whole, not worth the bother for me.

Gridadjuster probably does the same as Vindicare achieved with CFE, only more easily - with the proviso that you have to keep opening and closing the game to check what is happening. (Well, I do, anyway - maybe I'm just not very good at it!)
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#64 Old 9th Jun 2010 at 4:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by aelflaed
Gridadjuster probably does the same as Vindicare achieved with CFE, only more easily - with the proviso that you have to keep opening and closing the game to check what is happening. (Well, I do, anyway - maybe I'm just not very good at it!)
I have to frequently switch between the two as well. Even though I understand the patterns and parameters well, I am still amazed every time that I get what I want. Plus, I think that I often start with a very general idea of what I want, then I progressively refine the idea until it actually looks good.

Luckily, working with the base game and minimal CC means that it doesn't take too long to start the game.

However, I know that I'm prejudiced towards the GridAdjuster; I much prefer it to CFE and especially when what I want requires a complex process like Vindicare's 0-click levels and inverted levels.
#65 Old 11th Jun 2010 at 6:22 AM
#66 Old 11th Jun 2010 at 9:32 PM
I wouldn`t have the option of going back-and-forth, as it takes my full game [all expansions & stuff packs, EXCEPT Holiday and Store] TWENTY MINUTES to go from Launch to Live Mode, and removing the CC to allow it to take only five minutes isn`t an option when working on a lot that uses lots of CC that`s scattered hither, thither, and you about the directory tree underneath Downloads. It also isn`t important enough for me to learn CFE *just* for one single Escheresque lot. Especially when I don`t really know what I want to DO with it anyway. [It`s just sorta growing as I play.]

Still, I`ll eagerly try out anything you geniouses come up with!

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#67 Old 12th Jun 2010 at 12:23 AM
This is why I try to limit my EPs and CC, especially when I'm building. 20 minutes! That's insane.

Anyway, if you wanted to try the GridAdjuster on the lot, you could always copy your lot, without CC, to a barebones AnyGame and experiment on it. Take snapshots of the GridAdjuster parameters each time that you run it. When you have something that you like, go back and repeat the necessary GA sessions on your real lot. Should work first time.
#68 Old 14th Jun 2010 at 9:19 PM Last edited by GeneralOperationsDirector : 15th Jun 2010 at 7:56 PM.
Yeah, twenty minutes, when the same computer with the same expansions can do the same job in five minutes with no CC installed. I likes my CC.
Good idea. May consider it. Not likely to do it, though, as even that sounds like a lot of work for no-clue-what-I-want results. The story behind the odd lot in question is that my Sasquatch accepted an Outing and took along the household he was living in, including the Sim who brought him home with her on her vacation. During the outing, she got struck by lightning and died. As I had been looking for an excuse to move him out of the household, I went with the event, had him quit his job as the top of the medical career, get a job in the Paranormal career [thanks to MogHughson`s Work Notice board], and --before his first day of work, even!-- use the career reward and most of her money to buy a "perfect" resurection. Then, feeling bad because *he* had invited her along, he moved out to go back to the forest, except that --since he had gotten used to the civilized life-- he couldn`t leave the amenities behind entirely, so he bought a [very steep!] hillside lot, planted lots of vegitation there, and started "growing" a home, following random impulses. I`m using "garden grass" floor tiles for his floors, outdoor-style modular stairs [especialy the one featuring designable stone steps], and he hasn`t any walls yet. The result is --deliberately-- a strange combination of pseudo-forest and primitive amenities; an excelent testing-ground for 0-click level-traversals, though not particularly useful for testing the other things discussed in this thread.

I hope I haven`t derailed discussion TOO much.

Edit: Re the twenty minutes, this might explain it.

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#69 Old 27th Nov 2012 at 1:38 AM
What happened to this project? I've only just found it, but I'm not seeing a proper tutorial on how to make ramps or basements or courtyards, nor an upload with HL's stair thing. Does it all work and just get forgotten about, or was there something crippling that killed it?
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#70 Old 27th Nov 2012 at 1:43 AM
I wanted this for a private project, not for an upload. It seems that the invisible modular stair is a great solution and works perfectly. I tend to point people at this thread when they have a project like this, but I suppose that it would make sense to make a proper tutorial.
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