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#51 Old 6th Nov 2017 at 7:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
Ohh, I'm so excited for this. I am sorry that I never completed my storytelling photos for my family. I couldn't finish the other lots I built, either, due to no longer being able to use AGS but I just dropped the ball on the photos part. (Partly because I keep losing where on earth the social groups even are on this forum - I sometimes come across them but can never seem to find them again? And then of course if something isn't right under my nose, I am liable to forget it ever existed to begin with.)

I'm really really tempted to add this as a Downtown for Sedona. I think I might just do that once I have reached a point in play I can legitimately pretend there is a transport link there. Oh, the fun I could have with these two hoods! I think I'd have to be very careful about who I allow to move between subhoods, but the potential for some interaction there is exciting.

I already added Emerald Heights as a downtown for Sedona and it works really well!
Test Subject
#52 Old 6th Nov 2017 at 7:44 PM
First of all can I just say thank you! This neighborhood has had so much hard work put into it and I am grateful for it

Starting off, I played the Davenport family. I just checked aspirations, family bio's, memories and the family trees, finding out that:

So I decided to wait for the neighbors to come over, along came Jhonattan Goth who Pearl immediately swooned for. I got them to socialize (with macrotastics, of course) until they were friends, then I got Pearl to ask Jhonattan on a date. They went to Dancin' Flamingos and had a great time (which was mostly spent in the dance sphere, dear oh dear...). Eventually, Pearl proposed engagement to Johnattan the next day:

I went into Jhonattan's household and made him invite Pearl over (just her alone, no kids... ugh) and bought a wedding arch, buffet table and wedding cake. I then made him throw a wedding party, (a pre-rolled want he had) whom he invited I can't remember (apart from the two older kids, Taffy and Soda Pop). Pearl and Jhonattan got married, making her Mrs. Pearl Goth. Soda Pop looks after Taffy and Bubblegum now on his own. I've not stuck into any other families yet, just moved in some that were stuck in the family bin for some reason (I confirmed their correct houses on the storytelling pictures)
#53 Old 11th Nov 2017 at 3:10 PM
Oh My!

Just found out that...

#54 Old 11th Nov 2017 at 3:20 PM
that happens A LOT in my game and in real life sometimes i have half siblings/cousins/aunt or uncle in one of my families.

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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#55 Old 14th Nov 2017 at 5:12 PM Last edited by NewSimgirl2011 : 14th Nov 2017 at 7:13 PM. Reason: Didn't paste properly.
So... This post is going to be long and you have been warned. Please note, that just by observing some of the sims, I've kind of come up with a backstory-ish that somewhat relates to the backstories already given and my own interpretation. I always do that when I play neighbourhoods where there are characters already with a backstory, I just tend to add sometimes the other relevant background that is associated with that character. So I've decided to put my post in spoiler tags, because as I said it's long and I didn't want people having to scroll through a huge chunk of text to read others' stories.

P.S. - Becuase this is day 1 or the first round, I'm taking it easy on the whole gameplay session, rather than saying so and so went to a community lot, I want to try and give it a more story telling feel to it. Like is there a reason, besides having a want to it. So the way I've written it might not be the normal or typical way you guys may read it in the threads.

Anyways, please read or not. But nevertheless enjoy.

Spring - Day 1 - Rafferty Family...

Mad Poster
#56 Old 17th Nov 2017 at 8:55 PM
The Panoskis' apartment also glitched--I built them a trailer house. They seem like that's more their style right now. Cola had her baby. Both are dating. Ceaser was not pleased that Cola is seeing other people, even while he's publicly beating up his wife. While both twins are bisexual, Coca is only seeing Peter Sims. Cola's seeing everybody who heart-bubbles at her. They both think Cicily Wentworth-Rafferty is the hottest thing in town. Sorry, ladies, she only likes men.

Cherry Wood had twins, Ash left for college, Birnam randomized homosexual with ACR. (I had to load university and double check Ash. Nope, he's heterosexual.) The Woods also adopted a child girl, Mallory. She has S4, brown hair, and the same light blue eyes as Cherry. (I wonder if this was an in family adoption?) And then, one of those Moments happened: one of the Girls came home from school with Birnam, and immediately sought Cherry out for a very short chat. I had Cherry take Mallory to buy new clothes, and Holly, her girlfriend, and two other Girls were at the clothes store when they walked in. The Girls all had to leave shortly-curfew-but it was very clear that the whole situation was a set-up for Holly and Cherry to meet up, and the Girls arranged it for them.

Davenports--twins, of course, just what they need. Pearl got a job. Her hours aren't too close to Soda Pop's, so they might even be able to pull out of their mess. She's dating around, too, but . . . she kind of wants another husband. Bubblegum (Bubba, obviously) grew up well. The ghost made a nuisance of himself--he'll have to go.

Did I say that Isaiah Rotzpatz grew up very well indeed, though he lingered too long at his cake and tanked his party score? Isaac had thrown the party, of course, and invited his good friends Cole and Magnolia Steele, and, um, in the heat of the party moment, shared a first kiss with the much younger Magnolia. Right before he left for college. I'm just going to blame his entire adult and elder family for him thinking it was okay to kiss someone that much younger. And keep them separate until she's in college. Three-bolt family sims. They can email. It's not like I'm a good enough player to pull that combination apart. It's a good thing Uni sims can't pull walk-bys in the main hood and vice versa. However, since Magnolia and Elvira are besties, and Cole and Isaac are besties, I may not be a good enough player to keep them from inappropriate behavior until Magnolia is old enough without unnaturally separating the friend-pairs. And none of these kids has a smidgen of respect for the law . . .

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
Mad Poster
#57 Old 17th Nov 2017 at 11:23 PM
One of the first thinks I did was have Judith Rafferty send her husband Caesar packing. He had already had a child by one of the Rotspatz witches, and other affairs, and he was not even "Romantic" - just mean! He slapped his ex-girlfriends and his WIFE around in public. Judith was the one that cared about the family name, but everyone joked about the Raferty "train to nowhere"; Caesar's grandfather had built the station, certain the train would come through the new little town...it never did.
Caesar moved to a trailer next to the train station, and died a laughing stock. And when that happened Sebastian quit the job his father had gotten for him, and which he was totally unfit for. He "came out", got a new look, a boyfriend (Fitz Bonet) and adopted a disadvantaged toddler. Sebastian IS "Romantic" - but not in a bad way. He's a free spirit, but likes people, and they like him. Reputation going up!
The miserable Rotspatz witches hope child Elvira will "turn the neighborhood green", like THAT will happen being raised in that moody house! Teen Isaac had run away (to the neighboring dark house - also owned by the Rotspatz family) when his mother (yes, another Rotspatz witch) died. Isiah (s sensitive child) ran away to be with Isaac, but they were both desperate and begged their cousin Katelyna to join them. She hated it with the witches - she was serious about the Craft, but didn't appreciate their pretense of "darkness"- they were powerless, and just grumpy. So she stole everything she could, and of course took little Elvira. She's having a difficult time at Isaac's - the kids hate each other! So she moved them all to the house next to the Raferty mansion. It's a stupid house, lots of big empty rooms, and big walkways everywhere. But she decorated in a funky kitchen-witch style and even after just a few days everyone is happy. Oh, and she's pregnant.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#58 Old 18th Nov 2017 at 6:56 AM
FitzWilliam Bonet is climbing the Show Business career track and seeing a certain townie gentleman regularly.

Seamus Coppersmith earned enough money and a bone phone, and resurrected his wife, but they were some short and had to borrow to resurrect their son. They'll all be working extra hard to pay off that bill, but with the age difference now between Jia and Seamus, romance is looking tougher. He's two days to elder. Which might help, as apparently she likes older men.

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
#59 Old 18th Nov 2017 at 1:19 PM
played a week with pearl davenport and she had twins called haribo and chewitt (british candy fitting with the theme) and i think she'll marry jhonnathan goth...

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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Mad Poster
#60 Old 10th Jan 2018 at 5:01 PM

The Rotspatze sisters have left a legacy ---of hook noses and no chins.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#61 Old 12th Jan 2018 at 9:30 PM
I'm turning Emerald Heights (a fresh one) into a medieval neighborhood. I can just see some of these sims in that society.

The Group Home has become a Convent that takes in girls out of charity. Cherry Wood has a serious problem: her face is wider than all of my head-coverings intended for novices! Fortunately, she has no intention of taking vows and staying there as an adult.

The Wentworths are a noble family that has fallen on hard times. Both younger girls set their sights on the same wealthier nobleman. There are problems ahead for them! Cecily is going to try to arrange a marriage between Vera and Jhonattan Goth. Before she has to sort out her idiot twins "it seemed like a good idea at the time" problem.

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
#62 Old 12th Jan 2018 at 9:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sunbee
I'm turning Emerald Heights (a fresh one) into a medieval neighborhood. I can just see some of these sims in that society.

The Group Home has become a Convent that takes in girls out of charity. Cherry Wood has a serious problem: her face is wider than all of my head-coverings intended for novices! Fortunately, she has no intention of taking vows and staying there as an adult.

The Wentworths are a noble family that has fallen on hard times. Both younger girls set their sights on the same wealthier nobleman. There are problems ahead for them! Cecily is going to try to arrange a marriage between Vera and Jhonattan Goth. Before she has to sort out her idiot twins "it seemed like a good idea at the time" problem.

this is a good idea! would it be copying if i also turn emerald heights into a medieval hood?

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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Mad Poster
#63 Old 12th Jan 2018 at 10:01 PM
Who cares if it's copying? You can copy anyone you want and it'll still have your individual stamp on it.

"A convent!" Modern Sgt. Cord exclaims. "Why didn't I think of that?"

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#64 Old 13th Jan 2018 at 11:45 AM
Spring - Day 1


Mad Poster
#65 Old 13th Jan 2018 at 8:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Emerald1234
this is a good idea! would it be copying if i also turn emerald heights into a medieval hood?

Pfft! No! It's called inspiration.

Seriously, no matter what, you aren't going to do it the same as I do it. You won't use the exact same suite of cc, you won't build the buildings the same.

This is like, oh, since Lord Darcy, then no Harry Dresden. There's plenty of room for magical detectives, and no reason to not have another. Yours will be your story, mine will be mine, and if everyone else wants to do the same, theirs will be theirs, and they will all be different, and all will be fun for someone, if not for everyone.

Which is exactly as it should be.

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
Mad Poster
#66 Old 11th May 2018 at 6:08 PM Last edited by Sunbee : 11th May 2018 at 7:45 PM.
I can't possibly be the only person who plays this!

I started a new Emerald Heights. Coca Panowski and Seamus Copperfield have three bolts. So they fell head over heels in love in very short order. Seamus still had the goal to resurrect his first family, which he did. Jia is . . . very not pleased that her husband has fallen for this floozy. Ron is a bit bemused about the whole thing. He was supposed to be in college by now! He can't blame his dad for moving on while he and his mom were dead, can he? But Coca's not his mom. But she's also kind of . . . okay, really nice to him. But Jia and Seamus have some debt from the whole resurrecting Ron thing, and, well, where is everyone going to live? None of them have any cash to speak of, and Ron's not even sure which parent he wants to live with!

Cola is both more complicated and less. She has a second kid on the way by a second guy (dark garden club guy), no interest in a long term relationship, and has not seen Ceasar anyway. Her daughter's name is Sprite. But also, if Seamus and Ron move in with Coca, where will Cola move to with her kids? She hasn't got any money to speak of either. While Coca could sell some of her . . . decorations of interesting ownership history (I decided all those expensive statues were Coca's acquisitions), Coca might not want to help Cola out that way. But it would also be helping Seamus . . .

The Wentworths . . . Delaney left for college. Linnea met Jhonatton Goth, Vera and Hadley both met members of the Bachelors family . . . Hadley and Dave and Vera and Andy. The girls got their mom a room mate: they all figure Delaney will move back in when he graduates, but Cecily shouldn't be alone in the mean time. Cecily doesn't worry about being alone, but the girl will help pay the rent while she's cavorting with the gentleman on the top floor or one of her other gentlemen friends. Linnea has a son named Cecil Wentworth, and is now happily married to and living with Jhonatton, who is fine with being Cecil's stepdad. Hadley had a son named Melville, and both sisters and Mel moved in with the Bachelors. Mel isn't real clear on all the uncles, but they all love him, and it's a crowded but happy environment for a little boy. But, er, crowded. (And now I'm having trouble with names.) The other two gentlemen--one is Romance. He's dated Cecily and Cola. The fourth Bachelor is . . . John? Maybe. He's involved with Claire Voyante. They lucked into a genie lamp, and three money wishes later, will be able to break the household up the next time I load them. I think the Romancer will stay in that apartment, maybe let Cola move in with her kids, maybe add a kid to her collection. Which would solve a lot of woes. He claimed the bedroom on top, so he seems to be the lease holder.

Claire has her hands full. She hopes John will marry her and help with the girls. He says he will. Rose got involved with that Wentworth boy. Holly got busted sneaking out with her girlfriend. Claire's not sure if she can keep them out of serious trouble: she's locked her room but she knows teens will find a way into trouble if they have a mind to. If one of them gets pregnant--and there are several she's concerned about besides Rose, at least Holly won't if she sticks with her girlfriend--The house will probably get closed down and the girls shipped off to . . . who knows where? Or maybe just kicked out to the streets . . . Claire is working as a security guard and two of the girls, Paige and . . . Maddy? (I was too tired, I should've written down stuff last night) have got after school jobs. (One big benefit of playing a bunch of other sims first, the girls have mostly gotten out and Met Someone New, or in Rose's case Got First Kiss, and aspirations are not quite so dire and behaviors not so obnoxious. I did park a fortune sim at the piano to play for tips twice, since the only want she had I could do anything with was Earn $100, and the family only had $60 to tip with!) Claire's taught everyone to study, and they're working hard on those awful grades, and some kids have liked them enough to hop off the bus after school (Gavin and Ginger Newson) at their stop, so Claire feels like she's making progress, but . . . (I quit after only two days instead of Sunday am, so they've got more playtime to go).

Edit: mixed up Rose and Leti. Rose is Delaney's girlfriend-ish-sorta for a not going steady yet value of girlfriend, but family sims!

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
#67 Old 12th May 2018 at 1:29 AM
I added it as a downtown for Sedona a couple of weeks ago. It's a great hood!

Cola Penowski wanted to be well away from Caesar Rafferty, so Coca bought a large three-bedroom ranch-style home in Sedona. Coca lives at one end while Cola and Fanta have the other, so they don't get in each other's way too much.

Delaney Wentworth and Raneka King were both accepted by La Fiesta Tech and are currently living in the same dorm. Will something come of this?

Holly Wood failed to win any scholarships so was unable to attend college; she continues to share what was supposed to be Claire Voyant's private quarters until she can save up enough money either to rent an apartment or to pay her first semester's fees. The Montes girl (whose name I forget) has plenty of money for fees, though, so once she starts college she may well pay for Holly to join her.

Isaac Rotspatz finished school with a D, so couldn't go to college even though he could easily have paid the fees. He and Isaiah got themselves a Rottweiler for protection in that big scary house. The dog spent its first night curled up on the bed beside Isaiah.

Sebastian Rafferty bought the house next door to the Davenports, making Pearl wish she was her slender, youthful self instead of hugely pregnant. But Fitzwilliam Bonet has told Soda Pop about the Wentworth sisters, so he's trying to keep his mother from getting herself into a bigger mess than the one she's already managed. He thinks she should sell the house and move to an apartment so there'd be more cash available, but Pearl is obsessed with the idea of home ownership (and even more so now Sebastian is next door).
Mad Poster
#68 Old 13th May 2018 at 1:54 AM
The Emerald Heights college kids are a bunch of overachievers. Delaney and Ash started college the same semester, Ash's sister Holly started the next, followed by Ranaka and Maddy the next. Maddy and Ash hit it off. Really hit it off. Delaney is waiting for Rose to get to college. I gave Maddy glasses to help her hit more of Ash's turn-ons, and my husband said "What happened to that sim?" Meanwhile, my fifteen-year-old is looking over my shoulder at the class descriptions: "I would go to THAT college!" 4.0's all over the place. I think the older Rospatz boy might be in the next college class, so bounce back to Emerald Heights to play those families next. I just realized the two Kings are brothers . . . so when Ranaka wanted to throw a party, she invited Dad, Mom, and Uncle, and they all came. She got her parents talking and then playing chess, and befriended her uncle. If Mom isn't into having adult daughter share space when she graduates, Andy will probably have a spare bedroom or at least a couch. Ranaka has not yet met a gentleman of interest, so with no20khandout she'll probably want a roommate or ten for a while.

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
Test Subject
#69 Old 13th May 2018 at 10:52 AM
I have had Emerald Heights for a while now, but because of work and all, I am only now doing my second rotation. I usually play 3 or 4 days and then move to another family.

About Raffertys.... jeez I hate Ceasar so much! He's probably one of my least favorite sims right now, and I gotta say I don't have many. And well, Sebastian is no better tbh... I haven't really decided yet what I will do with Judith. She seems like a nice and warm sim, and I would love to give her a chance of happiness before it's her time to go. Her story is just so sad. She has a bad relationship with Ceasar, and it's getting worse and worse by the time. Also Sebastian is clearly not interested about his mother either and he seems to be bullying his mother as well. I am definitely going to do something about this the next time I play them.

I decided to get Linnea marry Sebastian, so at least Judith has Linnea in da house keeping her company. They get along well and they like to go out for lunches together.
Lab Assistant
#70 Old 25th Jul 2018 at 1:51 AM
I started with playing today. I'm already in love with the neighborhood.

I played 4 quick one day rotation families.

Blaque Family
While she was mourning over her daughter's grave, Isla met a Rotpatz witch, Desiree and got a spell of reviving for her daughter. The spell was in formation of sullphone, and it has just one use. But she does not know that she will play a huge price for it. She can be even more desperate than she was. When she went back home, she used that spell and summoned skullphone and instantly paid full price and recurrected her daughter.

The Bonet Familly (Or better said, The Bonet fabulous guy)
He has met all the neighbors who has moved in the apartments. Unfortunately, he did not found a "friend" for having fun and loving, but all those peoples are good peoples and always will hang out with him. Even if they don't look fabulous as he do. His dream is one step closer to become true. He got the job in showbiz.

The Bacherol household
Everyone got their jobs now! Andy is Medical Tehnician at local hospital, John is working for ministry of mystery and adventures in town hall, Dave found job at local nightclub band to promote their new album at the store. And Tim is working at local Gas Station near science facility. He maybe found his love. He got some serious crush on Sandy Fairchild.

The Coppersmith Family
Seamus is really trying to hide his sadness and spend time busy. He was working hard at his work and as reward, promotion has given to him. After wwork, he spent some time with his coleague Neil Gothier and made them a grilled cheese sandwiches.
Lab Assistant
#71 Old 11th Nov 2019 at 4:54 PM
I wanted a new hood to add to my mix and Emerald Heights seemed perfect! I've only ever used maxis hoods/uberhoods and self-created neighborhoods but have admired the work of creators making custom hoods! I also thought it would be fun to have an ACR neighborhood (I don't use ACR in any of my other hoods) and thought Emerald Heights, with all the drama, looked perfect!.

I spent some time setting it up yesterday. Given the urban feel, I decided to use the premade downtownies with it and configured a mod to use downtownies as apartment residents. The only household that I moved was the Watson house (moved to complex with Wentworths), just because I've never used ACR and was worried about what might go on in the background of such a large apartment complex before I get comfortable with the mod and the settings I like.

I was able to play 15/20 households 1 day to get them setup and learn what is going on in them. So, not much has gone on, but a few basics:
Blaque - They both wanted to work on their marriage and although they spent some time being affectionate, Knight still insisted on sleeping separate from his wife in his late daughter's bed. He isn't ready to "move on" though in a few days he won't have a choice.
Wood - Cherry is desperate for another child but although she and her husband keep trying, it isn't looking like it is going to happen for her.
Panoski - The twins went out searching for fun (or husbands, depending on who you ask) and had a great time but returned home to the status quo. Neither of them is particularly pleased with the current living arrangement, and they're both pursuing their own leads to see what they can do to change it.
Group Home - One of the girls brought home Steve Mador from school and he proceeded to give three of them their first kiss (thanks ACR... 5/0 relationship?) Maddy was first and immediately attacked him after he kissed his next mark. Holly snuck out with her girlfriend without incident and then passed out on the couch when she returned to the home. Three of the girls rolled wants to get jobs, two of them had the grades to do it, and only Leti found her preferred job available. That will give them a bit of income, I suppose, as Claire needs to focus on the girls and doesn't have time for a typical job.
Wentworth - Linnea was mad when she found out she was pregnant. The apartment is already too cramped, her mood wasn't great, and she lashed out at both her mom and her twin sister. She plans on calling Sebastian in the morning and telling him to get her out of here. She doesn't have the money to move out on her own and he has to take care of her, right? Hadley hasn't told anyone that she's pregnant too and isn't quite sure how. She wants to stay with her family so they can help her with the baby, but she's not sure if she can handle living with Linnea much longer.
Patch - I put the couple on birth control since the story indicated they had fertility issues.
Davenport - Pearl was part of the welcome wagon at the Goth house and immediately ACR took over and they're crushing. She also showed up every time I went to a community lot with any household and her relationship panel has grown significantly. Soda Pop is taking care of his siblings solo since his mom hasn't the slightest interest. He's doing OK of it and wants to be best friends with his mom.
Rotspatz (male) - Isaac had his first kiss with Rose from the Group Home.
King-Montes - Threw a roof-raising wedding party. Tried to get pregnant but were unsuccessful. Genesis added several names (male and female) to her relationship panel that she is looking forward to calling up for dates.

Pleasantview - Family Tree
Strangetown - Family Tree
Rhinehart - Royal Kingdom Challenge
Test Subject
#72 Old 18th Mar 2020 at 6:34 AM
i absolutely love emerald heights. the characters and their stories combined with ROS and the amazing sims 2 is a perfect combination. i have restarted this hood multiple times because i want it to be perfect and enjoyable so i have started five day rotation and have been keeping track of story etc in a google docs. so far i am absolutely enjoying the story of the rotspatz and the mayor. i will probably start uploading pictures to tumblr as soon as i find a lite screenshot application.

here's a link to my google docs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/...dit?usp=sharing
Trainee Moderator
staff: trainee moderator
Original Poster
#73 Old 30th Mar 2020 at 9:40 PM

I'm so glad that you're playing in this neighborhood! It's so heart-warming to see people play in your neighborhoods that you've created.
I'm so excited for any future updates from you.

Take care!

Catalogue of Custom Neighborhoods for TS2
All Hood Building Group neighborhoods are available here
Want to get rid of EA's sims in neighborhoods? Check out my Clean and Empty Steatlh Hoods and Clean and Empty Neighborhood Templates
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Lab Assistant
#74 Old 10th Apr 2020 at 4:04 AM
I have this hood as downtown in my Meadow Creek hood, and have currently only played one round (3 days). I did mess around with the lengths of Cola Panoski and Hadley Wentworths pregnancies, which is why they both already have toddlers and Linnea Wentworth is still pregnant. There is a ton of text here, so I'm going to put it behind a spoiler. I don't have any pictures, but if I take some I'll update here.

Call me Hannah
#75 Old 11th Jul 2020 at 1:55 PM
Excuse me for the bump, but I have been playing Emerald Heights as my 100 baby challenge hood. Not playing this hood before, I was stunned when my heir married Linnea Wentworth and moved her family in. Yikes! That was a big mistake. After the social worker came a took three children, I quickly made Linnea and her family into townies.

My heir is now living with Lianne Steele, Lianne's children, and another woman.

Thanks for the good times The Sims and The Sims Community. After 18 years, it is time for me to move on to something more purposeful.
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