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Original Poster
#51 Old 16th Nov 2019 at 3:18 AM
Also, UL has aged much better than I thought it would at release, because they focused on the gameplay and versatility of the Build/Buy additions. There isn't too much that really screams "Hey, this pack is from 2013!" Well, except the Mascot Dance (Gangnam Style) and the fact that phones are actually referred to as smartphones. I don't know anyone that still refers to them as anything but phones except those 55+.

You have been chosen. They will come soon.
Mad Poster
#52 Old 16th Nov 2019 at 4:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Jathom95
I don't know anyone that still refers to them as anything but phones except those 55+.

It depends on the context. If phones with varying amounts of functionality are being compared to each other, I will call the more evolved (or more annoying, whichever way one looks at it) models smartphones. But I would never say/think something like, "Oh, my smartphone needs charging" or "Send me a message and I'll reply to it on my smartphone later tonight."

The fact that I am old enough to have been there in person to hear Mr. Bell's first utterance of "Come here Watson, I want to see you" is immaterial.
Mad Poster
#53 Old 16th Nov 2019 at 6:10 AM
You guys are kind of missing the point that the game actually calls them "Smart Phones". Two words. Wouldn't have been strange of the game to call them smartphones like everyone else, ever, but Smart Phones? That's just awkward. I can one-up it though: over here in this strange, ancient 80s-themed save the select few that do carry phones call them "Cellular Telephones". I'm sure there's ways to shrink that word but hey, let's shrink the actual device first shall we? No wonder everyone in the city wears such large coats.

And now that we're speaking of phones in TS3: can't help but notice that the vanilla Base Game phone is some sort of Blackberry-like device on the UI, very 2009 of them, but completely different in the hands of a Sim.

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( Join my dumb Discord server if you're into the whole procrastination thing. But like, maybe tomorrow. )
Lab Assistant
#54 Old 18th Nov 2019 at 2:12 AM
I have to admit that University was my least favourite of Sims 2 EPs and University Life is my second least favourite Sims 3 EP. As others noted, university in Sims 2 was long, boring and all about grinding. It still had some interesting things, but most of them were unusable outside of university worlds. The only really usable things in University to use elsewhere were mobile phones, MP3 players and portable game consoles. And the rewards for going through university weren't enough for me to really go there. The same, fortunately, is not true for Sims 3 University Life. There are a lot more things to do even outside of the university. And while the rewards for completing university are still lame, the university experience is more fun and IMO more realistic than the one in Sims 2. And while it's still my second least favourite, it's only because I feel the other EPs added either more features to spice up my everyday gameplay or stuff I use more than the one from UL. But it doesn't mean I actually dislike UL or anything. And I definitely like it way more then University in Sims 2.
Mad Poster
#55 Old 18th Nov 2019 at 2:33 AM
I am the same that I do not dislike Univ in 3 but I found it to be a boring grind also. There were many additions to the game that I have used since then. But if I had to list the EPs from my top to bottom fave it would be near the bottom for me. I love WA and some hate it, for example. We all have our likes and dislikes which is totally normal.
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