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#1 Old 7th Mar 2009 at 6:20 AM
Default The Salem Witch Trials: An RP- Apps Open
The Salem Witch Trials
The year is 1692. The town is Salem. The mood is dark, since last night, little Abigail Parris died of convulsions and speaking in tongues, the third child to do so in as many days. The people are paranoid, and there's only one logical conclusion for the townsfolk to have come to: there are witches thinning out the population.

The Game
The object of this game, for the townspeople, is to find and kill the witch. The object of the game for the witch is to kill all the townspeople.

Once applications close I will run a random number generator to select the witch and the angel, and an NPC will be killed by the witches.

Someone- probably an NPC- will get all of the townspeople to come into the courthouse, and the accusations will begin. A player, who will be randomly selected or related to the NPC, will start the process by saying something to the effect of "I accuse so and so, on account of they have octagonal ear lobes." Accusations can be much more creative and verbose of course.

The next person can then do one of three things: they can accuse someone else, including the first person, they can defend themselves if they were accused, or they can agree with the first speaker. Each player will be able to speak during the accusation process once, and after the first speaker, whom I will select, it is a free for all. Conversations can be had in the background with other townsfolk at any time of course, just make sure that your character has accused or is planning on it.

Once the mob has decided who they will put on trial, the accused will have an opportunity to speak, and any townsfolk who would like to speak for them, against them, or against the whole ridiculous notion of witchcraft, is welcome to, as many times as they want. Then everyone will vote, in the thread, as to whether they are innocent or guilty.

If the accused is found innocent, then the townspeople will get a week of real time to walk around town and mull things over. If the accused is found guilty, they will be hung or burned, and then the townspeople will have a week to wander around, until night falls.

When night falls, I will contact the witch and the angel. The witch will pick someone to kill, and the angel will pick someone to save. If they pick the same person, then the person will live through a harrowing incident in the night. If they pick different people, then the townsperson will die the next morning. Night will last one or two real life days, and will have no posts in the thread.

The entire process repeats in the morning, until either everyone is dead, or the witch is killed.

At any point characters can converse freeform with one another, and at times when the people are not accusing or trying, there will be time given for freeform RPing around the town.

The Parts
There are three types of people in Salem:
The townsfolk: These are nice, normal puritans, just trying to live their lives.
The Angel: This is a nice normal puritan, who happens to have the power to save one life each night. They are randomly selected, and no one knows who they are.
The Witch: This person might seem like a nice normal puritan, but they have the power to kill one person each night. They are randomly selected, and no one knows who they are, though everyone would love to find out so to end the reign of terror of this supernatural brat.

The Rules
-No GMing. Unless you are the game host, or have worked it out in PMs, don't make other people's characters do stuff.
-All forum and roleplay rules apply
-Keep cursing to a minimum. You're playing as a puritan, what possible reason could they have to swear during a witch trial?
-I don't mind spammy OOC posts too much, but try and keep it to a minimum.
-No double posting. No exceptions.
-One character per player
-Characters can be male or female, but must be human and over the age of 15.
-If you don't post during the accusation part without letting me know in advance, that counts as an accusation against yourself. If you don't post in a fortnight, without telling me that you'll be gone, your character will be killed off. A brief OOC post saying you're sorry you can't post is fine, but something to say you haven't dropped off the face of the internetz.
-If you are the witch or the angel and you don't answer your witch/angel PMs within 46 hours, I will select randomly, if this happens two RP days in a row I will switch the witchiness or angel powers to someone who would probably have the same picking style as you.
-If you are NOT willing to be the witch or angel, PM me when you send in your app.

Please include the following in your app:
Brief Biography:
Picture (can be sim or otherwise):

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#2 Old 7th Mar 2009 at 6:22 AM Last edited by FurryPanda : 8th Jul 2009 at 4:27 PM.
Default Character List
1.Constance Ann Baker- gears7667
2.Ferdinand Singular- Extensa5420
3.Marilla Lambert- siesieim1

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 7th Mar 2009 at 6:24 AM
Default Summary of Events
This will be a general newspost, and I will keep a list of who accuses who and who dies how when. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

If anyone would be willing to make artworks for the title headings in the first post like some of the other RPs have, I would greatly appreciate it. My graphic design skills are effectively nil.

Can't wait to see how this turns out!

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Retired Moderator
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#4 Old 10th Mar 2009 at 12:28 AM
(((ooc: Still trying to decide whether or not I have the time/stamina to join this. If I do, it'll be with the same character from the old Salem thread. However, first I have a question; what pace are you planning for this rp, Furry? How long do you estimate one RP day will last?)))

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#5 Old 10th Mar 2009 at 1:16 AM Last edited by FurryPanda : 23rd Jun 2009 at 4:58 AM.
((Gears: Thank you very much for applying, I will add your character's name to the list!

Atropa: I plan on keeping this fairly small scale [I'd like the RP to actually, y'know, end because the story ends, rather than because it dies], so I'm going to close apps once I have 6 people. I would like it to be fairly quick, so about a week for freeforming in the morning, a week for the accusation process, though I could probably easily be convinced to spread that to three weeks if its nescessary, then a week to two weeks for the trial, as needed, and a week for freeforming in the evening. Then two days for night time.

So a full RP day, from morning to morning would be somewhere between a month and change to a month and a half.

Does that answer your question? I would be more than willing to give extensions if needed, I just don't want this to be completely laconic and have a day take 5 months ala' Sweet 16. It's perfectly fun like that, but I think that a game based RP needs to move a heckuva lot faster than that.))

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Retired Moderator
retired moderator
#6 Old 10th Mar 2009 at 1:22 AM
(((ooc: Furry - Yes, that does answer my question perfectly, and it all sounds very reasonable, the amount of players as well as the timeframe. Thank you. Will still have to think about it some more though. )))

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#7 Old 29th Apr 2009 at 11:36 PM
Thank you for joining Extensa, I'll add you to the list!

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#8 Old 22nd May 2009 at 10:16 PM
Extensa- Although I do appreciate the enthusiasm, the RP hasn't started yet, and it won't start until there are 4 more players.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Test Subject
#9 Old 26th May 2009 at 1:17 PM

In 1692, the largest witch hunt in American history gripped the town of Salem, Massachusetts. 150 people were imprisoned, and twenty executed. The witchcraft hysteria started in late February, when several young girls began acting strangely. On March 1, one of the girls confessed to witchcraft during an interrogation. The witchcraft scare spun out of control for about a year, until Governor William Phips pardoned the remaining prisoners in 1693.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#10 Old 23rd Jun 2009 at 4:13 AM Last edited by FurryPanda : 23rd Jun 2009 at 5:00 AM.
I hate to bump my own thread, but for all of the new people that I've noticed lurking about in the forum, if you're intimidated by the already established, free form, intricate RPs that are active presently, then this one is brand spanking new, and I need four more people to get it started. Don't take this as a knock on the free forms though.

Also, just to point it out, if this goes on schedule it will be nice and short, with six players, mathematically the longest it can take is four and a half months.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#11 Old 1st Jul 2009 at 3:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Extensa5420
I can pretend to be 4 more people. What I mean is, I can take the roles of 5 characters, including my own, temporarily, until 4 people will join. That way, the roleplay can run.

With this game that wouldn't work, for the same reason as I cannot have a character. If five out of six characters are held by one person, then statistics say that you will be both the witch and the angel. In addition to that, all of your characters would know who the witch and angel are (if on the off chance gears' character winds up as either one, it won't take a great stretch of the imagination for you to figure it out) and then their accusations and votes would not be based on the character's, but on what people think of you. ("Would he accuse the actual witch? No he wants this to last a while, so maybe he accused the angel? Well, his posts are typically written to center around Character A, so maybe he's particularly important?") And also, if you have 5 characters, your characters would have 5 of 6 votes.

And back when I first posted this in the planning thread, slytherin-girl did say she'd apply, so I'm waiting the polite amount of time to poke her (by my standards of polite, which I have been told are leagues beyond the border of spineless, but whatever).

In my opinion, the best "clique" would be a clique where all the members would be overachievers in high school and they would study hard and help each other. That's what high school is about.

Yeah, but that would be a pretty dull RP. Low conflict friendships are (IMO) really hard to make interesting in an RP.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Forum Resident
#12 Old 8th Jul 2009 at 5:50 AM Last edited by siesieim1 : 8th Jul 2009 at 10:25 PM.
Name:Marilla Lambert
Occupation:Shoe Maker
Brief Biography:Dear Diary,
It is May 4th of 1692.About 3 days ago my Husband Mattheuw Lambert passed away.He was attempting to get bear for our Supper.My 3 children were very hurt by it but my boy,Michael,did not seemed to be as hurt as the girls.
Picture (can be sim or otherwise):

ELOOOOOOO x) http://nintendorkhome.forumotion.net/index.htm
My website.Please register!Off-topic talking on my website!

I'm back G's! "One More Time G" "AND I'M SOOOOO ANXIOUS"

............ xD
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#13 Old 8th Jul 2009 at 4:26 PM
((OOC: siesiem1, thank you for your app!
I don't want to be a stickler for historical accuracy {actually, I'm not}, but in puritanical Salem, everyone would have had a job to benefit the community, rather than a {to loosely quote a somewhat amusing, somewhat grim diary from the same era different edge of the country} "job of sitting at home with the children, contributing nothing to the general good and eating the fruits of my labors" They really didn't have people whose only job was to be a mother and maintain their own home, such a person would have an orchard or a shop or something to contribute.

Also, if she's 32, in puritanical times, and a widow with kids that still require a mother's attention (reasonable marriage age is 15-19), her husband logically would have died recently, and information about that and her kids reactions to it should be in her bio. Or if he died a long time ago, then why she didn't have kids until so late.

But thank you for the app, and I will add you to the list now!))

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Forum Resident
#14 Old 8th Jul 2009 at 10:14 PM
(((OOC.This is Katiah one of the girl's you had a fight with's Sister.Now this is my account & I am apoligizing for my sister's actions.Hope you can forgive her.I am also going to change her bio)

ELOOOOOOO x) http://nintendorkhome.forumotion.net/index.htm
My website.Please register!Off-topic talking on my website!

I'm back G's! "One More Time G" "AND I'M SOOOOO ANXIOUS"

............ xD
Test Subject
#15 Old 31st Aug 2009 at 10:33 PM
Default Application
Name: Alvina Coby
Age: 17
Occupation: Helps out on parent’s farm
Brief Biography: Alvina (Alvy) Coby is daughter to Jonathon and Shelia Coby, sister to Derick. She lives a few miles out from the village and helps at her parents farm. Her mom has managed to find a man who is interested at courting her and she will be his fiancée soon enough (even though she despises him). But most girls her age are already wed and she finds herself lucky enough that she made it this was far without anyone interested in her. She is quite a looker with her long, wavy black hair and dark brown eyes. Her friends say she has a baby face but she is far from innocent. Ever since she somehow tagged along with her brother to school, she fell in love in love with learning and reading. Alvy secretly “borrows” her brother books and taught herself many things. She is highly intelligent and quite cunning but tries not to let it show. Especially since all these witch accusations have started. Alvy loves children and is stricken by what has happened, her cousin being one of the children who have died. She is determined to find out who is the witch to prevent more innocent people from being killed.
Picture (can be sim or otherwise): Still looking for it. Will be up soon :D

((Is this alright?? It seems really cool and I can’t wait for it to start!))
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#16 Old 31st Aug 2009 at 11:35 PM
Thanks for your app AnnalyneHopes. I'm pretty sure that this RP is dead, since of the four people who have applied, one is known to be off of the RP forum (gears), one hasn't posted in the RP forum since the end of july and when they did they painted themselves out as an epic git and sent me several nasty and/or stupid PM (siesim1). So there's two to three players presently, and as I said above, this will start when there are 6 apps, but they do have to be from people who are here. If I get 4 more apps I will find out if siesim is still interested, but I don't forsee this getting 4 more apps any time in the near future.

If it does though, then I'm pretty darned excited to start this myself since its been what, half a year since I put this up?

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
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