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#1 Old 24th Sep 2020 at 8:03 PM Last edited by khagen : 28th Sep 2020 at 8:23 PM.
Default The Melting Pot Challenge
I don't believe there's a challenge like this already. It's something I've always thought about trying but haven't actually done yet.

The goal is to play each premade family rotationally, working your way through the generations and intermarrying with other premade families until you end up with a sim that is a descendant of all the premade sims. You could do this in a single neighborhood or a megahood if you have one of those.

Extra Challenge Version: You can add a single sim of your own creation and the sim that ends the challenge must carry this sim's last name. If you choose to do this, you must decide whether the men or women in your neighborhood will pass on their last names. You may not have both do so.

  • Every premade sim that begins the game is considered an essential ancestor to your final sim and therefore must be a direct ancestor to that sim.
  • There's an exception for sims who are already Elders when the game begins (although if you'd like to have the old men procreate with younger women and use the Genie Lamp to make the old women young again, you may do so as long as you do it without cheats.)
  • You get a pass for sims who already have children. For example, Mary-Sue and Daniel Pleasant already have two children, Angela and Lilith, so they don't need to have anymore. But both Angela and Lilith would be considered essential ancestors and would need to have children that are direct ancestors to your final sim's family tree.
  • For sims who begin the game pregnant, their unborn children are also considered essential ancestors to your final sim.
  • Your sims may only marry and procreate with other playable sims, not townies or NPCs.
  • You must play each family in equal rotation, for example, one week per family before moving onto the next one.
  • Sims who are children of the premades do not all have to be direct ancestors of the final sim. For example, if Angela Pleasant has two children, only one of them needs to have an heir and contribute to the challenge. You may kill the other, have them marry a townie, or live a solitary life if you prefer.
  • If a child is taken by the Social Worker before they can have children, you may get the child back by having another family adopt them.
  • Optional Rule: If any of the premade parents have additional children that do not exist at the beginning of the challenge, they also become essential ancestors and must be direct ancestors to your final sim. So if you make Daniel and Mary-Sue Pleasant have another child besides Angela and Lilith, that child would also become an essential ancestor to your final sim even though Mary-Sue Pleasant was not pregnant at the beginning of this challenge.

Ideally, you should do this without cheating to make your life easier, but I have many mods to make my game more difficult and/or realistic that I intend to use.

I don't know if anyone's out there still playing Sims 2 and interested in the premade families, but I thought this might be interesting to try. If anyone actually succeeds, it would be interesting to see a picture of what the final sim looks like as an adult!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 24th Sep 2020 at 9:55 PM
Interesting, but don't know if I can stand playing the originals one more time

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Field Researcher
#3 Old 24th Sep 2020 at 10:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
Interesting, but don't know if I can stand playing the originals one more time

You could always create your own custom hood, but with the same number of Sims as Pleasantview divided into the same family units, and see where that takes you.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 25th Sep 2020 at 5:07 AM
This does look like it could just happen to me in my BACC in Dodge over time as the town builds up it's population and they start getting married and having children.I'll have to start with adding more families to the town in the early stages though as the population won't be big enough to use just redient families without moving more in for at least a good few generations.This can be an element of my advanced BACC rules.It's rules would apply only in the later stages with the town after it becomes a larger town.
Test Subject
#5 Old 26th Sep 2020 at 6:58 PM
This seems really really interesting! I might /just/ have to try this for an excuse to start Strangetown lmao
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 5th Oct 2020 at 12:39 AM Last edited by moonlight_frog : 5th Oct 2020 at 12:59 AM.
Hey, I'm actually playing like this already in my MegaHood, with premade sims, and trying to limit the amount of babies I make! I actually started playing last year. Only on round 3-4 because I have so many households to start with. My goal is to get down to 5 or fewer houses each neighborhood to make the rotations more manageable, so I'm still intermarrying and moving a lot, but I may not want to boil down to one sim necessarily (if I can, I like to maintain the original last names). I also am trying to set a birth control policy since my goal is to shrink down; the loophole though is that if a family has more babies, I adopt them out (or kill them, but I haven't decided on who should be a cannibal yet, haha... probably someone with an edgy or poverty-driven background). I have a giant spreadsheet for this purpose. I also keep a graveyard sheet and an adoption sheet. No one has died of old age yet, but I've sadly lost 2/3 Curious brothers to a freak fire. Pascal Specter (ne Curious) lives on with his alien baby turned bespectacled child, Stellaris Curious, and has an adoptive alien daughter named Jane Smith Specter with his wife Olive Specter (fitting, isn't it? They're both knowledge sims who love ghosts and aliens).

I actually think there was a challenge before using either premade sims or a certain amount of households to start with and where the bloodline/ last name was important to maintain for the end-goal (it may have been a war between two bloodlines or something, where the challenge ends where one bloodline dies out, or when they combine into one sim over generations); I can't find it though (let me know if someone does find it or something similar).

My personal rules:
1 Rotational play every 3 days.
2 "One Child Policy" per pairing. If more than one living child, adopt out or kill (e.g. with the BBQ). Does not apply to pets. If the parents were already pregnant when the game shipped (e.g. Brandi Broke, Sarah Ottomas), if children were already born when the game shipped (e.g. the Smith siblings), wanting to preserve a last name, having twins, or having both an adopted child and a biological child (e.g. Oberon Gossamer).
3 Limit "cheating" to maintain realism. Mods allowed.
4 Try to shrink down # of households gradually through marriages, move-ins, or deaths. Would ideally have 5 or fewer per neighborhood.
5 "Legal" Children= what is displayed on the family tree (so both biological and adopted, dead and not dead), not including children that will be adopted out.
6 Boarding School and Prep School must be unlocked through Private School Admittance. Other schools can be selected normally but should have a gameplay reason for night school or flexi school.
7 Only record skills that are 5 or above.
8 Only record personality points that are 2 or below or 8 or above. For pets, that is min or max or describe in relation to sims that are important to them (parents, siblings, esp. twins).
9 Only counts as partner if they are in love/ going steady/ engaged/ married.
10 Put the name of the parents at the time of birth/ adoption in Generations so you don't have to keep changing it.
11 If household funds are below $1,000, can apply for welfare. Should delete welfare once $3,000+.
12 Round household funds for ease after the 100s place unless they have fewer than $100. E.g. $3,500 instead of $3,521
13 Can record academic/ career milestones.
14 Can only have actual business in Bluewater Village. If you live in BWV, you must participate in some business-type dealings (e.g. selling a good or service) in your household even if you have a job, but the lot does not need an official business.
15 Can only have farm in Riverblossom Hills. If you live in RBH, you must also do some sort of gardening or farming in your household even if you have a job.
16 Only record playable deaths (so pre-existing graves/ urns don't have to be recorded; too much to deal with).

Spreadsheet Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/ut4ps1

Please check out my Challenge Blog: http://thesimmingfrog.blogspot.com/

Ongoing Challenges: Test of Time (TOT), Post-Apocalyptic BACC (PABACC)
Finished Challenges: Bachelor, Try to Survive

Check out my TOT Family Trees!
Mad Poster
#7 Old 6th Oct 2020 at 5:31 AM
It looks like something that adds another element to a Homesteader's or BACC challenge as they start from scratch and slowly build their community up into a larger city over generations and it becomes a multicultural melting pot.
#8 Old 31st Oct 2020 at 6:09 PM
I think it is a really great idea but it would take a really long time to play all the families for (possibly at least eight generations) before a Sim is related to everyone in the neighborhood, and for the player to report back on their progress.
Perhaps challengers could give a monthly update of their progress with the neighborhood families?
Mad Poster
#9 Old 1st Nov 2020 at 3:46 AM
I just start with an emoty town and slowly add resident couples in over time so I can start small and gradually build it up over time.I will add districts as needed though the first would have to be a blank shopping district to make a farming district when things in the town center get too crowded and a downtown comes much later on when a second shopping district was added and the twon center is once again getting full.I also create all kinds of sims with all skin colors and a lot of variety to move in.This is like what happened in Canada and the US as both countries were growing over the past few centuries and it happened in the US as the opened up the west and had settlers moving out west to become homesteaders.
Test Subject
#10 Old 12th Nov 2020 at 8:45 PM
Do Family bin sims count towards essential ancestors (Like, for example, the Burbs) or can they essentially be skipped over?
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#11 Old 12th Nov 2020 at 9:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by IgglyBuff
Do Family bin sims count towards essential ancestors (Like, for example, the Burbs) or can they essentially be skipped over?

It’s really up to the individual player to decide what they feel works for them. My personal feeling on it is that if you’re talking about a bin family like the Burbs in Pleasantview where they already have ties and relationships to the community, then yes. But if you’re talking about a family like the Travelers that come with Bon Voyage, then not necessarily unless you wanted to include them because they weren’t specifically intended to live in that neighborhood.
Test Subject
#12 Old 12th Nov 2020 at 10:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by khagen
It’s really up to the individual player to decide what they feel works for them. My personal feeling on it is that if you’re talking about a bin family like the Burbs in Pleasantview where they already have ties and relationships to the community, then yes. But if you’re talking about a family like the Travelers that come with Bon Voyage, then not necessarily unless you wanted to include them because they weren’t specifically intended to live in that neighborhood.

I figured, but I thought it best to double check. Tysm!
Mad Poster
#13 Old 13th Nov 2020 at 6:19 AM
@Khagen -I've got this incorporated into my BACC set in the old west of the 19th century located in Dodge out in the Kansas territory as it happened in the old days in North America as settlers started coming over here from all over the world.My townis to get as many sims of mixed cultural backgrounds as possible and of mixed racial backgrounds as that did also happen a lot and continues to happen even today.
Test Subject
#14 Old 13th Nov 2020 at 8:45 PM
So remember how I said I was gonna start Strangetown for this challenge? Yeaaaaaaaah I decided instead to go with Veronaville, simply because I can't seem to get invested in Strangetown.

So, I went through all of the scripted events, and then started playing in rotations, each family gets a season of play (Which is about 4 or 5 days, I think?)

When I loaded up the Capps household, I sent Tybalt to college almost immediately, and then Juliette wasn't far behind. And then Hermia threw me a major curveball and called Puck over for a booty call and ended up pregnant. With twins. (Thanks ACR) So at the end of the round, poor Consort is taking care of his two great grandsons while Hermia also goes to college.

Nothing too interesting happened with the Montys, I just sent Romeo and Mercutio to college when they were ready.

And then, the Summerdreams. I have a couple days left with them still. Titania called to adopt a baby (ended up with a male toddler because, for some reason, my game won't let me adopt babies) and then decided to have a risky woohoo with Oberon, so the day after the toddler arrived, she gave birth to TRIPLETS. Oh! And then Bottom aged into a teenager and she's so pretty!!
Mad Poster
#15 Old 15th Nov 2020 at 5:54 AM
I've got two families settled into my Dodge so far and winter is about to arrive any day now so nobody else will arrive in Dodge until next spring as they'll have to build on their homestead and there's never a house on these lots when couples move in so they end up having to start building their own before winter arrives or they could freeze.I'm also making couples in CAS and moving them in as a starter population and will add singles and families to provide possible marriage partners for kids growing up in the town.
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