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#1 Old 22nd Feb 2024 at 4:09 PM
Default Pregnant sims on a lengthened pregnancy will not use the toilet to relieve morning sickness
Not sure why this has been the common issue I have with longer pregnancy lengths like the game will try to fire the pregnant sim running to the toilet but no go she will just stand there is there another thing controlling the moodlet?
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#2 Old 22nd Feb 2024 at 7:57 PM
I have a custom pregnancy I changed with NRass Retuner and I have not ever had an issue, though I asked beforehand to make sure I would not be messing anything up. There is more to change than just 'kHoursOfPregnancy' or I presume anything else related to pregnancy would not sync appropriately. But most importantly I was told to never change any pregnancy settings if there are any current pregnancies in the neighborhood because it would cause issues such as pregnant Sims getting stuck in pregnancy. Mods may or may not help with that. *The value for kHoursToStartWalkingPregnant should be in between kHoursToShowFullyPregnant and kHoursToStartContractions to be applied properly.

My custom pregnancy settings are based on my custom lifespan and seasons/year.

Spring - 93 Days
Summer - 94 Days
Autumn - 89 Days
Winter - 89 Days
Year - 365 Days

kHoursOfPregnancy - 6,574 / 9 Months
kHoursToShowFullyPregnant - 5,843 / 8 Months
kHoursToShowPregnantBuff - 1,460 / 2 Months
kHoursToStartContractions - 6,572 / 2 Hours until giving birth
kHoursToStartPregnantMotives - 730 / 1 Month
kHoursToStartWalkingPregnant - 5,847 / 8 Months (I use a locomotion mod now to disable the pregnancy walk alongside change some other locomotions.)

I forget what it's called exactly but there's another option about how many puddles for the water break and I have that set at 1. Basically since I was going for realistic timing I also researched a realistic pregnancy though all pregnancies and women vary but on average that's about right. Except the contractions part which I kept the developer's 2 hour limit from the 'kHoursOfPregnancy' which I think varies from short to long labor anyway.

So if you have not figured out yet the other pregnancy settings then that seems probable as to why the game gets confused. My Sim is currently pregnant and she has been having a lot of nausea and emesis but that has passed now that she is in the 2 months + progression.
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#3 Old 23rd Feb 2024 at 12:59 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Deshong
I have a custom pregnancy I changed with NRass Retuner and I have not ever had an issue, though I asked beforehand to make sure I would not be messing anything up. There is more to change than just 'kHoursOfPregnancy' or I presume anything else related to pregnancy would not sync appropriately. But most importantly I was told to never change any pregnancy settings if there are any current pregnancies in the neighborhood because it would cause issues such as pregnant Sims getting stuck in pregnancy. Mods may or may not help with that. *The value for kHoursToStartWalkingPregnant should be in between kHoursToShowFullyPregnant and kHoursToStartContractions to be applied properly.

My custom pregnancy settings are based on my custom lifespan and seasons/year.

Spring - 93 Days
Summer - 94 Days
Autumn - 89 Days
Winter - 89 Days
Year - 365 Days

kHoursOfPregnancy - 6,574 / 9 Months
kHoursToShowFullyPregnant - 5,843 / 8 Months
kHoursToShowPregnantBuff - 1,460 / 2 Months
kHoursToStartContractions - 6,572 / 2 Hours until giving birth
kHoursToStartPregnantMotives - 730 / 1 Month
kHoursToStartWalkingPregnant - 5,847 / 8 Months (I use a locomotion mod now to disable the pregnancy walk alongside change some other locomotions.)

I forget what it's called exactly but there's another option about how many puddles for the water break and I have that set at 1. Basically since I was going for realistic timing I also researched a realistic pregnancy though all pregnancies and women vary but on average that's about right. Except the contractions part which I kept the developer's 2 hour limit from the 'kHoursOfPregnancy' which I think varies from short to long labor anyway.

So if you have not figured out yet the other pregnancy settings then that seems probable as to why the game gets confused. My Sim is currently pregnant and she has been having a lot of nausea and emesis but that has passed now that she is in the 2 months + progression.

I actually tried to verify changing the khours of pregnancy mid pregnancy and no issues so far pregnant sims still gave birth as long as I probably change their pregnancy progress via pregnancy controller

As I said the sims get nausea but the vomit at the toilet doesnt seem to be "firing" they will only have the nausea moodlet stuck on them until second trimester in short pregnant sims arent throwing up or vomiting granted not all sims are vulnerable to "do not vomit at the toilet"
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#4 Old 23rd Feb 2024 at 4:22 PM
ok know what for what it is it seems sims 3 sims will only vomit once before then know they are pregnant... its been coded this way apparently?
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