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#1 Old 19th Oct 2020 at 10:49 PM Last edited by Ladysimplayer8 : 7th Jan 2021 at 2:40 PM.
Default Cloning the Luxury Stereo
I want to try and use Sims 2 base game object for cloning new objects and things were going well...

Then I tried to use the luxury stereo (Soma AudioGeek TK421 Tower System) and whilst SimPE permits me to recolor, when I test in-game the recolors do not show up and I am advised it is not designable.
I have CEP enabled in my preferences for SimPE; I have tried re-installing CEP (the full program with CEP extra) and recreating the item with recolors but still unsuccessful.

Is this a known problem i.e. not to use this item?
Is there a solution other than use another object to clone?

Any help would be most welcome.
Thank you in advance!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 20th Oct 2020 at 12:12 AM
Do you have problems with other items, or just this one?

Have you looked at the cloning options? Could be you're not using the proper tick boxes.


If it's a CEP issue:

If you download recolors for the stereo someone else made, do they show up ingame? If not, that's probably an indicator something could be wrong with the CEP install. Could be an idea to check this out.
(Here's one to test: https://modthesims.info/d/535933 )

I assume you have checked you have these files in the proper places (for details, check the CEP install instructions)?
_EnableColorOptionsGMND (Downloads folder)
_EnableColorOptionsMMAT (BG or Double Deluxe "TSData\Res\Sims3D" folder)
zCEP-EXTRA (2 Folders, should be one in the BG or Double Deluxe "TSData\Res\Catalog" folder, and one in the Documents/TS2 folder)

And that everything in the SimPE settings have been properly enabled? You could be missing some tick boxes, or the game might not be properly linked up in some places.
Original Poster
#3 Old 20th Oct 2020 at 7:03 AM Last edited by Ladysimplayer8 : 20th Oct 2020 at 10:55 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
Do you have problems with other items, or just this one?

Have you looked at the cloning options? Could be you're not using the proper tick boxes.


If it's a CEP issue:

If you download recolors for the stereo someone else made, do they show up ingame? If not, that's probably an indicator something could be wrong with the CEP install. Could be an idea to check this out.
(Here's one to test: https://modthesims.info/d/535933 )

I assume you have checked you have these files in the proper places (for details, check the CEP install instructions)?
_EnableColorOptionsGMND (Downloads folder)
_EnableColorOptionsMMAT (BG or Double Deluxe "TSData\Res\Sims3D" folder)
zCEP-EXTRA (2 Folders, should be one in the BG or Double Deluxe "TSData\Res\Catalog" folder, and one in the Documents/TS2 folder)

And that everything in the SimPE settings have been properly enabled? You could be missing some tick boxes, or the game might not be properly linked up in some places.

Hello simmer22,
Thank you for replying.
This is the only object that I have had a problem with - all other objects I have used for cloning, there has been no issue.
Per your suggestion, I checked all the files and their proper locations and they are fine.
I downloaded and installed Michelle's recolor of the stereo and this shows up in my game.
I tried creating the item again from scratch but when placed in my game, I only have the mesh color with the message it is not designable.
I will try uninstalling and re-installing CEP to see if that helps and update you later.


Update: After uninstalling, computer maintenance, re-installing CEP, the recolors still do not show up. All CEP Extra folders are in their correct location, CEP is enabled in my SimPE settings.
I have attached a pic of Material Overrides info - is there something wrong with this?
#4 Old 20th Oct 2020 at 12:58 PM
Yep, the objectGUID value is still the default stereo's GUID.
Original Poster
#5 Old 20th Oct 2020 at 3:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
Yep, the objectGUID value is still the default stereo's GUID.

Hello Chris Hatch,
Thank you for replying.

I am still a novice at creating/converting objects (only started 23/08/2020) and learning as I go.
From looking at some tutorials, I thought all object data elements, need to be given a new GUID - the main object includes updating raw data, room sort (if required) and checking the box to update all MMATs. Then click update, commit, fix integrity and save. The other objects only require to update GUID, commit and save.

Are you advising I should I be updating the original GUID field or Fallback GUID field?
Is there a slightly different process if one of the objects has "Lead" I should be following?

Thank you in advance
Mad Poster
#6 Old 20th Oct 2020 at 5:32 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 20th Oct 2020 at 5:47 PM.
In the OBJD, you need to change just the original GUID (the first field), don't change the others.

If there are more than one OBJD resource in the object (usually multi-tile objects), these also need new GUIDs, but make sure to only do "update MMATs" on the main GUID, or you'll break recolors. These tend to have empty tick boxes in the OBJD categories, but not always.

Some info here on generating random GUIDs, and GUID blocks if you ever need that (and also a register of sorts for GUID blocks, now that the SimPE site is down)

Personally, I tick the box for "fix integrity" in the cloning options, so it gets done before I start doing anything in the file. Less mess that way. I only touch it again if I'm doing changes that need it.
Original Poster
#7 Old 20th Oct 2020 at 7:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
In the OBJD, you need to change just the original GUID (the first field), don't change the others.

If there are more than one OBJD resource in the object (usually multi-tile objects), these also need new GUIDs, but make sure to only do "update MMATs" on the main GUID, or you'll break recolors. These tend to have empty tick boxes in the OBJD categories, but not always.

Some info here on generating random GUIDs, and GUID blocks if you ever need that (and also a register of sorts for GUID blocks, now that the SimPE site is down)

Personally, I tick the box for "fix integrity" in the cloning options, so it gets done before I start doing anything in the file. Less mess that way. I only touch it again if I'm doing changes that need it.

Hello simmer22,
I appreciate you replying again and offering your advice.

I have started to realize that not all tutorials follow the exact same order of steps - just as long as you get there!

The GUID I change is the field beside the GET GUID box - should it be Orig. Guid?
This particular item does have a tick in Function General for both of the other elements - should I update all MMATs in this instance?

As a new creator, I have opted to use the Hash Generator as I was not sure if I would be able to make any items, and with this item not working, it might be put me off doing any more...

It's frustrating that this item will not show the recolors - the CEP must be working and installed correctly if Michelle's recolors of the stereo are working in my game. I came across a small tutorial by HugeLunatic about SimPE file settings and my order of CEP Extra is correct. I believe I am not doing anything different from what I do creating other items - could it be my Sims2 game?

Thank you in advance for any further help.
Mad Poster
#8 Old 20th Oct 2020 at 9:35 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 20th Oct 2020 at 9:54 PM.
You have to change the "GUID", It's off on its own, above the four other GUID boxes. Next to the blue "Get GUID" line, between the "Commit" and "Update MMATs" buttons.

Don't bother with the Get GUID box, it doesn't work now (used to, though).

Don't do anything to the
- Orig.GUID
- Fallback GUID
- Diagonal GUID
- Grid Align GUID
(Unless it's said you should do so in a tutorial - I have yet to see it mentioned in one, but I haven't made everything there is to make so there could of course be times where these have to be changed. For making a simple clone, don't change any of them).


If you are dealing with a multi-tile object (especially interactable items like beds) they usually have more than one OBJD (not always, but often).

If there are two or more OBJDs, look in the Catalog Sort tab. If one of them has tick marks for various categories, that's usually the main GUID (the one you should click "update MMATs" for - this updates the GUID in the MMAT so it pulls recolors from the right object. Otherwise it pulls recolors from the main GUID/object, which you don't want).

If the others have empty tick boxes, they're usually extra OBJDs. Don't click "update MMATs" for these. It will make the MMATs try to pull recolors from a GUID that doesn't have recolors tied to it.

If all of them have ticked boxes (can occasionally happen), compare the OBJD and MMAT before you give them a new GUID ("objectGUID" line in the MMAT should be the same as the main OBJD), and make sure the one here is the one you do "update MMATs" for. Then fix the rest without updating.
Original Poster
#9 Old 21st Oct 2020 at 1:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
You have to change the "GUID", It's off on its own, above the four other GUID boxes. Next to the blue "Get GUID" line, between the "Commit" and "Update MMATs" buttons.

Don't bother with the Get GUID box, it doesn't work now (used to, though).

Don't do anything to the
- Orig.GUID
- Fallback GUID
- Diagonal GUID
- Grid Align GUID
(Unless it's said you should do so in a tutorial - I have yet to see it mentioned in one, but I haven't made everything there is to make so there could of course be times where these have to be changed. For making a simple clone, don't change any of them).


If you are dealing with a multi-tile object (especially interactable items like beds) they usually have more than one OBJD (not always, but often).

If there are two or more OBJDs, look in the Catalog Sort tab. If one of them has tick marks for various categories, that's usually the main GUID (the one you should click "update MMATs" for - this updates the GUID in the MMAT so it pulls recolors from the right object. Otherwise it pulls recolors from the main GUID/object, which you don't want).

If the others have empty tick boxes, they're usually extra OBJDs. Don't click "update MMATs" for these. It will make the MMATs try to pull recolors from a GUID that doesn't have recolors tied to it.

If all of them have ticked boxes (can occasionally happen), compare the OBJD and MMAT before you give them a new GUID ("objectGUID" line in the MMAT should be the same as the main OBJD), and make sure the one here is the one you do "update MMATs" for. Then fix the rest without updating.

Hello simmer22,
Thanks again for more information.
Since yesterday, I recolored the original item (Soma Audio Geek TK421 Tower System) and this works for me - see pic.

I tried cloning the original again and took (attached) screen shots of the objects data items before anything is updated; and noted that the Main and Lead objects have the same orig. GUID. The other object (1.0) has an orig. GUID that is the same as the Fallback GUID of the Lead Object. I tried replicating these GUIDs in the same way but whilst the object is created, no recolors show in game.

When I check my notes on previously created items with similar objects e.g. Hi-Fi Vintage Turntable, the Main and Lead Objects have different orig. GUIDs and why I had no issue recoloring.

Has any creator ever successfully cloned a new object with recolors using the Soma Audio Geek TK421 Tower System?

I would love to hear from anyone who can direct me to that object posted on MTS, so I can work out how it was achieved (unless of course, they advise me! )

Thank you in advance!
Mad Poster
#10 Old 21st Oct 2020 at 3:03 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 21st Oct 2020 at 3:15 PM.
When you make objects, ignore the other 4 GUIDs (unless a tutorial says you're suppose to do something with them). Only change the main GUID, the one next to the "get GUID" line, for all 3 OBJDs in this particular object.

In this object, it looks like the top one is the main OBJD, so that's the one you want to update MMATs for.
By the way, I forgot to mention the third check, which is that the extra OBJDs often have (0,0) and (0,1) or similar behind the name, while the main OBJD usually doesn't. If you rename OBJDs (yes you can do that, it has some useful purposes but it's not necessary), it's smart to add in these so it's easier to see which is which.

The reason the "fallback guid" matches is because you haven't given the object a unique GUID yet. When you do, the "fallback GUID" is the object the object reverts to if the game can't find the object, for instance if you install a lot packed with CC and then remove all the CC and find the lot packed with a ton of default statues and such. Best not mess around with that one unless you know what you're doing. Diagonal GUID might have something to do with doors and windows or other items with diagonals (I don't make those, so haven't had any reason to edit them. Not sure about the Orig.GUID or align, but I haven't had any reason to edit them either).
#11 Old 23rd Oct 2020 at 3:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Ladysimplayer8
I would love to hear from anyone who can direct me to that object posted on MTS, so I can work out how it was achieved

Note that although it is a basegame item it is not basegame compatible. When cloning SimPE will pull the behaves from your highest EP which are the wrong format for basegame.
Original Poster
#12 Old 23rd Oct 2020 at 4:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Chris Hatch
Note that although it is a basegame item it is not basegame compatible. When cloning SimPE will pull the behaves from your highest EP which are the wrong format for basegame.

Hello Chris Hatch,
I appreciate you attempting to assist and thank you for the info about how SimPE can behave.

Should I be removing all other expansion and stuff packs from my preferences, whilst I attempt to clone and recolor my new item?

Is the link you attached for an item that you cloned from the luxury stereo and the recolors do show in-game successfully?
If so, do you recall how you achieved this?

#13 Old 23rd Oct 2020 at 5:20 PM
1) Should I be removing all other expansion and stuff packs from my preferences, whilst I attempt to clone and recolor my new item?
No, SimPE won't be able to pull the meshes and textures if you do. I always keep the objects.packages from earlier EPs disabled because SimPE will pull all of the memories from all of them when editing memories giving a dozen of the same memories but other than that no.

2) Is the link you attached for an item that you cloned from the luxury stereo and the recolors do show in-game successfully? If so, do you recall how you achieved this?
Yes, and yes re-colours work. It isn't a serious attempt at a new item but you had me curious as to if it could be cloned/re-coloured so I gave it a go. I don't use the CEP because of the way it degrades Mansion & Gardens Stuff, I use A&N which doesn't need it so it was cloned from A&N. There is no real difference to the GMND and MMATs in A&N and CEP for this item so that shouldn't be relevant though.
#14 Old 29th Oct 2020 at 11:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Ladysimplayer8

Has any creator ever successfully cloned a new object with recolors using the Soma Audio Geek TK421 Tower System?

I would love to hear from anyone who can direct me to that object posted on MTS, so I can work out how it was achieved (unless of course, they advise me! )

I've moved away from using CEP myself, so this question interested me and, it may be a coincidence but when I enabled CEP and cloned this as usual through Object Workshop and then made a recolor through Object Workshop, it did just what you describe. It appeared to be allowing me to recolor, but the tsdesignenable-thing... did not show in the game, so no recolors. I tried twice, in case I made a mistake, so, if I did, I made the same one twice that, maybe, you made as well. However, when I disabled CEP again, cloned from Object Workshop, but then created the recolor myself without CEP, adding the tsdesignenable thing and the MMATs, etc, it worked as intended and my very quick purple recolor shows up just fine. So, just letting you know... I did see what you saw, for whatever reason.

@Chris Hatch, I don't care for CEP myself when I can do without it, but what does it do that degrades M&G stuff?
Original Poster
#15 Old 10th Nov 2020 at 8:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sunrader
I've moved away from using CEP myself, so this question interested me and, it may be a coincidence but when I enabled CEP and cloned this as usual through Object Workshop and then made a recolor through Object Workshop, it did just what you describe. It appeared to be allowing me to recolor, but the tsdesignenable-thing... did not show in the game, so no recolors. I tried twice, in case I made a mistake, so, if I did, I made the same one twice that, maybe, you made as well. However, when I disabled CEP again, cloned from Object Workshop, but then created the recolor myself without CEP, adding the tsdesignenable thing and the MMATs, etc, it worked as intended and my very quick purple recolor shows up just fine. So, just letting you know... I did see what you saw, for whatever reason.

@Chris Hatch, I don't care for CEP myself when I can do without it, but what does it do that degrades M&G stuff?

Hello Sunrader,
Thank you for trying this and getting the same result as I do - albeit probably not what either of us wants.
I will take your advice to disable CEP if I need to clone from this object in future.

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