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#1 Old 6th Jan 2017 at 4:13 PM Last edited by Naus Allien : 6th Jan 2017 at 5:49 PM.
Default Removed/discarted/rare Traits, Chips, Moodlets & Wishes

I don't know if you guys know, but there are a lot of traits and trait chips that were either removed from the game or disabled. Here are some examples:

- Boring
- Gloomy
- Easily bored
- Vain
- Sweet Talker
- Greedy
- Materialistic
- Conversationalist
- Worrywart
- Dreamer
- High roller
- Quick recovery
- Wanton
- Cry Baby
- Shy (Base game)
- Good Massages

Trait Chips:
- Ability to groove
- Vampire
- Laser Eyes :lovestruc
- Treasure Hunter

There are also a ton of discarted wishes/moodlets. Some of them might as well be in the game, but in all these years I've never seen them:

- Change hairstyle
- Debate
- Play drums at the party
- Find blood fruit
- Grow facial hair
- Metal ????
- Bar hop
- (Vampire) Win a fight against mummy ???????
- Paint imaginary friend (I've had like 10 imaginary friends and I've never seen it)
- Sing with imaginary friend
- Forsake vampire
- Celebrate X work anniversary
- Appearing objects
- Tragic clown
- Freshen up
- Change gender
#2 Old 6th Jan 2017 at 5:05 PM
I'd just like to point out how that says sweat talker.
#3 Old 6th Jan 2017 at 5:08 PM
That's a cool find. It also seems like some of those were sort of used, just changed slightly. Like instead of the boring trait we got the no sense of humor trait that bores other sims enough to pass out.

¢¾ Receptacle Refugee ¢¾ ~ Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket!? ~
Laura's Legacy
Test Subject
#4 Old 6th Jan 2017 at 6:12 PM Last edited by SimmerHilda : 6th Jan 2017 at 6:57 PM.
Yes, many of those traits are actually in the game, but have different names. Gloomy is now Grumpy, Vain is Snob, Sweet Talker is partly Charismatic partly Schmoozer (?), Greedy is Frugal. Materialistic could actually be a good alternative to Can't Stand Art. I imagine Materialistic sims being focused on practicism and functionality, while disliking anything artsy and purely aesthetic. Also, maybe it was developed into Supernatural Skeptic (because IRL people who don't believe in any kind of deities and supernatural forces are called materialistic, too).
Dreamer is maybe a combination of Brooding and Absent-Minded, but still it is a different thing. Brooding sims get distracted by their own thoughts on philosophical topics, absent-minded sims just need to be guided step by step, or they forget what's in their queue (like IRL absent-minded people find it hard to stick to their plans). Dreamer could be someone who likes to spend lots of time imagining themselves living alternative interesting life, gets distracted by wishful thinking, and has a very vivid imagination that helps them succeed in all sorts of arts. It could actually be an interesting trait. As for those Worrywart and Cry Baby traits, we have Overemotional and Dramatic.
Quick Recovery, what does it refer to? Now I'm intrigued. Maybe, it is ability to forgive quickly and to forget about bad events that give other sims negative moodlets for several days, as well as to restore energy faster. Hmmmm... not a bad trait, actually.

My Simblr - Sims 3 builds and occasionally some other Sims 3 stuff
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#5 Old 6th Jan 2017 at 6:42 PM
I've seen "play drums at a party" and "win a fight against a mummy" (I had one sim who was obsessed with fighting mummies. Apparently, Twinbrook has a dungeon somewhere in it. He would be wandering around the outskirts of town, and "Hey, I'd like to beat up a mummy!" "Sorry, but we are in short supply of those right now." "Ok, can I see the ghost of my ex-girlfriend?" "No, she's still alive. And no you can't pillow fight with anyone, either." 'Aww... Ok, then can I go beat up a mummy?") I think Mean-spirited is a trait that contributes to getting that wish.

I am Ghost. My husband is sidneydoj. I post, he downloads, and I wanted to keep my post count.
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#6 Old 6th Jan 2017 at 7:07 PM
I think we got "bar hop" under another name - those "buy drinks at X number of bars" wishes. (I recently got rid of one, saying "we don't have that many bars in town, dummy!") "Freshen up" may have become the "bathe" wish (my professional dumpster divers sometimes roll that one).

And I now have "Cry Baby" by Janis Joplin stuck in my head, so thanks!
Forum Resident
#7 Old 6th Jan 2017 at 7:42 PM
I always wanted to make a mod to bring back the cut trait chips, but was never too good with TS3 scripting and never had time. I'd love to have vampire Plumbots (perhaps have the vampirism act as a virus) that run on plasma instead of sunlight. Laser Eyes could allow the bot to blow up space rocks for loot, transmogrify fruit into flame fruit, and set fires wherever they wish. Treasure Hunter was probably meant to be a sort of clone of Gatherer. Ability to groove is kind of obvious.
#8 Old 8th Jan 2017 at 12:01 AM
My Loner sim is actually shy--he always gets a Shy moodlet.

I do not think Greedy and Frugal are in any way the same. I'd say they were opposites but you often see people with all four possible combinations (greedy/frugal, greedy/spendthrift, un-greedy/frugal, um-greedy/spendthrift). Throw Generous/not-generous in there & spontaneous vs. disciplined & you've got an entire universe of money handling. (of course in real life there's also different areas to spend in, and a person could have a different configuration for each).
Department of Post-Mortem Communications
#9 Old 8th Jan 2017 at 1:14 AM Last edited by Don Babilon : 8th Jan 2017 at 10:07 AM.
The "Change Hairstyle" wish may be one of those that teens roll during a mood swing, and possibly adults in their midlife crisis too. The thumbnail at least is similar to the one for the wish to dye or cut one's hair.
The "Tragic Clown" one is, I think, in game, tied to the tragic clown elixir from SN.
And I think I have seen the "Play Drums At A Party" wish as well as the "Win Fight Against Mummy" wish for vampires. A vampire usually rolls it immediately when they see a mummy.

Edit: Correction - I think vampires immediately roll this wish when they lose the fight against a mummy.
Field Researcher
#10 Old 8th Jan 2017 at 7:31 AM Last edited by themysteriouscorn : 8th Jan 2017 at 9:48 PM.
You can read about the traits that EA removed here near the bottom of the page Very interesting too because I feel some traits would've been better than the current traits. I mean, who doesn't love a good hugger?
Test Subject
#11 Old 8th Jan 2017 at 5:10 PM
To my desire to "sing to imaginary friendship" and "change of hairstyle" I leave many times
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 17th Oct 2023 at 3:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by themysteriouscorn
I mean, who doesn't love a good hugger?

I would love if we'd gotten this trait, then I could accurately make my mum in the game. She's probably one of the best huggers I know.

98% of teenagers do or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this in your siggy.
May the Goddess walk with you.

Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Love is the law, love under will.
93 93/93
Mad Poster
#13 Old 17th Oct 2023 at 5:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by katlovet10
I would love if we'd gotten this trait, then I could accurately make my mum in the game. She's probably one of the best huggers I know.

That's not a very nice thing to say about your mum, or anyone!

Igazor, clean your eyeglasses and read that again.

Oh, I see. Nevermind, carry on then!
#14 Old 17th Oct 2023 at 7:19 PM Last edited by Gargoyle Cat : 17th Oct 2023 at 7:23 PM. Reason: typos forever
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
That's not a very nice thing to say about your mum, or anyone!

Igazor, clean your eyeglasses and read that again.

Oh, I see. Nevermind, carry on then!

I was going to say that I miss Don Babilon which I do, but what did you think was said?
Forum Resident
#15 Old 18th Oct 2023 at 12:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by katlovet10
I would love if we'd gotten this trait, then I could accurately make my mum in the game. She's probably one of the best huggers I know.

Initially I thought that the "Likes Giving Hugs" trait wasn't included in TS3 but it is like most of the so-called removed traits. The "Good" trait is combined with the likes giving hugs trait. My Sims with the good trait will often keep rolling a wish to hug someone and will sometimes autonomously do so multiple times consecutively.

I'll reword what I wrote here: https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/di...omment_15734991

Boring is included with No Sense of Humor.

Braggart is included with both Snob and Diva.

Chess Mastermind is likely included with Genius.

Conversationist included with Charismatic.

Crybaby included with Over-Emotional.

Disdains Dessert...no replacement. (Possibly in the game as some traits are only accessible to the Sim A.I. and not an option for the player.)

Dreamer is included with Ambitious.

Easily Bored is included with Childish.

Gloomy is included with Grumpy.

Good at Massages is included with Flirty.

Greedy is likely included with Snob. (Concerning wanting more materialistic possessions, but also could be another trait only accessible to the Sim A.I. in the way of overeating such as some Sims who overindulge at the buffet)

Hates Computers is included with Technophobe.

Hates Reading...no replacement. (Possibly in the game as some traits are only accessible to the Sim A.I. and not an option for the player)

Likes Giving Hugs is included with Good.

Materialistic is included with Snob.

Mean renamed to Mean-Spirited.

Pack-Rat...no replacement. (Possibly in the game as some traits are only accessible to the Sim A.I. and not an option for the player)

Paranoid is included with Neurotic. (This trait seems to be likened to OCD, paranoia and anxiety)

Plain...no replacement. (I guess this may reference a Sim being ordinary and thus having nothing that stands out about them.) (This could still be in the game as a Sim A.I. trait)

Quick Recovery...no replacement. (I'm not sure if this meant broken promises that the player promises and then deletes or if there were more gameplay options for Sim to Sim interactions)

Rude included with Mean-Spirited.

Ruffian included with Mean-Spirited.

Shy is reintroduced in LN.

Stubborn is included with Hot-Headed.

Stupid is included with Absent-Minded. (Though I think stupid and absent-minded are too different whereas stupid would be the opposite of a genius and absent-minded is one who easily gets lost in their own inner world, such as day dreaming, deep in thought and even sometimes talking out loud or talking to themselves though I imagine most people like that tend to mask.)

Sweet Talker is included with Schmoozer.

Unforgiving (Is likely related to Stubborn except this Sim will never forgive another Sim's transgression. This trait is likely still in the game only as an option for the Sim A.I. as memories has always been implemented since base game. The memory system of GEN is something entirely different and on a shallow level compared to the Sim A.I.'s behind the scenes memory system)

Vain is included with both Snob and Diva.

Wanton...no replacement. (I know this trait is still in the game, it's just not an option for the player to pick. But playing with high free-will with little to no intervention allows you to really see the depth of the game. Also wanton isn't gender restricted though the icon displays a woman likely because that's just the archetype. I have a few wantons in my game and no I did not prompt any of those Sims that direction except one that I recall. And when switching households it's like that behavior started spreading like wildfire, lol. Oh no, what have I been teaching the Sim A.I.'s? Yeah, definitely TS3 is heavily inspired by the core foundation of free will of The Sims (2000), oops.)

Worrywart is included with Neurotic.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
Field Researcher
#16 Old 18th Oct 2023 at 7:07 PM
"Wanton" has several meanings in English but the meaning they were going for was definitely 'lustful', which would make it a part of the flirty trait. Of course the AI starts to push romantic interactions (flirting/kissing/woohoo) more frequently as more people develop romances even if they don't have flirty.

Looking at them I think a some of the icons were changed to look different. That's a much different plasma fruit wish (the current one shows a lone, heart-shaped fruit with a bite out of it), the drums one got changed to have less balloons so it wasn't as busy and I'm pretty sure the hair cut one is changed slightly too. I had the wish "brush teeth" come up on a sim that was both neat and neurotic (that sim also frequently got the wish "wash hands"), and neat sims definitely get the wish to take a bath/shower frequently, but the icons are simpler. Like the brush teeth was just the tooth brush and paste and the wash hands (or shower) is just a bar of soap.

Interesting that there was a change gender wish. Too bad it got taken out (it might have been more complicated to code than they thought it would be).
Forum Resident
#17 Old 18th Oct 2023 at 11:49 PM
Well yes, flirty can be seen as lustful though some people may flirt casually without the end goal in mind. In fact, initially observing my Sim Jonathon with the flirty trait, his particular Sim A.I. seemed to do this with no intention of going any further. What's interesting is that each Sim is unique despite if they may share the same trait(s). Meaning not all Sims will share the same exact behavior as another. It's something I have done an experiment on to really grasp the Sims personalities beyond traits and see the depth of what encompasses a Sim persona as a whole.

An ex-roommate of Jonathon's, Anya, I observed to attempt to "unlock" the full potential of his flirty nature but that didn't seem to have any effect. However another Sim by the name of Andreia seemed close to achieving that goal but also was unsuccessful. When Jonathon's brother introduced his love interest turned wife into the picture, well something changed though at the time he was married too. And ever since Jon's A.I. has been quite naughty to the point of betrayal/cheating and now he seems to prefer to remain single without any strings attached after a few failed relationships. Despite that, he's still quite popular as if he has the irresistible trait. If I were to pick a song to describe his situation I would pick Mambo No. 5.

The player's input can influence the trajectory of the Sim's A.I., also other Sims can as well or it can be decided as their own path they choose. In this case Jon chose for himself. I take wanton as being promiscuous which can still be played out by the player regardless, however it cannot be picked as a trait even though TS3 was aimed for 16-24 year olds, but technically 13 year olds can still play because of the rating. I wish the focus was more on the audience that grew up with TS and thus just made TS3 rated M for mature but it's fine. Anyway yes being lustful and promiscuous can be viewed as pretty much the same, however being lustful/flirty doesn't necessarily mean the interaction will result in anything further for whatever reason(s) while being promiscuous is more defined to that end goal. That's my personal distinction from what I observe from the various Sim A.I.'s in my own game.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 25th Oct 2023 at 11:02 AM
I wish we could have had Materialistic as a separate trait from Snob. It might be just me but Materialistic, as a trait, brings to mind a hoarder -- or someone obsessed with collecting things, I know I am one such person.
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