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#1 Old 26th Jul 2024 at 7:59 AM Last edited by Triamond : 29th Jul 2024 at 10:21 AM.
Flower Wreaths (Hair Accessory) - FOUND
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for flower wreaths that I used to have in my game (but can't find them anymore!)

Here is a picture of my dryad wearing a white one (just the flower wreath, ignore the tiara)

...but it was a set of various beautiful flower wreaths (many colours).

Please, could you help me identify these? I can't believe I lost them! Now I need them again and I've found different ones but I'm missing this set so much!

EDIT: I might have found it - Cynnix TSM wreath. I need to test in-game if it is the one I'm looking for :-)
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