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#1 Old 27th Mar 2024 at 3:41 PM Last edited by WolfiePlaysSims : 27th Mar 2024 at 3:45 PM. Reason: added a link to the Sims 4 rules!
The Sims 3 Supernatural Collection Challenge
The goal of this challenge is to "collect" every type of supernatural sim in your game by getting your sim to have one child of each supernatural type. The catch? All of the children must come from one (and only one) sim couple!

Click here for the Sims 4 version of the challenge!

Minimally, this challenge will be the most fun with the Supernatural expansion pack installed, but any pack that adds a life state your Sim can be transformed into and get a child from is fair game!

Getting Started

- Create 1 YA Sim in CAS. He/she must be a ordinary human sim, but every other attribute is up to you.
- You may make your Sim's spouse in CAS also if you wish, but he/she cannot start with any sort of relationship towards your main sim and cannot start out living in the same household (must be moved in through normal gameplay).
- Place the main sim down in a world of your choosing (Moonlight Falls is recommended for ease of access to Supernaturals, but it's your game, so up to you!)
- Set lifespan to normal. You may adjust the number of days per stage, but you may not adjust the young adult/adult stages and the overall day count must stay at 90.
- Your sim must get married and may only ever be married to that one sim.
- Your main sim must transform into each supernatural life state, then have a child with his/her spouse that is born as that life state. Rinse and repeat until you have them all!

General Rules

- Your sim must do whatever it takes to keep him/herself and his/her spouse alive (or returned to life, if going for a ghost) and young enough to bear children. This can be done any way except through cheats.
- Your sim may never, under any circumstances, be unfaithful to his/her spouse. (You may make an exception for alien abduction pregnancies, as they are not considered cheating by the game, but this is up to your discretion.)
- You may only change the life state of your main sim through gameplay, and you cannot change the life state of any other sim (spouse/children/friends/etc.,) under any circumstance. (Your sim's spouse may be a supernatural if already made that way by the game, but his/her type cannot be changed)
- Obtaining supernatural children through sim cloning with the science skill (University Life), through genetic engineering in Oasis Landing (Into the Future), or through genetic merging (The Door of Life and Death store content) is off limits.
- For every child, your main sim must write a "scientific journal" (non-fiction book) about their species.

Life State Checklist

- Human Sim (Base Game)
- Ghost (Base Game)

- Vampire (Late Night or Supernatural)
- Werewolf (Supernatural)
- Fairy (Supernatural)
- Witch (Supernatural)
- Genie (Showtime (+ Supernatural for transformation Elixir))
- Mermaid (Island Paradise)
- Plantsim (University Life)
- Alien (Seasons)
- Imaginary Friend (Generations (Obtain by making one of your children's imaginary friends real at the child or teen stage!))

Optional Rules

- For any supernatural life state that a Sim can become through being transformed by another Sim (Vampire, Werewolf, etc.,) your Sim must be transformed through that method and cannot use an elixir.
- For every child, one of your Sims must take a photograph or paint a portrait of them at the child stage (Or at all life stages up to young adult, if you prefer!)
- Your Sim may try to "collect" the other non-human Sim types available in the game by adding them to the household (I.E., building a Simbot/Plumbot, creating a Mummy, and adopting a Unicorn). Bonus points if these Sims are/become part of the family tree (where possible)!

And that's the challenge! I would love to hear any feedback, questions, ideas, and/or see your own sims' supernatural "collections" if you feel like sharing! Thanks for reading!
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