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#1 Old 21st Aug 2021 at 7:24 PM

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Default Need help installing worlds from .Sims3Pack without launcher
So my Sims 3 launcher has been broken for as long as I can remember. I can launch the game through it but I can't install .Sims3Packs.
Recently I've wanted to play with the worlds in the EA store, Riverview specifically, so I downloaded them. Can't install them through the launcher, so I followed this guide. Did everything until I reached step 6.

I'm confused on what step 6 is telling you to do. How do you extract STBL'S to riverview.package? I tried, as a last resort, just skipping the step, but unsurprisingly the game got stuck on the final point of loading when i chose the world. help appreciated
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#3 Old 22nd Aug 2021 at 3:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by nitromon
it's pretty straight forward.

1) run S3PE, open riverview.world
2) export the STBL of the language you use
3) run S3PE, open riverview.package
4) import the STBL you just exported into this package
5) save

forgive me, but how do you export the stbl in the first place? i'd want to export the stbl of english, but i have 0 idea how to do that. many apologies
#4 Old 22nd Aug 2021 at 4:13 AM
You could launch the game and at the game select screen click the ... button and open the downloads dashboard and install Riverview that way. That is how I install my store items.
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 3rd Oct 2021 at 12:03 AM Last edited by MrFatCat : 3rd Oct 2021 at 12:56 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by evfranz
So my Sims 3 launcher has been broken for as long as I can remember. I can launch the game through it but I can't install .Sims3Packs.
Recently I've wanted to play with the worlds in the EA store, Riverview specifically, so I downloaded them. Can't install them through the launcher, so I followed this guide. Did everything until I reached step 6.

I'm confused on what step 6 is telling you to do. How do you extract STBL'S to riverview.package? I tried, as a last resort, just skipping the step, but unsurprisingly the game got stuck on the final point of loading when i chose the world. help appreciated

Excuse me, but did I understand the question correctly? Do you need to add some content from .Sims3Packs to the game, but you can't use the EA Sims3Launcher?
All you need is S3PackageViewer by AnriRS.
I've been using this tool since I started playing Sims, because this tool is not just loader, but also is the best viewer for loaded and stored content, custom or EA. And, well, the best remover also.
I don't remember the last time I used EA Sims3Launcher.

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