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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 9th Apr 2012 at 11:53 PM Last edited by justJones : 14th Feb 2014 at 1:10 AM.
Default The Vampire Coven: A Challenge

We are dying...

The light in the eyes of our kin is fading. The final plasma fruit has wilted. I leave you this letter in the final hopes that you, my last creation, will rise from your coffin this very evening and strike. Expand, my dear, and gather our forces in the eternal night. Keep them by your fingers. Your love is the coven, but more importantly, your love is our breed. The humans are cattle. Heed tradition, punish severely. All sacrifices may be made for the holy goal. Our species is golden.

It rests in your hands.


- Download Twallan's Portrait Panel or an Overstuffed mod.

- Create a YA vampire, any traits, any appearance. This is to be your founder, and by extension, the first elder.

- Move onto any lot, but keep in mind that you will need a lot of space to support your ranks. No money cheats are allowed, as your founder must work to build up the Coven's numbers in vampires and in money. See how grand of a vampire lair you can build!

- Befriend another vampire, turn a human, or create another vampire to be your cofounder and second elder.


- The plasma fruit is dead. All adult vampires must feed from humans, or they must raid the hospital's blood bank. If arrested, they are not allowed to leave the home for one week. The adults must get blood for the children to feed on.

- Contact with mortals is to be strictly limited. Mortals are to be used for feeding, service jobs, and if it is so desired, transformed into a Fledgling.

- Sexual relations between a mortal and vampire are strictly forbidden. A classic seduction is allowed, but the vampire must not have Woohoo with the human. This risks a dirtying of the species. If a half vampire, half human child is born, both parents must be murdered, and the child is not allowed to advance past the Fledgling rank.

- For each generation born, two new Fledglings may be added. These can be stockpiled over generations. Upon transformation, they may be edited in CAS. The night changes more than adding a simple taste for blood. They may be beautified or uglified however you see fit.

- Vampires are vain creatures who fear old age. A few days before elderhood, a vampire must relinquish their body to thirst to retain their honorable name after death.

- Each pureblood child born is a precious gift, and must be taught all three basic toddler skills.

- On one night of the week, the entire coven must meet in a secluded area to discuss coven affairs.

- There must be a portrait or photograph of each coven member, and if you're feeling particularly ambitious, a book written about each. (For the library, of course!)

- Travelling is not prohibited. It is recommended that all adventuring be done under nightfall, however, and that the travelling vampire avoid locals-they may have strange, violent traditions towards the occult.

- Singing, illusions, and acrobatics are frowned upon as a source of income. The Elders condemn entertaining mortals for mere Simoleons. This does not mean they are unavailable as careers. In fact, this could prove to be an interesting swerve in coven leadership. A revolution may be in store.

- If the Elders are disliked by two thirds of the coven and wholly unskilled, a revolution may take place. All vampires closely affiliated with the Elders must be kicked out or killed. The most popular or most skilled in charmisa, logic, or athletics will take their place, and select an heir. This new rule may be as brutal, lax, or democratic as the player sees fit.

- Self employment is encouraged.

- All pets are allowed.

- Any family member or fledgling who makes a nemesis out of an elder must be killed or kicked out, unless they are best friends and up with three quarters of the coven. In that case, Revolution is sparked!


1. Elders - Oldest living generation, manage property, decide punishments, and choose fledglings. If a vampire wishes to rise in rank, it is always wise to befriend the elders.

2. Heir/Heiress - Second in command, directly related to founders. One may be selected each generation. The heir (and their lover, if they have one) become Elders after the previous generation has died. Specialize in: Charisma, Writing, Painting, Athletics

3. Elites - Carry out rule, order, and punishment. Must be close to the heirs. There may only be four elite at a time. Specialize in: Athletics, Martial Arts, Logic, & Inventing

4. Guardians - Defend the coven from enemy species. To achieve guardianship, a member must win ten consecutive fights against members of an enemy species. May take a family member/fledgling apprentice. Specialize in: Athletics, martial arts

5. Family - Adults related to the Founders, but not selected as Heirs or Elites. Also vampires that have completed the Fledgling stage. May have a day job or run the cemetery. Specialize in: Music, Gardening, Mixology, Nectar Making, Sculpting

6. Fledglings - Newly transformed, unrelated Sims. Fledglings are not allowed to interact with children, toddlers, and babies of the elites, heir, and elders. May have a day job. Specialize in: Handiness, cooking, cleaning up after everyone else

Advancing in rank:

- Fledglings may advance by apprenticing to Guardians, but may not rise further unless a Revolution occurs.

-In the case of Revolution, the member with the highest charisma takes over as Elder. The heir and second in command has the second highest charisma. The new elites must have high logic and close relationships with the new elder. Who all is ousted depends on the style of revolution. Will it be like the Russians, with the deaths of the elite, heir, and elders? The American Revolution with the elders simply kicked out?
A note on revolutions: all Sims with good friend and up relationship with previous elders must be ousted/killed, as well, to eliminate their toxic influence on the youth.

- Family and Guardians may advance to Elite if they have a logic skill of 8+ and are at least friends with both the elders and the heir.



- The relationship between your coven and other supernatural states is up to the player. Allies, enemies, servants-the choice is yours!

- Should you choose to befriend a species, your vampire elders and three members of the other species should meet once every two weeks to decide the future of their alliance. If any negative interactions ensue, the alliance is finished. Vampires are very proud creatures and will not tolerate being mocked by a lower species. The whole coven must become enemies with all members of that species they come into contact with.

- However, Romeo and Juliet romances are allowed.

- When enemies with a race, they must be fought whenever one of your coven members runs into them. If your coven member loses the fight, they are shunned by all but the fledglings and are not allowed contact with the higher ranks for one Sim week. They also may not leave the house in order to train for their next battle.

- Any member who wins ten fights against a member of another race may be promoted to Guardian, and must get into one fight once a week to ensure vampire dominance.


- Vampires love Masquerade parties! Every Spooky Day, vampires must throw a Costume Party, and may invite their other race allies over for some Fall fun.

- Trick or Treaters are prime for future feeders. Two trick or treaters may be added to the household every spooky day, and raised to be vampire food. No more than two trick or treaters, though, otherwise you risk involvement of the mortal police.

- During the summer, vampires cannot leave the house until eight PM, due to the longer days.

- The festival grounds make a great hunting place!


- Heirs, elites, and elders may attend University. All majors are available.

- Dorms are not allowed, however. Your coven member must rent a private home, and also must attend with another coven member to ensure that they do not fall to the influence of "radical college students."

Keep in mind, these are just guidelines! Any rules can be changed as you see fit. Have fun, and feel free to ask any questions!

Also, ya'll should post your pictures. (:
Field Researcher
#2 Old 11th Apr 2012 at 5:08 AM
Seems interesting, I found an old save of my vampire legacy family and might give this challenge a try with them.
Test Subject
#3 Old 13th Apr 2012 at 11:50 PM Last edited by rn510 : 15th Apr 2012 at 12:20 AM.
This looks interesting! I'll try it.

I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way.
So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness.
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 15th Apr 2012 at 11:33 AM
Love this! Is it okay that I tweaked your rules for my challenges and put it on my blog, I linked your rules of course. http://thelamiacoven.weebly.com/

Accidental Murder
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 15th Apr 2012 at 5:39 PM
Of course! (:
Field Researcher
#6 Old 16th Apr 2012 at 4:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ViviSims2
Love this! Is it okay that I tweaked your rules for my challenges and put it on my blog, I linked your rules of course. http://thelamiacoven.weebly.com/

Great story btw, just read the chapters that are up.
Field Researcher
#7 Old 16th Apr 2012 at 4:07 PM
Since I found an old vampire legacy save, I started this challenge with them last night. Apparently my two founders had their oldest daughter at a young age, because the oldest is a YA that is only a few days younger than her parents.
Test Subject
#8 Old 16th Apr 2012 at 11:20 PM
i'm going to try this once i get late night which is soon
Test Subject
#9 Old 24th Apr 2012 at 10:40 AM
I love this!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#10 Old 25th Apr 2012 at 8:55 PM
Updated with some more EP specific rules. (:
Test Subject
#11 Old 11th Jul 2012 at 6:44 PM
I've never actually put time into the vampires in the sims 3, so this might be a fun change for me. ^^ I'll give it a shot, thank you for the challenge.
Test Subject
#12 Old 15th Jul 2012 at 12:41 AM
Sounds like fun, about to start now c:
Test Subject
#13 Old 23rd Jul 2012 at 6:54 PM
hmmm...this looks interesting. I will try it.
Test Subject
#14 Old 24th Jul 2012 at 8:11 PM
Is it okay if I have like a small family of mortals just to do the my vampire's bidding? Like, four or so just to keep their part of the household alive so I won't constantly be inviting townies and hobos?
Field Researcher
#15 Old 25th Jul 2012 at 12:16 AM
I've been thinking of building a servants sack/house on the property for gardening, etc. The butler is irritating me, I hate that he cooks all the freaking time and vampires being what they are cant eat normal food.
Lab Assistant
#16 Old 25th Jul 2012 at 3:50 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Rxygirl
Is it okay if I have like a small family of mortals just to do the my vampire's bidding? Like, four or so just to keep their part of the household alive so I won't constantly be inviting townies and hobos?

I was thinking that too. Like when they earn enough funds, they can purchase a blood slave sim which will be kept in a small mini house or something with only the nessicites to survive and not controlled and used for blood and such :P

How come Mario can smash through bricks, but he dies when he touches a freaking turtle..?
Field Researcher
#17 Old 25th Jul 2012 at 12:18 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ChappyTamTam
I was thinking that too. Like when they earn enough funds, they can purchase a blood slave sim which will be kept in a small mini house or something with only the nessicites to survive and not controlled and used for blood and such :P

How much family funds would you think a blood slave would be? 50,000, to make it more challenging? Was thinking different prices too, for male, female and age state.
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 25th Jul 2012 at 6:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by dedreav0531
How much family funds would you think a blood slave would be? 50,000, to make it more challenging? Was thinking different prices too, for male, female and age state.

Same here, shouldn't be too cheap. Teens should cost more since, obviously, they last longer, maybe 50-60k range. While elders are in the 20,000ish range, etc

How come Mario can smash through bricks, but he dies when he touches a freaking turtle..?
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 25th Jul 2012 at 6:08 PM
Females would also cost significantly more, as they can produce more slaves and possibly fledglings (ooh now I have a storyline idea, a vampire is born between a vamp and a slave, without the fledgling never knowing one of their parents.)

How come Mario can smash through bricks, but he dies when he touches a freaking turtle..?
Field Researcher
#20 Old 25th Jul 2012 at 11:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ChappyTamTam
Females would also cost significantly more, as they can produce more slaves and possibly fledglings (ooh now I have a storyline idea, a vampire is born between a vamp and a slave, without the fledgling never knowing one of their parents.)

Love the idea!
Field Researcher
#21 Old 25th Jul 2012 at 11:28 PM
I was thinking, that I should have the elders pick the spouse of single vampires in the coven(sort of arranged marriage type of thing).
Lab Assistant
#22 Old 26th Jul 2012 at 2:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by dedreav0531
I was thinking, that I should have the elders pick the spouse of single vampires in the coven(sort of arranged marriage type of thing).

Like the idea too. I've played the My Tribe challenge and the system was basically, the closer you are to the person deciding the marriage (elders in this case) rthe higher chance of getting the person you want, or you can bribe them.

Another idea for the blood slave thing, I can't start the challenge now (going on vacation soon, idk if I'll have Internet but I definitely won't have Sims access) but I'm setting up. Basically I created a household in the town with a vampire, as well as 7 blood slaves, 4 of which were female and the rest male, and 2 were teens, 3 were Ya's, 1 adult and 1 elder. Basically the vampire was the one in charge of the slaves, I built him a grand house (I'm guessing the slave thing is a-okay with vampires but considered black market with regular sims, since it involves kidnapping and such) and kept the others in cages with only the bare nessicities to survive (lol is it bad I treat my sims like pets some times xD) oh well, through several generations hopefully the slaves won't die out and will instead Story Progression will push them to make more when I can afford them By the way, if someone moves out, I just say they escaped and are living undercover lol xP

How come Mario can smash through bricks, but he dies when he touches a freaking turtle..?
Test Subject
#23 Old 26th Jul 2012 at 8:01 PM
Default Montgomery Coven
Awesome challenge! Sounds like people are coming up with great ideas for gameplay.

I have created my coven leader and am documenting her progress here. Can't wait to see what other people are doing as well.

Thanks for posting a great challenge to keep us all from doing the things we should be doing My house does not thank you.
Lab Assistant
#24 Old 5th Aug 2012 at 2:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by meus_obsequium
Awesome challenge! Sounds like people are coming up with great ideas for gameplay.

I have created my coven leader and am documenting her progress here. Can't wait to see what other people are doing as well.

Thanks for posting a great challenge to keep us all from doing the things we should be doing My house does not thank you.

Hey :D

I love your challenge and have bookmarked it. Just letting you know :D

How come Mario can smash through bricks, but he dies when he touches a freaking turtle..?
Test Subject
#25 Old 9th Sep 2012 at 2:26 PM
Hey, can we do this with Supernatural because I'm one of the few sim players who don't have Late Night. :,D

If we can, can some of the rules be bended for our cases (like to do something about the fairies, or rivalry with werewolves).

"Okay, please don't start a fire this time, Charity."

*three seconds later*

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