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#1 Old 6th Mar 2007 at 4:00 PM
Default Pets Ep unistalled when I installed Seasons.
When I installed Seasons, Pets got unistalled. I tried to reistall it but I couldn’t get it back, any ideas or suggestions. Thanks.
#2 Old 6th Mar 2007 at 4:20 PM
Does the Pets game still show up in your programs list? The same thing happened to me, but I was able to uninstall it normally and re-install it, and that solved the problem. If it doesn't show up, I don't know what to suggest, except uninstalling the whole game (ugh!) and re-installing it. if you do that, make sure to backup anything you want to keep.

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#3 Old 6th Mar 2007 at 4:26 PM
Thanks for the quick reply.

Well, I tried to unistall, and reinstall Pets but unfortunatly, it won't let me unistall it. The paw icon on top of the screen is grayed out, it says that I need to install Pets. Do you think I need to reinstall all the games??
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#4 Old 6th Mar 2007 at 4:34 PM
http://www.modthesims2.com/article.php?t=139059 Also, I'm wracking my brain here, I heard somewhere that not removing the CEP during an install can cause this. It might be a red herring, because I have never removed it during an install and have had no problems, knock on wood. Try the manual uninstall and see if it works.

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#5 Old 6th Mar 2007 at 4:35 PM

Tech help belongs on MTS2.


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Locked thread | Locked by: HystericalParoxysm Reason: Tech help belongs on MTS2.
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