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#1 Old 21st Apr 2018 at 8:23 AM Last edited by gummilutt : 28th Jul 2024 at 4:37 PM.
Default Evergreen - Formerly boring name, exciting place
As some of you may recall from the corruption-rebuild-period I am ridiculously attached to my hood and my Sims, and given the chance I can talk about them for hours and hours until your ears bleed A couple of friends suggested I make a thread here, so I thought I'd give a go and see if anyone else might enjoy hearing what goes on in my hood

This thread is focused on the storylines of three households that all originated from the local orphanage. I play a very story-driven hood, so there is a story being told, but in a game play narration presentation.

Unfortunately when this story began, I was kind of crap at taking pictures. Please excuse the red frame and semi-bad angles in some pictures. They'll be better further on in the story

The sunflower orphanage is run by matron Lena Norberg. She's a popularity Sim with a great fondness for children. Rather than produce her own, she wanted to help those with no family to care for them, and she convinced the City Council to let her open an orphanage here that they help fund. She has housed a number of children, but this story focuses on three of them. Siri Kim, Stoffe Andersson and Sally-Mae Adams.

Siri Kim
Siri Kim came to the orphanage as a toddler. She did not stay long, as she was soon adopted by Sigrid and Tom Sjöström. They are a middle aged couple that always wanted to have children but the wife, Sigrid, struggles with severe reproductive challenges. They had gotten pregnant a number of times, but Sigrid was unable to carry a pregnancy to term and miscarried time and again. When the orphanage opened, they jumped at the chance to have a child after all.

The orphanage requires prospective parents to visit so that matron can observe them and try to pick a child that will suit the household. Siri was a very calm, quiet and sweet little girl, which matron thought would suit the older couple.

Tom is car mechanic (custom career), in his free time he restores broken down cars in the yard that he then sells to get extra money for the family. Sigrid is a devout marine biologist. They live in this lot by Saturnfly. They did some renovations to expand the western side of the house so they could have a slightly bigger master bedroom and a little bit more space in the living room for Siri's stuff, but all in all they are very happy with their home. It is small, but they appreciated the relative privacy of this house compared to others in the neighbourhood.

Stoffe Andersson & Sally-Mae Adams
Stoffe and Sally-Mae are a little older than Siri. They were children when Siri got adopted out as a toddler. Neither of them have any known family or history, the orphanage and Lena is all they can remember.

That's all from Evergreen for now, if anyone finds it interesting I'll post the continuation to stories the three stories

Update 2023: Sadly MYP image site has gone down so a lot of the pictures are gone. I am going over it when I can and fixing it, attaching the pictures to the post itself and linking from MTS itself since more image sites have become unreliable. I will post the final chapters of the story eventually, I ended up unable to play Sims at all for years so that's why the posts stopped coming. I don't know if anyone would notice, but I want to finish what I started. For now I will fix the old posts, and then we'll see

Links to later posts
While I recommend reading the story by scrolling the forums, because of the interactive posts with comments from others and responses that may add extra details or bits of info, I realized it might be a good idea to offer the option of a table of contents. Thanks for the idea Phantomknight I am keeping the titles of episodes fairly vague, because I don't want a new reader to look at the table of contents and get spoilers about later characters or developments.
Episode 1 - Siri Kim & the Sjöströms
Bonus - Orphanage stop by
Episode 2 - Sally Mae & Stoffe
Episode 3 - Siri
Episode 4 - Sally Mae
Bonus - An exciting vacation
Episode 5 - Stoffe
Episode 6 - Stoffe
Episode 7 - Siri
Episode 8 - Sally Mae
Episode 9 - Stoffe
Bonus - A quiet morning
Episode 10 - Siri
Episode 11 - Stoffe part 1
Episode 11 - Stoffe part 2
Episode 12 - Siri
Episode 13 - Sally Mae
Episode 14 - Stoffe
Episode 15 - Sally Mae
Bonus - One picture
Episode 16 - Siri
Episode 17 - Stoffe
Episode 18 - Household four
Episode 19 - Sally Mae
Episode 20 - Stoffe
Bonus - Hood makeover and lore development

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 21st Apr 2018 at 9:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
As some of you may recall from the corruption-rebuild-period I am ridiculously attached to my hood and my Sims, and given the chance I can talk about them for hours and hours until your ears bleed A couple of friends suggested I make a thread here, so I thought I'd give a go and see if anyone else might enjoy hearing what goes on in my hood

Currently focusing on a storyline that involves three households, all of which orginated in the orphanage.

I always love to read about what other people are doing in their game. I don't have anyone at home that I can really talk to about the Sims and I love to find out what others are doing in their game. Sometimes I even get ideas.

Anyway I read with interest about your Sunflower Orphanage, the Sjöström family, and Stoffe Andersson & Sally-Mae Atkins.

I am looking forward to whatever else you choose to share about your 'hood I find what you post quite interesting.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
#3 Old 21st Apr 2018 at 3:25 PM
i love this so far please post more!

I May Be Life Dumb But I'm Sim Smart(mostly).
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Link Ninja
#4 Old 21st Apr 2018 at 8:07 PM
I've never had an orphanage but it's interesting to see that woven into sims gameplay. Is Stoffe your model sim on the no more acne mod you made? I hope htey find families. If not, will they go to college or gorw up and go into the work force? Thanks for sharing!

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

Mad Poster
Original Poster
#5 Old 22nd Apr 2018 at 12:00 AM Last edited by gummilutt : 22nd Apr 2018 at 12:32 AM. Reason: Typos
Thank you guys! I appreciate hearing that it's not all boring. I tend to think no one would be interested and that it's just a bother, but Ellu assured me this group does love reading hood stories so I thought I'd give a go and clearly she's right

Very well spotted Charmful, he is indeed! These days I always use Sims in my hood as models for mods, I find it makes for more interesting pictures if they are from real environments I spend time and care on at some point (compare to the horribly boring thumbnails on my first mods xD). I was going to mention that the keen-eyed might remember him from the acne mod, so I'm glad someone actually did notice. He wasn't as bothered by his as Sally-Mae, so I figured he'd be more likely to agree to model. A grown up version of Siri is also the model on one of my upload thumbnails, recolors of the same braid she's wearing as older tot/child.

As I said I can talk about them for hours so I'll go ahead and post an update later I should warn that these stories do get mildly dark, because I tend to use Sims to sort of process/figure out people and structures and whatnot. Not all puppies and rainbows, but please stick with me, it's worth it in the end

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
#6 Old 22nd Apr 2018 at 12:58 AM
Please keep posting more! Love to read about them! :lovestruc

~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~

My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#7 Old 22nd Apr 2018 at 3:00 AM Last edited by gummilutt : 28th Jul 2024 at 4:16 PM. Reason: Clarification
I'm so happy you guys want to hear more! Let's continue with our story, this time focusing on Siri Kim In my style of play I like to expand on what the game gives us, interpreting and playing the characters as more evolved personalities than the game itself gives us. Over the years I have found that the game has an almost magical ability to pick up on how you view a Sim, and have them act accordingly. But sometimes they fight you, and Tom is one of those characters for me.

Chapter 1 - Siri Kim & the Sjöströms
The Sjöströms have a very traditional form of marriage. Sigrid does all the cleaning and cooking, and feels the most responsible for the everyday care of Siri. She is very maternal, and has a lot of love to give. Before they were given Siri, she bought a hamster so that she would have a creature to shower with love when Tom was at work or busy. She makes sure there is always food to eat, and she keeps the house very neat and homely.

Tom in turn maintains the garden, and sees himself as the family provider. He doesn't know how to cook or clean, he handles the finances and makes the big decisions for the family. He likes to quietly watch the news or read the newspaper as Sigrid goes about her day, or work on his collection of junk cars out in the yard. He loves Sigrid's cooking and will happily gobble up anything she puts on the table. He cares deeply about his wife, and despite his traditional views of the role of a man and woman in the house, he can't quite help himself from sneaking off to attempt to clean the toilet or shower whenever he notices that Sigrid is tired or overworked. He's no good at saying the words, but he loves her dearly.

Tom also has a very sweet bond with his daughter, he's always so proud of his little girl. Because Siri grew up with two parents on the brink of elder-hood and no siblings she became a bit of a old-for-her-age kid. She never had much interest in making friends with kids her own age, and prefers to to just hang out at home with her parents.

Tom wants the very best for his daughter, he wants her to be something one day. He's worked tough jobs his whole life, and he does not want that kind of menial low paying labor job for his baby girl. He's no academic himself, he's more of a hands on tinkering type. He's very good with engines, his employers wanted to promote him to airplane mechanic but his love of cars made him turn down that opportunity to stay where he was. He would like his daughter to pursue something academic, and he knows she has the brains to so. Fortunately, she finds science fascinating and she loves to learn.

Now that Sigrid is an elder, she made the decision to retire from her job as a marine biologist. Once they had Siri, she sort of lost her passion fo rit. She always felt like she was abandoning her child when she got up at the crack of dawn to go to work, leaving before Siri even woke up. Often missing breakfast, unable to see her off to school. Even though she was there two days a week, to Sigrid it felt like every day was the day she missed out. Even though she'd always be there to welcome her home after school, with a snack or a hug, she felt she was not giving her daughter enough time. She wanted to be there all day every day, and retirement means she can.

And so time passed. Siri, although now a teen, still preferred coming straight home after school to spend time with her parents. These days they can't quite keep up and often need an afternoon nap, but Siri doesn't mind. She knows how to keep herself entertained on her own.

That's it for today. Hope you all enjoyed it, if you made it this far :lovestruc

If anyone wonders why I write Siri Kim and not Siri Sjöström, it's because her parents see giving birth as something miraculous. They could hardly believe they were so lucky as to get this child that someone else brought into the world. So when they adopted her, they decided to leave her name as it was as homage to her heritage and her birth parents. They decided it was up to her to choose, once she was older, if she wanted to take their name or remain Siri Kim. Sometime after they gave her the telescope, she asked them if she could be called Kim-Sjöström. Needless to say her parents were very touched, and happily obliged. So now she's Siri Kim-Sjöström, but when this episode began she was still known as Siri Kim

Read bonus about orphanage
Continue the story in chapter 2

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
Top Secret Researcher
#8 Old 22nd Apr 2018 at 9:49 AM
I do know that a lot of people in this group like to read about other people's Neighborhoods and the various happenings in them.

Me I love reading what every one posts, and yours is quite interesting.

I enjoyed reading about Siri Kim and looking at the pictures. The Sjöström Family is interesting and I also think it is cool that Siri asked her parents if she could be called Kim-Sjöström.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
Field Researcher
#9 Old 24th Apr 2018 at 6:39 PM
I enjoy reading about what people are doing in their games. I liked seeing how you used the orphanage, and Matron Norberg seems to be a good and caring guardian. The kids who don't get adopted really need that, or do they all get adopted?

Since they got their child so late in life, it's obvious that Sigrid and Tom cherish Siri and want to give her the best life possible. I like their family outings, and how they clearly show their love, even if some of them (TOM!) can't actually say it. I'm glad Siri wants to have their family name in addition to the one she was born with.
#10 Old 25th Apr 2018 at 1:15 AM
I have always wanted to start an orphanage, but bever figured out where to start Maybe I should be more loose in my hoods, to allow more oops-babies , and they could be sent to orphanage.

Loving Siri so far and cannot wait to see what happens to Stoffe and Sally-Mae <3

I would also like to know, what happens to the kids who are not adopted? Do they go to uni? And does Lena follow their later life also (like in present at Siri's bd)?

~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~

My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#11 Old 25th Apr 2018 at 12:18 PM Last edited by gummilutt : 28th Jul 2024 at 4:36 PM.
Thanks everyone for the replies, it's fun to read your thoughts. I've never been much of a likes-person, so a comment means much more than a love-mark (though I of course appreciate those who take the time to press the button too).

Quote: Originally posted by Cher64
The kids who don't get adopted really need that, or do they all get adopted?

Most don't get adopted, only four have been adopted so far. No one older than toddler has been adopted, so odds are if you aren't adopted by the time you turn child the orphanage will be where you grow up. I have one Sim that will be adopting two Sims aged as children, but that is still a long ways off.

Quote: Originally posted by Kukamuukaanmuka
I would also like to know, what happens to the kids who are not adopted? Do they go to uni? And does Lena follow their later life also (like in present at Siri's bd)?

If they aren't adopted it's up to each Sim where they go. Once they are about half way into teenhood they are allowed to move if they want to, or they can stay and go straight to university. Amy chose to move prematurely when she fell in love with townie Emily Falk and the two decided to rent a small apartment together and live there until university. Olivia and Leah Eklund, siblings who ended up at the orphanage after their mother died in a fire, will be staying until university. Story will tell what choices Stoffe and Sally-Mae made. The rest have gotten adopted, or aren't old enough yet

The state puts 200 simoleons in trust for each child at the orphanage every Sunday, which they get access to when they leave. If they get adopted it stays in their bank account for them to use as they want when they become older teens. If they weren't adopted they get access on the day they leave, to help setup their lives. My Sims have extended life spans so if they arrive as toddlers they get somewhere in the region of 2200 simoleons. It's not much, but it gives them something to start with if they don't get adopted. Teens are encouraged to take part time jobs and save their earnings, to further better their chances when they leave.

Matron does care a great deal about her charges, and will follow up with anyone that lets her do so. She hasn't had much contact with Siri since she grew up from toddler, because Siri wasn't there long enough to really develop any relationship with Lena. When she got old enough to have a say, she voiced that she didn't really feel any attachment to this woman she barely remembers. Matron's walked by the house a couple of times to check in and see things are going well, but once she was satisfied the Sjöströms were taking good care of her and Siri was happy, she let it be. Amy keeps in regular contact though, calling to check in and update matron on her life, and sometimes invites her over for some lunch In fact Amy keeps in contact with everyone. She's very social, and was the oldest of the kids to arrive at the orphanage when it opened so she's always felt like everyone's big sister.

Matron Lena is one of those Sims that the game handles so beautifully all on it's own. She frequently walks by peoples houses, and she very often shows up at community lots. The state runs the orphanage, but the budget is tight and doesn't cover much more than her salary, the kids trust funds, and food. There isn't really room to pay for improvements to the orphanage. So matron spends a lot of time networking, making connections and reminding the community that the orphanage exists and that the work is important. When they need something the budget won't cover, there's usually someone she's met that she can ask for a donation. Recently she managed to secure funds to refurbish the bathroom, replacing the toilet stalls with fully walled stalls with regular toilets so that the kids can have more privacy when using the bathroom. More than one of the kids feared using the stalls, so she thought it an important quality of life upgrade.

She also had an extensive Christmas-campaign, scoring quite an impressive sum so that she could make the orphanage look like Christmas exploded in it She knows Christmas is when it is the most noticeable to the kids that they have no families, given that it is a very family-centered holiday. She does her best to compensate with a thoroughly Christmas-y atmosphere all through winter. There are always fresh Santa cookies on the counter during this season. I'll throw in some pictures of this years Christmas Day if anyone is interested

I started writing up the next update on Stoffe and Sally-Mae yesterday, so that should be out sometime today too. Again, thanks everyone. It's really fun to go through old pictures and recap the storylines. I am very glad you guys enjoy it so I have a reason to keep doing it

Continue the story in chapter 2

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
Field Researcher
#12 Old 25th Apr 2018 at 6:25 PM
I like how well thought out your orphanage is, with the trust funds and Matron using her own money to make things nicer for the kids. In addition to what you mentioned about the picture with Santa and Liam hugging, I like to think Santa's thought bubble is expressing what a wonderful person he thinks Matron is.
Top Secret Researcher
#13 Old 25th Apr 2018 at 7:42 PM
I like your pictures, they are good I think. I think the whole concept of the orphanage is designed well and I like how you develop your story line, it is interesting to read about Matron and the kids.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
Mad Poster
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#14 Old 26th Apr 2018 at 5:15 PM Last edited by gummilutt : 11th Aug 2024 at 1:12 AM. Reason: Forgot one picture
Been playing Stoffe's household today, I had lots of fun, so I thought I'd better post another update so it gets up to date soon.

Chapter 2 Part 1 - Sally-Mae Adams
When we left Sally-Mae, she was at the city center club called Hot Spot. While there she met young adult romance aspiration Billy-Bob Sawyer, who put the moves on her.

That is where we leave Sally-Mae for today. In the taxi on her way to her new life. She wanted love and a family, and from her perspective she's about to get everything she's ever wanted. Time will tell if that's really the case.

Chapter 2 Part 2 - Stoffe Andersson
In the previous chapter, Stoffe had recently aged up to a teen. His aspiration is fortune. Unlike Sally Mae, he does not have much dreams in the love and family department. Instead, his dreams are about money. Although he is very happy in the orphanage, he has not enjoyed growing up in hand-me down clothes and living off the charity of the state and donors. He admires the richer side of town, with their big fancy houses and glamorous life styles. He wants to prove to the world that he is someone, and his mind that means joining their ranks. And the fastest way to do that is to become a savvy businessman. So now that he is old enough to start earning money, he buckled down and got busy.

That's it from Stoffe for today. He busted butt all through teenhood and now he has made it to college where he is determined to keep his head to the grindstone until he reaches his dreams. Given what he achieved as a teen I have no doubts he's going to get there.

Hope you enjoyed reading this far

Go to Chapter 3

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
Field Researcher
#15 Old 26th Apr 2018 at 6:25 PM
Oh, it doesn't sound so good for Sally-Mae. She's so happy thinking all her dreams are coming true, but I suspect Billy-Bob will break her heart. We already know he's willing to cheat on her.

Targeting an orphanage is pretty low, even for a thief.

Stoffe really has a big plan for himself, and he has the self-discipline to make it happen. It's also good to know that he adds a little balance to his driven life by making time for fitness and play.
Top Secret Researcher
#16 Old 27th Apr 2018 at 6:32 AM
I am not very optimistic when it comes to Sally-Mae and her life, it might be starting out OK, but I think Billy-Bob is likely to get caught and disapoint Sally-Mae.

The orphanage really ought to invest in an alarm. I am sorry that the burglar paid them a visit. I don't have the burglar pay my houses any visits, I think it because I always have someone awake at all hours. I do buy alarms though, I like the one by Simsky where it is a combination smoke and burglar alarm that covers the whole lot.

Stoffe is doing really well, I think he is doing great and it is good that he does do some fun things sometimes. I expect that he will make the Dean's List and Graduate with Honours.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
Mad Poster
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#17 Old 27th Apr 2018 at 3:28 PM
They have invested in an alarm now, so next time thief won't manage to steal quite so many things before cops show up. I was a bit surprised when I realized they didn't have one, I am usually so meticulous about placing them in anything I build. Of all the places to forget,..

And yeah, things look a rather bleak for Sally-Mae at the moment. Really look forward to seeing what you guys think of where the story goes from there I'll start writing on the next update tonight, though no idea if I'll finish. Last post took three days to write, turtle writer at your service

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
#18 Old 28th Apr 2018 at 2:05 AM
About Sally-Mae , there might still be hope! After all stranger things has happened than a total idiot and jerk romance-sim dude has a change of heart when first time holds the little infant Then again does not sound like Billy-Bob, yeah.. but it has happened.

About Stoffe, he better be sure to not fall too fast from too high Yes nice to have high goals, but I am afraid he is aiming too high all at once. He did great as teen, with no "pappa betalar" (dad pays)-backround, I only fear he is aiming too high

And sorry for Lena about the burglar

~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~

My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Forum Resident
#19 Old 28th Apr 2018 at 9:55 AM
The only thing I noticed was I can read the game textboxes (/---)/

Else am I just reading along ~

I build small houses *^*
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#20 Old 2nd May 2018 at 3:24 AM Last edited by gummilutt : 5th May 2024 at 7:16 AM.
EDIT 2023: I'm updating the posts to replace the images that were lost when MYP went down, and I accidentally put the next episode's pictures on this post. I don't want to have to do it yet again, so just ignore the Sawyer pictures below. In fact ignore all the pictures at the bottom, just read the text and the images will show up in the order intended

Haven't been feeling great this weekend so wasn't in the right mood to continue the story but today I finally had some inspiration This time an update on Siri Kim-Sjöström and her parents.

Cahpter 3 - Siri Kim-Sjöström
When we left Siri she had aged up to a teen, and continued her calm happy existance with her two elderly parents. Encouraged by her dad she focused on her studies, and pursued her interests in science. But also always taking time to help her mom keep the house neat, and help with the cooking and having girl time. By the time we resume our story Siri is in the later part of her teenhood, with thoughts of going to college.

Go to chapter 4

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
#21 Old 3rd May 2018 at 12:43 AM
NOOOOO!!! Only a pic from hood view! I was so curios (now I understand the Curious brothers) to see the cabin Siri is hiding
Great update and interesting twist indeed :lovestruc

I hope Tom and Sigrid still manage to visit Siri? And nobody notice if they do visit that abandoned cabin a bit too often?

~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~

My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Field Researcher
#22 Old 4th May 2018 at 8:43 PM
I wasn't ready for the end of that yet! I, too, want to see the cabin and how Siri is getting along. That is some elaborate plan Tom came up with; I hope they don't get caught in such a serious lie.
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#23 Old 4th May 2018 at 11:34 PM

:lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc

I love your sims!

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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#24 Old 5th May 2018 at 3:54 AM Last edited by gummilutt : 5th May 2024 at 7:16 AM.
I'm sorry Ellu and cher <3 Gotta build some suspense Thank you though, I am so so happy you both like it :lovestruc I love my Siri, she's a bad ass and I can't wait to post the next update. Love the cut-out simsample! Going to have to snag that!

But to keep things even, time for another Sally Mae update! Oh and also I realized I have been spelling their names wrong this whole time. I can never remember if there's a hyphen or not, and apparently there's not so whoops new spelling this time around.

Chapter 4 - Sally Mae Adams
When we left Sally Mae she had just got in the taxi moving to her new home with her fiance Billy Bob Sawyer, pregnant and in her third trimester. We know Billy Bob has cheated on her, and might not be the loving faithful man that Sally Mae thinks he is.

Getting rather long so I'll break this one up into two parts. I would have stopped here, but I guess I better not be such a tease this time or I may hear Ellu's "NOOO" all the way from across the pond

That'll be all for Sally Mae today. I hope you all enjoyed the update and seeing where Sally Mae's life has gone since we last saw her. Would love some feedback on pictures this time, do you want to see more of kiddies next time?

Go to bonus content
Go to chapter 5

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
#25 Old 5th May 2018 at 4:45 AM Last edited by Kukamuukaanmuka : 5th May 2018 at 4:56 AM.
I loved the pics!! <3

And no, you see me before hearing, remember the pink sneakers?? :P

Sally Mae.. so gorgeous sim. those cheekbones are so lovely. An Billy Bob, for your information you will get what you deserve. Eventually, you will... Are you really ready to loose EVERYTHING?

ps. the police, Henrik, looked kinda hot, is he married? If not I would make my sims to hint something to Sally Mae :P

Edit: Lulu Belle looks a lot like her dad also

~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~

My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
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