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#1 Old 22nd Jul 2010 at 7:49 PM
Default I want a good, classic, vampire book
Any suggestions? And please don't say "OMG READ TWILIGHT" Trust me I tried. >>

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Mad Poster
#2 Old 22nd Jul 2010 at 8:11 PM
Well, this isn't really a "classic" vampyre book, but it's an awesome vampyre book: www.houseofnightseries.com :D

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Because I'm a Cass.
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#3 Old 23rd Jul 2010 at 12:02 AM
Alright, thanks. I'll look into it :D

"What could I do? What should I do? What could I... what should I... It's not like I'm crying or anything! I love you!" ~Love Is War
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#4 Old 26th Jul 2010 at 9:58 AM
I don't know about books, but I have a film; "Interview With a Vampire".
It's amazing (:

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#5 Old 6th Dec 2010 at 9:29 PM
"Interview With a Vampire" is an Anne Rice book. She wrote a lot of vampire books.. Never read any, but I want to.
I've seen a serie based on "Southern Vampire Series" by Charlaine Harris that is really awesome, want to read those books too.
And I read one of "House of Night Series" book, and its good.

Sorry for my bad, BAD english!!! I'm learning!
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#6 Old 12th Dec 2010 at 6:56 PM
I like the Vampire Academy series, it's pretty decent and isn't about sparkly, stalkerish, scary-obsessed fairies (heh hem, S.Meyers!)...anyways I tried the House of Night and I found it a very good story...for a twelve year old. The best would be bram stoker and anne rice, the classics always are though. I've heard a lot about True Blood and Vampire Diaries so I'm probably going to try those soon, my best friend is obsessed with True Blood so I'll go for that one first.

For a T.V Show I love Moonlight, it's been canceled but they do show re-runs on the CW so i'm happy.
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#7 Old 3rd Jan 2011 at 9:26 AM
I've read the first House of Night book and found myself completely dissatisfied by the utter shallowness of the book, vampire books i'd recommend would probably, as others have stated, Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles (any of them will do, they stand on their own well) The Southern Vampire Mysteries, Let the Right one In, which is basically twilight but twisted, better written and sparkle free, and Bite Marks: A vampire testament by Terence Taylor, a very well written book about a newly born infant made vampire who threatens the balance of humanity and vampirism as it goes on an uncontrollable rampage for blood.
#8 Old 3rd Jan 2011 at 7:00 PM
Like screechingvilnce45 said, you should take 'Interview With The Vampire', cause I have seen the movie and it's great, and I also know that Anne Rice wrote a lot of vampy based books
However, if you want a real vampire book, there is always Bram Stoker's 'Dracula'

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#9 Old 3rd Jan 2011 at 8:23 PM
Interview with a Vampire is a good movie, but the book and movie are not the same. I actually found the book to be extremely long winded and not as good as the movie, and I'm the type that usually enjoys the books far more than the movies.

My most favorite all time vampire book would have to be "I am Legend". The movie SUCKED INFINITELY BAD, it had nothing in common with the book other than the name. Hell the main character in the book is described as a viking and I don't recall any black vikings with blonde hair but I digress. Will Smith just played the part handed to him. The book is very very good, and a lot of modern day horror writers credit Richard Matheson for being their inspiration. (Steven King I can remember right off the top of my head for crediting matheson)
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#10 Old 4th Jan 2011 at 12:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TheCreeper
True Blood?

That would be the Southern Vampire Series by Charlaine Harris.

I own all the Anne Rice books, The vampire chronicles... amazing !

I would also suggest the The Saga Of Darren Shan, if youve seen the movie "The Vampires Assistant:Cirque Du Freak" is what the movie is based on. But they squashed 4 books into one movie.
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#11 Old 5th Aug 2011 at 9:46 AM
If you haven't tried it you should read Laurell K. Hamilton's "Anita Blake Vampire Hunter" its semi erotic with mystery, horror, with vampires (no sparkles) were-wolves(not just Indians), and other were-whatever's(cats, rats, who knows). Every character has their own background and how the "came to be."

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Fat Obstreperous Jerk
#12 Old 5th Aug 2011 at 10:35 AM
Pah, you call that stuff "Good" and "Classic"?

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#13 Old 14th Aug 2013 at 3:58 PM
Look for me by moonlight, in the forests of the night,
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