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#1 Old 14th May 2013 at 6:37 PM
Default Cloud Atlas!
Cloud Atlas is a great debunking of Ayn Rand's sifi Atlas Shrugged. It shows just how stupid it is to be selfish and make money when the real key to happiness is helping others!

The first life the soul which the movie fellows is a lawer for a slave company in the pre-idustrial era. He saves a runaway slaves life and in turn he is saved from an evil con-man posing as a doctor. Each life the soul realizes good actions are fulfilling in themselves.

Funny thing in the second to last life the soul is a synthetic woman and in his last life he a descendant of the synthetics and kills the original humans who are now a canibal tribe which eats his kinsmen... But you only know this if your really paying attention!

I guass it is true what that one Hitler Pony OC said, "Genocide is Magic!" since that is what happens to humanity....?

Oh this movie has a positive message but also a lot of violence and sex!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 8th Jul 2013 at 10:54 PM
I didn't understand one thing about that movie. In fact, I fell asleep during it. I believe if you have a point to make, just make it straight out.
Test Subject
#3 Old 1st Aug 2015 at 1:13 AM
Default Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
Quote: Originally posted by Hitler DerPony
Cloud Atlas is a great debunking of Ayn Rand's sifi Atlas Shrugged. It shows just how stupid it is to be selfish and make money when the real key to happiness is helping others!

The first life the soul which the movie fellows is a lawer for a slave company in the pre-idustrial era. He saves a runaway slaves life and in turn he is saved from an evil con-man posing as a doctor. Each life the soul realizes good actions are fulfilling in themselves.

Funny thing in the second to last life the soul is a synthetic woman and in his last life he a descendant of the synthetics and kills the original humans who are now a canibal tribe which eats his kinsmen... But you only know this if your really paying attention!

I guass it is true what that one Hitler Pony OC said, "Genocide is Magic!" since that is what happens to humanity....?

Oh this movie has a positive message but also a lot of violence and sex!

Actually, it is a n adaptation of David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas. They deal with similar things, but Cloud Atlas is more about the souls
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