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#1 Old 12th Nov 2013 at 12:09 AM Last edited by justJones : 7th Feb 2014 at 10:40 PM.
Default The sims 3 Horrible Mother Challenge
First I want to say sorry if this is like plagiarism.This came up at the top of my head .
The story:
There once was a beautiful woman named ____ ____. One day, she visited the park and happened to see a very handsome man. When she went over to say hi, they wouldn't stop talking. The woman found out that he was Prince Derek from a world no sim could have ever made up! Over time, Prince Derek and ____ ____ became best friends, but they knew it was time for more. The couple got married a year later. The woman became pregnant with a baby girl. Prince Derek was soon needed in his land, and the king took his son with him. Prince Derek promised his love he would be back in a month or so to see their beautiful child, but he never returned. Everyday, ___ ___ tried to call Prince Derek , but there was no answer. This caused ____ ____ to become cruel and selfish.

So, you'll be creating 2 sims: the mother and the daughter. It can be a son if you want, but the intro does say daughter. Your mother should look rich (gifts from the RICH prince) and your child should look poor. Your mother (YA or A) will have 3 of these traits: dislikes children, snob, mean spirited, evil, or hot headed. The other two will be your choice! Make your child have 1 of these traits: friendly, good or brave. The other 2 traits are your choice! now, lose control of your mother! (your not allowed to control her. )

Now, create or purchase a modern house. Don't make it look mysterious! Sims will know you'll have something going on in there. Next, make a small or huge basement, it doesn't matter. Put the following things in that basement:

.Cheapest bed
.Cheapest fridge
.Cheapest toilet
.Cheapest chair
.Cheapest table
.Cheapest door by the entry
.Cheapest sink

Now, that door you put in, lock it so only the mother can enter/ exit. Did that yet? Yes?

Basically, you're hiding your child from fun. Do not put anything that exposes your child to the outside world (radios, T.Vs, bookshelves, etc.) Delete the school too.

How to win:
.Your child goes a day without raising fun meter -50 points
.Your child talks to someone other than the mother +50 points
.Mother catches you talking to someone else (walks into room while talking) Game OVER!
.Get married without letting mother know and COMPLETE THE CHALLENGE! (don't forget to celebrate!)
.Your child leaves the house and is caught - 200 points
.Your child leaves the house and DOESN'T get caught +200
.Leave the basement and get caught -50 points!
.Leave the basement and DON'T get caught =100 points!

Why is this called a challenge? If you get a negative score (example: -10 points) you lose! You know what that means? GAME OVER!

Tell me the score you got below after you finish the challenge!
#2 Old 12th Nov 2013 at 2:33 AM
this seems interesting going to try
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#3 Old 13th Nov 2013 at 2:19 AM
Quote: Originally posted by TrillianRikku
this seems interesting going to try

Great! Thanks!
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#4 Old 13th Nov 2013 at 2:26 AM Last edited by laneybug52 : 13th Nov 2013 at 3:20 AM. Reason: error
If anyone has questions or comments, I will reply if its not too late at night. I am on most days!
Test Subject
#5 Old 13th Nov 2013 at 2:49 AM
Quote: Originally posted by laneybug52
If anyone has questions or comments, I will reply!

how am i suppose to secretly get married if I am not allowed to talk to anyone? IF?
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#6 Old 13th Nov 2013 at 3:18 AM
Quote: Originally posted by valentina303
how am i suppose to secretly get married if I am not allowed to talk to anyone? IF?

You sneak out like maybe if the Mother is asleep or napping or whatever, and try to meet some people. Later you can call them or invite them over until your relationship is high enough to get married. You'll have to unlock the door.
Test Subject
#7 Old 13th Nov 2013 at 9:54 PM
This looks really cool!
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#8 Old 14th Nov 2013 at 1:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by queenkitty
This looks really cool!
Thank you! I've tried your challenges too! Their really cool too!
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 14th Nov 2013 at 4:30 PM
Question! If you lock the door so that only the mother can enter or leave, how exactly is the child supposed to sneak out, even if the mother is asleep?
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#10 Old 15th Nov 2013 at 4:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Avalikia
Question! If you lock the door so that only the mother can enter or leave, how exactly is the child supposed to sneak out, even if the mother is asleep?

You leave it locked when the mother is awake because sometimes the sims automatically leave the room. Unlock it when she's asleep
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 15th Nov 2013 at 10:14 PM
Oh, the kid wouldn't ever wander off in my game - I micromanage my Sims too much for them to ever run out of queued actions.
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#12 Old 16th Nov 2013 at 3:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Avalikia
Oh, the kid wouldn't ever wander off in my game - I micromanage my Sims too much for them to ever run out of queued actions.

Well then you don't have to lock it!
Test Subject
#13 Old 16th Nov 2013 at 6:27 PM
I've been looking for challenges to try. I think this may be it.

Now, to get an absolutely free screen capture program...
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#14 Old 23rd Nov 2013 at 5:00 PM
I hope u guys have fun playing this challenge! I would be grateful if someone used this on youtube!
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 26th Dec 2013 at 9:00 PM
Will the child be able to read books? They won't have a bookcase of their own, but they could sneak them from the bookcases in the house, and maybe when they become a teen have books from the library in their possession after sneaking out.

The Sims 3 is my life.
Test Subject
#16 Old 27th Dec 2013 at 9:14 PM
What screen capturing?
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#17 Old 29th Dec 2013 at 1:09 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Celeb
Will the child be able to read books? They won't have a bookcase of their own, but they could sneak them from the bookcases in the house, and maybe when they become a teen have books from the library in their possession after sneaking out.

If you like.
Test Subject
#18 Old 30th Dec 2013 at 10:09 PM
Can the mom have a job?
Lab Assistant
#19 Old 30th Dec 2013 at 10:44 PM
Default omg O.O
While Reading this, all I could think about is one certain house that would be perfect for this challenge . Very very nice challenge, defiantly going to try it!
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#20 Old 4th Mar 2014 at 3:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by xXForgotten_LoveXx
Can the mom have a job?

yes! Sorry I haven't replied to anything since like, December
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