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#1 Old 25th Jan 2014 at 8:28 AM Last edited by justJones : 13th Feb 2014 at 9:24 PM.
Default Roomies With a Twist - Late Night Needed
Hi I think it's story time!

A normal girl/boy lived in Bridgeport in a small little apartment. One day a famous actor/actress became homeless but nobody knew about it, she/he just spent a lot of time at bars and clubs at night and in the day they would just walk around a bit. Eventually, she/he started looking for a house but with no luck in a big city she/he just knocked on the nearest front door. This front door was owned by the normal person I mentioned before. Shocked, the normal girl/boy asked what the celeb was doing here, she/he said I need to live here. Of course the normal guy said yes and went to the store and had a bed delivered and everything. The celeb begged for the normal girl not to tell and she/he hasn't and won't tell. The celeb needs to stay famous, right? Keep bringing in the cash for a new home!


The roomies can't be seen together outside of their home.
People can't go round their house.
The celeb can't just disappear so make sure she still goes clubbing and hangs with other celebs.
The celeb can't be seen going into their apartment by anyone.

Make lots of cash and move the celeb back into a huge house and everything.

YA celeb (any gender)
YA normal person (any gender)
YA boyfriend/girlfriend (partner of the celeb)
Friends (of the celeb)

Friends and BF/GF can not find out that the celeb is living in a small apartment.
Normal guy can have a job and friends and whatever but again don't let them know about the new roomie.

Easy challenge, easy goal, easy rules. Enjoy simming!
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 25th Jan 2014 at 3:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by looloodoodoo12345
Hi I think it's story time!

A normal girl/boy lived in Bridgeport in a small little apartment. One day a famous actor/actress became homeless but nobody knew about it, she/he just spent a lot of time at bars and clubs at night and in the day they would just walk around a bit. Eventually, she/he started looking for a house but with no luck in a big city she/he just knocked on the nearest front door. This front door was owned by the normal person I mentioned before. Shocked, the normal girl/boy asked what the celeb was doing here, she/he said I need to live here. Of course the normal guy said yes and went to the store and had a bed delivered and everything. The celeb begged for the normal girl not to tell and she/he hasn't and won't tell. The celeb needs to stay famous, right? Keep bringing in the cash for a new home!

I think you could bear without late night, right? I don't have it and this sounds fun.
Test Subject
#3 Old 25th Jan 2014 at 7:15 PM
This challenge would be hard without LN, since you need an apartment and you need to go clubbing. Not to mention celebrities.

But I think I'll try this... sometime.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#4 Old 25th Jan 2014 at 8:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by NinjaTessa
I think you could bear without late night, right? I don't have it and this sounds fun.

I guess but it would be better with late night
Test Subject
#5 Old 2nd Feb 2014 at 9:08 PM
I'm gonna try this.....and probably post pictures! I love the concept, but one thing:
could I make the normal person fall in love with the celeb? ^_^ I just love making my sims fall in love when they arent supposed to >.<
Test Subject
Original Poster
#6 Old 21st Feb 2014 at 8:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by KawaiiCastle
I'm gonna try this.....and probably post pictures! I love the concept, but one thing:
could I make the normal person fall in love with the celeb? ^_^ I just love making my sims fall in love when they arent supposed to >.<

You can do that, I love doing that kind of thing.
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