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#1 Old 2nd Mar 2014 at 3:16 PM Last edited by GamerGirl45588 : 3rd Mar 2014 at 6:53 PM.
Default Single Teen Brothel Challenge
Before I explain the challenge This is my first ever challenge so it might not be the best as it can be , also if u r not comfortable with things like this then I'd recommend not doing this challenge

Okay now onto the challenge

Backstory: Your parents kicked u out because they thought u were ready to start a life on your own, you however thought that it was a bad idea but went with it anyway. You bought urself a very basic house and u was left with no money, so you decided to have a job as a whore and make money off woohooing.

1. pick the biggest lot in town and build a basic house.
2. cant woohoo more than 2 times a day cant do it with the same person until the next week following
3. after you've built ur house set money to 0
4. u can use the objects in town like the fire station to get food
5. if u use a taxi then u have to buy 2 flamingo's as the bill is $10
6. u can only use the fridge once a week at the fire station
7. woohoo may be with same gender and YA/A/T
8. if a policeman/woman sees u even if u dont interact with them u have to stay on ur lot for 2 sim days
9. if u get caught for curfew u also have to stay on ur lot for 2 days
10. u cant adopt pets from shelters or neighbours houses , only stray's
11. no moving in male or female sims unless they're your children
12. randomise childrens traits
13. ur sim must have the following traits, commitment issues,dislikes children and coward , u can pick the rest
14. u get $1000 every woohoo

woohooer mod http://nraas.wikispaces.com/Woohooer
mover mod http://nraas.wikispaces.com/Mover
portrait panel http://nraas.wikispaces.com/PortraitPanel


Scoring and Losing:
10+ Ur sim has a family of 5/8 kids
20+ Ur sim gets $10,000
30+ Ur sim gets $30,000
40+ Ur sim lives to be old
50+ Ur children ( Randomise the traits!) follows the career on from the teen
60+ Ur sim confinces another teen ( Female ) to join you ( in order to do that u have to make them best friends )
-10 If u get caught curfew
-20 If u get caught be policeman/policewoman
-30 If ur sim goes to school
-40 If ur sim dies of starvation, drowning, electrocution ect. ( if ur sim dies of old age it doesnt take away points )

post pictures of ur final house or ur stating sims
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 2nd Mar 2014 at 6:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by GamerGirl45588
11. no moving in male or female sims unless they're your children

So I can move in sims as long as they're not male or female?

Also, site rules say not to use chatspeak.
Field Researcher
#3 Old 2nd Mar 2014 at 7:08 PM
This very much resembles a combination of runnaway teen and the brothel challenge. Still, I applaud anyone with the courage to put up a challenge so well done.
My only recommendation might be to find ways to make it a little more unique. Maybe have her seek get an entrepreneurial spirit and once a week she can seek out another teen girl who she can try to convince to join her until she's got an entire enterprise and is a famous madam someday
#4 Old 3rd Mar 2014 at 4:41 PM
My eyes gets tired from all the "u"s.
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#5 Old 3rd Mar 2014 at 6:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MistyDW
This very much resembles a combination of runnaway teen and the brothel challenge. Still, I applaud anyone with the courage to put up a challenge so well done.
My only recommendation might be to find ways to make it a little more unique. Maybe have her seek get an entrepreneurial spirit and once a week she can seek out another teen girl who she can try to convince to join her until she's got an entire enterprise and is a famous madam someday

thx for the suggestion i will definately use it
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