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#1 Old 4th Jun 2020 at 11:50 AM Last edited by vegan_kaktus : 4th Jun 2020 at 5:02 PM.
Default Penguin mesh morphs?
Yesterday I got this idea, that it would be super cute to put a hat on the penguin. And a necklace. So I did. I've assigned the hat to the right joint(s) but the problem is, for some reason, the penguin has 9 morphs, so I can't export it. I get a "Too many morphs (>4) for base group" error. Is there any way around this?

Edit: I might have figured out a way. I exported the hat only as an .obj file and then added (imported) it into the mesh in SimPE. I'll go and check it out in-game.

Edit 2: The hat showed up! But for some reason, the hat is above the penguins head haha. It looks normal when I preview the mesh in SimPE though. Any idea why this happened?
Me? Sarcastic? Never.
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#3 Old 5th Jun 2020 at 11:54 AM Last edited by vegan_kaktus : 5th Jun 2020 at 12:04 PM.
I was thinking that as well, the thing is I still can't export it out of milkshape since there's too many morphs :-(

I've had some minor-success though. I lowered the hat, so now in-game it's on the head. The new problem is that I can't seem to get the hat to follow the head. I assigned the hat to the head joint in SimPE which kind of worked, when the penguin is staying still and "breathing" the hat is staying on and following the head (up and down). When the penguin walks however, it does not. So now I'm back to square one :p
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#5 Old 5th Jun 2020 at 12:46 PM Last edited by vegan_kaktus : 6th Jun 2020 at 5:07 PM.
That didn't work either unfortunately :-( when importing, I got a "one or more of the imported mesh groups contain too many vertices or faces" warning which greyed out the "ok" button. Tried with the whole penguin and only the hat.

Edit: apparently you can get around this warning by going into Extra - Preferences and check the "Advanced Mode" box then restart SimPE. I'm going to give this a try!

Edit 2: it worked, and now I'm onto something! When exporting and importing as Milkshape 3D ASCII I didn't have to lower the hat, and the bone assignment from Milkshape exported as well. The problem is still that the hat won't follow the head forwards when the penguin is walking. If not the head joint, what joint would the hat need to be assigned to for it to follow the head forwards when walking is the question. The weird thing is that in Milkshape, the head joint is the only joint which moves the head, and there the hat follows correctly.

Edit 3: I did it! The solution: export the hat only (not assigned! important) as Milkshape 3D ASCII. Import it into the mesh, and assign it to the head joint there instead. Then it will correctly follow the penguins head in-game.
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