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Top Secret Researcher
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#1 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 5:18 PM
Default How did you come up with your nick?
All of these lovely nicks floating around! Wherever do they come from?

I came up with FurryPanda from the fact I like animals and 'Panda' seemed like a dull nick. How'd you come up with yours?

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
#2 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 5:36 PM
well at first i used jessethesim on neopets ect. but when i decided to change my email and sighn up for here and mts2 i thought it was stupid as people assumed my hname was jesse, so i changed it to leighthesim as my name is leigh, but i am changing my email again soon as i am hgetting tons of spam and it will be the cookie monster, as yesterday i nearly ate half a giant pack on cookies
#3 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 5:55 PM
I got mine becuase, well...my name is Ellen...and for some strange reason is was thinking about Elmo!
Top Secret Researcher
#4 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 6:02 PM
Well. I have many, so here goes!

My friends first called me turnipface when I went real pale after the teacher's thumb got sliced off in tech. It kind of stuck with my two best friends. :p

Pho comes from Photoz which has a looonnngggg story behind it.

Erm. I just sorta liked the sound of it!

Matti comes from Mathilde which is my real name. T_T

Ohhhh. I dressed up as Manson at a halloween party, misunderstanding the fancy dress rules. It stuck with some of my less close friends.

Comes from Catherine, my middle name.
#5 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 6:10 PM
Before I got this computer, one of my favorite Sims was a guy by the name of Adam Derange, who was slightly sadistic and working in the medical career track, which made him Dr. Derange. I ended up liking that name so much that I took that as my online nickname (as Doctor Derange). Eventually, it got shortened to Derange, which I've gone by ever since.

I have quite a few other nicknames, too. I used to do dinosaur RPing when I was 11-14, where I got the name FastClaw that stuck with me up until I took Derange. On Zelda websites I would go as Zeldamaniac. My MTS2 name (manikpanik7) is also my AIM name, which is a variation of manic and panic, plus one of my favorite numbers, 7. On mIRC, I've gone by DoctorDerange, Derange, Verse, Idiosyncrasy, Voodoo, Crouxes, and quite a few others that I can't remember at the time.

I have no real-life nicknames. My name sucks and can't be shortened in any way.

Pardon me while I have a strange interlude.
#6 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 6:12 PM
I choose "gavinamanda" cas' my friends nick-named me gavin, although i'm a girl... and amanda is my middle name.
#7 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 6:19 PM
Lottie is my name
#8 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 6:21 PM
I got mine from Naruto, Kakashi-Sensei is my favorite character so I thought why not see if it's avaliable and it was .
Test Subject
#9 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 6:23 PM
This is kinda my name on whatever thing online I join..usually. I just kinda *thought it up*. lol

edit-ohhhh I remember now!! hehe

ok...I normally get myspace layouts on createblog...and on there is a member names xxsnowdropxx, who had some of my favorite layouts. I think she might be gone now or something. But whatever.

Soooo, when I came across mts2, I had to sign up to downoad anything. And I was like...ahh darn. So I just signed up as XsnowdropX, with one X on either side instead of two, because I liked the name and I couldnt think of anything else...lol. I was really only signing up to download this one hair....I didnt know that I would stick around for as long as I did. lol.

And then that became my name here when I signed up here because I wanted to use the same name as on MTS2... And has basicly become my name on any online site I join, except for a couple exceptions.
Test Subject
#10 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 6:46 PM
Mine comes from my favorite anime pairing *cough*

Also, it's the name of Tohru Honda's father in Fruits Basket, but I didn't know that at the time~
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 7:04 PM
hmmm interesting!

mine is a very minor character from my favorite fantasy series (a song of ice and fire, you should check it out if you like to read!). I originally used it as my character's name in EQ2, but i've since stopped playing that.

When i joined at mts2, s2c and insim I used my school user name, jkuijper, which is my first initial and my last name. but after a while i started getting more active here so i needed to change it. I picked alayaya because I was already using it in eq2, plus its a pretty name and it can be shortened to yaya, which is cute

Eagles may soar, but bunnies don't get sucked into jet engines
Test Subject
#12 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 7:14 PM
It all started back when I was a little kid playing millsberry. (This was like 5th grade) I stayed after school with some of my friends and they showed me the site. I had to pick a nickname and I could not think of anything....
About 10 minutes later after 20 or so failed attempts of picking a username my mom comes in the room... Her name is Anna. Being the horrible typer I am I typed out her name and accedently clicked a y. Then after that I asked my friends to pick a number and they picked something along the lines of 40 and I typed in 49 cause the 0 is by the 9. After I got my email I was all upset that I messed it up but well I got an awsome name after that.

My real name. Don't know how to spell it to well.... its Yevgeniya or something like that... of course I don't go by it or well you can image the teasing I have... So I go by Jane. Yeah I don't know how much shorter I can get. I have been called all things from Ugoslivia (no clue how to spell it) Lasagne, and other things that go with my long first name and my long last name.
Test Subject
#13 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 7:18 PM
I.. don't really know.
It kinda popped into my head when I was making this account.
xD I like it though. =]
#14 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 7:22 PM
Mine's actually a nickname of mine, surrounded by brackets...

It's an interesting story really isnt it? :P
#15 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 7:25 PM
Catwalk's a nickname.

What a boring story.

I think Britt was taken when I signed up so I just resorted to Catwalk.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#16 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 7:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by alayaya
hmmm interesting!

mine is a very minor character from my favorite fantasy series (a song of ice and fire, you should check it out if you like to read!). I originally used it as my character's name in EQ2, but i've since stopped playing that.

When i joined at mts2, s2c and insim I used my school user name, jkuijper, which is my first initial and my last name. but after a while i started getting more active here so i needed to change it. I picked alayaya because I was already using it in eq2, plus its a pretty name and it can be shortened to yaya, which is cute

OMG!! I love that series too! I was contemplating making my name Cersei or Tyrion, but I thought that people might think I was a jerk or a guy if I did! Ain't that a hootin' coincidence? Lol.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Test Subject
#17 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 7:48 PM
Hmm...I like chocolate cake? I don't know..
#18 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 7:50 PM
I hate my nickname...

I joined MTS2 and here and a few other places... I dunno, I can't ever remember my passwords is the thing... at one point my user name was Khakidoodle everywhere... khakidoodle being a childhood nickname... but then I couldn't remember my passwords, & couldn't remember which email I used, so then when I had to rejoin I used variations of khakidoodle... on MTS2 its khakidoo, here it's khakido. Both of which I hate, because they make me think of brown colored poop. khaki - doo. Yuck. I've thought about asking to have it changed, but now all my creations have my khakidoo name on them... it would just be a huge confusing hassle. Forums that I've joined more recently, I usually just use Khaki - which is what my real life friends call me, though it's not my real name and I'll never tell what that is. But my dream user name, and the main user name I use on my computer is Alpha Female. But no, I don't think that name would get me any friends ya know. lol, Maybe if I ever have my own forum, then I can use it....
#19 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 8:24 PM
Mine's from a danish soda commercial and it had this really catchy theme song which me and my friends used to sing at school. And it sorta stuck. Now it's our catch phrase for whenever one of us are a little down, then we sing the song and dance around. I picked it because I was almost certain that no-one else would ever dream of picking that username without having seen the commercial.

Feel free to call me Squash

#20 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 8:36 PM
I'm really horrible at making up names, so I went to Dictionary.com and went through the Word of the Day Archives until I found a word that was fun to say.

Hence Spoonerism.

My real name is boring, like the most common name in the whole wide world.
#21 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 8:48 PM
My real name is pretty average too... My nickname is shameless advertising for the project I'm working on
Lab Assistant
#22 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 9:14 PM
Mine comes from the "Resident Evil" series. The original name of course, "Biohazard". I don't know really why I put 04 in it though.

"...one person's cult is another's religion; all religions begin life as cults. An alternative definition is that a cult is a religion which you happen to dislike." Anthony Campbell
Field Researcher
#23 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 9:26 PM
hmmmmm I came up with danishani2.

Is just shortened of my real name Danielle so i liked to be called Dani. :D
I took the "D" away and I made the "S" stand for "Spiritually" and the "H" stand for "Honest" and I made it rhyme too I love rhyming things. :P
Means 2 sides of life Good/Bad Hot/Cold you get the point but like 2 sides of me a good side and a bad side plus it goes with the sims 2. :P

Put it together to make "danishani2" lol.
#24 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 11:07 PM
I have a cat named Colvax, and I used that name on some forums. My boyfriend accidently called Colvax "Coltraz" one day, and I thought it was funny. So I switched.
Top Secret Researcher
#25 Old 25th Aug 2007 at 11:14 PM
Daisie (yep, spelled like that) is my dog's name. Pathetic, huh?

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