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#1 Old 17th Jan 2010 at 7:12 PM
Default Wtf??

wtf does any of that mean? it makes no since

They are copied as default N00?_Neighborhood.png in the “…\…\…Sims 2\neighbourhoods\N00?” folder when a new nbh is created. They are those you will see when you re-enter a nbh. You can replace them by your own. (the Maxis used size is 300x225) (Here "?" is the number provided by maxis, the default nbh are N001 to N003)

If the creator dont' provide the png files (or if you import it directly from Sim City).
When you come back to the sims 2 you will have the marvellous default one with its wonderful green lines in the nbh menu ! You can play with this, it is not a bug you just see the marvelous maxis default !
So, to have a "normal" thumbnail :

* Enter in your new nbh, take a screenschot -or more- (key "c").
* Open the ...eagames\...sims 2\Neighborhoods\N00? folder (the last created), you will see a N00?_Neighborhood.png, its the wonderderful green one. Go to .../N00?/storytelling folder, edit the screenschot file you want for your nbh (pBrush its sufficient for that).
* Save this image in .PNG type (menu File,Save as...) as your ...Sims 2\Neighborhoods\N00?\N00?_Neighborhood.PNG (replace the Maxis default)

Of course, you can redo it as many time you want, or add your own image text and so on, just remind that the good size is a multiple of 100*75.

what the fuck is that shit? and what if they DID include pictures? i think that's what they're babbling about?
Field Researcher
#2 Old 17th Jan 2010 at 8:03 PM
Have you really tried reading?

You want to know the Secret... so did I. Low in the dust I sought it, and on high. No agony of any mortal brain shall wrest the secret of the life of man. The Search has taught me that the Search is vain.
#3 Old 17th Jan 2010 at 8:08 PM
It's quite easy to understand if you read thoroughly. It makes a lot of sense, but unfortunatly no since.


Original Poster
#4 Old 17th Jan 2010 at 8:30 PM
I just skipped the hood i was having trouble with untill i can figure out where dbf files go
Moderator of Extreme Limericks
#5 Old 18th Jan 2010 at 2:04 AM
This really isn't the right place to ask questions for game help... there's an entire section of the site dedicated to providing help for The Sims 2, and you can post any questions you have there if none of the tutorials or FAQs provide you with what you're looking for.

There's always money in the banana stand.
Locked thread | Locked by: jhd1189 Reason: Please use the Help forums.
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