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#1 Old 3rd Feb 2022 at 8:27 PM Last edited by Sim Anna : 4th Feb 2022 at 12:43 AM.
Default Fairies vs Witches Legacy Challenge
This Legacy Challenge is based on the Fairies vs Witches mod by SpinningPlumbobs linked here, you will need it in order to complete this challenge

For the careers, I've added a base game career, so you can play out this challenge without having to spend any money! But if you see a career with "**'" around them and you have the pack, please use that one. If there are no "**", you get to pick!
Even though I'm referring to the heirs as women, and the spouses as men, do whatever works for your story

In a world where Fairies and Witches exist in secret, how will your family cope? Play to find out!

Gen 1: The Secret Garden
You've always loved nature, seeing the "magic" in everything. When you see "The Giving Fairy" at the garden store, you feel drawn to it. You place the first rose you've ever grown on your statue, and are transported to a magical fairy land! Your magical journey begins...

Required Traits: Loves the Outdoors
Power Source: Nature
Spouse: Human
Max Skill: Gardening
Career: Grow your own plants. You may have a part time job until you make enough from the garden.

Gen 2: Sci-Fae
You never truly felt a part of the Fairy community OR the human one. Your dad being human, you couldn't participate in all the fairy rituals and events. But with your knowledge of magic, you couldn't connect with humans either. You dedicate your life to being the best fairy in the Glade, in hopes of being fully excepted

You aren't allowed to speak to any humans you aren't related to once you age up to a teen, unless you absolutely need to (ex. doctor)

Required Traits: Ambitious, Perfectionist
Power Source: Technology. Represents the Possibility of a Brighter Future
Spouse: Powerful Fairy
Max Skill: Programing, Fairy Magic
Career: Freelance Programmer (base game), Tech or Engineer (Discover University)

Gen 3: Go with the Flow
Your mother was a perfectionist, everything needed to be exact, especially you. But you don't care about all of that, you just want to live life!

Must have at least 3 lovers (In a relationship, one night stand, or married, she's not picky) resulting in at least 3 children. Must move house at least once per life stage after you first move out. Must go out partying at least once a week

Required Traits: Romantic or Noncommittal, Creative, and Dance Machine
Power Source: Water
Spouse: She doesn't care about Fairy vs. Human, but she wont date Warlocks!
Max Skill: Painting
Career: She sells her paintings and the things she gathers on the beach. She can also be a lifeguard if she's strapped for cash

Gen 4: 100 Days of Sunlight
Growing up, Your mom was a bit TOO much of a free spirit. You had to take charge of looking after your younger siblings, but you don't mind! With a sunny disposition and a love for kids, you discover you have a real knack for keeping kids in line

Get married relatively young, and have 6 kids (5 if you want a pet)!

Required Traits: Cheerful, Family Oriented
Power Source: Sun
Spouse: Your High School Sweetheart
Max Skill: Parenting
Career: Babysitter (base game), or *Education Career (Discover University)* Updated Education Mod by adeepindigo, or run a daycare with with this mod by ItsKatato

Gen 5: Romeo and Juliet: True Colors
Growing up in a huge family, you're super in tune to peoples emotions! When you meet meet a young Warlock, saddened by the death of his father, you instantly become best friends! And when you age up to teens... you fall in love! But their relationship needs to stay secret...

When you get married, cut all ties to the Fairy world (other than siblings you're good friends with). Only use magic around family. At least 2 children (twins)

Required Traits: Romantic, Outgoing
Power Source: Emotions
Spouse: Warlock
Max Skill: Social
Career: Journalist (base game) or *Doctor (Get to Work)*

Gen 6: Wonder Twins
You were born a Witch, and your twin was born a Fairy! This never bothered the 2 of you, but the Witch Coven has never treated your twin kindly...

You isolate yourself from the rest of the world, magical or otherwise. You only socialize with family, until... You meet your spouse as an adult. He's looking for help with his sick daughter. Raise his child(ren) and another child (heir) between the 2 of you.

Required Traits: Loner, Creative
Power Source: Ice
Spouse: Human w/child(ren)
Max Skill: Writing
Career: Make money off your books

Gen 7: Ducktective

Isolated from the world, you've become very lonely. You don't like being alone, but you're scared of being with people you don't know. In your lonely teenhood, you latched onto mysteries and detective stories. Your spouse reintroduces you to the Coven

Required Traits: Gloomy, Genius
Power Source: Darkness
Spouse: Warlock and coworker
Max Skill: Logic
Career: Secret Agent- Diamond Agent Branch (Base Game), or *Detective (get to work)*

Gen 8: Tiana's Palace
The Coven is about community, a community that you absolutely love. You love to cook for the people you care about, and making everyone feel special.

Required Traits: Foodie, Outgoing
Power Source: Moon
Spouse: Warlock. Outgoing or Family Oriented
Max Skill: Cooking and Gourmet Cooking
Career: Culinary Career -Chef Branch (base game), Own a Restaurant (Dine Out). Go Here for a list of mods that can make your restaurant experience better! And This mod allows you to work at your own restaurant!

Gen 9: The West Wand
Growing up, you were always at the center of the community, it takes a village, right? Well, your coven isn't the only "village" going through hard times. With your brains and silver tongue, you hope to make the world a better place!

Be best friends with a powerful Fairy.

Required Traits: Genius, Good
Power Source: Air
Spouse: Human coworker or Warlock
Max Skill: Charisma, Logic
Career: Journalist (base game), *Politician (City Living)*

Gen 10: You've Got a Friend in Me
Growing up in the world of politics, you began to understand why fairies and witches don't like each other, and how you might be able to calm the tides of hatred. Through the power of Music! (There were only so many Power Sources left )

Have 5+ friends who are Witches, and 5+ that are Fairies.

Required Traits: Music Lover, Cheerful
Power Source: Music
Spouse: Mother's fairy bff's child
Max Skill: Singing, and instrument
Career: Entertainer Career- musician branch, or perform for tips ad sell written music

I hope you like this challenge! Let me know if you have any suggestions for any of the generations, or how I can incorporate the mod more into the actual "plot"
I also want to create a more "spooky" version, so if you have any ideas for that, let me know!
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