10th Apr 2023 at 4:06 PM
Last edited by simmer22 : 19th Apr 2023 at
6:17 PM.
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For default replacements, you need to make sure you use one of the girl-only outfits (correct mesh), replace the texture, then give the file a new name.
I wrote a quick tutorial for changing the texture here a while back:
Some of the girl-only outfits have a texture file and a mesh file. You'll want to use both in your game, but you only need to change the texture file.
If you're working with a different mesh than existing ones, you need to replace the mesh, too. Difficulty level may depend on the mesh (especially if it's a two-part mesh).
For Kalux' files, those are non-defaults and use a different mesh than the existing default meshes, so you'd have to also change out the mesh file (can sometimes be a bit complicated for TS3/TS4 conversions, because you'll often also have to do changes in the recolor file to match the mesh).
Non-defaults lets you pick any outfit you want for the babies, so those can be quite nice if you want more options than just two (personally I've pretty much stopped using defaults, because the non-defaults are a lot more useful).
The absolutely easiest way to do it if you don't want to use non-defaults at all but don't want to make new files, is to pick two non-default outfits, one for girls and one for boys, then towniefy them (can be done with SimPE, the Wardrobe Wrangler, or a couple other tools), set one for girls only and the other for boys only, and that should make them act as if they're defaults. You can also towniefy several non-defaults, and your game will pick randomly from them without you having to dress up the babies (the outfits kind of act as a large set of defaults).