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#1 Old 24th Nov 2021 at 1:28 PM

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Default how to build a deep cellar of two floors using the Foundation trick to build a basement?
I wan tot create a vaulted cellar using this set, but they're designed for two-floor high rooms and I wonder if I can also create two floors high walls in a basement underneath the Foundation.
Me? Sarcastic? Never.
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#2 Old 25th Nov 2021 at 7:05 PM
You can. Use the modular stairs to dig out a hole. Four sets (of four stairs) equals a wall height. Since a foundation is already at one set of four stairs high, start digging on the ground inside the foundation, using seven sets (of four stairs), then use the terrain tool to flatten inside the foundation.
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#3 Old 30th Nov 2021 at 2:17 PM
@HugeLunatic I've managed to make a workaround, but I couldn't align the ceiling compartments properly due to different levels when placing 2x2 objects. Do you have any feedback for the cellar construction I made? And how can I make CC objects shiftable in SimPE?
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#5 Old 4th Dec 2021 at 8:57 AM
@HugeLunatic thank you for your link. Should I also adjust "init common" if it's visible in my file?
#6 Old 4th Dec 2021 at 12:16 PM
I'd also recommend that when you're done digging a 1-level deep basement, go up a level (back to the foundation) and cover it with tiles, so that you have flooring. If you dig two levels deep, you'll notice that the game won't draw out the grid across the entire foundation and you'll either have to tile it bit by bit or use double-story columns.

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#7 Old 5th Dec 2021 at 1:14 PM
Despite making the ceilings shiftable, they do not align with each other. I suspect it has to do which of the four tiles is the most "weighted". Any suggestion what I can modify further?

Alternatively, is it safe to build a 2-floor deep cellar on an existing furnished lot (built on a Foundation) with GridAdjuster, or would it mess up the house entirely?
Original Poster
#8 Old 29th Dec 2021 at 8:36 PM
@HugeLunatic do you know how I can modify the weight of a four-tiled object?
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